Intro to Psyc

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(C8) Which of the following is an example of imprinting?

A newborn gosling will "attach" to the first moving object it sees, usually its mother.

(c3) Research has shown a possible connection between the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and which of the following mental disorders

Alzheimer's disease

(c8) Which of the following refers to the benefit of having an emotional release to reduce aggressive tendencies?

Catharsis hypothesis

(c10) Aaron Beck's negative triad of beliefs, which explains the cycle of depression by examining negative thoughts about self and the world, exemplifies this type of therapy.


(c7) A game show like Jeopardy asks players to demonstrate which of the following types of intelligence?

Crystallized intelligence

(C10) Which of the following accurately summarizes a depressed person's view according to Aaron Beck's negative triad theory?

Depressed individuals hold a negative view of themselves, the world, and their futures.

(c8) Many experts on parenting recommend different approaches to responding to an infant's needs. Some emphasize responding promptly to a newborn's cries to instill a sense of security, whereas others suggest letting the baby "cry it out.'' Which of the following accounts of development would be most relevant when weighting these different approaches

Erikson's model of psychosocial stages

(c8) Drive-reduction theories would provide a reasonable explanation for all of the following EXCEPT

Gage is very full after eating dinner but decides to order the strawberry cheesecake anyway

(c8) Which of the following terms refers to the body's tendency to maintain a relatively constant state that permits cells to live and function?


(c3) The myelin sheath that covers the axons of most neurons serves to do which of the following?

Increase the speed with which messages can be transmitted

(c3) Which of the following most accurately describes the firing of a neuron?

It has an all-or-none quality: it either happens, or it qoes not.

(c8) Anorexia nervosa is a life-threatening illness that can lead to permanent physiological changes (such as brittle bones) and even death. Which of the following individuals would be the most likely to develop this illness

Maria, a 16-year-old Caucasian female who is an A student and talented musician, but who feels that her life is out of control

(c3) During periods of darkness, the pineal gland in the middle of the brain produces which of the following hormones that is essential to sleep regulation?


(c3) While swimming in the ocean, Ivan is frightened by a dark shadow in the water even before he has the chance to identify what the shadow is. The synaptic connections taking place during this incident of fright are best described by which of the following?

Messages are sent from the thalamus directly to the amygdala.

(c7) Which of the following is often true of memory recall?

People are more likely to recall information that is congruent with their prior schemas.

(c8) A psychologist who believes in the humanistic perspective would be most likely to agree with which of . the following statements?

People's behavior is primarily a result of free will.

(c3) A child is frightened by the sudden barking of a neighbor's dog. Once her mother picks her up, the child begins to calm down as which of the following biological processes occurs?

The parasympathetic nervous system resumes control and reverses the sympathetic responses.

(c7) Which of the following best explains why mnemonic devices such as the method of loci are typically effective at helping individuals remember information?

They connect new information to information already stored in LTM.

(c9) Which of the following questions best frames the nature nurture controversy?

To what degree do inborn biological processes versus environmental events determine human behavior?

(c3) Which of the following is an example of a person who suffers from anterograde amnesia

a man who experiences damage to his hippocampus and cannot transfer information into his long term memory

(c8) Xavier is beginning his first year of college. He is eager to find a few other freshmen to "hang out" with. Psychologists would say that Xavier is motivated by a(n)

affiliation need

(c3) Stimulation of norepinephrine receptors appears to produce


(c3) After a neuron has fired,

an action potential occurs

(c8) Montana is a well-adjusted, socially competent adolescent. Which of the following most likely represents her family's parenting style?


(c8) The parenting style that produces children with high degrees of self-esteem and self-efficacy is


(c3) Areas of the brain that are damaged are referred to as having

brain lesions

(c3) The staggering and slurred speech of a person who has consumed too much alcohol is most likely the result of altered functioning in the


(c7) To which perspective are the roles of knowledge, information processing, and their interactions most central?


(c10) Carl Jung's concept of a repository of ideas, feelings, and symbols shared by all humans and passed genetically from one generation to another is known as Jung's theory of the

collective unconscious

(c9) Piaget proposed that children develop knowledge by

constructing reality out of their own experiences

(c8) Periods of special sensitivity to specific types of learning that shape the capacity for future development are known as

critical periods

(c9) The primary research method used by developmental psychologists is

cross-sectional research

(c9) The study of cognitive, behavioral, and social changes across the lifespan are most directly studied by which of the following?

developmental psychologists

(c3) A person who sustains major injuries that involve to the destruction of the medulla oblongata will


(c8) Certain cross-cultural studies have suggested that six facial expressions are recognized by people of virtually every culture. Which of the following correctly lists these expressions

e. fear, disgust, anger, surprise, happiness and sadness

(c3) Endorphins are chemicals that

elevate mood and reduce pain

(c9) Which of the following most likely follows Carl Rodgers approach to psychotherapy

encouraging clients through unconditional support to find their own path to a better health and growth

(c3) Narcotics work because they are chemically very similar to


(c7) While browsing in a bookstore, Hannah is drawn to a particular book title. After a moment, she realizes that this book is one that a had been talking about at lunch the other day. The fact that Hannah remembers that the book was mentioned at a recent lunch is an example of which of the following types of memory?


(c7) Maddie was soaked by an unexpected cloudburst while walking to her car from the office. The fact that she failed to realize that the newspaper she was carrying would have made a great makeshift umbrella is an example of

functional fixedness

(c9) Research using the visual cliff suggests that human infants

had learned by experience in crawling to perceive depth

(c7) Research indicates that a test participant exposed to a list of positive words and then asked to recall the words from that list a week later will be more likely to remember those words if

he is in a positive mood when initially exposed to the words

(c8) Abraham Maslow proposed the idea that some motives are more imperative to survival than others. Which of the following approaches expresses this?

hierarchy of needs

(c3) Hunger and eating are primarily regulated by the


(c8) Lynda is a confident, capable woman who takes responsibility for her own actions. Lynda has a(n)

internal locus of control

(c8) Quinn works in the local hospital because he wishes to help others, while Kathy works in the hospital strictly to make money. Their individual motivations demonstrate the difference between

intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

(c9) All of the following are stages in the development of language that children of virtually every culture go through EXCEPT

introductive speech

(c10) In psychoanalytic theory, which of the following statements most accurately explains the purpose of repression

it is a means of dealing with thoughts that are very anxiety provoking

(c3) An individual with brain lesions in the hippocampus will most likely experience impairment to her


(c3) In most people, the left hemisphere of the brain is dominant for


(C9) In developmntal research, studying the same subjects over time is known as

longitudinal research

(c3) People who struggle with depression often have trouble sleeping in part because of

low serotonin levels

(c7) Ellie wanted to call the local coffee house to see what the entertainment would be for that evening. After looking up the phone number in the phone book, she repeated the number to herself several times as she walked over to the telephone. Ellie was using which of the following to remember the phone number?

maintenance rehearsal

(c3) Students diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are four to nine times more likely to be

males than females

(c7) The smallest units of meaning in a language are


(c9) Six-month-old Sasha loves to play "peek-a-boo" with her mother, an indication that she has developed a sense of

object permanence

(c3) Which of the following lobes of the brain is central to visual sensation and perception?


(c7) The tendency of young children learning language to overuse the rules of syntax is referred to as

overgeneralization (overregulation)

(c3) Which of the following subsystems of the autonomic nervous system help the body return to "business-as-usual" after an emergency?

parasympathetic nervous system

(c10) Which of the following best summaries Carl Rodger's view of personality

people's personality traits are overwhelmingly positive and growth seeking

(c3) The gland, sometimes referred to as the "master gland," which regulates much of the action of the other endocrine glands, is called the

pituitary glad

(c9) According to cognitive theorist Jean Piaget, children in which of the following stages of cognitive development are egocentric, or unable to understand another person's perspective?


(c9) Children develop internal representational systems that allow them verbally to describe people, events, and feelings during which of Piaget's stages of cognitive development


(c7) Nick, a high school senior, excels at music, art reading, problem solving, and soccer. Which of these strengths most clearly demonstrates his fluid intelligence

problem solving

(c10) Chantal says that her mother is domineering and overbearing. All of Chantal's friends agree that she is the one that has these characteristics, not her mother. Freud would suggest that Chantal's behavior exemplifies which of the following defense mechanisms?


(c10) Lisa, determined to get away from her abusive father, leaves home and moves in with an abusive boyfriend. Lisa's choice of an abusive boyfriend is an example of Sigmund Freud's theory of

psychoanalytic conflict

(c10) Jan often has feelings of hostility and contempt for her husband of 40 years. However, instead of expressing these feelings, Jan goes overboard to dote (show alot of affection/love) on her husband. Jan is using which of the following defense mechanisms

reaction formation

(c7) A participant in a single-trial free-recall task is presented with a list of words, once at a time, in the following order: computer, house, flower, remember, table, license, water. In accord with the serial position curve , which of the following words is the participant most likely to forget?


(c7) Two "cognitive shortcuts" that can lead to errors in information processing are

representative heuristic and availability heuristic

(C7) In the "cocktail party phenomenon," an individual can focus on one conversation and filter out all the surrounding stimuli. This is an example of

selective attention

(c8) According to Kohlberg, at the 3rd stage (postconventional) level of moral development, individuals

self-define principles that may or may not match the dominant morals of the times

(c7) The fact that Will was better able to memorize his lines in the school play after finding out the meanings behind the words best illustrates the influence of

semantic memory

(c9) The adaptive response of a six-month-old child who shows distress when an attachment figure leaves is known as

separation anxiety

(c8) All of the following are examples of secondary drives EXCEPT


(c8) People who have previously not gotten along are often able to put aside their differences in the face of a mutual crisis. Their need to work together is often referred to as a(n)

superordinate goal

(c7) The rules that govern the placement of words and phrases in a sentence are called


(c3) The relaying of sensory information to the cerebral cortex is the primary function of the


(c3) Which of the following best explains why babies have poor vision for the first few weeks of life

the neural connections to the primary visual cortex are not fully connected

(c3) In an emergency, the adrenal glands of the body secrete "emergency" hormones, while the body prepares for fight-or-flight, directed by

the sympathetic nervous system

(c3) Which of the following best summarizes why people tend to stay in a slightly elevated state of arousal after a crisis has occurred?

their bloodstream continues to contain elevated levels of adrenaline

(c7) Tonya runs into an old schoolmate on the street. During their brief conversation, Tonya is unable to recall the schoolmate's name. Days later, she remembers the name out of the blue. To remember the name "out of the blue" is an example of

tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon

(c10) Emotional, cognitive, and behavioral tendencies that constitute underlying personality dimensions on which individuals vary are referred to as


(C10) The goal of projective personality tests such as the Rorschach and Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) is to

uncover unconscious thoughts and feelings

(c7) The method of loci is a memory air that employs which of the following?

visual memory

(c7)Iconic memory refers to

visual sensory registries

(c9) In the Harlow study of emotional attachment, infant monkeys were placed in a cage and given both a "wire" mother and a "cloth" mother. Researchers then moved a bottle of milk from one mother to the other while introducing various stimuli to see if the monkeys would form an attachment to either of the "mothers". In this experiment, the independent variable is

with which "mother" the bottle of milk is placed

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