HY 121 Chapter 23 Quiz

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Which statements best describe what the creators of this postcard hoped to communicate to its recipients? There may be more than one correct answer.

- Las Vegas is a tourist destination with casinos, bars, and other entertainment. - Las Vegas offers the unique opportunity to witness the spectacle of an atomic blast.

At the end of this excerpt, Commager claims that advocates of this new idea of patriotism are making a "mockery" of the Bill of Rights. Select the passage(s) where Commager provides evidence to support this claim.

- What is this new loyalty? It is, above all, conformity. It is the uncritical and unquestioning acceptance of America as it is; the political institutions, the social relationships, the economic practices. - it assumes that every member of a liberal organization is a Communist, concludes that every member of a conservative one is a true American.

In his farewell address, President Eisenhower spoke of the new dangers facing American security and liberty. Select the passage(s) where Eisenhower emphasizes what he believes is the biggest domestic threat to liberty.

- our military establishment - the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

What was the particular appeal of anticommunism for American business interests?

Anticommunism allowed them to push back against unions and government intervention in the economy.

How did the era of anticommunist politics impact Native Americans?

Legislators used anticommunism as a pretext to dismantle the reservation system and restrict federal aid for Native Americans.

Why did organizers of the Freedom Train cancel its planned stops in Memphis, Tennessee, and Birmingham, Alabama?

Local officials in those cities insisted that the exhibition be viewed separately by Black and white audiences.

What was the outcome of the 1954 Army-McCarthy hearings?

McCarthy overreached by aiming his anticommunist crusade at the United States army and lost influence as a result.

Which of the following describes the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union as the two powers that emerged from World War II?

The United States pledged to finance the economic recovery of Europe and Japan in part as a defense against the spread of communism.

What was the outcome of the Korean War?

The two sides established an armistice in 1953, restoring the prewar status quo.

In 1948, the United Nations General Assembly passed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. What principal problem did the weeping assertion of human rights face?

There was no clear mechanism for enforcement of the document.

Why did the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Defense Department covertly promote the work of American jazz musicians and experimental artists during the Cold War?

They wanted to strengthen America's image abroad by exporting its cultural innovations.

Who were the Dixiecrats?

conservative southern Democrats who split from the Democratic Party during their 1948 convention

What was the aim of the 1952 McCarran-Walter Act?

stripping citizenship from foreign-born nationals if they engaged in subversive activities or refused to testify about the subversive activities of others

The Truman Doctrine advocated a policy of containment. What did it seek to contain?

the influence of Soviet communism in Europe and elsewhere

What was the purpose of the 1947 Taft-Hartley Act?

to reverse the gains made by the labor movement since the 1930s

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