ISM 3011 - Midterm

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A motherboard is the main circuit board containing connectors for attaching additional boards.

Home Depot uses ________ to better manage inventory and improve the efficiency of its supply chain network

RFID tags

Before designing a database, you need to know the ____ ways information is viewed in a database


Data versus Information

Types of Data - primary - secondary Characteristics of valuable information - relevant - high quality - timely - complete

In computers, data is stored in ____


Data Collection on the Web

- Cookies are small text files with unique ID tags that are embedded in a Web browser and saved on the user's hard drive. - Log files, which are generated by Web server software, record a user's actions on a Web site.


A CPU case is also known as a computer chassis or tower. It is the enclosure containing the computer's main components.

computer and software

A computer is a machine that accepts data as input, processes data without human intervention by using stored instructions, and outputs information. Hardware components are physical devices, such as keyboards, monitors, and processing units. The software component consists of programs written in computer languages.

Data Mart

A data mart is usually a smaller version of a data ware- house, used by a single department or function. Data marts focus on business functions for a specific user group in an organization


A database is a collection of related data that is stored in a central location or in multiple locations.

Database Management System (DBMS)

A database management system (DBMS) is software for creating, storing, maintaining, and accessing database files. A DBMS makes using databases more efficient.

disk drive

A disk drive is a peripheral device for recording, storing, and retrieving information.

Computer Language

A system of letters, words, numbers, and symbols used to communicate with a computer. Computer languages have developed through four generations, and the fifth generation is currently being developed. -machine language, consists of a series of 0s and 1s representing data or instructions. -Assembly language -High-level languages -Fourth-generation languages (4GLs) -Fifth-generation languages (5GLs)

Internet Censorship: A Global Problem

As of late 2016, the top 10 Internet- censored countries were China, Syria, Iran, Ethiopia, Uzbekistan, Cuba, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Pakistan.

Using IT for gaining a competitive advantage

Big data analytics is able to provide key decision makers with unprecedented decision-making support and great potential for gaining a competitive advantage

Business Intelligence and Business Analytics.

Compared to business intelligence (BI), which was discussed earlier in this chapter, BA is more forward looking; it tells the user what is going to happen in the future rather than what has happened in the past. BI can help determine what happened, what the problem is, and what decisions need to be made based on the available data. BA can help determine why this is happening, what it will mean if the sales trend continues, and what actions should be taken

computer literacy

Computer literacy is skill in using productivity soft- ware, such as word processors, spreadsheets, database management systems, and presentation software, as well as having a basic knowledge of hardware and software, the Internet, and collaboration tools and technologies.

Explain the components and functions of a data ware- house. Data warehouses support decision-making applications and generate business intelligence.

Data in a data warehouse has the following characteristics: subject oriented, integrated, time variant, aggregate data, and purpose.

In 2012, a team of researchers from ______ manipulated the news feeds of approximately 700,000 users in order to measure whether emotions spread on social media


A NIC is also called an adoptive card


A modem is short for modulator-denominators


A recent study estimates the cost of cybercrime to the global economy is expected to reach $2 billion by 2019


An example of an unethical and illegal action is when you make two copies of a software package you just bought for personal use, in case the original software fails, and you need a backup


As of late 2016, there out of the top 10 Internet censored countries were China, Syria, and Greece


Data is the heart of an information system


In addition to hardware, software, and human elements, an information system includes three major components


Information technologies are broader in scope than information systems


The CPU is divided in 3 components


The heart of a DBMS software is the database generation


The main memory is the heart of the computer


There are three important aspects of computer and network security also known as the FBI triangle


To generate business intelligence, the database component of an information system needs access to three types of data


_____ has teamed up with five East Asian companies and is also building a 6,000 mile fiber optic underwater cable


_____ has teamed up with five East Asian companies and is also building a 6,000 mile fiber optic underwater cable.


Components of an Information System

In addition to hardware, software, and human elements, an information system includes four major components, which are: data, a database, a process, and information

IT job market

In the last decade the IT job market has been one of the fastest growing. Broadly speaking, IT jobs fall into the following categories: operations and help desk; programming; systems design; Web design and hosting; network design and maintenances; database design and maintenance; and robotics and artificial intelligence. They range from $52,000 for a programmer to over $180,000 for a CIO. Popular jobs in the information systems field are: CTO/CIO, Manager of Information Systems Services, Systems Analyst, Network Administrator, Database Administrator, Computer Programmer, Webmaster.

Using information systems and information technologies

Information systems are designed to collect data, process the collected data, and deliver timely, relevant, and useful information that can be used for making decisions. To achieve this goal, an information system might use many different information technologies. Computer networks (wired and wireless), database systems, POS systems, and radio-frequency-identification (RFID) tags are just a few examples of information technologies used to support information systems

input/output devices

Input devices, such as keyboards, are used to send data and information to the computer. Output devices, such as monitors and printers, display the output a computer generates.

Business Intelligence (BI)

It provides historical, current, and predictive views of business operations and environments and gives organizations a competitive advantage in the marketplace

Classes of Computers

Subnotebooks, notebooks, personal, minicomputers, mainframes, supercomputers

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

The arithmetic logic unit (ALU) performs arithmetic operations (1, 2, *, /) as well as comparison or relational operations (,, ., 5); the latter are used to compare numbers.

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

The central processing unit (CPU) is the heart of a computer. It is divided into two components: the arithmetic logic unit (ALU) and the control unit.

Porter's 5 Forces Model

The five forces are: -buyer power -supplier power -threat of substitute products or services -threat of new entrants -rivalry among existing competitors.

Three of the common unintentional actions are emailing the wrong recipient, data leaks and emailing sensitive data to a personal account


A process

The process component of an information system generates the most useful type of information for decision making, including transaction-processing reports and models for decision analysis.

A motherboard is the main circuit board inside a computer


BI is used in law enforcement as well as in the business world


Cloud storage may reduce the demand for some of the traditional storage devices or even replace some of them.


Information is the second most important resource (after the human element) in any organization


Location tracking can involve privacy concerns for users and ethical issues for IT personnel


Some employers tell their employees they are being monitored; some do not


There are five common topologies discussed in our book


Business Analytics (BA)

Uses data and statistical methods to gain insight into the data and provide decision makers with information they can act on. Popular tools include Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics.

Data Marts and data warehouses

___________ support local control, whereas ____________ support central control.

There are 3 important concepts regarding the Web and network privacy: nonrepudiation, accountability and __________.

acceptable use policies


consists of facts that have been analyzed by the process component and is an output of an information system


consists of raw facts and is a component of an information system.

TPS (Transaction Processing System)

focus on data collection and processing; the major reason for using them is cost reduction.

In a _______ database model, the relationships between records form a treelike structure.



improves database efficiency by eliminating redundant data and ensuring that only related data is stored in a table.

Types of Data in a Database

internal and external -Internal data is collected from within an organization and can include trans- action records, sales records, personnel records, and so forth. -External data comes from a variety of sources and is often stored in a data warehouse.

Privacy Issues

involve collecting, storing, and disseminating information about individuals There are three important concepts regarding the Web and network privacy: acceptable use policies, accountability, and nonrepudiation

green computing

involves the design, manufacture, use, and disposal of computers, servers, and computing devices (such as monitors, printers, storage devices, and networking and communications equipment) in such a way that there is minimal impact on the environment.


is a collection of all relevant data organized in a series of integrated files.


is a collection of data from a variety of sources used to support decision-making applications and generate business intelligence

intellectual property

is a legal umbrella covering protections that involve copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, and patents for "creations of the mind" developed by people or businesses. Intellectual property can be divided into two categories: indus- trial properties (inventions, trademarks, logos, etc) and copyrighted material (literary and artistic works).


is a link between devices connected to the computer. It can be parallel or serial, internal (local) or external.

A management information system (MIS)

is an organized integration of hardware and software technologies, data, processes, and human elements designed to produce timely, integrated, relevant, accurate, and useful information for decision-making purposes.

Data Hierarchy

is the structure and organization of data, which involves fields, records, and files.

Hackers, computer criminals and cyber criminals, could cost the American economy over $100 billion and ______ jobs per year.

none of the responses

Recently, _____ has been created, which is a type of malware designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid.



restriction on access to ideas and information

The Power of Computers

speed, accuracy, storage and retrieval

data dictionary

stores definitions, such as data types for fields, default values, and validation rules for data in each field.

information technology

support information systems and use the Internet, computer networks, database systems, POS systems, and radio-frequency-identification (RFID) tags.

Primary Key

uniquely identifies every record in a relational database. Examples include student in a table. Normalization ID numbers, account numbers, Social Security numbers, and invoice numbers.

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