IS 467 Quiz 1

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Which two things does the Development Team do during the first Sprint?

-Deliver an increment of potentially releasable software. -Develop and deliver at least one piece of functionality.

How does the Scum Master help to the Product Owner? Select the three most appropriate answers.

-Finding techniques for effective Product Backlog management -Facilitating Scrum events as requested or needed -Understanding product planning in an empirical environment

End of Iteration Meetings

-Reviews meetings (product based) -Retrospective Meeting (process based)

Scrum Framework

-Roles: Product Owner, Scrum Master, Team (Scrum Teams) -Events: Sprint Planning, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective, Daily Scrum meeting -Artifacts: Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Increment -Rules: Definition of "Done"

A Development Team is responsible for

-Selecting the Product Backlog Items for the Sprint after clarifying with the Product Owner -Creating a potentially shippable Increment every Sprint

Time-Boxed Events in Scrum Guide

-Sprint -Daily Scrum -Sprint Review

High-Performance Team

-self-organized -Trusting of each other -Participatory decision-making

What are two ways a Scrum Master serves to enable effective Scrum Teams?

1. By removing impediments that hinder the Scrum Team. 2. By facilitating Developer decision-making.

How much work must a Development Team do to a Product Backlog item it selects for a Sprint?

A. As much as it has told the Product Owner will be done for every Product Backlog item it selects in conformance with the definition of "Done".

Team Velocity

A. Average of amount of Product Backlog Items turned into "Done" Items per Sprint (points)

Burn-up and Burn-down charts show evolution of progress over time. In particular,

A. Burn-up shows increase in completion, while Burn-down shows remaining effort

One of the major challenges for the team getting newly into Scrum can be

A. Developing skills to produce useable Increment just within a short Sprint

When many Development Teams are working on a single product, what best describes the definition of done?

All Development Teams must have a definition of "Done" that makes their combined work potentially releasable.

Development Team membership should change:

As needed, while taking into account a short term reduction in productivity.

If an inspector determines that one or more aspects of a process deviate outside acceptable limits, when must an adjustment be made?

As soon as possible to minimize further deviation

The Development Team meets every day to inspect the progress and adapt the next day plan. If the Daily Scrum exposes the need to re-plan rest of the Sprint, these re-planning activities happen

Immediately after the Daily Scrum

In the middle of the Sprint, the Development Team finds that it has more capacity to take more work. The next best thing to do is

Make it transparent to Product Owner immediately, and collaborate to add additional work.

When does a Development Team member become the sole owner of a Sprint Backlog item?

Never. All Sprint Backlog Items are "owned" by the entire Development Team, even though each one may be implemented by an individual development team member.

It is mandatory that the definition of "Done" includes "Release to Production"


Ongoing Development Work

Nobody except the development team is around here They can bring in experts, but they would have to raise this as an impediment, and would later need to inspect why they can't do this on their own.

In empiricism, the decisions are based on

Observation, experience and experimentation

The Scrum Team, based on the learning from previous Sprints, decides to revisit the length of the Sprint. What is the appropriate Scrum event to discuss and agree on the change?


Scrum Team Essential

Scrum Teams are self-organizing and cross-functional. Self-organizing teams choose how best to accomplish their work, rather than being directed by others outside the team. Cross-functional teams have all competencies needed to accomplish the work without depending on others not part of the team.

2 Types of Agile

Scrum and Kanban

Empowered Team

Teams that have the responsibility as well as the authority to achieve their goals. Collectively owning the project

The standard used by the Product Owner and the Scrum Team to identify unfinished work in a Sprint is

The Definition of Done

Who creates the Increment?

The Development Team

Who is allowed to participate in the Daily Scrum?

The Development Team

Meetings where outsiders can participate

The Development Team may invite other people to attend the Sprint Planning in order to provide technical or domain advice. The Product Owner is responsible for inviting the Key Stakeholders to the Sprint Review meeting (only meeting for key stakeholders)

What could be a source of requirements for any changes to be made to the product?

The Product Backlog

Who has the authority to cancel the Sprint?

The Product Owner

Who is responsible for coping with incomplete artifact transparency?

The Scrum Master

T/F: The Development Team should be able to explain to the Product Owner and Scrum Master how it intends to work as a self-organizing team to accomplish the Sprint Goal and create the anticipated Increment.


What is the recommended size for a Scrum Team?

Typically 10 or fewer people.

When can a Product Owner change the scope of what the team will work on next?

Until Sprint Planning for the current Sprint

Product Roadmap

an overview of a project (financing, milestones) created at the beginning of the project


average of each sprint's points


commitment of every team member to try and achieve goals of scrum team. Following the 3 pillars and staying self-organized

Communication Plan

scrum defines clear boundaries for communication to increase the transparency and focus on valuable work.


sets a fixed deadline for a project and delivers the system by that deadline no matter what, even if functionality needs to be reduced release date is confirmed, but features are to be developed later

Daily Scrum

short and quick daily recurring event within the Sprint where the team members synchronize their progress with each other and confirm the next 24-hour plan development team often meets immediately after the scrum for detailed discussions, or to adapt, replan the rest of the sprint's work. Only development team, if a scrum master also performs developmental work then he has to be at these meetings too.

Story Size

specified by ideal days, actual days, and story points NOT iteration days Remaining story points go back into product backlog

Product Grooming

teams allocate up to 10% of each sprint to better develop user story details for upcoming sprints

Definition of Done Meaning

- DoD guides the Development Team in knowing how many Product Backlog items it can select during a Sprint Planning -DoD ensures artifact transparency -DoD is used to assess when work is complete on the product Increment

Widespread Adoption of Scrum Reasons

- smaller scrum teams are self-organized and highly adaptable, unlike the traditional big teams that are externally managed -Sense of ownership towards its goal. Pushes teams to reach each other through informal networks and get things done. -Technology improvements accelerate the work through this network of teams so they can develop, release, operate and sustain the work and work products of thousands of people.

Agile vs. Scrum

-Agile: philosophy about a newer way of developing software. It isn't prescriptive on an exact implementation. -Scrum: implementation frameworks that uses an oriented Agile frameworks that has definitions of Scrum Teams, roles, events, artifacts, and rules. Started as an alternative approach to complex product development. -Scrum existed before Agile. Many elements of scrum are the building blocks of Agile -Scrum is a container framework wrapping around any appropriate process or technique -Develops products and enhancements, and can sustain cloud or products

How Scrum Masters Help Product Owner

-Ensuring that goals, scope, and product domain are understood by everyone on the Scrum Team as well as possible; -Finding techniques for effective Product Backlog management; -Helping the Scrum Team understand the need for clear and concise Product Backlog items; -Understanding product planning in an empirical environment; -Ensuring the Product Owner knows how to arrange the Product Backlog to maximize value; -Understanding and practicing agility; and, facilitating Scrum events as requested or needed.

The Scrum Master does the Following regarding the Daily Scrum

-If others are present at the Daily Scrum, ensures that they do not disrupt the meeting -Teaches the Development Team to keep the Daily Scrum within the 15-minute time-box -Ensures that the Development Team has the meeting

What factors increase complexity

-Larger number of people on the project -Longer duration of the project -Batching of a large amount of features into one big release

Work performed within Sprint

-Majority of time on development work -Spends less than 10% of their time on Product Backlog refinement

Inputs in Sprint Planning

-Past Performance of Development Team -Product Backlog -Projected capacity of dev team -Product increments

Sprint Retrospective Members

-Product Owner -Scrum Master -Development Team

Scrum Values

-Respect and courage -Focus -Commitment and Openness

Length of a Sprint should be:

-Short enough to keep the business risk acceptable to the Product Owner. -Short enough to be able to synchronize the development work with other business events -One month or less

The Sprint Review is an event that requires:

-Stakeholder Active Participation -Inspection and Adaptation activities

How to staff without a staffing plan?

-Traditional projects bring people to the work and manage staffing complexities -Scrum brings the work to a constant team and avoids staffing complexities

Select all that apply. It is essential for the Product Owner to have these skills. Usually Scrum Master serves the Product Owner by coaching them

-Understanding and practicing agility -Product planning in empirical environments

Principles of Agile (12 Principles)

-Welcoming changing requirements -Most efficient communication is face-to-face -Motivated individuals are required if you want to succeed -Simplicity and the art of maximizing the amount of work not done is essential -Delivering valuable software -Delivering working software as frequently as possible -Business side and developers must work together daily through the project. -Working software is the primary measure of progress. - Agile promotes sustainable development (should keep constant pace) -Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design. -Simplicity is essential -The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams -Team neglects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.

Signs of Team Dysfunction

-absence of trust -Inattention to results -Lack of commitment

Kickoff Meeting

-communicates the project vision -Reviews business cases -Establishes ground rules for the new team

Sprint Review (4 Hours)

1 time event within the Sprint where the team makes their progress visible to the stakeholders. Both the team and stakeholders collaborate to adjust their next steps. Increment: development team demonstrates the increment to stakeholders Entire scrum team has to be there. Stakeholders can be invited and experts aren't needed. Receives feedback from product owner and users

Product Owner is More than a Business Manager

1. Continuous Engagement with the Team: respects the fact that the future cannot be predicted, and uses empiricism to clarify objectives. 2. Ultimate authority of the team's scope of work: leverages developers to continuously shape the product and uncover new knowledge

Applications of Scrum

1. Develop products, product enhancements, and operational environments for products use. 2. Research viable markets and new product capabilities 3. Manage operation of organizations

Scrum 2 Strict Rules

1. Reduce management communication and role overhead by being organized (Only 3 Roles: Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Developer) 2. Take full ownership by being cross-functional (must have 3-9 developers to have the necessary skills for the project)

Expecations of Scrum Master

1. Scrum Coach (coaching the team on theory and best practices) 2. Servant Leadership 3. Removing Impediments 4. Champion of Transparency (scrum master helps team to increase transparency of planned work, actual progress, and impediments. Spends time detecting any lack of transparency) -make sure the team increases transparency of artifacts -They don't have to be a developer, they can manage multiple scrum teams

2 Approaches to Prepare Enough Backlog Items

1. Scrum Team can initially work outside the sprints to create and refine just enough of a backlog to start. This activity does not lead to any opportunity of inspecting a useful outcome. CANT TAKE FIRST SPRINT TIME TO DO THIS 2. Start sprint planning and refine just enough product backlog items for the first sprint.

First few Sprints, team needs to focus on

1. Setting up infrastructure for subsequent work. 2.reviewing and baselining project plan 3. Iteratively refining the requirements and obtaining sign-offs from product owner 4. Delivering a potentially releasable increment

Sprint Planning Phase (not more than 8 hours)

1. Sprint Backlog: development team is the owner here. They create the backlog with enough work to get started 2.If the organization has existing definition of "Done", scrum team takes it as minimum. Otherwise, development team creates it in the first Sprint Note: Technical/Domain experts can be invited to development team, but stakeholders do not come here

3 Pillars of Empricism/Empirical Process Control Theory

1. Transparency: providing visibility of information about the work and outcome. Using common standards for information so that observers will share the common interpretation and understanding. Significant aspects of work must be visible to those responsible for the outcome. 2. Inspection: performing frequent reviews of the Scrum artifacts and progress towards the Sprint goals to get early feedback on undesirable variance. 3. Adaptation: performing adjustments if the inspection finds variance beyond acceptable limits, and hence the resulting product will be unacceptable. Team has collective responsibility to make the adjustments as soon as possible to minimize further deviation.

The time-box for the Sprint Planning meeting is

8 hours for a monthly Sprint. For shorter Sprints it is usually shorter.

Burndown Chart

A chart that shows the cumulative work remaining in a sprint on a day-by-day basis X: Time Y: Work remaining in points


A framework within which complex products in complex environments are developed

Sprint Changing

A sprint can be cancelled with the sprint goal becomes obsolete. Only the product owner has the authority to do this though, but can under the influence of other stakeholders. Cancellation rarely makes sense, and is bad for morale. Product owner accepts the completed work that is potentially releasable.

Three Development Teams are working as part of a big project to develop a product. When Sprints are in motion, there will be

B. One Product Backlog, and three Sprint Backlogs

Which of the following services are appropriate for a Scrum Master in regard to the Daily Scrum?

B. Teach the Development Team to keep the Daily Scrum within the 15 minute time-box.

Sprint Planning Doesn't Help

Building entire technical architecture Staffing plan Testing strategy Release plan

Sprint Backlog is modified throughout the Sprint. As soon as a new task is identified,

C. Development Team adds it to the Sprint Backlog and communicates about it to Scrum Team

In the middle of the Sprint, Development Team finds that few more days of work is needed to complete the scope. The planning options include:

C. Involve the Product Owner and negotiate alternatives

An organization is on its path to adopt Scrum as its approach to software development. It decides to convert all Project Managers into Scrum Masters.

C. The organization needs to rethink on this strategy. Identifying persons who are inclined or experienced in coaching and facilitation as their leadership style is a better strategy.

Product Backlog Management

Clearly expressing Product Backlog items; Ordering the items in the Product Backlog to best achieve goals and missions; Optimizing the value of the work the Development Team performs; Ensuring that the Product Backlog is visible, transparent, and clear to all, and shows what the Scrum Team will work on next; and, Ensuring the Development Team understands items in the Product Backlog to the level needed.

Scrum Master Serves Development Team

Coaching the Development Team in self-organization and cross-functionality; Helping the Development Team to create high-value products; Removing impediments to the Development Team's progress; Facilitating Scrum events as requested or needed; and, Coaching the Development Team in organizational environments in which Scrum is not yet fully adopted and understood.

In Scrum based software development effort, while the Sprint Goal will deliver a Product Increment, one of the Product Backlog Items is asking for production of a document.

D. It is okay. A Sprint can produce other deliverables like document requested by Product Owner along with working Increment.

Scrum framework is used to optimize value and control risk in complex product development. A component of value optimization is

Deciding to continue a Sprint only after verifying if it has enough value worth the effort

The Development Team tries to put together some guidelines on testing approach. Who will own these guidelines?

Development Team

Who is responsible for all estimates in the Product Backlog?

Development Team

On their kick-off day, a new Scrum Team didn't have any Scrum tools. The next best thing to do is:

Do nothing. Implementation of Scrum does not require any tool

The Development Team has not completed any of the Product Backlog Items selected for the Sprint by Sprint end. Next step is

End the Sprint with a Retrospective, since Scrum favors "time boxing" (top priority is timeboxing, just has to be on a schedule)

A. The technical design continuously evolves over the Sprints. Hence the team should have some basic guidelines to start with, but try to emerge the design through the Sprints.


Sprint Retrospective focuses on development processes and Sprint Review focuses on Product


T/F The structure of the Daily Scrum is well-defined and constant. Every team member should answer the three main questions: What did I do yesterday? What will I do today? Do I see any impediment?


T/F: Scrum Master forecasts the Product burn-down during Sprint Review.


T/F: Scrum does not allow additional meetings that are not defined in Scrum.


T/F: The Sprint Backlog is fully formulated in the Sprint Planning meeting and does not change during the Sprint.


True of False: In a Scrum based software project, "Earned Value" is a good metric to track product development progress


True or False: Scrum allows having gaps between two subsequent Sprints, in which the team can accomplish support activities and team building activities


True or False: The Scrum Team should choose at least one high priority process improvement, identified during the Sprint Retrospective, and place it in the Product Backlog.


True/False: Only the Product Owner can come up with items that can be considered for Product Backlog. Others cannot provide input / recommendations / ideas about new items

False (other shareholders can give input, but PO is the one who decides)

True/False: Sprint Planning is the only occasion where the Development Team estimates the Product Backlog Items

False, estimation of Product Backlog Items is a continuous event throughout the sprint with product grooming

Sprint Retrospective (3 Hours)

Final event of the sprint. An inspection and adaptation opportunity for the Scrum Team to inspect their way of working and identifying potential improvements. Entire scrum team alone has to be there. all about improved productivity, quality and capacity Whole team is responsible to fix problems found here

The Scrum Team optimizes the following and deliver business value

Flexibility, creativity, and productivity

The Sprint Backlog emerges during the Sprint because the Development Team modifies it throughout the Sprint. In the middle of the Sprint, new work is added to Sprint Backlog. As a result, estimated remaining work will


Who creates the definition of "Done"?

If it is not an organizational standard, the Scrum Team must create a Definition of Done appropriate for the product.

To effectively track the Sprint progress, Scrum mandates

Increasing the transparency by frequently updating the remaining work

Middle of the Scrum, the team comes to know that there are some usage related changes to the Product needs. The Product Backlog

Is modified to reflect the new need

A Scrum Team often runs into following issues: Conflicting requirements from different departments, ad-hoc work requests from different business managers, no feedback on Increments. What could be the likely cause?

Issues with the product owner

A Scrum Team develops software. Only when the Product Owner decides to go for the release, the team creates end user documentation for the Product Increment at that point.

It is incorrect. Anything required for the Product Increment to be production fit must be part of "Definition of "Done"

Shortly into using Scrum for the first time in an organization, the Scrum Team runs into several impediments in following Scrum. The most common inference is

It is normal for first timers. Scrum will expose all weakness in the current eco-system that impede developing Product Increments in short Sprints.

A Development Team decides to have an exclusive Sprint to evolve the technical architecture. The sole outcome of this Sprint is a finalized architecture design.

It is not the Scrum approach, since every Sprint must produce at least one releasable functionality

What does a Product Owner do during a sprint?

Optimizing the value of the work the Scrum Team does.

Ongoing Backlog Refinement

Product Backlog: product owner is the owner that refines and helps the development team. Development and product owner must be there, and scrum master is optional

Product Scope, Budget, and Schedule

Product Owner manages the product scope in terms of the product backlog. They also manage the cost-benefit of the product features

3 qualities of Scrum

Productivity, Creativity, Flexibility

What are the three main qualities the team model in Scrum is designed to optimize?

Productivity, Creativity, Flexibility

In a new Scrum Team, a Scrum Master notices that a Developer works on a task that is not contributing to the Sprint Goal or the Sprint Backlog. The Scrum Master

Should discuss with team member and educate about Scrum way of working

What does the word "development" mean in the context of Scrum? Select the best option.

Software and hardware development Product development, its releasing and sustaining Development of an operational environment for the Product Complex work that can include all the suggested options and even more Research and identifying of viable markets, technologies, and Product capabilities

In which meetings the Key Stakeholders are allowed to participate?

Sprint Review Alone

A person external to the Scrum Team with a specific interest in and knowledge of a product that is required is known as


Which of the following services is appropriate for a Scrum Master in regard to the Daily Scrum?

Teach the Developers to keep the Daily Scrum within the 15 minute timebox.

Who is responsible for creation of the Definition of "Done"?

The Development Team

Who is responsible for the Product Backlog?

The Product Owner

Who should know the most about the progress toward a business objective or a release, and be able to explain the alternatives most clearly

The Product Owner

The Scrum Master Manages

The Scrum Framework

Measures of Progress in Scrum

The increment- the body of inspectable and usable outcome in a sprint. Internal Measurements: Sprint Work Planned vs. Completed (burn-down), Rate of completion (velocity) THESE ARE ONLY INTERNAL AND NOT INDICATORS OF PROGRESS FOR STAKEHOLDERS

Scrum is immutable. What may be the result of an organization modifying Scrum Framework in its implementation for the convenience of existing culture?

The organization may lose the opportunity to expose its current cultural dysfunctions that impede the ability to develop the Product Increment Sprint after Sprint.

Forecast of Functionality

The selection of items from the Product Backlog a Development Team deems feasible for implementation in a Sprint is called:

A Development Team has created the Sprint Backlog in the form of a task board. What is your inference?

The team can choose to represent it any form that makes sense

During Sprints, a Development Team has to wait for another team to provide some dependent input. Often this leads to delay in completing their work. What can be recommended to this team?

The team is not cross functional enough. The team should take Scrum Master's help in educating the organization to add team members with appropriate skills

The Sprint Review is an opportunity to review

Timeline and budget, and increment

True/False: A good guideline to differentiate Acceptance Criteria from definition of "Done" is, "definition of "Done" provides checklist to take the Increment close to production deployable state (potentially shippable), while acceptance criteria specify the "business requirements of that user story"


The Development Team should have all the skills needed to

Turn the Product Backlog items it selects into an increment of potentially releasable product functionality

2 Questions in Sprint Planning

What can be delivered in the upcoming sprint? How will the work needed to deliver the increment be achieved?

Questions asked in Daily Standup

What have you done since last meeting? What are you planning on doing between now and next meeting? Are there any obstacles in the way? FYI, should be 15 minutes no matter the size of the team

When is Sprint Over?

When the time-box expires.

The Development Team is not having regular (Daily) Scrums. As a Scrum Master, you:

Will step in directly to guard the Scrum Framework by asking action-begetting questions to team and positively influencing them to conduct Scrum events

Iteration Backlog

Work needed to be performed in a given iteration (contrast to product backlog) handled by the development team

The Development Team can deliver an Increment that meets the definition of "Done," but the Increment still has defects that are known to the team and the Product Owner



a newer way to solve problems based on empiricism, as it increases the opportunity to control risk and optimizes the predictability of progress 5 Events within Scrum: Sprint, Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective

Sprint Goal

a short expression of the purpose of a Sprint, often a business problem that is addressed. Functionality might be adjusted during the Sprint in order to achieve the Sprint Goal.

Batching (waterfall)

accumulating developed product features over a long time without releasing them for use, treats the parts of this release all with same urgency and sensitivity


agile feedback technique for products, getting information from users early in a project

Planning Poker

allows everyone to contribute to the estimation process (not mandatory, but helps assign items)


an agile team that divides huge user stories into smaller an manageable tasks

Product Owner

build and maintain a backlog of valuable product and help teams understand and deliver high value (vision and direction) Ranks ordered product features for the team ensuring the team works on high priority parts first and gets any clarifiers Manage just the product backlog and not people Works with one or more scrum teams They can be dedicated and can also be a development team member. Can have help from development team in creating the product backlog order. Writes items in form of user stories and their Acceptance Tests. Single voice for users

5 Values of Scrum Team

commitment, courage, focus, openness, and respect This team is: self-organizing and cross-functional


courage work on tough problems, do the right thing, responding to emerging change, and staying grounded in reality and not taking personal pride

Spring Length

deteremend by need of the product owner to limit business risks -need of development team to synchronize development work with business events -The time needed for the development team to meet all conditions required by the definition of done The Product owner has the authority to determine if a sprint is obsolete or not.

There cannot be sub teams within the development team


Sprint Planning

first event of a sprint. A small amount of work is chosen and a plan of how to deliver that work is put together. Begins by selecting backlog items and a sprint goal, which is transparent and is the overarching objective as a tool for team coherence. development team can invite others to attend for technical help


focus on prioritizing and completing the Sprint work to achieve the goals of the Scrum Team. Helps avoiding other things not related to sprint goal. Even helping someone when you were supposed to focus on your project doesn't follow these values.

Servant Leadership (scrum Master)

focuses on providing increased service to others—meeting the goals of both followers and the organization—rather than to oneself. -Removes obstacles -shields teams from interruptions -communicates project vision

Scrum Master

guard scrum implementation. Help teams understand and enact it by spirit. Leading with servant-leader approach, mentors the team to become self-sufficient in hopes to frequently create increments, get early feedback in order to re-plan based on emerging insights, and solve problems by their collective wisdom and collaboration They manage implementation and not people. If there are any impediments in the project that falls on the scrum master, and shields the team from unnecessary interruptions. They work with one or more scrum teams They can be dedicated and can also be a development team member.


heart of scrum. Mini-project that contains the other 4 events. -Sprint Backlog: what is to be built, a plan that will guide building it, and one or more team improvement items -Development Work handled by development team -Resultant Product Always ends with a retrospective, and when one ends another has to begin. Has to be less than 1 month. If you are running behind on a sprint, do less work and prioritize again


internal measure for scrum team

Product Backlog

items in the scope of the sprint (the what) and the development team's plan for realizing the sprint goal (How). Has a description and estimate, also called a forecast.

Command and Control Leadership

managers command these individuals with a certain direction. This is not SCRUM -this forces people to wait for their next task. -Project decision and directs will reflect the subjectivity of one commanding individual.

Managers of Organization

managers who set and manage larger strategies, define operational units, structure self-organized teams, and helps resolve organizational impediments to Agility Things outside their wheelhouse: hr management functions like hiring, firing, compensation, and other legal issues

The Definition of "Done" in a sprint

once a sprint is in motion, the definition of "Done" cannot be changed, and if it needs to be changed, it will end the sprint and create a new one. created by development team and product owner Coded, tested, defect-free (later defects cost more to fix)


openness of scrum team and stakeholders in expressing facts and truths about challenges and performances, increasing transparency and openness to collaborate

Scrum Inspector

person that determines that one or more aspects of a process deviate outside acceptable limits, and that the resulting product will be unacceptable, adjusts as soon as possible to minimize further deviation.

Agile Manifesto

proclamation of better way of working to create software. Written in 2001, by group of representatives of "alternative implementations of software delivery models" 1. individuals and interactions over process and tools, implements this value with self-organizing teams 2. working software over comprehensive documentation, implemented through sprints. 3. customer collaboration over contract negotiation, through the product owner role, optimized for work of the team through continuous collaboration with the development team. 4. responding to change over following a plan, implements this through Scrum events. Scrum events are time boxed. Resources and time shouldn't be wasted on lengthy documentation (Agile has documentation based on need)

Risk Plan

reduces risks of big commitments, accumulation of waste, a hidden weaknesses in product development abilities.

Transparency in Empiricism

refers to the significant aspects of the product development process that are defined by common standards and made visible so the observers will share the same understanding.


respecting each other as a capable and independent group to be trustworthy

Result of Sprint Review

revised product backlog that defines probable backlog items for the next sprint

What is the Sprint Backlog?

the Product Backlog items selected for this Sprint plus the plan for delivering them

Quality Plan

the scrum team as a whole owns the quality of the increment. The expected functional quality is specified in the tests -During a sprint, the quality goals do not decrease -During each sprint retrospective, the scrum team plans ways to increase product quality by adapting the definition of "Done" as appropriate -As a scrum team matures, it is expected that their definition of "Done" will expand to include stringent criteria

Forecast of Functionality (Commitment)

the selection of items from the Product Backlog a Development Team deems feasible for implementation in a Sprint.

Empiricism (transparency, Inspection, Adaption)

theory based on the concept that complex problems are hard to predict. 1. Divides complex problems into short-term iterations 2. Is uses small teams to perform these short weeks worth of work, which creates more visibility 3. Small development team creates a product increment which is a usable outcome, at the end of these few week. Increment is shared with stakeholders for inspection 4. New clarity emerges from feedback

Development Team Member

understand scrum and self-organize to focus and deliver the sprint goal. Improve the way of working Sprint by Sprint Manager the sprint backlog and their development work, but not people On scrum team is dedicated to them They can play another scrum role No difference between devs, they are all the same, but they can still personally enhance their special competencies and continue to specialize


when a team is located together. This is ideal -Closer working relationships -Collaboration -Enables face-to-face communication

User Story

written by product owner and team accepted by the product owner, and then becomes part of sprint higher the priority of a story, the more detailed it is (stories prioritized by value)

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