Instruction and Assesment

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Frayer Model

A popular form of semantic mapping which helps students to identify and define unfamiliar concepts and vocabulary Students place the following information on a chart divided into four sections - the definition of a concept, its essential characteristics, examples and non-examples.


A software application that is designed to perform a specific function for the user and can be utilized for teaching purposes EX) Remind, Canva, Kahoot

Thesis Statement

A statement included in the introduction of a paper which makes a specific claim and provides a preview as to what will follow in the paper. EX) "Is global warming a problem?" "Environmentalists agree that global climate change is an issue that needs to be addressed immediately."


A tabular view of data with columns and rows; the intersection of a column and row is called a cell.

Think Aloud

A teaching strategy in which a teacher states his/her thoughts aloud to demonstrate how the students should go about solving a problem or understanding a text EX) Math teachers model thinking by reading a problem aloud and verbalizing figuring out what it is asking what needs to be done. Language arts teachers ask themselves questions about the text as they read aloud.

Gradual Release

A teaching strategy in which students are gradually given less direct guidance EX) ELA: Teachers who choose to use the gradual release of responsibility approach can close reading a section of the text and then direct the students to read the remainder of the text on their own, following the example set by the teacher.

Reliable Source/Credible Source

Information presented in a professional way, with a formal tone, includes source documentation, and author and/or publisher information. EX) A textbook

Unreliable source

Information presented in an informal way without documentation, and no author/publisher information. EX) Anonymous blog article

Search Engine

Tool used to locate information on the internet EX) Google

Word Processing Software

Used to create documents; used for planning, drafting, editing, revising, and publishing written work. EX) Word, Google Docs

Presentation Software

Used to display information with audio and visual components EX) Powerpoint, Google Slides, Prezi

Context Clues / Contextual Analysis

Using the words before and after an unknown word to determine its meaning EX) It was a beautiful day that made it idyllic for swimming.

Reciprocal Teaching

A dialog between teachers and students regarding segments of text; there are four parts: summarizing, question generating, clarifying, and predicting EX) The teacher used reciprocal teaching to make the text more meaningful to her students.

Concept / Vocabulary Map

A form of scaffolding in which a new concept or vocabulary word is written in the center and pictures or descriptive words are written surrounding it EX) A map with the word "weather" in the center is surrounded by words such as clouds, heat, wind, air and rain.

Anticipatory Set

A form of scaffolding in which students make predictions prior to reading a text EX) In a science class, the teacher provides a list of statements for the students to agree or disagree with before reading the text. After reading the text, the students compare their initial opinions with the opinions of the author.

Word Sort

A form of scaffolding in which students put words into categories EX) With closed sorts, students put words into predetermined categories. With open sorts, students create and discuss their own categories.

Semantic Feature Analysis

A form of scaffolding which help students to compare features of words EX) A math teacher designed a grid to help students compare features of mathematical objects. On the left side of the grid is a list of terms in the category and across the top is a list of features.

Semantic Mapping

A form of scaffolding which helps students to develop connections among words Semantic maps have a variety of formats. In one method, students write an example, a non-example, a synonym, and an antonym.

Word Web

A form of scaffolding which helps students to understand and retain new words and concepts. EX) During reading, as students encounter each word, they write down around the word different words or phrases that will help them remember the meaning.

K-W-L Chart

A graphic organizer used throughout a unit that shows what students know (K), want to know (W), and learned (L)


A letter or letters at the beginning of a root word that changes its meaning EX) re, de, un


A letter or letters at the end of a root word that changes its meaning EX) s, es, ed, ing, ly, er, or, ion, tion, able, and ible

Close Reading

A teaching strategy in which students carefully and purposefully read and reread a text. EX) In a math class, the students first read the text slowly, at least twice. Then, they think about the problem and highlight or circle important details. Next, they pick a strategy to use to solve the problem and label the variables. Finally, students solve the problem and reread the text to ensure their answers make sense.


A title for a smaller portion of text

Formal Assessments

A usually post-instruction assessment with the purpose of assessing student knowledge, retention, and application. Often involve the use of a standardized rubric or scoring guide based on several criteria. EX) Chapter Test; semester tests

Expository Writing

A writing style in which students investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, and develop a clear argument EX) Newspaper articles, how-to manuals, and assembly instructions are examples of expository writing.

Informative / Explanatory Writing

A writing style which demonstrates comprehension of a topic or process EX) In a science class, students write about a procedure that they performed and the results that they achieved.

Tier 3 Words

Academic words that are specific to a particular content area or discipline. These are words that would appear, for example, in a subject-specific textbook or in the glossary of an informational text.

Tier 2 Words

Academic words that students will encounter frequently and that are used in multiple content areas. Many of these are process words that commonly appear in assessment.

Active Reading

Actively engaging with a text while reading When reading a text, students should employ the active reading strategies of visualizing, monitoring, questioning, summarizing, synthesizing, evaluating, and making inferences.

Project-Based Learning (PBL) Activity

Activity in which students create a solution or investigation in response to a problem.

Word Wall

An on-going bulletin board with common terms used frequently in the classroom. Vocabulary words are added as they are introduced


An organized way of viewing the world and using this organization to incorporate new knowledge.

Collaboration Software

Applications designed for multiple users to share and work on files and documents together.

Formative Assessments

Assessment for learning. Usually mid-instruction assessment with the purpose of assessing student progress and informing the teacher so instruction can be altered as needed. EX) Graphic organizers or games.

Summative Assessment

Assessment of learning. Given at specific points in time in order to determine what students know and don't know. Summative assessments are generally formal. EX) State assessments, district benchmarks, semester or six weeks tests, and end of unit or chapter


Base words to which prefixes, suffixes, and syllables can be added


Collection of web pages housed under a common domain name that are viewed on an internet browser EX),

Tier 1 Words

Common words that are already familiar to students when they enter school. These words do not need to be taught in a classroom setting.

Auditory Learning

Learning Primarily by Hearing Things. EX) Lecture

Visual Learning

Learning primarily by seeing things EX) Written examples

Kinesthetic Learning/Tactile Learning

Learning primarily by touching things or doing an activity. EX) Create and act out plays or skits

Auditory Methods

Lessons using materials for students to listen to. EX) Speeches, music, or direct instruction

Tactile Methods

Lessons using materials for students to touch and handle. EX) Encouraging students to take notes, use study sheets, build dioramas or models

Visual Methods

Lessons using materials for students to view. EX) Maps, images, political cartoons, multimedia presentations and graphs


Making notes in a text and questioning unfamiliar ideas while reading something new.

Informal Assessments

More flexible than formal assessments and can be adjusted to fit the situation and particular needs of the student being tested EX) Observations during a lesson

Blog/Discussion Board

Platform for posts about various subjects and comments on the posts EX) Edublogs, Flipgrid


Short explanations below photos

Text Frame

Teachers can include text frames throughout a reading with questions designed to prompt students to think about relationships between key ideas, concepts, and events in a text. EX) A science teacher includes a compare/contrast text frame with questions about the similarities and differences between animal and plant cells.

Organizational Structure

Text structure can include cause/effect, problem/solution, main idea/details, and/or sequence EX) Students often find problem/solution text structure as more interesting.

Reading Comprehension

The ability to read a text and understand its meaning EX) Jessie read the book and was able to explain to me why the character lied in Chapter 3.

Learning Style

The manner in which a student learns best EX) Visual Learning


Title of a section

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)

The state foundation curriculum developed by the State Board of Education, that requires all students to demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to read, write, compute, problem solve, think critically, apply technology, and communicate across all subject areas

Signal words

Words or phrases that show the connection between ideas EX) To teach text structures, a teacher can have students find signal words within the texts and examine topic sentences that clue the reader to a specific structure.

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