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What is the length of follow-up in the JAG program?

12 months

How many hours would one have to work to be considered a full-time employee?

35-40 hours per week

Feature or quality of character

A distinguishing trait

When you see the word "felony" on a job application, what does it mean?

A serious crime

The short form of a word used in writing, for example, Dec. for December


Things you can do well; natural or acquired skill or talents


Being away from work often


To close a chapter meeting or session


Being promoted to a better paying job


The specialist who serves as the overseer and provides help in conducting chapter career association activities


Closely associated with another


A program that many companies have now adopted that looks for qualified people who have been discriminated against in the past in order to hire, train, and promote

Affirmative action

In what city and state is the national JAG headquarters located?

Alexandria, Virginia

A strong desire to succeed, to do well, or to get ahead in life


A change made in a previous motion


What does ADA stand for?

American with Disabilities Act

The number of jobs that are available each year

Annual openings

Laws that prohibit a business from monopolizing a particular market

Antitrust laws

A person who applies for or asks for something like a license or job


A form filled out when seeking a job or asking for something


A set time to do something or meet someone


An on-the-job training system - learn a skilled trade from an experienced worker and/or through classroom instruction


A type of test that might access an applicant's general capabilities for certain kinds of work

Aptitude test

A way of putting things together so that there is a line of workers, each with a specific job to complete and end-product

Assembly work

A useful or valuable thing or quality


Given information about a job - where working and with whom


The way one acts, feels, or thinks about something


Reducing the number of employees by not replacing those who leave, retire, or die


Education, training, and experience


An itemized account, issued by the bank, of checks you have written and deposits you have made into your checking account

Bank statement

Any activity on a bank account usually in the form of a deposit or withdrawal

Bank transaction

Those items contributed by one's employer (i.e. health insurance, sick days, vacation, etc.)


A proposal presented to a legislative body for possible enactment as a law


A legal paper or document listing the date, place, and parents' names issued at the time of a person's birth

Birth certificate

The town or city, state, and country where one is born


Manual workers, usually those employed in production, maintenance, and related occupations, paid by the hour or according to the amount they produce

Blue-collar workers

What is the name of the policy-making board that oversees the National JAG Program?

Board of Directors

Insured or garanteed


Money given to an employee in addition to salary


A part of a business, such as a bank, that is located in a place separate from the main headquarters


Brief interruption in the workday, usually 5 to 15 minutes long, during which workers rest, smoke, or take refreshments without loss of pay


An estimated cost of living or a plan adjusting expenses to income


You begin every word in your address and all sentences with what?

Capital letter

One who controls and uses the capital by which goods and services are produced under a free enterprise system


A person's work or job, such as a police officer, nurse, etc.


Help in finding out the kind of work you would like to do and one in which you would be good

Career counseling

The plan of action which outlines the specific steps a person must take to reach a specific goal

Career path

A document which attest to ones qualifications or level of training


When you are employed, what are the channels of employee supervision from bottom to top level called?

Chain of command

An illness that lasts for a long time

Chronic illness

Jobs with the federal government, except the jobs of judges, law-makers, and military personnel

Civil service jobs

Section of the newspaper one might look to find job openings

Classifieds/help wanted

The employees with whom one works


In a workplace driven by technology, what is the number one requisite for the best job

College degree

A fee or percentage allowed to a salesperson or agent for services rendered - may be additions to a guaranteed salary rate or else may constitute pay


A body of persons delegated to consider or take action on some matter


The ability to talk and listen to others


A school that teaches a craft or skill and prepares people to work in a trade

Community college

To travel regularly between one's home in one community and work in another community


A business or firm


The process of reconciling competing views and interest in order to find the position most acceptable to the larger number


An officer responsible for financial planning


Kept secret-not to be disclosed


Any person that buys or uses goods or services to satisfy personal needs


A formal agreement between two or more parties, usually written


Being found guilty of a crime and sentenced by a court


Willing to work well with others


Raising or lowering wages or salaries in accordance with changes in the cost-of-living

Cost-of-living adjustment

Usually, a skilled occupation requiring a thorough knowledge of the processes


Receiving money either directly or indirectly to buy goods and services in present with the promise to pay for them in the future


The expressions of beliefs or philosophy of being a member of the career association and what the membership means


A judgement, usually unfavorable but can be favorable


Facts, figures, information


Interest falls into three categories. What are they?

Data, people, and things

Payment, usually a lump sum, provided to a worker's beneficiary in the event of the worker's death

Death benefit

Money that is taken out of one's total pay, i.e. FICA, income tax


In what state and in what year did JAG first originate?

Delaware, 1978

What are the two major political parties in the United States?

Democrat and Republican

To have your job or title lowered; to get less pay; to be lowered in rank or grade


An insurance plan that pays for part or all of the cost of an employees dental work

Dental plan

People who depend on someone else for their financial support


What does DOT mean?

Dictionary or Occupational Titles

Any injury or illness, temporary or permanent, which prevents workers from carrying on their usual occupations


Having a physical condition that prevents a person from doing a certain thing or certain kinds of work


Dismissal of a worker from employment


Unequal treatment of workers in hiring, emolument, pay, or conditions of work because of race, national origin, creed, color, sex, age or characteristics not related to ability of job performance; the act of showing partiality or prejudice


A person who has lost a job and whose skills are obsolete

Displaced worker

To have a certain amount of money taken out of your pay, usually as a punishment for coming to work late


What does PhD stand for

Doctorate degree

Premium rate for overtime work,work on Sundays or holidays, or other work, amounting to twice the employee's regular rate of pay for each hour worked

Double time

The way people are expected to dress on jobs

Dress code

The assigned activities of a specific job


To make money, to get paid for work done


A list of schools which you have attended (includes addresses and dates)

Educational history

Meeting certain requirements


One who works for another for salary, wages, or other consideration


A form filled out by the boss to give an opinion of work done by the employee

Employee rating sheet

General form for any individual, corporation, or other operating group which hires employees


A private service which finds jobs for people, usually for a fee

Employment agency

An employment agency run by the government - offers services, such as career counseling and vocational testing, providing testing, providing information about job openings, and assisting people in finding jobs

Employment service

To write one's signature on the back of a check


An individual who organizes a business undertaking


A position which requires little or no training

Entry-level position

An employer who hires the best person for the job without consideration of race, religion, sex or age

Equal opportunity employer

A federal law saying that workers cannot be paid less because of their sex - men and women must get paid equal pay if the work on the same job

Equal pay for equal work

Principals of moral conduct that govern an individual or group


When a supervisor provides a written critique of an employee's performance


The branch of the U.S. Government responsible for executing the laws


Name the three branches of the U.S. government

Executive Judicial Legislative

What do you receive from working that you cannot spend?


Activities that are not a part of the regular curriculum (i.e. athletics, clubs, plays etc.)


A federal law that protects workers, covers the minimum wage, overtime pay, equal pay wage garnishment, and child labor

Fair labor standard act

When you receive your paycheck, you will see several areas of withholdings. What does F.I.C.A. mean?

Federal Insurance Contribution Act or Social Security tax

A job obtained through an employment agency for which the fee is paid by the employer

Fee-paid position

To fill out and sign a letter or form complaining about a rule of law

File a complaint

Told by the boss to leave a job


Company or business


Weekly work schedules in which workers, with approval of their supervisors, plan work hours that allow them to combine job and family responsibilities


A person who is in charge of a group of workers


General plan of organization or arrangement


Past; previous


An economic system in which individuals are free to start and run their own businesses

Free Enterprise System

When reading the want ads, abbreviations are often used. What does FT and PT mean?

Full time Part time

Name the two types of résumés.

Functional Chronological

Pay to a worker; usually for a limited period of time such as up to three days for time lost because of the death and funeral of a member of worker's immediate family

Funeral leave pay

A certificate given to someone who didn't graduate from high school but who has passed an exam which entitles him/her to receive an equivalent to a high school diploma


A legal attachment to an employee's wages to pay a debt owed by the worker to someone other than the employee; to take money directly from wages before paid to worker


A job résumé is helpful in providing information on your previous work history. What else can it help with?

Getting an interview

A marketplace spread throughout the world that entwines the economics of all countries

Global economy

Many employers divide the twenty-four hour workday into three shifts:7 a.m. - 3p.m.; 3p.m. - 11p.m.; 11p.m. - 7a.m.

Graveyard shift

What do the letters GNAP refer to in an interview?

Greeting Name Affiliation Purpose

Any complaint or expressed dissatisfaction by employees in connection with their jobs, pay, or other aspects of work


They way the contract dictates that complaints against the boss must be settled

Grievance procedure

Total dollar value of all final goods and services produced by a nation during a given period of time

Gross National Product (GNP)

They total amount of pay before deductions are taken out

Gross pay

A danger


The state of your health at the present time

Health status

jobs that involve creating computer hardware, software, and networks and other jobs involving new technology

High-tech jobs

A certain amount of time during which an employer stops hiring people

Hiring freeze

Which career association officer serves as the chairperson for the chapter scrapbook committee


Plan that provides workers, and in many cases their dependents as well, with hospital room and board or cash allowances toward the cost of such care

Hospitalization benefits

Usually, the rate of pay, expressed in dollars and cents per hour, for workers paid on a time basis

Hourly rate

The manner in which one relates to others

Human relations

Against the law-not allowed by law


A foreigner who enters another country without authorization

Illegal alien

A person who comes to a new country to live permanently


Used to address a letter to someone who is staying or living with someone else

In care of (c/o)

Arranged by dates, from earliest date to present

In chronological order

Providing an employee with certain lucrative rewards in order to reach certain performance standards and goals

Incentive pay

The tax that is placed on income or wages

Income tax

What is the name of the ceremony in which new members and officers are inducted into the Alabama Career Association?

Initiation and Installation Ceremony

Pay to a union required of workers when they join

Initiation fee

The spirit needed to begin action


Careful check-an examination


The charge for borrowed money that is generally a percentage of the amount borrowed


A company that has offices and does business in more than one company

International company

Face-to-face meeting = meeting arranged for a discussion of some matter


A person whose job is to talk to people and find out about them


All the items of merchandise that are in a store and for sale


To commit money in order to earn a financial return or profit


In an official meeting, what does it mean when a motion is tabled?

It is postponed

The Career Association competitive event which requires a team of four members

JAG Bowl

A written statement listing the elements of a particular job or occupation - statement may include the purpose of the job, duties, equipment used, qualifications, training requirements, physical and mental demands, arms working conditions

Job description

A rating of how well an employee functions on the job

Job performance

Listing of available jobs, usually on a bulletin board, so employees may bid for promotions or transfers

Job posting

The job wanted and/or preferred

Job preference

The education, training, skills, or experiences needed to get a specific job

Job requirements

Little chance of losing a job or being laid off

Job security

When you go to the work place of a person employed in your interest area and observe all the work done by that person

Job shadowing

The adult person who works for JAG students

Job specialist

The name of a job or a position

Job title

Jobs for Alabama's Graduates (JAG) is affiliated with what national program?

Jobs for America's Graduates

The branch of government that interprets the law


Pay or allowances paid by some employers to workers who serve on jury duty during working hours

Jury duty pay

Involuntary separation from employment for a temporary or indefinite period through no fault of the worker


Information about a job opening


State the four goals of the Alabama Career Association.

Leadership development Career preparation Community service Social awareness

Excused time away from work - may be used for sickness, vacations and personal or other reasons, may be paid or unpaid


A certain period of time during which permission is granted by the boss for an employee to be absent from the job

Leave of absence

Written or printed clearly; easy to read


The branch of government that makes the laws


A letter sent to establish contact with an employer that will lead to a job interview

Letter of application

A letter which tells about that applicant, describing qualities, performances, etc. written by someone other than applicant

Letter of reference

A type of letter that should be written to the employer when planning to leave a job

Letter of resignation

Something that is a drawback or disadvantage


A legal paper issued by the government giving permission to do something


Things that you hope to achieve years from now

Long-term goals

Name one type of graduate degree. MS etc.


The surname a woman uses from birth; may be changed upon marriage

Maiden name

A person who is receiving on-the-job training as a manager

Management trainee

What is the name of the state JAG director?

Mandy Nichols

A company that makes products


A persons legal situation in terms of marriage; person may be single, married, separated, divorced, or widowed

Marital status

A type of test that requires you to pair one set of facts with other set of facts

Matching test

Health and insurance plan benefits payable to women workers absent because of pregnancy and childbirth

Maternity benefits

the ability to work with machines and/or tools

Mechanical ability

An individual who provides guidance and support on a professional or nonprofessional level


An increase in a worker's pay rate, usually given on the basis of such criteria as efficiency and performance

Merit increase

System of advancing at work based on job performance and the worker's qualifications for the next level

Merit promotion system

Having to do with a large city


The least amount of money for which an individual is willing to work

Minimum acceptable salary

The least amount of money regulated by law that workers can get paid

Minimum wage per hour

Written records of a chapter meeting


A crime less serious than a felony


A unit or component


A business that has no competitions


What is the location of the state JAG office?

Montgomery, Alabama

Simultaneously holding more than one paid job; for example, a worker may hold a full time job with one employer and a part time job with another


A formal proposal used to get a matter before the members at a chapter meeting


A type of question that offers four or five possible answers

Multiple choice questions

Investment company that pools money of many individuals to buy stocks or bonds or other investments

Mutual fund

The kind or type of business for which you work

Name of business

The youth organization which all JAG students are affiliated

National Career Association

Legal process by which a person born a citizen of one country becomes a citizen of another country


Give one word that describes how to look when going on an interview.


To talk something over until it is settled


Pay you receive from your employer after all deductions have been made

Net pay

In a chapter meeting, the matters which have not been formally discussed before but are brought up for the first time

New business

In a meeting, what is the formal presentation of the name of a candidate for an office to be filled?


Particular item on the form or application that does not apply to one's situation

Not applicable (N/A)

The part of the fraction written above the line that signifies the number of parts of the denominator taken


That which stands in the way; a hindrance


The kind of work done; one's job


Accidents or injuries where a worker gets hurt on the job

Occupation accidents

A government agency that sets and endorses safety and standards at work places

Occupational Safety & Health Administration

What type of work is clerical work?

Office work

Where would you find the following: name, address, phone number, job objective, education, work experience skills, interest and references?

On a résumé

Organizing, supervising, administering, calculating, recording, cutting, stocking, distributing, and arranging are action words that can be used where?

On your résumé

Training that one gets while working and being paid

On-the-job training

Unfilled jobs; vacancies


A diagram showing the employees of a company or a specific division; or department chart showing who reports to whom

Organizational chart

Work performed in excess of the basic workday or workweek, as defined by law, the collective bargaining agreement, or company policy


Payment at premium rates-time and one-half or double-time, for example - for work defined as overtime

Overtime pay

Days of special religious, cultural, social or patriotic significance on which work or business ordinarily ceases - employees receive full pay without working

Paid holidays

Days when a person is sick and doesn't work but still receives salary

Paid sick days

Excused leaves of absence, with full pay, granted to workers annually for purposes of rest and recreation

Paid vacations

A person whose job is to assist professionals in their work, such as a teacher's aide, dental/medical assistant, or x-Ray technician


The rules and precedents which govern the proceedings of a deliberative body

Parliamentary procedure

A business that two or more individuals own and operate for their own profit


The part of a paycheck that shows employer and gross and net salary; the part kept for employees records

Pay stub

Amount withheld from employees' earnings by the employer for social security, federal and state income taxes, and other governmental requirements; also amounts withheld for union dues, group insurance premiums, and other programs for which employee's authorize payments

Payroll deductions

Frequency with which workers' wages are calculated and paid, usually weekly, bi-weekly, or semi-monthly

Payroll period

Money taken directly from earnings before payment is made to employee for deposit into a savings account by the employer

Payroll savings plan

The amount of money a person would receive upon retirement from a job


Any plan whose primary purpose is to provide regular payments for life to employees upon retirement

Pension plan

The place where an individual lives most of the time; permanent home

Permanent address

An inventory of one's personal qualities

Personal assessment

Excused leave for reasons important to the individual worker but not provided through vacation or sick leave

Personal leave

The persons employed in a business/institution/industry


The section of a company in which people are hired; the office which handles people-related situation

Personnel office

Form found in pay envelope usually meaning worker is being laid off

Pink slip

A job title


The job wanted

Position desired

Many employers place a high value on neatness, cleanliness, and proper clothing, but they also view one other area of importance. What is this?

Positive attitude

The ability to learn a new job or do well in the future


Compensation at greater than regular rates, as overtime pay or shift differentials

Premium pay

Which career association officer appoints members to serve in committee?


Who is the head of the executive branch of the U.S. government?

President of the United States

The main things done on a job - most important duties performed

Principal task

Usually a specified period of time, such as 30, 60, or 90 days, during which a newly hired employee is on trial prior to establishing seniority or becoming a regular employee

Probationary period

The number resulting from the multiplication of two or more numbers


The money made after costs (expenses) are subtracted


Any procedure under which an employer pays employees a share of the profits of the business as a whole in addition to their regular pay

Profit-sharing plan

A plan of action or objectives of all career association chapters to be accomplished over a specified period of time

Program of work

To forbid; not to allow


Advancement; getting a job that is better and that usually pays more


Punctual; taking place at the appointed time


When seeking employment, what are the two sectors called?

Public and private

On time


The skills, education, and experience that suits a person to a certain job


Competent; suited; having met the requirements for a specific job or task


The number of members needed to conduct business at an official meeting


The number resulting from the division of one number from another


An official position or grade in the military


The amount of money a person is paid per hour, per month, or per year

Rate of pay

A person whose job is to answer the telephone and greet people when they enter an office


State the colors of the Alabama Career Association.

Red, white and blue

The person(s) to whom one seeking employment may refer an employer wanting recommendations


Applicant will give names and address of references when requested

References upon request

Being sent to an employer for an interview for a job


Part of a checkbook where bank transactions are recorded


Hours worked that do not total more than 40 hours (usually) in a week

Regular hours

Happens at a set time


A rule


Individual given back a job


Dependable; when someone is considered to be dependable


To move to another geographical location


Which career association officer prepares articles for publication in school and local newspapers?


When an employee does something wrong at work, he/she may receive a verbal or written on of these


The place where an employee lives; length of time there


A person who has lived in a place for a certain length of time


Able to seek and acquire information and assistance from various resources


Things worker has to do


The sale of goods in small quantities which are sold directly to the consumer


Withdrawal from working life or from particular employment, with an income, because of age, disability, achievement of specified number of years of service, or other reasons


What are the names of the two U.S. senators who represent Alabama?

Richard Shelby Jeff Sessions

State legislation which prohibits any requirement that a worker join a union in order to keep a job

Right-to-work law

A short written record of information about applicant; contains personal data about education and work experience


A fixed payment for services; generally for official or professional services


The rate of pay, from lowest to highest amount, that a person can own for a particular job

Salary range

An account in a bank on which interest is paid and from which withdrawals can be made

Savings account

An arrangement under which payroll deductions are made, with the worker's consent, for investment or savings to which the employer might also contribute

Savings plan

To choose, from a group, certain people for training or for a job


Which Career Association officer will be responsible for recording the minutes and roll call of meetings?


Working for oneself - owning a business


A proper regard for oneself as a human being


What are the two governing bodies that make up the legislative branch of the U.S. government?

Senate and House of Representatives

Term used to designate an employee's status relative to other employees and used in determining order of promotions, layoffs, vacations, etc.


User fee charged by a bank each month

Service charge

A group of jobs that are done by people who serve the public, such as barbers, police officers, etc.

Service occupations

Money paid by an employer to displaced employees, generally upon permanent termination of employment with no chance of recall

Severance pay

The daily working schedule of a plant of its employees


Additional compensation paid to workers employed other than at a regular daytime hour's

Shift differentiation

Period of time during which a worker may be absent without loss of job or seniority if unable to work because of illness or accident

Sick leave

An employee trained in a specific profession, such as in the building trades, technical jobs or in managerial and administrative work

Skilled worker

Those abilities which can be used in performing a special task


A federal law establishing a national social insurance program and providing for retirement income and survivors' and disability payments to eligible workers or their families; and needy; and unemployment insurance

Social security act

The 9-digit number that employers need to keep a correct record of your earnings to determine your future benefits

Social security number

Business owned by one person

Sole proprietorship

Special abilities, such as typing, speaking a foreign language, etc., that are useful in a certain job or in obtaining a job

Special skills

Husband or wife


The annual state meeting of all career association members where the program of competitive events takes place

State Career Development Conference

The situation in your life at the moment; the legal condition of a person or thing


A fixed or Regular payment, such as salary for services rendered, or an allowance


A plan allowing employees or officers of a company the privilege of purchasing company stock at a certain price at a time of their own choosing

Stock option plan

A plan enabling employees to purchase stock in company, with or without employer contributions, generally under more favorable terms than are available in the open market

Stock purchase plan

Time worked at the regular pay rate, as distinguished from overtime

Straight time

Temporary stoppage of work by a group of employees to express a grievance, enforce a demand for changes in the conditions of employment, obtain recognition, or resolve a dispute with management


A plan whereby employees' ideas that may increase efficiency or improve operations or safety are channeled to the attention of management; usually combined with a system of rewards for usable ideas

Suggestion system

The boss; person in charge


Knowledge of what is fit, proper, right and considerate


Declaration of taxable income and the exemptions and deductions claimed; filled with the Internal Revenue Service

Tax return

A job that will last for only a relative short period of time

Temporary employment

The act of ending


What is the name generally given to the first ten amendments of the United States constitution?

The Bill of Rights

In 1964, this was created to prohibit employers from discriminating in employment in the following areas: race, color, region, or national origin. What was it called?

The Civil Rights Act of 1964

How does one learn to do things well?

Through training and experience

Premium pay consisting of one and one-half times the employee's regular rate

Time and one-half

Someone who is trained while working on the job


A program of courses that teach new skills that will be used on the job

Training program

Which career association officer is responsible for keeping up-to-date financial records?


Plan providing for payment by an employer of part or all of the costs of job-related training costs undertaken by employees

Tuition payment plan

A word that describes the loss of employees who quit their jobs


Notice to employer of worker's intent to quit at a given time in the future

Two weeks notice

Upon completing the necessary requirements for graduation at a college or university in four years, you will be rewarded what type of degree?

Undergraduate degree

A joint federal-state program under which state-administered funds provide payments to eligible unemployed persons for specified periods of time

Unemployment insurance

What are motions that have not yet been decided and have been left over from preceding meetings?

Unfinished business

An employee who is without training, such as a janitor, physical laborer, clerk, or household worker

Unskilled worker

An official paper or stamp in a person's possession which allows that individual to enter and travel on another country


Empty; Unfilled


Principals or beliefs that cause a person to act in certain ways


One who has a long record of service in a given activity or capacity; one who has been a member of the armed forces


A chief executive's power to reject a bill passed by a legislature


Which Career Association officer presides over chapter meetings in the absence of the president


Work for which one is not paid


Form which shows the total pay the person earned during the calendar year and how much was taken out for taxes; filled with one's yearly income tax return

W-2 form

A form filled in by an employee showing how many people he/she claims as exemptions

W-4 forms

Monetary compensation for a given unit of time--$5 an hour, for example, or $40 a day - a pay per unit of output

Wage rate

Payment for services rendered; usually a fixed amount paid by the hour or day or week


Term used to describe office, clerical, administrative, sales, professional, and technical employees, as distinguished from production and maintenance workers who are usually called blue-collar workers

White-collar workers

Selling of goods in large quantities and at lower prices


Having lost a spouse through death


Income tax money that is paid, deducted from a gross pay by the employer, and paid to the federal government

Withholding tax

Periods of time when worker does not have a job; on résumé shown by a list of the dates

Work gaps

What must a person under 18 years old obtain before he/she can work on a non-farm related job

Work permit

A payment made by the employer to a fund which is maintained for employees injured on the job

Worker's compensation

What is considered part-time employment?

Working less than 35 hours per week

What do you usually put in the upper left hand corner of an envelope?

Your return address

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