Judaism Exam 2:

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Which of the following terms refers to the braided bread often eaten for the Shabbat meal? a) Challah b) Havdalah c) Kiddush d) Kashrut

a) Challah

In which year was the attack of Sennacherib's Assyrian forces on the kingdom of Judah? a) 922 BCE b) 732 BCE c) 701 BCE d) 609 BCE

c) 701 BCE

Which of the following is the spring festival of Judaism? a ) Rosh Hashannah b) Sukkot c) Passover d) Hanukkah

c) Passover

Which of the following terms applies to food which is neutral in Jewish dietary law? a) Kosher b) Kashrut c) Treif d) Parave

d) Parave/ Pareve

What occasion do jews not use the tefillin/phylacteries?

evening. Jews use them in morning not evening.

What is halakah?

halakah literally means "the way" or "the walk". It refers to the body of jewish law and practice.

What is a Kippa aka a Yarmulke

it is a jewish skull cap worn by males for prayers and sacred occasions.

Mezuza, what does it mean? WHats the deal with that?

literally mezuzah translates as "doorpost". it is a small container with a passage of scripture inside.

Tzitzit, What is it?

the biblical hebrew term for fringe. they are the fringes on the talit/talis prayer shawl.

Dear Miss Glew:

I love you so much

Which holiday is celebrated first Yom Kippur or Rosh-hashanah?

Rosh hashanah!!!!!

What holiday is Rosh-hashanah? When is it celebrated?

Roshashana occurs during the fall. It is the term for the jewish new year (which uses a lunar calendar)

What is Challah?

The special braided bread baked specially for the sabbath meal

When does the Jewish Sabbath occur?

Friday at Sundown until Saturday at Sundown

What starts the High holy days? How long is it? What happens later?

High holy days start with Rosh-hashana, and then 10 days later we have Yom kippur

What does Halvadah Mark?

Halvadah is the family ceremony on saturday night that marks the end of the Sabbath

What is Brit Mila (hint it's also Bris)

Brit Mila (Bris) is the covenant biblical circumcision for jewish males (yay chopped)

What is Hannukah? Channukah? What does it celebrate?

Chanukah/hannukah literally means dedication. It is the winter holiday know as the Feast of the Dedication, and it celebrates the cleansing of the temple durring the Maccabean revolt.

What is a talit Katan

It is a linen undershirt with some fringes worn by some orthodox men.

What is Kabalah?

Kabalah is the term for mystical/ magical Jewish traditions of the middle ages.

What does Kashrut refer to?

Kashrut is the term describing jewish dietary laws

What is Kosher?

Kosher is the term for food referring to it as fit or proper in Judaism.

What is a dreidel? When is it used? What letters are on it?

Letters = NGH (Sh/) Sh for dispora, P for israel. dreidel is a small spinner toy that jewish children play with during hannukah. It has 4 sides.


Menorah is the hebrew term for "lamp". It has muiltiple arms (the temple menorah has 7)

What are tefillin/phylacteries? What scriptures are in them?

The black boxes bound by leather that are bound to the head and the arms during prayer.

What does pareve/Parave/Parve refer to?

Parve/Pareve refers to food which has been prepared without using meat or milk, thus it is considered "neutral"

What is Pessah? Pesach? When does it occur?

Pessach/Pessah is the jewish passover. It occurs during the spring-time. It is the spring festival of the passover (the festival of the unleavened bread)

Which of the following believed in an "Oral Law" given to Moses on Mount Sinai? a) Saducees b) Pharisees c) Essene d) Zealots


What is Purim (lots) ? When is it celebrated?

Purim cis the holiday that celebrates the story of Esther, the queen that pleaded for the jewish people at the risk of her life. Purim occurs in the spring. Celebrate by reading story of esther, kids try to drown out name of wicked priest magistrate dude.

What is Kiddush?

The ceremonial family blessing and meal friday night to welcome the sabbath

What is Seder? What does it mean?

Seder is the ritual feast of the passover meal. The term seder means "order"

What is the term for the Jewish Sabbath?


What is Shauvuot/ Shauvos? when does it happen?

Shauvous is the biblical feast of weeks. It occurs 50 days after passover (pessa). Shauvous happens in the early summer

Tell me about Shema

Shema is the most sacred prayer in judaism. It is Deut. 6:4-9 and says...

What is Shemini Atzeret

Shemini Atzeret is the 8th additional holiday righ after the 7 days of sukkos.

What is Shofar?

Shofar is the hebrew term for the ram's horn that is blown on the day of Roshashana.

What is Simhat Torah?

Simhat Torah is "the Joyful day of the Torah" It occurs at the end of the Sukkot/sukkos week each fall

What is Sukkos/Sukkot and when does it occur and for how long?

Sukkos/sukkot is a week-long festival that occurs during the fall. Sukkot celebrates the feast of the tabernacles.

What is a synagogue?

Synagogue is the ancient house of worship for the jews. Originated as a sort of law school.

What is Talit/Talis

Talit is the colored jewish prayer shawl. It has colored bands (blue) and fringes as well. Orthodox use black bands. Fringes are tied in knotts, and the strings + knots add up to 613 for the commandments.

What is the Hanukiah? How many arms does it have?

The hanukiah is the term for the temple menorah. It has 9 arms.

What is Treif?

Treif describes un-kosher food. The literal meaning of treif is "torn".

What does Tishba-Av mean? What is it?

Tshba-av literally translates to "the ninth of av" It is the summer day of mourning the destruction of both temples

What is a Bar-Mitzfa & When does it happen?

When a boy becomes 13 years old, a bar-miztfa can be held for a boy. It means "son of the commandment"

What about a bat-mitzfa?

When girls turn 12 years of age, girls have a bat-miztfa (daughter of commandment)

What is Yom Kippur? When is it celebrated?

Yom Kippur is the biblical day of Atonement. It is a solemn day of fasting in judaism. It is celebrated in fall. Fast from food & drink, sex, etc.

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