Romeo and Juliet Act 4 Scenes 1-3

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b. Juliet also fears what might happen if she wakes before Romeo arrives. What three possibilities does she mention? (3 points)

1. she will be suffocated by the tomb 2. she will be stuck forever in the vault 3. she will be "haunted" by Tybalt (and her other ancestors)' bodies and ghosts

3. Juliet has some doubts about using the mixture in the vial. a. What is her fear about Friar Laurence?

He is trying to trick her and it will kill her

2. What is the meaning of Friar Laurence's aside in line 16 [I would I knew not why it should be slowed?

He knows why Juliet is pushing the wedding off. He wishes he didn't know about Romeo and Juliet.

1. Whom does Juliet meet at Friar Laurence's cell? What is he doing there?

Paris is visiting Friar Laurence about marrying them on Thursday.

4. How does Juliet force the Friar's hand in helping her? Why does she go to such an extreme?

She threatens to kill herself with a knife if he doesn't have a solution because she is married to Romeo and he is the only one she loves.

3. Summarize what Juliet says to the Friar after they close the door.

She wants to know if he would know how to stop the wedding. She wants him to do everything in his power to stop the wedding. "If with all your wisdom even you can't help, then you must agree that my resolution to die is wise. And this knife will help me do it. God joined my heart to Romeo's, and you joined our hands. Before my hand or heart—which are bound to Romeo—are given to another man, I'll use this knife to kill myself." "So either use your long experience and education to give me some advice about what to do, or watch as I use this knife like a judge to honorably resolve the extreme situation in which I'm caught. Don't wait long to speak. I want to die if what you say isn't a solution."

5. List the steps in Friar Laurence's plan (lines 89-120).

a. _ Go home; be merry; give consent to marry Paris. b. _ on wednesday night, make sure she is alone to go to bed c. _take the vial of potion the Friar gives her d. _she will seem like she is dead for 42 hours e. _ family will think she is dead and put her in family tomb f. _ Friar will send word of plan to Romeo g. _Romeo will come and they will watch over her as she starts to wake h. _Run off to Mantua and live happily ever after.

2. In your own words, explain Capulet's reaction to her changed behavior.

he's happy, relieved, and excited; changed the wedding date to be sooner

2. Why does Juliet take a dagger to bed with her?

in case the potion doesn't work and she realizes she has to marry Paris in the morning

3. What does he offer to do that he wouldn't do usually in order to get ready for Juliet's wedding?

stay up all night and will take care of all the kitchen duties and prepare everything. (be the "housewife")

1. What promise does Juliet make to her father?

that he will always rule her and she will obey him. she will marry Paris.

1. What request does Juliet make of the Nurse and her mother?

to leave her alone for the night.

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