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What was the fine for violating the seditation act


What was the jail time

2 years

Candidates for DR in 1796

Aaron burr Thomas Jefferson

What stated that the president foreign residents from our nation

Alien act

Who did Adams send to Paris to try and solve our differences and develop a treaty

Charles Pinckney John Marshall Elbridge Gerry

Jobs support DR

Craftspeople small farmers western settlers southern plantation owners

1st ammendment rights wanted


Favored French


For common man


What was the problem with Adams and Jefferson

Different political standpoints

Believed loose interpretation


Favored British


Wanted censorship


Wanted rich to rule


strong central government


I What two political parties were established in 1796

Federalist democratic republican

The Party passed the And. Acts in a attempt to weaken. Party

Federalist sedition democratic republican

After this incident What did the Federalist Party want adams to do

Federalist to go to war with France Adams sent delegation

How did John Adams feel about being vice prez

Felt like a useless job and to intelligent for it

During Adams presidency what country are we having trouble with


What college did he attend?


candidates of federalist in 1796

John adams Thomas Pinckney

Jobs support federalist

Lawyers merchants manufacturers shipbuilders priests

What state was Adams from


Adams added a cabinet what were all 5

Navy State Treasury War Justice

As a result of the XYZ affair The government began to spend more money on what

Navy and defending the nation

3 important events Adams participated during the revolutionary war

Negotiate treaty of Paris Wrote defense of the constitution Edited D.0.I

Regions supported the Federalist Party

New England mid Atlantic

Explain what happened why these three men made a request to speak with the French foreign minister

Play what meet for a 250.,000 bright and a 10 million

2 famous relatives of John Adams

Sam Adams was his cousin when was rebel leader of sons of liberty his son was the 6 th prez

What stated that citizens could not write print or publish anti-government material

Seditation act

Regions supported DR

South and west

Who was the French foreign minister


Why was the Sedition Act unpopular?

There was no freedom of speech

Who was Adams' vice president?

Thomas Jefferson

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