Introduction To Metabolism

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(Adenosine Diphosphate) The compound that remains when a phosphate group is removed from ATP, releasing energy


(adenosine triphosphate) main energy source that cells use for most of their work

endergonic reaction

A non-spontaneous chemical reaction in which free energy is absorbed from the surroundings.

exergonic reaction

A spontaneous chemical reaction in which there is a net release of free energy.


A very large organic molecule composed of many smaller molecules

Energy I used to combine amino acids building blocks in order to build a large protein, what type of reaction is this

Anabolic reaction

What is thI relationship between anabolism and catabolism

Anabolism builds molecules using energy produced during catabolism

Catabolic pathway

is the set of metabolic pathways that breaks down molecules into smaller units that are either oxidized to release energy or used in other anabolic reactions.


the breakdown of complex molecules in living organisms to form simpler ones, together with the release of energy; destructive metabolism.


the chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life.


the synthesis of complex molecules in living organisms from simpler ones together with the storage of energy

What best describes the proper terms to metabolically describe glucongenesis

It is an anabolic process with endergonic reactions that require an input of energy

A+B+C+energy€ ABC

It is an anabolic reaction

What is true of catabolism

It is the breakdown of larder molecules into smaller ones

Which of the following best defines metabolism?

The complete set of reactions carried out by a cell


Catabolic reaction

During glycolysis, the molecule glucose is broken down into pyruvate, what type of reaction is this ?

Catabolic reaction


Catalysts for chemical reactions in living things


Conversion of light energy from the sun into chemical energy.

During the Calvin cycle of photosynthesis, a plant cell uses carbon dioxide to synthesize large carbohydrates, what is true about this reaction

Energy is consumed

Why do we, as living organisms, need to consume food

Food is broken down by catabolic pathways and converted to ATP, which is then used to fuel anabolic pathways

What answer includes the proper terms to metabolically describe the process of digesting lactose

It is a catabolic process with an exergonic reaction the requires an output of energy

What best describes someone with a "slow" metabolism

Low rate of catabolism

cellular respiration

Process that releases energy by breaking down glucose and other food molecules in the presence of oxygen

metabolic pathway

a sequence of chemical reactions undergone by a compound or class of compounds in a living organism.

Anabolic pathway

are those that require energy to synthesize larger molecules

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