Infant Development Final Exam

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Leave for specific california families

California Paid Leave Policy- workers are able to take partially paid family leave for up to 6 weeks for a baby with their partial pay.

Mutual Exclusivity

Infants assume that objects have only one name

sensorimotor intelligence

Piaget's first stage of cognitive development from birth to 24 months.


Piaget's term for employing previously used actions to explore an object.

mental representation

The ability to remember and think about objects and events even when those objects and events are not physically present.

According to attachment theory, all of the following statements are true except:

attachment behaviors have to be learned, a process that takes most of the first year of life

attachment behaviors

crying, cooing, smiling, reaching.

irritability, negative affect, and difficulties predict behavior problems that include

internalizing(withdrawal) and externalizing(aggression)

why it is possible for infants to acquire grammatical rules for their native language

phonetic feature detectors/perceptual magnet effect


Infants learn language in order to communicate with other people share emotions and locate the self in a social world.

reactive attachment disorder

develop in institutionalized infants who are severely maltreated

Free morphemes

words or parts of words that can function on their own

whole object assumption

A constraint on learning that guides children to assume that new words refer to whole objects rather than actions spatial location or parts or features of object.

taxonomic assumption

A contraint on learning that guides children to assume that new words should be extended to objects within the same category rather than thematic associates.

barley scales of infant development

A measure that is used to assess infant intelligence through motor mental and behavior rating scales.

Attachment Q-sort

A rating system that can be used outside of a laboratory setting to assess individual differences in infant caregiver attachment relationships.

telegraphic speech

Early two word and multiword utterances that sound like telegrams because they lack grammatical markers and extra words such as articles plural endings and prepositions and auxiliary verbs

Tool to screen Postpardum depression

Edingurg Postnatal Depression Scale

Bowlby's Stages of the Development Attachment

Indiscriminate sociability(Birth-2months) Discriminating Sociability (2-7m) Directed Attachment Behaviors(7-24m) Goal corrected partnerships(24m+)


Infants are able to build their vocabulary with relative ease because they are guided by a set of assumptions about the possible meanings of new words


Minimal meaningful units in speech such as words parts of words or work endings.

Are they useful indicators of intelligence over the long term

These measures have been reported to be moderately successful as predictors of later intelligence.

According to Piaget, developmental change occurs as a result of

a counter evidence that refutes previous thoughts or knowledge.

Primary emotions:

are relatively easy for most adults to notice and interpret correctly

the ways infant directed speech may facilitate understanding of language and emotions

babies are able to ascertain long vowels and acoustic sounds of "good baby!" and disapproving sounds of "stop"

Semantic contrast

children learn the meaning of new words by contrasting them with known words from the same domain.

The language deficits associated with autism commonly include all of the following except:

conversation that is excessive in following rules of politeness and reciprocity

insecure avoidant attachment (Type A)

develop when caregivers are overstimulating and intrusive when interacting with their infants

insecure resistant attachment (type C/ambivalent)

develop when caregivers are rejecting or withdrawn depressed an unresposive

disorganized/disoriented attachment(Type D)

develop when caregivers show contradictory disruptive or unusual emotional communication with their infants.

elements of high quality childcare

developmental timing program intensitive direct experience program breadth and flexibility individual differences ecologica; dominion and environmental maintenance of development

secure attachment relationship(Type B)

develops when caregivers respond quickly and sensitively to their infants signs of distress

NICHD findings

early non parental care is not associated with negative child outcomes. characteristics of the family appear to exert the predominant influence on early development.

secondary emotions

embarrassment envy empathy pride shame guilt

theory of mind

emotions are subjective internal states linked to specific people objects and events


infants tendency to understand the world through their own sensory and motor acts.

Attachment of infants with higher levels of irritability

insecurely attached

how some infant-caregiver relationships and patterns of interaction are harmful to early development

interacting less and being less sensitive and responsive, show negative depressed behavior themselves generalize interaction styles

Piaget's Contstructivist Theory, children learn through

intrinsic motivation

All of the following observations about becoming a sibling have been supported except:

it is unusual for firstborn children to experience the birth of a sibling negatively

infant temperament is related to

later personality and behavior

Disadvantages of using parental reports

low to moderate levels of agreements between mothers and fathers and parents and researchers.

Studies using the rouge test have shown that:

most children touch the spot of rouge on their nose by about 18 months


neglect medical neglect physical abuse sexual abuse or psychological abuse.

Most studies of infant temperament use:

parent-report questionnaires

Social Play

play in which children of the same age interact with each other.

When researchers refer to children's "horizontal" relationships, they have in mind all of the following except:

relationships with parents

Toddlers prefer playing with

same-sex peers as early as thirty months of age

Out of the following groups, the highest rate of disorganized/disoriented attachment has been found in:

samples in which the child has been physically abused or neglected

How do infants and toddlers learn to regulate their emotions?

self regulation of emotions during the firth three years of life develops gradually as children acquire behaviors that can be used in emotion arousing situations. Parents who frequently engage young children in conversation about beliefs desires and emotions help ToM

Infants engage in __________ when they respond to emotional cues from parents and other adults, particularly in situations that are ambiguous or unfamiliar, in order to gather information about how to behave and feel in those situations.

social referencing

The phrases "mommy sock," "more juice," and "no cookie" are examples of which of the following?

telegraphic speech

Compared with children from higher-income households, children from lower-income families:

tend to have fewer words per hour directed at them

A child's mother brings him to a university laboratory to participate in a study of language acquisition but is surprised that the researchers play recordings of nonsense sentences, comprised of invented words such as boga, giku, kuga, and gapi. This child is most likely participating in a study designed to:

test his ability to learn to recognize different kinds of recurring patterns

mean length utterance

the number of morphemes in children speech

Which of the following language milestones typically occurs first?

gestural communication

bound morphemes

grammatical tags or markers that cannot stand alone

All of the following are evidence that a 2-year-old has started to develop a conscience except:

he makes little effort to fix a toy after he has broken it

maltreatment results in infants

higher stress hormones poor infant caregiver attachments


implicit coherent ideas about parenting and child development that reflect cultural communities desired balance of characteristics.

maternal depression higher in

poor countries.

Strange Situation

Lab procedure that Ainsworth developed to assess individual differences in infant caregiver attachment relationships.

Types of Paternal Leave

Maternal Leaves- mom can take time off before or after baby Paternity Leaves- father take time after baby Parental Leaves- mom or dad supplement above up to 2 to 3 years Family Leave time off other than having a baby

reflex schemes

Piagets first substage of the sensorimotor period in which infants respond to the world with a limited set of preadapted behaviors.

pre operational thought

Piagets second stage of cognitive development from 2 to 6 years of age.

Pretend/Symbolic Play:

Play that emerges after 12 months of age in which children behave in a nonliteral way.

NICHD studies

a longitudinal study about the effects of early childcare on infants and toddlers. information about family environment and and the characteristics of childcare arrangements. they used observations, interviews, questionnaires, and standardized tests.

Post depression

a sense of despair and sadness so pervasive that it affects their ability to care for and interact effectively with their baby.


actions used to explore and interact with the physical environment.

high reactive infants are more likely to

become inhibited and distressed.

Family and Medical Leave Act

enables public and private workers to take up ti 12 weeks of unpaid leave

Benefits of infant directed speech

simplifies the language, engages and mantains infants attention increasing the likelihood that they will notice, attend to, and learn from speakers.

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