Khan Academy SAT Reading & Writing Practice

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Otto Dix and George Grosz were both artists who contributed to the New Objectivity art movement.

No Change

Despite its glamorous plumage, the peacock is scorned for one distinct feature: it's screechy mating call.

feature: its

The fennec fox hunts at night, digs out dens in sand, and mate for life.


Whether or not you care about the babies of celebrities and royalty is yours choice.


Vinaigrettes are easy to make, since all you need to do is mix three ingredients; vinegar, oil, and spices.


Lars Kristofferson is the CEO of Kristoff Markets. He recently announced his plan to open a small chain of affordable health food stores. Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences at the underlined portion?

Lars Kristofferson, CEO of Kristoff Markets, recently

Women gained the right to vote in the United States in 1920; still the U.S. lags behind countries such as: India, Costa Rica, and Ireland in electing a female head of state.

United States in 1920; still, the nation lags behind countries like India, Costa Rica, & Ireland

While a honey bee loses its stinger and dies after attacking once, a wasp is capable of stinging multiple times.


Students who fluently learn to speak a second language receive special honors when they are granted high school diplomas.

learn to speak a second language fluently receive special honors when they are granted

When surfing, I don't wear shiny jewelry or bright colors since I don't attract sharks.

so that

The archetype of the hero is often taught in literature classes through three key works; The Odyssey Beowulf and The Divine Comedy

works: The Odyssey, Beowulf, and The Divine Comedy.

You're arm is broken, so you will need a cast.


A recent study revealed a dramatic shift in human life expectancy between 1800 and 1935, women had begun to outlive men by almost ten years.


The tortoise won the race against the hare, fair but square.


Morocco has had four capitals, collectively called the "Imperial Cities," Fes, Marrakech, Meknes, and Rabat.

Cities": Fes,

Sunsets on Mars are not the familiar orange and red of those on Earth, the sky lights up with blue and violet.


Julie was quite convinced that her younger brother Jacob had pored too much syrup on his pancakes.

Had Poured

When the professor introduced himself on the first day, Molly realized with embarrassment that he was speaking Spanish and they were in the wrong class.

Molly and Harriett

Her breakout novel The House on Mango Street, launched Sandra Cisneros to international literary acclaim; but prior to its publication, she had already published two books of poetry.

The House on Mango Street launched Sandra Cisneros to international literary acclaim; however, prior to its publication,

In order to retrieve and study the bones of the early hominids. The paleoanthropologist hired a team of women who were thin enough to fit through the cave's extremely narrow chute.

hominids, the

Free Comic Book Day is mine favorite day of the entire year.


After the explorer Hernán Cortés arrived in South America, he is setting fire to all his ships, preventing his crew from returning home.

set fire to

Capitalism is a controversial economic system. The argument that capitalism rewards innovation and hard work has been made by some people, while others believe it encourages greed. Which choice most effectively combines the sentences at the underlined portion?

system: some argue that it rewards innovation and hard work,

The Tibetan system of meditation is more closely tied to its surrounding culture than Zen meditation.

that of Zen meditation

Staring excitedly at the actors below, the balcony in the theater was completely full.

the audience completely filled the balcony.

The shade of blue which his wife preferred for the living room was brighter than Patrick.

the color Patrick liked

Rwandan conservationist Edwin Sabuhoro is taking a new approach to wildlife poaching prevention: luring poachers away from crime by trained them to become farmers.


Which choice most effectively maintains the stylistic pattern established earlier in the sentence? According to the World Heritage Site, there are three things everyone must do when they visit the city of Prague in the Czech Republic: Walk along the Charles Bridge. See a production at the state opera house. Eating goulash is also an imperative.

Eat a meal of goulash and dumplings.

All the members of Boy Scout Troop 115 made sure that he brought a water bottle on the camping trip.

Every member

Although the black diamond ski run was clearly marked, Simon skied out of bounds in order to beat his opponent to the bottom of the mountain.

No Change

Justine refuses to continue the family legacy of bull-riding unless the rodeo judges permit her to ride the same-sized bull that her father rode.

No Change

The thieves stole some of Beauval Zoo's most valued members—seven golden lion tamarins and ten silvery marmosets.

No Change

Kudzu is an invasive plant species in the American South, that climbs shrubs and trees and kills by heavy shading.


Backlash against the senator's education bill only hurled her to work harder to ensure its passage.


Your facial bone structure influences how people perceive you; and individuals with broader faces are viewed as more trustworthy than those with narrow faces.


Which choice most effectively maintains the stylistic pattern established earlier in the paragraph? We shall wander the cobbled streets of Paris under the glittery moon. We shall swim the length of the Nile with the hippos and crocodiles. At sunrise, we shall scale Mount Fuji and pretend we are alone in the world.

We shall scale Mount Fuji at sunrise and pretend we are alone in the word

The author wants to use understatement as a rhetorical style. Which choice best accomplishes this goal? You took my brand-new car without asking, drove it 800 miles, and scraped the entire front bumper? Yeah, you could say I'm extremely upset!

Yeah, you can say I'm a little annoyed!

Chinese cuisine is more of a science than an art, it requires experimentation, trial-and-error, and years of experience.

art; it requires

A full-grown boa constrictors skin sheds every three to six months.


It is a surprise that the American rapper Vanilla Ice was not owning a personal ice cream brand.

does not own

The foreign investors acquired the land for passive investment rather than park.

for development

The twins excitedly awaited their mother arrival home from her archaeological dig in Turkey.


According to some sources, Carmen Sandiego had two motives; to fool young detectives and to do "all the crimes."


With only one wish, Gwen gazed into the orb she wanted to see into her future.

orb; she

A supermoon is so named because it appears larger and brighter than usual. It happens at the closest point to Earth on the moon's orbit. Also known as the perigee.

orbit, also

Beau could not decide whether he should become an astronaut, study medicine, or riding the garbage truck.


The rescue team members wondered if they should call for backup or try to attempt the rescue themselves?


For individuals with less melanin in their skin, over-exposure to the sun can cause three things, freckles, wrinkles, and melanoma.


The underlined pronoun makes the sentence ambiguous. Replace it with the choice that best reduces that ambiguity. Cameron and his half brother looked very different; he had much higher cheekbones.


Rachelle and Lydia did not know what to expect on their first catamaran trip to the Channel Islands. Therefore, they were surprised and thrilled to see dolphins leaping out of the water. Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences at the underlined portion?

Rachelle and Lydia did not know what to expect on their first catamaran trip to the Channel Islands, so

Which choice best maintains the paragraph's straightforward, informative tone? Día de los Muertos, or the Day of the Dead, is a Mexican holiday celebrated on November 1 that honors the dead with festivals and lively celebrations. This colorful holiday helps people be happy about death by building private altars and visiting graves with favorite food and drinks of the deceased. Calaveras, brightly-decorated candies shaped like human skulls, are popular treats during this holiday.

celebrates the lives of the deceased

The dogs pursuit of the speeding car ended quickly because, as a small dachshund, he couldn't keep up.


President Thomas Jefferson had one slightly unusual dream, he hoped to find a living woolly mammoth in the western United States.

dream: he hoped

I prefer tea over coffee for the following reasons; a more aromatic flavor, a milder after taste, and a greater health benefit.


Nutritionists disagree over whether sugar or eating artificial sweetener is worse.

artificial sweetener

As the hot air balloon got close to the surface of the lake, Ginger jumped and landed in the water and she could not take one more terrible joke from the pilot.


In order to compete for employees, companies are offering incentives like free childcare; opportunities to work from home, and paid parental leave.


Some residents were surprised by how Senator Nikita Kapoor voted on the tax bill, but she argued that her intentions had been crystalline from the beginning of her campaign.


The dean of the Art Institute of Chicago denied admission to Kyle because he couldn't name the three primary colors. Blue, red, and yellow.

colors: blue,

Since restaurants rarely skimps on rich ingredients like butter and salt, some researchers now say that "sit-down" restaurant food is nutritionally no better than fast food.

rarely skimp

Hindus routinely bathe in India's sacred Ganges river. Also home to the Ganges shark.

river, also

The attorneys, who are both officer in the bankruptcy field, believe that the recession will soon end.


The tyrant and his descendants reined over the people of St. Guinevere for 300 years.


The baseball player wished he could speak to his fans directly, instead of having to address crowds of media representative.


In her historic 1963 book, The Feminine Mystique, Betty Friedan identified "The Problem That Has No Name." At issue was the psychological scuffle for women who wanted to pursue professions but (due to the cultural restrictions of that era) were destined to be homemakers.


Disappointed but understanding, C.B. Wells' book tour was cancelled so he could spend time with his newborn daughter, and his fans praised him.

fans praised C.B Wells when he cancelled his book tour to spend time with his newborn daughter

In his 1532 book of political theory, The Prince, Niccolò Machiavelli poses the question of whether it is better to be loved or feared?


Palindromes are words or phrases that are spelled the same backwards and forwards, examples include "racecar" and "Doc, note. I dissent. A fast never prevents a fatness. I diet on cod."

forwards; examples

Before our conversation yesterday, Paul has never heard the word "brouhaha." Now he hears it everywhere he goes.

has never heard

Although history credits Thomas Edison with inventing the lightbulb, it was actually invented by Nikola Tesla. Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American inventor and engineer. Which choice most effectively combines the sentences at the underlined portion?

it was actually invented by Nikola Tesla, a Serbian-American inventor and engineer

The underlined noun creates ambiguity in the sentence. Replace it with the choice that best reduces that ambiguity. Juice seems healthier than soda, but the drink also contains a lot of sugar.


The Beat Generation was a 1950s literary movement that spawned some of America's most revered poets, they included: Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Allen Ginsberg, and Anne Waldman.

poets; they included Lawrence

Benjamin Franklin is publishing the proverb "Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise" in the 1735 edition of Poor Richard's Almanack.


Does anyone know the difference between regular, and fancy ketchup?

regular and fancy ketchup?

Relaxing by the poolside and sip a glass of lemonade are two of my favorite things to do.


Due to their ability to resist wind, round tents called "yurts" are common living accommodations on the Eurasian steppe. The steppe is a dry, flat grassland that experiences extreme gales. Which choice most effectively combines the sentences at the underlined portion?


Desmond stopped running toward the startled woman until he realized she wasn't his mother.

woman when

The United Nations reported a list of the three happiest countries in the world. Which are Switzerland, Iceland, and Denmark.

world: Switzerland

Although their subject matter varied widely, writers James Frey, Jayson Blair, and Greg Mortenson, share one thing in common; they disgraced themselves and damaged their careers, by fabricating stories they tried to pass off as true.

writers James Frey, Jayson Blair, and Greg Mortenson share one thing in common: they disgraced themselves and damaged their careers

Jared's Intro to Coffee Making professor cited a number of advantages to cold-brewing coffee: up to a 67% percent reduction in overall acidity, a more nuanced taste, and a smoother finish.

No Change

On their "Strange American Foods Tour," Ida and Jeff discovered three of the country's oddest (and most delicious) desserts: deep fried Coke, bacon doughnuts, and cherpumple—three pies inside a cake.

No Change

Pablo Picasso's prolific career included a Blue Period, a Rose Period, and a Crystal Period, as well as the development of Cubism; he worked across genres to create sculptures, paintings, ceramics, and prints.

No Change

The Supreme Court judges will rule later today, but for now, their decision is pending.

No Change

The Whitney Footbridge in Minneapolis features an engraving of a John Ashberry poem; pedestrians can read the poem as they walk.

No Change

The author wants to use irony in order to communicate disapproval of the bad weather. Which choice best accomplishes this goal? According to the weather station, we should expect rain, hail, and an assortment of small pets to descend from the sky later this afternoon. Well, isn't that just a lovely forecast.

No Change

The dead pirate's treasure hoard spread its curse to the archeologist who found it, causing her to bark every time she tried to talk.

No Change

The significance of turquoise is a recurring theme in Native American folklore; according to one Hopi legend, this stone has the power to restrain floods.

No Change

Numerous research projects, including the benchmark Framingham Heart Study, demonstrate that taking a vacation can have well-connected health benefits.


Dione forgot to clock when at work, so she had to manually enter her hours later.


Located in Richmond, California the Rosie the Riveter WWII Home Front is a national historical park dedicated to telling the stories of U.S. civilians' efforts to aid the war.

Located in Richmond, California,

In 1897, Charlotte Wiberg wed Arthur St. Andrassy in an unlikely places—inside a lion's cage at a Boston zoo.


Marion did not intentionally loose her passport so that she could stay in Spain longer.


The high-wire artist Phillippe Petit is famous for his death-defying tightrope walk between the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in 1974.

No Change

The leaf insect, easily mistaken for a real leaf, maintains a constant wobble as part of its illusion.

No Change

Krista didn't know how to precede when her history teacher fell asleep during her presentation.


Vertigo in addition to being a disorienting medical condition, is the title of a famous Hitchcock film.


Evgeni Plushenko of Russia is famous for its quadruple jump, the first in men's figure skating.


The perfect soufflé requires high quality ingredients-delicate preparation, and absolute stillness while cooking.

ingredients, delicate preparation,

Giant Chinese salamanders (which can grow up to six feet in length—are known for their "crying baby" vocalizations.


Voltaire was both disappointed and excited when he found out that his favorite coffee shop, Candid Coffee, was moving to a new and larger point.


A pelicans lower bill is made of stretchy skin that expands to carry up to three gallons of food.


A recent survey by the National Endowment for Financial Education shows that more than 70 percent of lottery winners are broke within several years of winning - often gambling their money on excessive purchases.


Whose wallet is this?


Spizzerinctum, meaning high spirits or nerve, and ginchy, meaning excellent, are just two case of defunct American slang words.


The intensive cooking workshop Rachel attended offered little instruction and was mostly a trial in fire.


Nothing gets on my skin like when the grocer puts stickers on fruit.

Under my

When she moved to a new town, Cecilia joined a book club to harvest friendships with people who shared her interests.


Stephen King was so poor when his first novel sold that he couldn't afford medicine for his sick children; King's first purchase with his book earnings was medicine.

No Change

When the third customer came in with an expired coupon, the waitress flew on the handle.


The world's first "Global Family Reunion," held in New York, is probably much larger than any of your own family.

family gatherings

New evidence suggests that children are more likely to confide in their pets than their siblings when faced with difficult circumstances like grief; illness; or divorce.

grief, illness,

First-generation college students are banding together to create on-campus communities; because they find the support system very helpful.


Anahid seeks to gain practical experience, to learn effective strategies, and acquiring knowledge about education practices.

to acquire

It takes courage to except when you're wrong and humbly apologize.


A sincere enthusiast of oral history, Roy G. Bivens seized every opportunity to tell an epic tale.

No Change

As a cat lover, Hadley visited Japan to explore the country's "cat islands," where cats outnumber human residents six to one.

No Change

Before the Black Plague hit Europe in the 14th century, medieval people did not bathe by submerging themselves in a tub of water, which they considered an act of debauchery. Instead they quickly cleaned themselves with water and a cloth.

No Change

China's Great Green Wall is the government's full-fledged attempt to intentionally increase vegetation with tree planting projects, but scientists have yet to determine its effectiveness.

No Change

The natural phenomenon known as the "Northern Lights" occurs when gaseous particles collide at the Earth's north and south magnetic poles: low-altitude oxygen creates a pale yellow and green color, high-altitude oxygen results in a red hue, and nitrogen produces blue or purplish-red lights.

No Change

Although some scholars have suggested that baths were taken infrequently in the Medieval period, primary sources indicate that it was a relatively common practice.

bathing was an infrequent event

Bethany does not like any animals with scales, since she does have an affinity for snakeskin shoes.


The rise of educational video games is changing the way teachers think about the following aspects of education, interactivity, self-direction, and personalization.


Even though its crocodilian jaws are fragile and incapable of eating a large animal, the Gharial still evokes a powerful emotion, terror.


"Storks from Shora are chirping at you. Its mouths are bright red, and they've got those eyes that'll look right through you," Jeremiah said.


Drinking water is scarce in desert areas like Las Vegas, it needs to be shipped from water-rich states.


Amerigo Vespucci is the namesake of both North and South America, nevertheless, many people do not know his discovery overturned Christopher Columbus's claim that Brazil and the West Indies formed the eastern outskirts of Asia.

America; nevertheless,

Seven of the ten largest container ports in the world are in China: the other three are in Singapore, South Korea, and Dubai.

China. The other three

The underlined portion makes the sentence ambiguous. Replace it with the choice that best reduces that ambiguity. They frequently advise college undergraduates to pursue internships because the career specific learning provided is often even more valuable than lessons learned in the classroom.

College counselors often advise undergraduates to

The rise of meal delivery service HomeBites and the app Foodie (that allows users to rate restaurants) are just two instance of how technology has dominated our eating culture.


Identifying the right ratchet in the messy toolbox was like finding a needle with a haystack.


The underlined pronoun makes the sentence ambiguous. Replace it with the choice that best reduces that ambiguity. Packy the Clown admitted to Korny the Clown that the pie-in-the-face routine made him look ridiculous.


Rania, who hadn't noticed the missing strawberry pie couldn't figure out why her poodle was sick.

Rania, who hadn't noticed the missing strawberry pie,

A Japanese electronics company has invented a new type of rubber that generates electricity in stretching.

When Stretched

From a young age, Frederica was destined for a career in theater; her mannerisms and way of speaking had always been excessively dramatic.


After discovering that children who grow up on farms are less likely to suffer from asthma and allergies, researchers is trying to isolate the compounds in farm dust that lead to this protection.

are trying

Joanna possessed the star qualities of a tennis champion; resilience, strength, and humility.


Chi-Ray sampled lemon-infused olive oil, truffle-flavored vinegar, and a tea made from flowers.

No Change

Hawaii, which joined the U.S. in 1959, is the only American state that was once a kingdom.

No Change

Jack and Jill were both adventurers who enjoyed exploring new places and using various means of locomotion.

No Change

Mickey Mouse, the familiar Disney animated character, spoke his first words over eighty-five years ago

No Change

Ryan Reynolds has starred in films as diverse as Green Lantern, The Proposal, and Turbo.

No Change

Sahil believed in the importance of excellent customer service, but it was a challenge to remain professional when the customer ordered a fruit smoothie, complained that it tasted like fruit, and then dumped the drink on the floor when she was denied a refund.

No Change

Located on the northern coast of South America, Suriname perpetuates the most untouched rainforest on the continent.


Pancakes and waffles seem like an easy breakfast items to make, but there are many people who cannot make them from scratch.

Simple Breakfast Items

When Andy said he wanted cold hard cash for his birthday, his mothers response was to give him a block of ice with dollar bills frozen inside.


Dryads are mythological spirits who make its homes in trees.


Molly appreciated the visible spectrum of colors so much that she decided to dice her hair all the colors of the rainbow. She loved the look, but it required a lot of maintenance.


Overtired and under stress from his holiday orders, the chocolatier could not decide whether to envelope the pretzels in dark chocolate or almond bark.


Elephant DNA, when extracted from illegal tusks, can help biologists track which elephant populations are being targeted by poachers.

No Change

Franklin struggled with French pronunciation, so his professor suggested that he watch French movies to become more familiar with the sound of the language.

No Change

Fundamentally, we know that light is both a particle and a wave. We also know that light travels extraordinarily fast!

No Change

Group projects are crucial for success beyond the classroom; collaborating well in teams proves essential in the workplace.

No Change

In a recent study, Scientific American magazine concluded that dog owners are somewhat less reserved than cat owners, enjoying more social interaction and communal activity.

No Change

In order to capture the attention of his audience, the author wants to invest the pie with human qualities. Which choice best accomplishes this goal? The blackberry pie was exquisite: the flavors danced on Leila's tongue.

No Change

Initially launched in 1930 as The Nancy Drew Mystery Stories, the book series has cultivated a following for generations.

No Change

It's not a question of if my three best friends will see the new Star Wars movie, but when.

No Change

Japanese Raku pottery is traditionally hand-shaped rather than "thrown"—shaped on a potter's wheel.

No Change

Romeo was faced with a life-changing decision: whether to honor his family or pursue his love, Juliet.

No Change

The red scarf is yours, but the blue one is my scarf.

No Change

This year's Shark Week on the Discovery Channel features the rarely-seen sharks of the Cuban coral reefs; footage includes in-water and on-water activities with sharks.

No Change

Though it made many historical gains in space exploration, NASA's Apollo Project is widely known for one major accomplishment: landing the first humans on the moon.

No Change

When it comes to the beauty of Venice, Italy, the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche may have said it best: "When I seek another word for 'music,' I never find any other word than Venice."

No Change

The nutritional content of this sports drink is better than that of Caimanade, it contains electrolytes that reduce lactic acid.

Caimanade; it contains

The underlined pronoun makes the sentence ambiguous. Replace it with the choice that best reduces that ambiguity. Of the two brothers, he is more conservative.


The second sentence contains a noun that makes the paragraph ambiguous. Replace it with the choice that best reduces that ambiguity. Jon Hamm and Chris Pine recently joined the cast of "Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp." The actor is excited about the prequel's Netflix release.


Sometimes when I've been working for hours, words start dancing before my eyes; this reminds me that I need to take a break.

No Change

The Hardy Boys, a fictional junior sleuth duo, finally solved the mystery of the missing toucan.

No Change

Which choice best reduces the ambiguity of the sentence? The yellow duck and the black duck dove deep into the dark water, but the yellow duck did not come up with a fish.

No Change

The underlined pronoun creates ambiguity in the sentence. Replace it with the choice that best reduces that ambiguity. Pierre and Thomas both hate mowing the lawn, but he does it anyway.


The Bridge Foundation awarded the Early Childhood Center a grant. The one condition of the grant was that the Center would be required to report back quarterly with parent and teacher surveys. Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences at the underlined portion?

The Bridge Foundation awarded the Early Childhood Center a grant on the condition

Clinical trials manager, pharmacy technician, healthcare administrator, many careers in the medical field exist beyond just nurse or doctor.


Jill was kind, thoughtful, and being considerate to her friends.


Awarded a Newbery Medal, Doll Bones are the story of three children's quest to return a haunted doll to its proper grave site.


For the sake of rhetorical effect, the writer wants to maintain the pattern of repeating words derived from the same root. Which choice best accomplishes this goal? Attain the unattainable, conquer the unconquerable, clasp the unreachable.

reach the unreachable

Billy, although he had a great sense of timing for stand-up comedy, were handicapped by his poor memory.


Once Christopher wrestled Fluffers into his Halloween costume, the cat goes limp and refused to move.


Readers of Henry David Thoreau's Transcendentalist work Walden, often remember the setting, vividly: the small, weather-tight cottage; thick, lush woods; and small, pristine pond.

work, Walden, often remember the setting vividly:

Although there are more than 2000 varieties of cheese in the world. The most widely consumed is mozzarella.

world, the

Robert believes that everyone in the world should be fascinated by his research project, but most non-scientists find it a bit of a boar.


The partnership proved to be a success, as Jane's strengths complimented Joe's weaknesses.


The great Genghis Khan tried to illicit fear in his enemies.


The environmentalist spoke to the audience about the advantages of lab-grown meat, but her words appeared to go on one ear and out the other.


Solar charging kiosks are gaining popularity among entrepreneurs in Rwanda, where a sunny climate, periodic power outages, and busy executives have increased the demand for solar energy.

No Change

Sugars and Sweets Candy Company has contracts with four food companies to bring products to the store.

No Change

Texas Tech says that cooperative gameplay—a video game feature that allows players to work together as a team—leads to increased empathy in the real world.

No Change

The students watched as the beekeeper collected honey and calmly allowed the bees to envelop her arm without being stung.

No Change

All eight of Elizabeth's siblings became a politician; Elizabeth became a professional clown.


Roberto's physical acuteness was undeniable: he set six new athletic records during his sophomore year.


Henrietta's flock of backyard chickens produced more eggs than her neighborhood.

The rest of the neighborhood's chickens

According to some scholars, T. S. Eliot's later poems are more powerful and incisive than his early career as a writer.

Those written at the beginning of his career

Some research suggests that Tyrannosaurus rex, although often ridiculed for its diminutive arms—may have been able to lift a full 450 pounds with each appendage.


The baristas least favorite drink to make was the Triple Berry and Caramel Cream Blended Beverage because they had to spend five minutes just assembling the ingredients.


There were only three things that Jonathan's toddler would eat: crackers chocolate chips, and fried green tomatoes.


Like fingerprints tongue prints are unique to every person.

fingerprints, tongue prints

More than half a decade after the magnitude 7.0 earthquake that leveled Haiti, serious public health and social problems tolerate. These include inadequate housing, political corruption, and the spread of cholera.


While Wikipedia is now more popular than the use of standard encyclopedias, its reliability is questionable.


The hard drive of the PlumBook Light holds less memory than the PlumBook Original.

that of the PlumBook Original

Europe's public transportation system is more extensive than the United States.

the United States'

New Yorkers will tell you that their pizza is better than Chicago because New York pizza can be eaten with one's hands rather than with a knife and fork.

the pizza in Chicago

Ron and Henrietta lost they're licenses for independent space travel when the government learned of their plan to build a waterpark on the moon.


Serena Williams and Stan Wawrinka are both French Open tennis champions who take great pride in they're training.


When it comes to personal fitness devices, people either love them worry about their data collection, or doubt their accuracy.


Crows and ravens are both large, black birds, they can be distinguished by the difference in their voices. The American Crow makes a "caw, caw, caw" sound, whereas the Common Raven articulates deep, croaking vocals.

birds. They can be distinguished by

After meeting six simultaneous deadlines, Helen wanted nothing more than to eat macaroni and cheese, to curl up in a fetal position on the floor, and go to sleep.


Recent film franchises, The Hunger Games, Divergent, The Maze Runner, have made the concept of frightening dystopian societies more familiar to the latest generation of moviegoers.

franchises- The Hunger Games, Divergent, The Maze Runner-

The world's most highly successful people carefully preserve their restorative habits, such as to get physical activity, making time for hobbies, and practicing stillness.


Sea otters are marine mammals that rely on their fur for insulation in cold ocean water. Now protected by endangered species laws, they were totally scarce around the turn of the 20th century.

hunted to near extinction

While they are fierce rivals when playing on opposite sides of the net Serena and Venus Williams together have won 13 Grand Slam titles in doubles tennis.

net, Serena

Crybaby Brand's There-There Ice Cream Sandwich, a delicious dessert, was my nephew's first request after her trip to the dentist.


When newborn parents or children find an animal stranded without its mother, they sometimes bring it home to take care of it.

parents or children find a newborn animal stranded without its

As soon as the United Nations' packages of food and supplies arrived at the site of the earthquake, I delivered it to the Red Cross dispatch center.


Backpacking across Europe requires fortitude, stamina, and being strong.


The process of writing, revising, and to submit a manuscript for publication can take months.


Although Felix did his best to train them as postal workers, deliveries were not completed by the cats.

the cats did not complete their deliveries.

The wok pan is capable of many different uses; including stir-frying vegetables and braising meats.

uses; these include

"Your only as sick as your skin is slick," the doctor said, which I thought was a terrible diagnosis.


The writer wants to use exaggeration in order to emphasize the relative insignificance of a mistake. Which choice best accomplishes this goal? My friend Joseph, we are told, has committed the oversight of forgetting to bring his homework to class. This demonstrates a multitude of failings, personal and academic, which will forever bar him from the ranks of human society.

committed the grave crime

Three animals are predicted to be the first genetically modified species approved for human consumption, the "double-muscled" pig, fast-growing salmon, and hypoallergenic cows.


The author wants to use overstatement in order to emphasize the speaker's exhaustion. Which choice best accomplishes this goal? I've been working on legal briefs all day. I'm so exhausted I could sleep for hours!

could sleep for years!

Which choice best maintains the intent and pattern of the sentence? You must be brave without foolhardiness, strong without violence, decisive with arrogance.

decisive without arrogance

Giggling, the gumballs poured out of the machine in front of the delighted, clapping toddler and onto the floor.

delighted toddler clapped as the gumballs poured out of the machine

Contrary to the popular perception that DNA was Watson and Crick's discovery: its helical structure and phosphate backbone were first recognized by a woman; the English chemist Rosalind Franklin.

discovery, its helical structure and phosphate backbone were first recognized by a woman: the English

Due to his crippling claustrophobia, Franklin failed the clown car routine of his entrance exam: however he was still accepted into Clown College.

exam; however,

For the sake of rhetorical flourish, the author wants to use the same word as two different parts of speech. Which choice best accomplishes this goal? She did not hate many things, although she disliked the very act of hating things.

except for hate itself.

Whether penguin chicks are guarded by their mother or father.

father depends on the season

The Oarfish, a serpentine deep-sea fish, has long been featured in Japanese folklore as a predictor of earthquakes. Their predictive power comes from living close to the ocean floor. With that proximity to the sea bottom, Oarfish can pick up the sensitive vibrations of tectonic plate movement. Which choice most effectively combines the sentences at the underlined portion?

floor, where they

In order to emphasize the contrast between a sunrise and the author's attitude, the latter wants to use two adjectives that are derived from the same root word. Which choice best accomplishes this goal? Sunrises are, I admit, generally very majestic. But usually (if I have my way) anything that occurs before 8 a.m. is wasted on me. When the sun begins his incredible ascent, I prefer to be an inglorious huddle of sheets, crusted with sleep and willfully blind.

glorious ascent, I prefer to be an inglorious

Jeremiah had one goal, to memorize every single word in the Oxford dictionary.


Urban environments and metropolitan areas are making gradual advances on natural wildlife habitats. These gradual advances have negative consequences: some animals are perishing from habitat loss. Which choice most effectively combines the sentences at the underlined portion?

habitats, resulting in negative consequences:

Alma and her brother Jose has won the state robotics competition for high school students.

have won

The underlined pronoun makes the sentence ambiguous. Replace it with the choice that best reduces that ambiguity. Although vacuuming and skydiving burn an equal number of calories, it is arguably more fun.


The environmental policy lawyer searched all over his sleep-deprived office for the transcripts of the hearing, but was eventually forced to conclude that he must have left them somewhere else.

sleep-deprived environmental policy lawyer searched all over his office for the transcripts of the

Leonardo Da Vinci was known for practicing an extreme form of polyphasic sleep; and he only slept in twenty-minute bursts every four hours.


In 1892, Americans wanted a public structure to rival the Eiffel Tower, for an engineer named George Ferris designed the Ferris wheel.


The giraffes sleep for only thirty minutes each day, and often in tall, graceful intervals of just a few minutes.

tall, graceful giraffes sleep for only thirty minutes each day, and often in

Archaeologists have discovered that some Vikings deliberately carved grooves into their teeth. The reasons behind this dental decision remain unclear. Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences at the underlined portion?

teeth, but the reasons behind this dental decision remain unclear.

Astounded, the sunken ship they had encountered was inspected closely by the divers as they swam closer.

the divers swam closer to inspect the sunken ship they had encountered.

Basketball players are known for they're agility and hand-eye coordination.


Ben and his peers loved astronomy class because of there frequent field trips to the campus observatory.


Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi are known for there perseverance and humanitarianism.


Yesterday, I drove to work past the lemon tree. It was, as is usual, covered with fruit. Which choice most effectively combines the sentences at the underlined portion?

tree; as usual, it was

Anyone who has traveled to foreign countries understand the importance of getting immunization shots.


Abdullah were pumping the brakes gingerly, as if it were raining. "Maybe I should reconsider this exit," he said under his breath.


Despite being raised in a time and place in which black students were not allowed to attend high school, Percy Julian went on to become a PhD and a successful chemist. His most famous invention were Aero-Foam, a soy protein fire extinguisher used in World War II.


Writing have been invented in Sumer around 3200 B.C., marking the beginning of recorded history.


Mangroves are the amphibians of the plant world. They straddle the land and sea, with roots that extend into salt water and house a variety of wildlife. Which choice most effectively combines the sentences at the underlined portion?

world; they

The underlined portion makes the sentence ambiguous. Replace it with the choice that best reduces that ambiguity. You and I embarked on the trip together, but the smarter one avoided the mountain lion den.


"You can be a real pain about the neck," said the man, cleaning up his dog's mess.


The second sentence contains a noun that makes the paragraph ambiguous. Replace it with the choice that best reduces that ambiguity. "Marsha!" exclaimed Jan. "I was just watching the Today Show, and one said that brushing your hair 100 times per day can cause baldness."

Barbara Walters

Andre and Chuck played chess together every day, but after fifteen years, Andre had only won once.

No Change

The double helical structure of DNA is determined by the hydrogen bonding capacity of its four bases, adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine.


Everyone in the seminar believe that meditation relieves stress and promotes overall well-being.


Making Vietnamese spring rolls requires a great deal of time, even for a master chef; since all the ingredients must be individually prepared.


The gatekeeper of the castle allows elves to enter: but excludes humans.

enter; however, he

Distracted by the sweat in his eyes, the goalie felt the ball slip through his hands.

No Change

The oddest protester at the waterfront redevelopment rally was a large foam duck.

No Change

"Does pointillism use dots—or was it lines?" the weary art student wondered aloud, before falling asleep?


A recent and popular book on the Bronze Age is Eric H. Cline's 1177 BC; The Year Civilization Collapsed.


The underlined portion in the second sentence makes the paragraph ambiguous. Replace it with the choice that best reduces that ambiguity. Gargoyles on buildings are not just decorative but are actually architectural components that feature an elongated shape and an open mouth. This helps gargoyles serve their actual purpose—conveying water away from the sides of buildings.

Both of these qualities help

Fans were very excited to see the final installment of the Royal Battleground trilogy. Hundreds of eager viewers lined up outside the movie theater days in advance. Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences at the underlined portion?

Fans were so excited to see the final installment of the Royal Battleground trilogy that they

The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 allowed the U.S. to acquire a vast amount of territory from France, indeed, nearly the entire Great Plains region of the present-day was gained through the purchase.

France; indeed,

In 1962, Michael Murphy and Dick Price founded the Esalen Institute. The Big Sur, California location was one of the first homes of the Western New Age movement. Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences at the underlined portion?

Institute in Big Sur, California,

At a public school called Quest to Learn in New York, teachers use video games to teach because students love playing them.

No Change

Be careful! The hurricane is expected to arrive any minute now!

No Change

Because he was tired of eating take-out every night, Craig started baking bread once a week; as a result, his relationship with his roommates-and later, his coworkers-flowered.

No Change

When we won the lottery, we didn't expect that dozens of long lost relatives would show up on our doorstep.

No Change

Which choice best expresses enthusiasm consistent with the tone of a formal engagement announcement? Mr. and Mrs. Joel Andersen of Sunnyville are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Stephanie, to Guillermo Torres, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Torres of Crater City. Stephanie is a graduate of University of Utah and is a social worker at St. Paul's Hospital. Guillermo graduated from Beckman College and is employed with Kane Pharmaceuticals. The families are eagerly looking forward to an October wedding.

No Change

The second sentence contains a pronoun that makes the paragraph ambiguous. Replace it with the choice that best reduces that ambiguity. Paula and Mildred laughed it off when they both showed up at the office Halloween party as the character Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones. However, she told her family later that her costume had been more accurate.


Home Share is the latest in a series of tech companies enjoying the comforts of home that allows tourists to stay at people's houses while on vacation.

Share is the latest in a series of tech companies that allows tourists, enjoying the comforts of home, to stay at people's houses while on vacation.

The second sentence contains a pronoun that makes the paragraph ambiguous. Replace it with the choice that best reduces that ambiguity. The neurobiology of sleep is a growing field. They say understanding more about the science of sleep can help people sleep more soundly.

Sleep scholars

"Stop. I'm late for work!" Emily called fruitlessly after the departing bus.


The second sentence contains a pronoun that makes the paragraph ambiguous. Replace it with the choice that best reduces that ambiguity. King Louis XIII of France purchased lands for the famous Gardens of Versailles in 1632, and Louis XIV oversaw four major building campaigns for the gardens from approximately 1661 to 1709. His efforts are the major reason Versailles exists as the national treasure it is today.

The latter king's

The pink plastic lawn flamingo, inventing in 1957, was the brain-child of Don Featherstone.


Between 1872 and 1900, mongooses were introduced into most of the Caribbean islands. They were introduced in order to protect sugar cane fields from pit vipers. Which choice most effectively combines the two sentences at the underlined portion?


Four varieties of puffin exist today, and each variety has distinctly different markings on they're beak.


Ellen Degeneres, who had her first major debut in 1986, recently was launching a new lifestyle brand.


France's supermarkets are required by unconsumed law to donate food items to charity.

law to donate unconsumed food items to

As a monk, Tenzen had one mission in life, he wanted to relieve people's suffering.


Since the 1990s, fishermen in Panama have been clearing mangrove trees for firewood and lumber. Mangrove deforestation threatens pygmy sloths that depend on mangroves for their food and habitat. Which choice most effectively combines the sentences at the underlined portion?

lumber, which

Sam was searching all over the internet for the sarcastic meme; and he wanted to send it to his girlfriend.


The ocean, a sea slug, contains the blue dragon nudibranch, which steals stinging cells from its prey.

ocean contains the blue dragon nudibranch, a sea slug that steals stinging cells from its prey.

Watch out? That bird is headed straight for your head!

out! That

Some scientists propose that thumb sucking in children is a habit which is developed at random, and a recent theory suggests that it is neurologically and genetically based.

random, but

Young children often find it easier to memorize lists of names by hearing, learning, and repeat simple, catchy musical settings.


"We only have three weeks until our fall issue goes to print," say Elena as a reminder to the Life and Art Magazine editors who lagged on deadlines.


Egyptian gold has a much redder hue than in other parts of the world.

gold found in other parts of the world

Surprisingly, bacon is a great compliment to caramel-flavored ice cream.


Most people don't eat the corps of an apple because it has less flavor and a lot of seeds.


All Molly wanted to do was navigate a direct route to the beach, but her GPS kept losing its signal.

No Change

To avoid the dangerous call of the Sirens, Odysseus crew put wax in their ears and lashed Odysseus to the boat mast.


If I had to compare the plays of Arthur Miller and Shakespeare, I'd say Shakespeare's are best.

To those of Shakespeare, I'd say Shakespeare's are better

Money-wasting practices include cooking too much food throwing out leftovers, and storing food incorrectly.


The Amazon's widest point is four times larger than the Nile.

the Nile's

Malayan tapirs are solitary: herbivorous, and crepuscular.


Like humans, similar traits in monkeys spend more time together.

monkeys with similar traits

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