Ch. 8

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Interpersonal Communication is an _______ process in which one person sends a message to another


______ sensitivity is the ability to accurately encode (express) and decode (understand) nonverbal cues


General principles of nonverbal communication 3. it is ______ - body language can be difficult to interpret


Barriers to effective communication 2. _____ - listening carefully only to then verbally attack the speaker


______ may be another distinct facial expression


Monitors ______ arousal such as HR, BP, Respr. rate, perspiration, and galvanic skin conductance


Communication Apprehension is usually followed by 1 of 4 responses: 1. ______ - choosing not to participate


Women tend to be _______ encoders and decoders


Interpersonal communication is not one way but _____-_______ and interactional


Elements of Nonverbal Communication, continued 4. ______ language


Communication and Adjustment 3. Poor communication is a major cause of relationship ______ _____

break ups

Self-disclosure is important to adjustment for several reasons: 2. Self-disclosure helps _____ relationships


Components of the communication process 4. the ______ - refers to the sensory channel through which the message reaches the receiver


3. Engage in "active listening" by: - Asking for _____ if information is ambiguous


A ______ posture conveys deffensiveness or tension


Self-disclosure is important to adjustment for several reasons: 3. Emotional self-disclosures lead to feelings of _____


Communication Apprehension is usually followed by 1 of 4 responses: 4. Over ______ - e.g., nervous speech


Most people believe any kind of ______ is bad


It is better to confront conflicts ______ so that issues can be aired and resolved


Components of the communication process 6. the ______ - environment in which communication takes place


General principles of nonverbal communication 4. it may _____ verbal messages, we may say one thing and, but our body conveys something different


Conversation skills: five steps for making successful "small talk" 4. Keep the _____ ball rolling


However, avoiding conflict is usually ______ and leads to a self-perpetuating cycle


General principles of nonverbal communication 5. it is _____-_____ nonverbal signals vary from one culture to another

culture bound

Barriers to effective communication 1. ______ - excessive concern with protecting oneself from being hurt


Nonverbal cues that actually indicate deception are often ______ from those most people _____ indicate deception

different believe

Combinations of self-disclosure and empathic responding fosters intimate relationships _____ in males and females


However, there are culture-specific norms called ______ rules, that govern the expression of emotion


Communication Apprehension is usually followed by 1 of 4 responses: 3. _____ - the inability to make fluent statements


_____ of eye contact is the most meaningful aspect of this channel of nonverbal communication


Communication and Adjustment 1. _____ communication is essential for many important aspects of life


General principles of nonverbal communication 1. it conveys ______ - facial expressions and body posture can convey how we feel wihtout words


Facial expressions convey basic ______, recognized by people ______ the world

emotions around

Conversation skills: five steps for making successful "small talk" 5. Make a smooth _____


Elements of Nonverbal Communication, continued 3. ______ contact


1. Signal your interest in the speaker by using nonverbal cues. - _____ the speaker squarely - Lean ______ him or her - Try not to _____ arms and legs - Maintain _____ contact

face toward cross eye

Elements of Nonverbal Communication, continued 2. _____ expressions


Examples of Deception: 2. Liars are not necessarily ______ storytellers and include _____ unusual content in stories

good less

Finally _____ gestures emphasize the words we speak


At the beginning, there are _____ levels of mutual self-disclosure, which _____ off as the relationship becomes established

high taper

Dealing constructively with conflict 1. Make communication _____ and _____

honest open

Thus, anyone can _____ their nonverbal skills


Eye contact also conveys _____ of feelings


Electronically mediated communication is _______ communication that takes place via ______

interpersonal technology

Conversation skills: five steps for making successful "small talk" 2. ______ yourself


______ - the study of communication through body movements


Examples of Deception: 1. Liars often say _____ not ____

less more

Conversely, one risks ______ of privacy if they are not careful


In a (+) context long gazes signal _____ feelings


Nonverbal communication is the transmission of meaning from one person to another through _____ or ______ other than words

means symbols

Components of the communication process 3. the _______ - the information or meaning that is transmitted from the sender to the receuver


Female-female pairs touch ______ often than do male-male pairs


Females tend to disclose ______ than do males, and this tend is ______ within _____-gender friendships

more strongest same

However, this may stem from higher ______


General principles of nonverbal communication 2. it is _____ ______ - we use facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, vocal tone, and body language

multi channeled

Preference for amount of personal space depends on 1. _______ of the relationship 2. Social _____ and ______ 3. ______ situations 4. social _____

nature norms culture specific status

Movement away from reciprocal self-disclosures in established relationships occurs for two reasons: 1. There is more of a need for ______ than a reciprocal disclosure from the other person

need support

Components of the communication process 5. the ______ - any stimulus that interferes with accurately expressing or understanding a message


4. Pay attention to the other's _____ cues


There are strong _____ that govern where we touch friends


However, eye contact is judged as _____ by other cultures


A _____ posture conveys a relaxed state


Conversation skills: five steps for making successful "small talk" 1. Indicate you are _____ to conversation by commenting on your surrounding


Elements of Nonverbal Communication, continued 6. _____languae


Elements of Nonverbal Communication 1. ______ space


______ - device that records fluctuations in physiological arousal as a person answers questions


Barriers to effective communication 3. self ______ - being so self absorbed the other person cannot equally participate


Movement away from reciprocal self-disclosures in established relationships occurs for two reasons: 2. The need for ______ outweighs the need for mutual self-disclosure


People often fail to use _____ protections because of _______ bias - the assumption that their own online privacy is fine but others are of risk

privacy optimistic

Social networking sites have _____ and ______ issues

privacy security

Self-disclosure is important to adjustment for several reasons: 1. Sharing _____ with others plays a key role in mental health


______ - is the study of personal space


Validity of polygraph testing is ______ with ____ error rates

questionable high

Although technology offers convenience, there are basic rules of etiquette for cell use: - ______ your phone when it will disturb others - keep calls _____ - keep calls out of ______ of others

quiet short earshot

Components of the communication process 2. the ______ - person to whom the message is TARGETED


In established relationships, disclosures are not necessarily ______


A great deal of information is conveyed in this manner, so it is important to ______ the general principles of ______ communication

recognize nonverbal

Conversation skills: five steps for making successful "small talk" 3. Select a topic others can _____ to


2. Hear the other person out before you ______


3. Engage in "active listening" by: - paraphrasing what the person said by _____ the speaker's main points to ensure you have interpreted correctly


Communication and Adjustment 2. Good communication enhances ______ in relationships


Self-disclosure is important to adjustment for several reasons: 4. Self-disclosure in romantic relationships is associated with relationship ______


Components of the communication process 1. the _______ - person who INITIATES the messgae


Interpersonal communication is a process involving a _____ of actions


Self disclosure is the act of ______ information about yourself with another person is important _____

sharing adjustment

Among European Americans, high levels of eye contact are associated with effective ______ skills and _____

social credibility

In a (-) context long gazes are interpreted as _____ and they make people _____

stares uncomfortable

Finally eye contact is affected by ____, ______ and _____

status race gender

Cross-gender touch is interpreted as ____ by females, but as _____ or _____ interest by males

support power sexual

Personal space a zone of space ______ a person that is felt to _____ to that person

surrounding belong

Communication Apprehension or anxiety caused by having to ____ with others


Examples of Deception: 3. Liars are more _____ and make a more ______ impression on the listener

tense negative

Elements of Nonverbal Communication, continued 5. _____


Interpersonal communication involves at least _____ people


It occurs in ambiguous situations where perceived threats are _____


_____ in vocal emphasis can give different _____ to the same words

variations meanings

Touch - where and whom we touch conveys a _____ of meanings, especially ____ and _____

variety status power

The primary benefit of social networking sites is being able to present yourself ______ to an online community


Paralanguage includes all _____ cues other than the content of the verbal message itself


Communication Apprehension is usually followed by 1 of 4 responses: 2. ______ - clamming up in conversation you cannot escape


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