ITSM Implementation Cert

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The valid to date should be dynamic depending on the validity of the content

Whats the best practice when setting Valid to Dates for Knowledge Articles


Where are CI relationships stored?

Use the UI Action communicate workaround

How do you communicate workaround for a problem?


How do you reference producer variables in producer script

Over 500+

How many classes extend the Base Configuration Item(cmdb) ?

From the knowledge base related list.

How to create knowledge categories?

New, In Progress, On hold, Resolved

Incident states that are considered active?


Is Archiving incidents enabled by default in the baseline version of ServiceNow?


Is the Post Implementation Review mandatory upon closure of a change by default OOTB?

No, User criteria can only be set at the Knowledge Base Level

Is user criteria available for Knowledge Articles?

Knowledge Base

Knowledge Workflow is defined at what level?

Container Variables Email HTML Lookup Multiple Choice The service catalog on mobile devices does not support the following variable types: • Break • Container variables • Duration • Email • HTML • Label • List Collector • Lookup Multiple Choice • Macro • Macro With Label • Masked • Multiple Choice • UI Page • URL

Mobile devices using the service catalog do not support which of the following variable types. Select all that match.


What is the default 'valid to' date for a knowledge article?

One day - Default number of days to close Resolved incidents is 24 Hours.

What is the default number of days after which incident is resolved?


What is the default state of an article if you click 'post news' from a problem?

the intent of the watch list is to copy people on notifications sent to the caller.

What is the intent of the watch list when it comes to notifications.

The Intent of the work notes list is to copy people on notifications sent to the assignee or other internal recipients.

What is the intent of the work notes list when it comes to notifications.


What is the name of the view that is used to control the fields displayed when a user hovers over the reference icon?

Display the state of the change request

What is the purpose of the formatter on the change request form?


What is the state of the Knowledge Article created by using the Post Knowledge UI Action on a problem record?

To highlight current stage and stage history

What is the use of Process Flow formatter?

Change Interceptors

What is used to change the Change Create options on "Create New" in the change module

Caller if the incident

What kind of end user would be able to close and incident even though they have no roles?

Use the reassignment count field

What method is used to identify first call resolutions for incidents?

ecmdb_admin, or cmdb_admin

What role can delete Configuration Items?

Assess and Authorize.

What states are not used with a Standard Change?

State Changes to Resolved and Resolution notes Copied from parent incident to activity log

What will happen to all child incidents if the parent incident is resolved?

UI Action Script

What would need to be changed if you wish to map to additional fields to the 'post news' ui action?

Cause has been determined by there is no permanent fix.

When should a problem be put in state of 'known error'?

The Choice Table (sys_choice)

Where are choices stored in the database?

On the knowledge Base Record

Where do you set (Can Read)/(Can Contribute) on a knowledge base?

Support Group -Support group is for incident process and Assignment group is for change process

Which field is used in a configuration item record that may be used help with routing and resolution?


Which field on the incident table tracks the total elapsed time between the incident being created and resolved?

Support Connect - You must enable Support Chat in order to be able to create an incident using chat.

Which function is used to create an incident via chat?


Which of the following ITIL terms refers to the cause of one or more incidents that are typically unknown issues at the time of detection?

Approval and Fulfilment

Which of the following is not included in the 'incident management' life cycle?

Approval and fulfilment

Which of the following is not included in the 'incident management' life cycle?

Change Manager

Who is responsible for the smooth operation of the 'change management' process?


True of False: In the baseline knowledge management, knowledge bases are limited.


A knowledge base article versioning is available from which release of the platform?

kb_use - OOTB report on "Knowledge Use", which seems to list anytime someone looks at a knowledge article. There is a column called "Used" which shows true/false values.

A record is added to which table each time a knowledge article is viewed?


Are scheduled jobs added to update Sets?

No or False

Are surveys enabled for all ITSM Modules by default?

Modify the system properties.

Best way to add new fields to be copied when using the "Copy Change" UI Action


Can g_scratchpad be used in Catalog Items

Both Catalog item and variable set - Catalog UI policies control the behavior of catalog item forms when presented to your users. Catalog UI policies can be applied to a catalog item or a variable set.

Catalog UI polices can be applied to ________________?


Change tasks extended from which table?


From __________ table, all technical CI's gets extended ?

Open Incident --> click on context menu-->select propose standard change

From the choices below, which is not a correct way you can propose a standard change?

Department Location Users Groups TSM guided setup helps you configure common platform settings with these activity categories: Company In the Company category, configure the company name, logo, and color theme to reflect your corporate brand. Also configure default system settings such as the time zone and the date and time formats. Connectivity In the Connectivity category, configure your instance to support inbound and outbound email notification. Also integrate the instance with your existing LDAP and single sign-on (SSO) solutions. Foundation Data If you do not use Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) to import data into your instance, complete the activities in the Foundation Data category. Use the Foundation Data category to import users, groups, group members, companies, departments, and locations. Also assign roles to groups.

Guided setup provides a step by step instruction for loading functional data which includes? Select all that suit.

Additional comments are used for end users and worknotes are for itil users

How are additional comments and work notes used in notifications?


If change approver rejects a normal change, what will the state of the be change set to?

The default view if the form will be used.

If no sys_popup view is defined for a table then what will be used when hovering over the Reference Icon?

Upon Close Incident

In a baseline incident, when does the knowledge article get created if knowledge checkbox is selected?

Upon Close Incident - Select the Knowledge check box in the Closure Information section. Resolve and close the incident. Closing the incident triggers the business rule Incident Create Knowledge. By default, the business rule creates a knowledge article in the Draft workflow state. The incident Short description becomes the article Short description. The incident Additional comments become the article Text. If the knowledge submission workflow is enabled, the incident Short description and Additional comments become a knowledge submission instead of an article.

In a baseline incident, when does the knowledge article get created if knowledge checkbox is selected?


In baseline CMDB, what is the minimum role required to delete records in CI class manager?

Re-Assignment Count - This is based on the reassignment count on the incident table and is triggered on the business rule (reassignment counter) that is on the task table.

In baseline incident, Which field shows 'first time to resolve'?

Problem will be closed automatically

In baseline install of the change management module, what will happen to the state of an associated problem whose state was in 'pending change'?

IT Service Management & Finance Management

In baseline servicenow, what functionalities will handle Hardware and software assets, and Price of assets?

Script Include - incorporate the new logic in the incidentState script include

In incident management, to impose a limit for moving from one state to another, where should the New logic be added?

script include - Incorporate new logic in the IncidentState script include

In incident management, to impose a limit for moving from one state to another, where should the New logic be added?

SLA Calandar

In incident, which of the following options are used to calculate the value of the business duration?


In the Automated Test Framework, are the test records available once the tests have been executed?

Contains::Contained Runs on::Runs Depends on::Used By Connected by::Connects to

In the baseline install of the CMDB, select all the CI relationship types are available? Select all that suit.

No or False

In the baseline instance does a caller's VIP status drive incident priority or any other process logic?


In the baseline version, Are Knowledge management approvals enabled by default?

It allows CAB managers to easily create one time or recurring CAB meetings

Multiple Selection: CAB workbench functionalities include __________? Select all that match.

Type of Conflict Maintenance Window Affected Ci Schedule The Conflicts section provides information such as affected CIs, type of conflict, schedule, conflicting changes, and time and date details regarding when the conflict detection was last run. Conflict detection identifies when changes are scheduled at the same time or impact the same configuration items (CIs) and related CIs. You can run conflict detection automatically or manually. Conflict detection also highlights when a change occurs outside of the maintenance schedule or during a blackout schedule so that you can reschedule the change.

Multiple Selection: In Baseline Change Management, what are all parameters shown in conflict section? Select all that matches.

Describe Needs Choose options Check out

Multiple Selection: Which steps are part of ordering process used via the 'order guide'? Select all that match.

Request canceled, closed incomplete and complete

Workflow stages available for Change Request in the baseline

Risk Assement

Select the ServiceNow functionality that may be used to Access the phase of Change management to evaluate the potential impact of the change.

Move to implement state - actual start and when change moves to review state - actual end

The 'actual start' and 'actual end' fields are populated when the change ______________?

Moves to Implement state- (Actual Start) and When change move to Review State(Actual End)

The 'actual start' and 'actual end' fields are populated when the change ______________?


The baseline version of ServiceNow provides Knowledge article versioning.


True or False: 'User criteria' is not applicable on Knowledge bases.

False-Request is associated with one or more RITMs

True or False: A Request Item may be associated with one or more requests.


True or False: A problem can be created from incident.


True or False: Catalog user criteria can be applicable on Requested Item and catalog category?


True or False: Catalog user criteria can be applicable on Requested Item and catalog category?


True or False: Creation and classification are steps in incident life cycle process.


True or False: Implementation and post-implementation tasks will allow you to create normal, standard and emergency changes.


True or False: In baseline incident management, Request can be created from Incident context menu?


True or False: In the baseline incident management, a request can be created from the incident context menu.


True or False: In the baseline instance, does a caller's VIP status drive the incident priority or any other process logic?


True or False: SLA Workflow is used to time breach warning and breach notice email.


True or False: Similar to Incidents, Requests will be resolved first, and then closed later automatically by auto-close.


True or False: The goal of incident management is to restore service as quickly as possible

False - Itil user can archive incident and Itil_admin can delete incident

True or False: Users with the itil role can delete incident

False - itil_admin can delete problem

True or False:Users with the itil role can delete a problem.


True or false: By default, Request items are visible in a maximum of two columns from service portal.


We see user's email in the caller field on an incident form. Which attributes do we use to set this?

CI Class Manager

What ServiceNow tool can be used to explore CMDB classes?

Users Full Name and Email Address

What columns of the Caller field are displayed in the Baseline Servicenow instance


What field on the configuration item can be used for identifying Approval group for the CI


What is the base class in the CMDB?

Should be Categorize to easily understand by all users

What is the best practice for developing the service catalog categories?

Use a global constant incident.state_value

What is the best practice to use Incident State value in scripting?

Contextual Search

______________ results are displayed in the related search when an incident short description is entered?

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