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basitleştirmek, simplify sade; yalin, plain basit; basitce, simple; simply siradan, casual dress; casual atmosphere; casual relationship normal, ordinary esas olarak, basically senin icin soylemesi kolay, easy for you to say konusmasi bedava, talk is cheap olay sadece bir ..e bakar, all it takes is st


giysi cikarmak, take off your clothes -i giymek, put/throw some clothes on giyinmek, get dressed; you are dressed up well herkesin kiyafeti ustunde mi?, is everybody decent? kostum, outfit giyinme kurali, dress code


vazgecmek, give up; I folded caymak, back out of the wedding yüzüstü bırakıp gitmek, you cant just walk out on me cabuk pes eden, quitter


(basari; para) kazanmak, earn kazanmak, gain puan toplamak, rack up the points ile geçinmek, v for a living; v for work hak etmek, deserve (to v) karli, profitable varlikli, wealthy (velfiy); well-off -in karsiliginda, i'll give you this book in exchange for that one bunun karsiliginda, the agency wants to put pressure on local business people so they will put pressure on state officials in (re)turn bana ne faydasi var, What's in it for me? karsilikli cikar iliskisi, mutually beneficial relationship servet, fortune ayrıcalık; imtiyaz; ozel hak, its a privilege to meet you sir gelir, income verim, performans (pırformıns) olumlu olarak, positively verimli sekilde, efficiently fedakar, giving; altruistic


(hastaligi; deneyimi) asmak; unutmak; kabullenmek, get over st; can we please get past this; she's over it; are we past this?; we passed the excuse thing (oyle/dedigin gibi) olsun, fair enough inkar etmek, he denies stealing (g) (dinay) reddetmek, refuse (to v); the application was denied hayir demezdim, I wouldn't mind a cup of coffee -i kabul etmek, accept st (not to v; use agree for this); oyle soyluyorsaniz, if you say so adil degil, its not fair -i soylemek dogru mu olurdu?, would it be fair to say kabul edilemez, thats totally unacceptable gecerli; yürürlükte olan, valid (veılıd); the old rules are still in effect kabulu; girme izni, admission oldugu gibi kabullen, that's just the way it is adet; gelenek, convention


-a gitmek, have gone to sw; she left for New York. cikip gitmek, shrek went off to bring back the next heir baska yoldan gitmek, we made a detour to avoid street repairs coktan gitmis olmak, be long gone


-a kur yapmak, she was flirting with me oynasmak, (mess/fool) around (with sb); she got down on me birine asilmak, hit on sb -eye sarkmak, he put the moves on her -e takilmak, you were gonna hook up with that girlfriend yiyismek, make out with her azdirmaya baslamak, you're starting to turn me on kesismek; bakis atmak, we met a couple of girls who took a shine to us kivilcim, there were definitely sparks between them kacamak, fling -i ayarlamak, (set/fix) me up with a woman kalkmis sik, boner haylazlık, a drunken escapade


-dan geri gelmek, be back from sw -e geri/tekrar donmek, return to st; head back; get back to sb/st dolasip gelmek, come around dondurmek, turn around


-de ilerlemek; -de yol almak, we will proceed with negotiations; move things along -de bir asama kaydetmek, make a progress in st hareket halinde, be on the move gelisen; ilerleyen, progressive seviye, take it to the next level asama kaydetme; yol alma, progress etap, stage kademe, grade derece; mertebe, degree


-den daha iyi calismak, an experienced employee will outperform the novice -de iyi olmak, he's getting pretty good at that ustunluk, companies have an edge on their competition usta, master ustalik, proficiency (profişınsy) maharet; huner; marifet, skill (sikıl) -arak iyi maas almak, make a good living -ing iyi is cikardin, you did a great job -den iki gomlek ustun, she is out of his league dogustan yetenekliyim, I'm a natural (talent); I got a knack neyin ne gorelim, put your cards on the table neler yapabilecegimin farkinda bile degilsin, you have no idea what im capable of istisnai olarak iyi, exceptional yetenek, talent; he is a hell of a pilot kabiliyet; beceri, ability en (guzel/iyi) zamani, I wish you could've seen him in his prime arti; advantage, a big/major plus vasif; nitelik, qualification isinin ehli olma, we are hard at work


-den inmek, step off st icine atlamak, we hop in the car arabayla birini goturmek, drive sb to sw arabayi surup gitmek, drive off arabayla gezintiye cikalim, let's take a drive Ici (tasit), aboard alip goturmek, pick sb/st up -eye yola koyulmak, make your way to sw; ill be on my way; hit the road tasit, vehicle


-den kaygilanmak, worry about sb/st endise; -den endiselenmek, concern; concern about sb/st endiselenmeye gerek yok; sorun değil, no worries; i wouldnt worry about it


-den korkmak, be afraid of st korkup kacmak, I was afraid you were gonna chicken out tuylerini diken diken etmek, creeps you out odunu patlatmak, freak out sorumluluklariyla yuzlesmeye cesareti olmayan, who don't have (guts/balls) to face his responsibilities gozumun icine bak, look me in the eye tüyler ürpertici, creepy korkusuz, fearless sözünü esirgemeyen; dobra, outspoken dehset verici, horrible


-den yararlanmak, sb take advantage of sb/st -e faydali olmak, A big sheet comes in handy when you're camping -i paraya cevirmek, i should have cashed my insurance policy in years ago kendi emellerin icin beni kullaniyorsun, You're using me for your own purposes aren't you? kendi lehine kullanacaklar, they spin it in their favor yem olarak, dont use me as bait kullanim, usage az kullanilmis, st in mint condition gercekten kullanarak, practical experience as a mechanic


-e bakmak; gozetlemek, take care of the baby hadi kendine iyi bak, take care -in bakımıyla meşgul olmak, take care of the house while we are on vacation bakim calismasi, maintenance (meyntınıns) motor, sensör ve çiplerine yapılan komple bakım, it might need a tune-up bakim, special care; dental care; care should be taken when holding babies


-e calismak, try to come early here -e ugrasmak, trying not to be involved gayret gostermek, make an effort çaba; gayret, effort (efırt) cabalamak, strive to v; fight for zahmet etmek, nobody bothered locking the doors dusunebildigi herseyi yapmak, do everything I could think of ne gerekiyorsa yapmak, do whatever it takes olmaya calisiyorum (dont say trying to be), I'm just being a good host cesaret kivilcimi, that athlete shows a lot of spunk (spank) on the soccer field -mayi kafaya koymak, put sb's mind to it savasci, warrior


-e dahil (-in icinde) olmak, be involved (in/with) st; he's always getting into trouble konuya girmek, lets do this first before getting into that; we will get there kendini dahil hissetmek, feel involved olaya dahil ol, roll with it bir parcasi olmak; -le birlikte olmak, be a part of st; one of us sizlerle birlikte olmak guzel, good to be on board -e karismak; -e mudahale etmek; ile ugrasmak, interfere with st; burnumu sokacam, rub my nose in it konunun disinda kalmak, stay out of it bir duruma veya konuya girmek, i know what you going through hal, critical condition o durumda, in that case vaziyet, economic situation bu noktada devreye giriyor, this is where it comes to play


-e varmak, arrive in st; get to st varmak; sonuclanmak, end/wind up st (-la ; with st) gidilecek yer, destination varilan sonuc, conclusion erisim, access gelen (kisi; mal); varis noktasi, arrival


-eye -den baslamak, lets start off by reviewing results; start out with st baslamak, begin (g) bastan baslamak, start (g) -e baslamis olmak, get started on st yeniden baslamak, start over ise koyul; kaldir kicini, get to work; get your ass to .. ordan basla; ileri sar, take it from there en bastan baslayarak, from the scratch


-i ayarlamak (-i planlamak), arrange (to v) duzenlemek (organize etmek), organize ayarlamak, set a date; set the alarm ayarlamalar, settings iptal etmek, cancel; call off


-i basaramamak; -da basarisiz olmak, fail (to v; in st); you struck out with that woman cuvallamak, I kinda nailed it -de başarili olmak, he succeeded in st tus olmak, I'm all tapped out iflas etmek, go bankrupt tokezlemek, I'm stumped by this question -mayi basarmak (-i kivirmak), do you think you can pull off this deal? isine son verilmek, he was let go dogru adim at, play your cards right iste yaptin; iste al, there you go hic parasi olmayan, be broke basarili, successful fiyasko; basarisizlikla sonuclanma, failure not, grade


-i bir (denemek/tat), give it a (try/shot/taste) -arak sansini denemek, take a chance by -ing -i denemek, have you tried thai food?; try me -yi ilk defa denemek, have you try out your new bike test etmek; olcmek, you are being tested grammar alistirma; pratik, practice alıştırma eğitimi, orientation week for new students practice area, a rifle range


-i israr etmek, insist on st yapiskan kisi, clingy (kılingiy) bogmak; baski yapmak, he's smothering me


-i surdurmek; bozmamak, maintain; keep st up devam etmek, continue (g) (kıntinyu); go on; go head surmek (devam etmek), last ne oluyor (ne devam ediyor), what's going on devam eden; süren, ongoing (adj) -maya devam etmek (-pip durmak), keep -ing


-i uygun gormek-bulmak, (dis)approve of st -i onaylamak-tasdik etmek, (dis)approve st başı ile onaylamak, he contestant got the nod from the judges birlikteligi onaylamak, bless their union onay, approval


-i yapmayi becermek, did you manage to get asleep? -masi zor bir.., is difficult to .. cok mu zordu; zor -yordu, Was that so hard?; he was hard of -ing cok zor bisey degil, it's not rocket science zorlukla, hardly; barely zorlasmak, become harder (to v) siki; gergin, tight zorlu, a rough sport-night; challenging cetrefilli; ustalik gerektiren, tricky bitkin durumda, exhausted; im beat zor yol, the hard way asilamayan gucluk; zorluk, difficulty; hardship; troublesome -da sikinti yasiyorum, im having trouble with st bizi zor durumda birakir, get us in bad situation yarragi yedin, bite the big one kabiz olmak, I'm already constipated cok siki, work hard; try hard


-ile itham etmek (suclamak), accuse sb of st -yi -i icin suclamak, blame (st on sb, for sb) sucu -e atmak, you framed your baby brother butun sucu bana yik, lay it all on me suclama, charge against her suc kaydi, criminal record


-in hesabini kapatmak; karsiligini vermek, i will pay sb/st off kredi kartiyla odemek, ill charge this purchase olarak odemek, pay sb in st uclanmak; sokulmek, you just shell out a couple of bucks masraflari (karsilamak; idare etmek), i'll (cover / take care of) the expense tazminat, compensation


acele et(tir)mek, hurry (sb/st) up acelesi olmak, be in a hurry hemen; derhal, immediately; leave the room at once; right away (infrml) sabah ilk is olarak, first thing in the morning hiç vakit kaybetmeden, in no time aceleci, hasty acil, urgent telas, rush acil durum, emergency


aciklamak, that explains the orange açıklık getirmek; acikliga kavusturmak, make it clear; could you clarify the question?; I still have to clear it with Judith; I just wanted to clear the air about a few things ifade etmek, express my disappointment anlatmak, tell su sekilde aciklayayim; basitce aciklamak gerekirse, let me put it this way; put it simply belli; temiz, the law is clear; its not clear how it happened; clear sky; clear view durum/olay su ki.., the thing is yeterince acik miyim?; anlatabildim mi?, am i clear? açıkça; anlasilir sekilde; belli sekilde, clearly he is annoyed; speak clearly; think clearly sana karsi acik/durust olacam, be clear/honest/real up front with you durust/acik/adil olmak gerekirse, to be honest/frankly/fairly; to speak freely bulanik, blurry aydinlatici, informative ifade, the expression of this issue aciklama, explanation / I don't even get to tell my side sunum, presentation daha belli, be more specific


alip goturmek, take sb/st away uzak durmak, stay away from me -den uzak tutmak, keep off the seats ayirip uzaklastirmak, you need to get your mind off this; remove the pan from the oven silmek; gidermek, i wont clean that up; i will remove the dirt; wipe that smile off your face ellerini cek, keep his hands off Myra kurtulmak; uzaklastirmak; kovmak, get rid of sb/st konu disina cikmak, we are getting off subject cikarmak, he removed his glasses; take off -tan beni kacirtmaz, doesnt (steer/scare) me away from doing -i ayıklamak, to weed out the losers; eliminate is disi, non-business sehirdisi, out of town ekmek; kacmak, I'm tired of her ditching us all the time for her boyfriend birakip gitmek; satmak, quite a few schools have tried it and bailed; I'm gonna bail on dinner


ana, main; prime isin ozu, that was the gist (cist) of it en onemli; anahtar; puf noktasi, key; critical ana hatlari, (main/good) points on his speech


anlamak (kavramak), i understand your concern (g); get it yanlis anlamak, misunderstand; dont get me wrong; please don't take this the wrong way sunu iyice anlayayim; tam anlayamadim, let me get this straight daha iyi anlamaya calismak, get a better understanding simdiye kadar herseyi anladin mi?, You with me so far? olayi kaptim, point taken duygularini anlayabiliyorum, i know (exactly) how you feel kavranabilir, this explanation is understandable apacik; kolay anlasilir, a straightforward set of instructions sana anlatabilmenin yolu yok, there's no f.cking reasoning with you olayi/dedigimi anlayamiyorsun, I'm not sure we're on the same page here


asil brans, darla was a biology major tahsilli; bilgili, educated okumus, well-read bilgi duzeyi, his knowledge of science.. bilgelik, wisdom veri, data bilirkisi; uzman, expert (expırtiz) inek ogrenci, nerd egitmen, instructor talimatlar, instructions kılavuz; kitapcik, manual artistik, artsy eğitmek, train


ayirmak, separate (sepırıt) bol(un)mek, divide bolusmek, split the difference/the check with me alman usulu, the dinner is still Dutch yariya, it's cut in half yuzde, percentage pay, share; would you like to hear my take on this pazar payi, market share oran, rate ayrik parça, a piece of pizza tane, a five-piece brand sirket bolumu, department gruptaki herkese dağıtmak, the teacher (handed / passed /gave) out the test isyerindeki calisma alani bolumu, cubicle birim, the cooling unit is broken dagilmak, my family is falling apart yaymak, spread


ayırtmak, (reserve; save me a good seat) (for people) ; book (for future use) kotu gunlerde, we have it for a rainy day ilerde kullanmak icin, she lodged this idea in the back of her mind for future reference


birikerek yig(il)mak, pile up kagit dolusu, full of paper


biriktirmek, collect bir araya getirmek, bring st into st toplamak, he gathered people; get your stuff together


bitmek, finish (g); be through bitirmek; sonuclandirmak, finalize; finish up sona ermek, (come to an) end -i tamamlamak, complete (g) ile isi bitmek, be done/finish with st/sb; I am done talking to you -i tuketmek; kullanarak bitirmek, run out of st; we are out of time; i used all up bastan sona kadar okumak, read through soylecek daha cok sey var, have more to say; I'm not finished bitmis anlasma, its a done deal mesele kapanmistir, this conversation's over nokta!, period! hepsi bu kadar olacak, that will be all yemegini bitir!, eat up! bitmez, endless demands


bos vakit, alone time -eye musait olmak, be available (for st; to v) serbest; musait, are you free for lunch? bos-kullanilmaya musait, is this seat free?


buyuyen; cogalan, growing number of people art(ir)mak, increase; boost; I need to do something to drum some business up giderek artan sekilde, its becoming increasingly difficult


cevap vermek, answer (ensır) karsilik vermek (-e cevap vermek), reply sb/st tepki vermek; -e tepki gostermek, (over) react (to/against) st tepki, my first reaction cevap olarak, hernandez pleads fifth in response to lawsuit blaiming he shot friend sana da!, same to you! aynen, aynisi benim icin de gecerli, likewise; same here geri odemek, I just wish there was some way I could repay you hazir cevap, witty


cikivermek; kacirmak; firlamak, it just popped out of my mouth; he suddenly popped up out of nowhere belirmek (gozukmek), show up birden ortaya cikmak, it came out of nowhere meydana gelmek, happen; st come up (esp. problem) akibetleri; semereleri; -in sonuclari, the consequences of her actions agzindaki baklayi cikar, come out when you ready bir durum ortaya cikti/oldu, a situation arose; we got a situation here lafin gelisi, figure of speech dogmak, be born in sw dogustan, a native Scot; native dress; my native city soy; nesil, descent(disent) en son, whats the latest (news)? herseyi aciklamak, spell out olay hali; durum, a murder case; a case of harassment faaliyet; eylem, activity -in durumu, state of st; I am in no state to deal with this yan etkiler, side effects; repercussion arka plan, background -si durumu uzerine, we have discussed over the fact that.. beklenmedik durum, contingency piyasaya dusmek, hit the scene


daha iyi tanimak, i wanna get to know more about him; get to know you better tanimlamak, describe; the reports called it as a disaster tabiri caiz ise, in a manner of speaking taniyabilmek, recognize adlandirmak; isim vermek, name yabanci, a stranger in town; a stranger to our language; no stranger to hardship yabancı ulkeden; ecnebi, foreign (forın) ile bilinmek, the lawyer is known for his aggressive tactics olarak da bilinir, be also known as neyin acilimi, what does it stand for? -eye sunmak (-la tanistirmak), introduce sb to sb/st o nasil biri?, what's the deal with your teacher? kendimi .. olarak dusunurum, i consider myself.. -den baska birsey, nothing but sb/st daha cok pizza adamiyim, i'm more of pizza guy insan sarrafi, he's a good judge of character kimlik, identity terim, in financial terms it means a part of a transaction yerel; yerlisi, a local call; a local person


davranmak, behave sekilde hareket etmek, act like -e davranmak (muamele olarak), treat sb like/as st sert davramak, I was so hard on you -mis gibi davranmak, pretend (to v) bana karsi kendin gibi davran, keep it real with me kendi basina hareket ediyor, has a mind his own tavir, attitude davranis, behavior; act jest, its very sweet gesture ikram, we have a special treat oylece .. kalmak, he remained silent; i remained at home


deger, value (velıu) -eye deger; butun o yaptigin zahmetlere degdi mi?, it is worth it; was it worth all the troubles you made? benim icin cok ozel, someone very special to me paha bicilemez, that's priceless cok anlamli, that means a lot to me; you mean everything to me; it would mean the world to him if.. anlamli, a meaningful contribution


destek; desteklemek, support (sıport) destekleyici, supportive arkanda durdum, I stuck up for him arka cikmak; arkasinda olmak, Im backing the idea of staying here; who is behind this idea? -in tarafini tutmak, we favors this guy; we are for the proposal her zaman yanimda oldun, you've always been there for me hicbir zaman yoktun, you have been absent gaz vermek; costurmak; -e icin tezahurat yapmak, I'm rooting for him yuhalamak, I'm razzing you tarafsiz, neutral desteksiz, desperate; be out on a limb


dindirmek; rahatlamak; uzerinden yuk kalkti, im kinda relieved to find out; it is a big load off my mind knowing.. rahatsiz etmek, disturb; make uncomfortable rahat hissetmemek/olmamak, feel uncomfortable rahat olmayan; konforsuz, uncomfortable huzur bozucu, disturbing sakinlesmek; rahatla!, relax, chill out! geri yaslanmak, I'll hang back and try not to disrupt the flow tatile gitmek; ara veriyorum, be off for a vacation; im going on break kendini salmak; gevsemek, ease up; she needed to let loose -i hafifletmek; -i gevşetmek, ease suffering; it puts all women at ease koreltmek; azaltmak; hafifletmek; kafa dagitmak, aspirin will usually take the edge off the pain rahat olun; kendinizi evde hissedin, make yourself (comfortable / at home) seni rahatlatacaksa, if it makes you feel any better; it makes me feel like a giant; for what it's worth huzur dolu, its peaceful out here rahat kisi, laid-back igneleyici, sarcastic -in canini sikmak, bother sb bir dur! rahat birak, give me a break/little space; cut sb some slack kullanisli, useful; how convenient is that! tasinabilir esya, portable kullanim rahatligi, convenience of using credit card (kınviy'niıns); for your convenience


durtmek, tap terbiyeni takin, behave yourself durulmak; yatismak; uslanmak; yola girmek, go marry jane and settle down az daha tanistirmayi unutuyordum, where are my manners? eskisi gibi buyutulmus, raised old school nezaket icabi; sadece nezaketen, it's just a common courtesy (körtesiy) buyuluk gosteren benim, I'm just a bigger man than you are kaliteli davranis, It's a good quality sahsiyet, personality is ahlaki, ethics kibar, polite; courteous (körtiıs) kalbi iyi kisi, great person inside; you got a big heart uslu cocuk, aren't you a good sport dusunceli; baskasini dusunen, thoughtful duyarlı; a sensitive person -a orta parmak cekmek, why did you flip off her?; give us the finger


duzeltmek; yoluna sokmak, lets see if i can straighten (sıtreıtın) things out duzenlemek (yoluna koymak), mike trying to sort out his life duzeltmek; dogrusunu gostermek, correct me if im wrong telafi etmek, make up for lost time; her intelligence compensates for her physical lacks gozune girmek; kendini affettirmek, make it up to you ayaklarına kapanmak, everyone expected me to grovel with gratitude kendini topla, put yourself together duzeltmek gerekirse, to be exact sanirim yanilmisim, I stand corrected duzgun, smooth duz yuzey, the highway is flat puruzlu, a rough (raf) ground; bumpy yanlışsız, accurate description dogru (hakli), right; correct; word up (infrml) yanlis, false defo, flaw yerine gecen kisi ve sey, replacement hata, error burada -nin -si gerekiyor, the way is supposed to work here is that..


emniyette, safe guvenli, secure -den savunmak, protect sb/st from sb/st; keep sb/st from -ing kendimi soyle savunurum ki, In my defense ustunu ortmek, cover yourself with blanket Allah korusun, god forbid savunmasız; saldırıya açık, vulnerable


en aza indirmek, minimize azaltmak, reduce hesaptan dusme, i deducted the cost of it from the money u owe me indirim, discount; off indirim magazasi, an outlet mall


en basta(n), we should never have agreed to this in the first place isin basinda; bastan, upfront peşin olarak, in advance at the beginning of st (basinda); in the beginning of st (baslarda), beginning


ertelemek, postpone (g) geciktirmek, delay (g); put off paying the bills oyalamak, sb/st hold sb/st up; keep her occupied till bekletmek; dikiltmek, stand sb up ara vermek; askiya almak, pause; We're gonna put things on hold for a while baska bir sefer, maybe some other time kipirdama!, hold it! bekle beni!, hang on!; wait a minute!


forma girmek, get in shape zinde olmak; be fit for the game vucut calismasi yapmak, i work out five times a week kilo vererek incelmek, slimming down felc gecirmek, I think I'm having a stroke cildi kizarmak, your skin is glowing sirma gibi, lean body kiyak; I'm a clean-cut kid form durumu, physical fitness kasik, my crotch yüzün yandan görünüşü; kesit, shes been photographed in her profile nefessiz kalmak, i left out of breath endam, she does have a terrific figure susuz kalmis, I'm a little dehydrated


gelismis; gelismek; gelistirmek (bastan), developed; develop gelistirilmis; daha gelismis; gelistirmek (sonradan), improved; improve -eye katki/iyi olur, be an addition citayi yukseltmek, your brother didn't set the bar very high guncellemek, update ayarlariyla oynamak; -ide ayarlama yapmak, we tweaked the colors towards blue; adjust your seat cagdas, modern ayar yapma, adjustment


gondermek, send st out (paket) yollamak, the books will be shipped out to you postalamak, post


gorusunu almak, there's something I wanna run past you tavsiyesini dinlemek, take sb's advice danismak, consult danışma; muayene, consultation (kansılteysın) gorus alma, feedback


gozden kacirmak, overlook kacirmak, miss (g); we're missing out on a tremendous opportunity kaybeden o, that's his loss feragat, inflation is a trade-off for healthy economic growth noktayi kacirmak (anlamamak), miss the point


habersiz birakmamak, keep me posted bir satir birsey yazmak, pls drop me a line duyurmadan, I'm sorry to show up unannounced haberin olacak, you will be the first to know bildirim, notice bilgi dahili, the decision to attack was made without my knowledge bildigim kadariyla; tum bildigim, (as far as/ all) I know senin hakkinda cok sey duyduk, we've heard a lot about you -e gore, according to st; by st dunyadan habersiz, clueless bildirim, statement


halletmek, she handled all arrangements; get st done; ill take care of making the reservations -i ele almak, handle this package with care gorev ustundeyim, I've already flown my mission


ilgi, kelly lost interest halfway through the movie ilgi alani, a list of your interests -in ilgisini baglamak, a novel that hooked me on the very first page -ye ilgi duymak; ile ilgilenmek; ilgi alanina girmek, be into st/sb, be interested in st; he'll have no interest in spending time with me -la ilgilenir miydiniz?, (would you) care for st? (frml) ilgisini cekmek, raise sb's interest; i'm intrigued by this offer dikkatini cekmek, which one caught your attention? merak salmak, I got into rap music (originates from be into) hazirim; acigim, im open to st -ip -mamami herkes merak ediyordu, it was in everyone's best interest if I moved on


ise evden gidip gelmek, he commutes to work from home by train durmadan gidip gelerek, he traveled back and forth between Los Angeles and New York gidis-gelis, round trip


isleri -le yoluna sokmak; anlasmaya calismak; yurutmek, make things work with sb/st; we have to work out our differences; he has to work it out with you uzlasmak, we've settled on this one; who thinks we need to settle things this way?; we were not prepared to compromise on safety bu is olur/yurur, i think we can make that work -in hakkinda gorusmek, discuss st with sb (further) (g) konuyu konusmak, we can talk these things out tatliya baglamak, smooth this over meseleyi kapatmak, she and i finally had some closure kabul!; anlastik, done! karşılıklı fedakârlık, there should be some give and take sozlesme; kontract; mukavele, contract -i iddia etmek, claim st anlasmazlik, a conflict between father and son uyuşmazlık-celiski, a conflict between the demands of work and family


kaldirabilmek; ustesinden gelmek; başa çıkmak, he couldnt handle this stressful job (zor durumu) gecmek; atlatmak, I got through this difficult experience gucu yetmek; gucu kaldirmak; -edemem, afford (to v) -siz yapabilmek, i can get along without sb/st; do without st


karar; hukum, decision (iclerinden birine) -ya karar vermek, decide to v (on st) bir karar vermek; karara varmak, i can't make up my mind whether to have ice cream or cake; make a decision kararsiz olmak, if you are on the fence about me -e fikir alipverip kararlastirmak; hala kararlastirdigimiz gibi mi?, (agree) on st; we still on for Sunday?; is the wedding back on? verilmis soz, commitment anlasma, you and I were just a casual deal


kay(dir)mak, shift; shift st istemeden kaymak, be careful not to slip on the ice; the knife slipped and cut his finger; aside from slipping it to your mother


kisilerle ilgilenmek, he deals fairly with his employees sizinle hemen ilgilenecegim, ill be right with you bakacam, i'll see what i can do -a zaman ayirmak, our priority now is to get on with the job of developing a comprehensive test ban


kisitlanan; kisitlamak, restricted; restrict sinirli sayida; sinirlamak, limited; limit rakam limiti, 8-12 age range aşırıya kaçmak; olcuyu kacirmak, Don't overdo the hamburgers en gec; en erken "zaman" olarak, i want you home by 11 at the latest; i can get it done by Monday at the earliest "time" kapali bolge, the kitchen's gonna be off limits en cok, no more than; maksimum -e kadar (miktar), as much as; up to st en fazla, spend at most $20 on the lunch daha uzun, i can't wait any longer asgari, base salary ust, top


konsantresini bozmamak, stay focused dikkatini vermek; odaklanmak, pay attention to sb/st; (focus-concentrate) on st birinin dikkatini dagitmak, distract uzerinde calismak, work on st kafasi yerine gelmemek, I'm terminally hungover after the drink party sersemlemis; basi donmus, dizzy; woozy kafa dumanli, we're already pretty blitzed dikkat et!, watch it! onune bak, look out! ne istedigine dikkat et, careful what you wish for bir gozun -da olsun, keep an eye on sb/st; im watching you tum kulagimla dinliyorum; sendeyim, i'm all ears söz konusu olan, the topic in question is not.. tedbir, caution alarmda olmak, everybody is alarmed at the station afallamis, stunned


kotulesmek, get worse bayat, we're getting a little stale mahvetmek, ruin; dont blow it ekşimek; suyu cikmak; bozulmak, go sour patlamak, their plane blew up artik yaslandim, my best days are behind me kotu sekilde, badly kotu niyetle, in bad way kör, all these knives are dull donuk, a dull brown color korkunc, terrible dandik, crappy yozlasmis; bozulmus, corrupt yosma, tramp kotu halde, in bad shape bu aptalca, this is lame; silly; goofy kalitesiz konusma, this is low duygulari zedelenmis, emotionally disturbed dogru olmayan veya kotu (ahlaki), wrong adi, the coat has a sleazy lining; sleazy characters hanging around casinos biraz rahatsiz; keyifsiz, the potential audience seemed indisposed to attend; my mother is indisposed yarım yamalak bir şekilde, details of the plan remain sketchy (genellikle kotuye) gitmek, go + noun; go bankrupt; go gray


mazeret, excuse hiçbir (sekilde/suretle), under no circumstances asla (adv), never; in no way


mecbur etmek, force (sb to v); make sb v -e zorlamak, push sb to v; the recession pushed stock market prices down beni -ye surukluyorsun, you dragging me into st birinin sinirlarinin zorlamak, taking someone out of his comfort zone zorla yaptirmak, I couldn't impose sansini zorlama!, dont push (your luck-it) ! oyle olmasi gerekiyorsa ne yapalim.., if it has to be done it has to be done zorluk vermek, you breaking my balls -ye baski yapmak, I don't wanna put any pressure on you zorlayici, compulsive mecburi, mandatory odenmesi gereken, a standard fee of 35$ is payable müsamahasız; otoriter, strict zorlama, this is a big imposition; it's no imposition ezmek, you're squishing my hand hayatin sertlestirdigi, life-hardened kicini yirtmak, bust sb's ass


memnun olmak, be glad to v; I'm glad you liked it -den tatmin olmak, be satisfied with st; it didnt make it for me -den garip bir haz almak, some couples thrive on conflict somurtmak, sulk (salk) -dan sikilmak, get bored with that? simdiye kadar hersey iyi, so far so good boyle iyiyim(z), be good; be all set karnim tika basa dolu, I'm pretty stuffed orta karar, decent sikici, a dull play


mesele, issue husus, matter -i sorununu cözmek; -in yanıtını bulmak, all the problems are solved -i anlamak; -i çözmek, i will figure out what is wrong with my car meseleyle ugrasmak, he dealt with such issue before cozum, solution en uygun; ideal; etkin, ideal (aydiıl); effective uygulanabilir, practical solution daha uygun, be practical


meşru, legitimate duzenleme, regulation yasa; kanun, law kural, rule kurallari asmiyorum, I am well within my rights


oglen yemegi, lunch tabak, dish disarda yemek, eat out; dine out birseyler yemeye durduk, we stop for a bite cok aciktim; acikmis olmalisin, i'm starving; you must be starving


olanlari abartir, he blows things out of proportion abartilmis; fazla değer verilmis, spending time with children is greatly overrated -in üzerinde çok durmak; aynı şeylerden söz etmek, you are just keep harping on that ne olmus yani?, so what?


oncelik; benim icin bir numarali oncelik, priority; number one priority to me once yapilmasi gereken.., first things first onemli olan kalite, quality over quantity -dan once olmak, be ahead of sb/st önceden; oncesinde, she came an hour beforehand .. once, ago (ıgo) -den uzun zaman once, the farm was sold long before you were born bundan bir onceki, in my last position bir onceki, former (insan); previous (not for people) erken yirmisinde, his early twenties


onlemli olmak, nothing that matters; it matters to me sonucta; isin sonunda onemli olan, at the end of the day what matters is that you're safe deger vermek, i value modesty -den ote, foreplay is one thing, but soylemeye deger birsey yok, nothing special anmaya-kayda deger, mentionable onemseyen, caring sevgisini gosteren, affectionate cok onemli, its really important for you to know that.. daha onemlisi, more importantly


ozgur ruhlu, free spirited fikirlerin rahatca konusulabildigi bir ortam, open door policy -ta ozgur, you are free to choose activities


program; yapilacaklar listesi; yapilacaklar listesine koyulmak, schedule; checklist; be scheduled -i planlamak; -ya niyeti olmamak, you were planning on seeing him; I have no intention to leave here; I don't intend to pay bu gece ne yapiyosun?, What are you guys up to tonight? sonrasina bakariz, we can see where it goes teoride, in theory bilerek (infrml), on purpose plansiz hareket eden, spontaneous rastgele, random tayin edilmis, designated atanmis; yapilacak, assigned; charged taktik, tactic taslak, draft yontem, procedure


sakincasi yok, i dont mind görmezden gelmek, ignore adam yerine koymamak, can they snub you? aldirma!, dont make a thing of it! -mamin sakincasi yar mi? , mind if .. ihmal edilebilir, negligible göz ardı etmek, I wouldn't rule it out kucumsemek; -i hafife almak, you start belittling me; underestimate sb/st küçümser soz, he gave a snide remark -i ihmal etmek; boslamak, neglect umursamaz; aldırışsız, reckless


saldirgan, offensive hircin, vicious devirmek, i knocked him off


sebepsiz; nedense; baska bir sebepten, for (no / some / different) reason neden, cause etkileyen; unsur, factor -sina (neden/sebep) olmak; -masini saglamak, you get the horses excited (get st v3); cause (sb/st to v); what brought this on? -den kaynaklanmak; benden kaynaklandi , that one's on me; I kinda had it coming; st caused by st dont say (why did you decide?); st causes you to v, what makes you think so?; why would you think that?; what made you decide to become a lawyer? suclu hissetmen icin sebep yok (dont say you dont have to..), you have nothing to feel guilty about -si icindi, it was because daha soylememe gerek var mi?, need i say more? duruma sokmak, put me in a relaxed mood; put many companies out of business buna hic gerek yoktu, that's uncalled for -den baska bir sebep olmadan; -in tek sebebi, no other reason than the sex was great not that i really care about, merak ettigimden degil kaniya/fikre nerden vardin, where did you get that figure/idea for -ler bunun icin, that's what friends are for bir sart olmadan, are you gonna love me unconditionally illa ki-mutlaka, expensive restaurants do not necessarily have the best food valla bilemiyorum, not that i know of


siniri astiysam ozur dilerim, forgive me if i'm out of line oteye gittin, you stepped over the line; you clearly went beyond what was required of you; he crossed a bit of a line olay cok ileri gitti, the things have gone too far aklını başına getirmek, you need to set her straight hizaya gelmek, you gotta shape her up haddini bildirdim, ill give them a piece of my mind sinir; durma noktasi, you have absolutely no boundaries


sirayla konustu, she spoke to each of the guests in turn alt alta, one under the other birbiri ardına yedi , she ate one chocolate after (the other-another) until the box was empty arka arkaya, back-to-back siralanmis; listelenmis; listelemek, listed; list sirada, everything is (in-out of) order for.. kidemlenmek, rank


sokup atmak, rip out his heart; ripping his only grandmother out of his life sokaga atmak, throw away dislamak (disarda birakmak), (keep; leave) sb/st out -i kesip atmak, cut st off sallayip atmak, toss st sacmak, scatter


sorgulamak, question sb/st; stop bugging me yargilamak, don't judge me by yourself mulakat yapmak, interview (for; with) sor!, ok shoot! yargilayici, judgemental


söz konusu olana örnek olarak, be a case in point ornek, example misal, instance numune; ornek, sample ne gibi?; ornek ver, such as? ornek alınacak kişi, you are the most important role model


takibi kaybetmek, lost the track of st izlemek (takip etmek), follow pesinde olmak, pursue (pörsuı) izlemek (seyretmek), watch hemen arkandayim, right behind you geriden; arkadan, we walked behind iz, trace takip eden (noun), the software was a successful follow-up to the original product


tavsiye etmek, recommend (g) (sb/st to sb/st); could you recommend someone (who) tavsiye, recommendation öneri (tavsiye amacli), proposal; suggestion -i fikrini desteklemek; -i tavsiye etmek, how would you suggest that? (st; g) trafik yigilmadan once ayrilsan iyi olur, you are better off leaving before the traffic builds up gorulmesi gereken, must-see gorulmeye deger yer, attraction; sight referans; kaynakca, references to previous research


tekrar kontrol etmek, double-check kontrol etmek, you need to get your eyes tested gozetmek, check up on your mother dogrulamak, confirm -eye bi bakmak, (take a) look at st; stare at tekrar gozden gecirmek, review goz atmak, run through gozden gecirmek, she went through/over his pants pockets üzerinden geçmek, (walk/take) me through -a bir bak, check it out neler olmus gorelim, let's catch up; its been great catching up pimpirikli, control freak


yapacak sey, thing to do ile meşgul olmak, be busy with st su an birseyle mesgulum, im right in the middle of sth uzgunum doluyum / yapamam, I'm sorry I'm booked / I cant make it


yardim etmek, help sb (out with st; v) ise yardim etmek, why shouldn't he pitch in a little? -e el atmak (yardim), give a hand yardima ihtiyaci olmak, need assistance -i uzatip vermek, could you pass the salt? senin icin ne yapabilirim, what can I do for you? -e katkida bulunmak, make a contribution (materyal) saglamak, provide (sb with st; st for sb) -cak birin yok, you have nobody to v vasitasinla, skill improves through practice; through website; through respect sayesinde, thanks to yardimci, I'll be your wingman muhtac, needy ipucu, clue maddi yardim, aid -dan biraz vermek, she asked if I could spare her a dollar or two


yerine getirmek, fulfill (planlanani) gerceklestirmek; uygulamak, carry out st yapmadan gecmek (atlamak), ill pass; skip


yonlendirmek, the post office should be forwarding all my mails yol gostermek; -eye rehberlik etmek, guide sb/st beni -ye sevk eder misiniz?, can you refer me to sb? yansitmak, I projected that on you -e dogru gitmek, where are you headed?; we'll head (to/towards) the hospital -e dogru, we walked toward the center of town yanlamasina; yana dogru, turned sideways to show the profile ise giderken, meet them on my way to work disari yonde, close the door on the way out (duz; dogru) giden, straight yon, direction (direkşın) boyunca; -in gittigi yonunde, we walked along the road ileriye; ilerde, go ahead; its straight ahead daha ilerliye; daha ilerde, further ters, reverse rota; güzergâh, route hat; gezi yolu, a bicycle path; the path of righteousness koridor, aisle (ayıl)


yuzlesmek, (let's) face it kabullenmek, I am not in denial about anything yuz yuze gelmek, you are faced with st


zarar vermek, damage st vuruk, mom puts a dent in the car zararsiz, harmless incitmek, i didnt mean to hurt your feelings tahrip edici, devastating


zarar yok, no harm ok; sikintisiz durumda, fine; all right (adj) -e kadar iyidir-gider, the guarantee is good for three years duzgunce, put the plans into effect smoothly (birseyler ters / hersey yolunda) giderse, if (all / sth) goes (well/wrong) iyi gidiyor; iyiyim, i'm doing well -le problemim yok, im cool with it

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