KIN 245 Manual of Structural Kinesiology (19 ed) Chapter 9, 10, 11, & 12

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Dorsiflexion is the dorsal aspect of the foot moving toward the anterior tibia

External rotation

Due to the adductor brevis, adductor longus, and adductor magnus all inserting in various locations on the linea aspera, a resulting movement that is facilitated when adducting the hip is ______. ?


Each thoracic vertebrae has one pair of ribs that attaches to it laterally.


Each toe has three interphalangeal joints except for the great toe which has only two.


Heel-strike is normally occurs by landing on the heel with the foot in supination and the leg in external rotation,

External rotation (pg. 236)

Lateral rotary movement of the femur in the transverse plane around its longitudinal axis away from the midline is termed ____


Posterior movement of the spine in the sagittal plane; where the head moves away from the chest, and the thorax moves away from the pelvis is termed spinal [x1].

Internal rotation

Medial rotary movement of the femur in the transverse plane around its longitudinal axis toward the midline is termed hip _______.


Metatarsophalangeal joints are classified as ____ joints.


Metatarsophalangeal joints are classified as _____ joints.

C1 and C2

Most of the rotation within the cervical region occurs in the joint between _____.


Motions of the toe metacarpophalangeal joints include flexion, extension, abduction, and adduction.

Plantar flexion

Movement of the ankle and foot away from the tibia is termed ____.


Movement of the anterior femur from any point toward the anterior pelvis in the sagittal plane is termed hip _______.


Movement of the femur in the frontal plane medially toward the midline is termed hip ____


Movement of the femur in the frontal plane medially toward the midline is termed hip ______.


Movement of the toes away from the plantar surface of the foot is termed toe _____.


Movement of the toes away from the plantar surface of the foot is termed toe ______


Movement of the toes toward the plantar surface of the foot is termed toe


Movement of the top of the ankle and foot toward the anterior tibia is termed

External rotation

Movements of the biceps femoris at the hip joint include extension, posterior pelvic rotation, and _______


A combination of ankle dorsiflexion, subtalar eversion, and forefoot abduction is termed _____


A combination of ankle plantar flexion, subtalar inversion, and forefoot adduction is termed _____


Agonist muscles during hip extension include all of the following except the?


Anterior movement of the spine in the sagittal plane; where the head moves toward the chest, and the thorax moves toward the pelvis is termed spinal [x1]


Articular cartilage is located on the surfaces of both the femur and tibia.


Sit-ups are an excellent exercise for strengthening the erector spinae muscles.

external oblique abdominal

The [x1] has the following attachments- origin: borders of the lower eight ribs at the side of the chest dovetailing with the serratus anterior; insertion: anterior half of the crest of the ilium, inguinal ligament, crest of the pubis, and fascia of the rectus abdominis at the lower front.

transversus abdominis

The [x1] has the following attachments- origin: lateral one-third of the inguinal ligament, inner rim of the iliac crest, inner surface of the costal cartilages of the lower six ribs, lumbar fascia; insertion: crest of the pubis and the iliopectineal line, abdominal aponeurosis to the linea alba.

splenius capitis

The [x1] has the following attachments- origin: lower half of the ligamentum nunchae and the spinous processes of the seventh cervical and upper three or four thoracic vertebrae; insertion: mastoid process and occipital bone.

Splenius cervicis

The [x1] has the following attachments- origin: spinous processes of the third through sixth thoracic vertebrae; insertion: transverse processes of the first three cervical vertebrae.


The ____ has the following attachments- origin: anteromedial edge of the descending rams of the pubis; insertion: anterior medial surface of the tibia below the condyle

Gluteus medius

The ____ has the following attachments- origin: lateral surface of the ilium just below the crest; insertion: posterior and middle surfaces of the greater trochanter of the femur

Gluteus maximus

The ____ has the following attachments- origin: posterior one-fourth of the crest of the ilium, posterior surface of the sacrum and coccyx near the ilium, and fascia of the lumbar area; insertion: oblique ridge on the lateral surface of the greater trochanter and the iliotibial band of the fasciae latae


The ____ has the following attachments- origin: posterior surface of the medial femoral condyle (medial head), posterior surface of the lateral femoral condyle (lateral head); insertion: posterior surface of the calcaneus through the Achilles tendon.

Tibialis anterior

The ____ has the following attachments- origin: upper two-thirds of the lateral surface of the tibia; insertion: inner surface of the medial cuneiform and the base of the first metatarsal.

Adductor longus

The _____ has the following attachments- origin: anterior pubis just below the crest; insertion: middle one-third of the linea aspera.

Peroneus tertius

The _____ has the following attachments- origin: distal one-third of the anterior fibula; insertion: superior aspect of the base of the fifth metatarsal.

Extensor hallucis longus

The _____ has the following attachments- origin: middle two-thirds of the medial surface of the anterior fibula; insertion: base of the distal phalanx of the great toe.

Flexor hallucis longus

The _____ has the following attachments- origin: middle two-thirds of the posterior surface of the fibula; insertion: base of the distal phalanx of the great toe on the plantar surface.


The _____ has the following attachments- origin: posterior surface of the proximal fibula and proximal two-thirds of the posterior tibial surface; insertion: posterior surface of the calcaneus through the Achilles tendon.


The _____ has the following attachments- origin: space one inch wide on the front of the pubis just above the crest; insertion: pectineal line leading from the lesser trochanter to the linea aspera.


The _____ vertebrae serve as a link between the pelvic girdle and the thoracic spine-rib cage.


The _____ vertebrae serve as a link between the thoracic spine-rib cage and the head.

Adductor brevis

The ______ has the following attachments- origin: front of the inferior pubic ramus; insertion: lower two-thirds of the pectineal line of the femur and the upper half of the medial lip of the linea aspera.


The ______ has the following attachments- origin: posterior surface of the proximal fibula and proximal two-thirds of the posterior tibial surface; insertion: posterior surface of the calcaneus through the Achilles tendon.

Tibialis posterior

The ______ has the following attachments- origin: posterior surface of the upper half of the interosseus membrane and the adjacent surfaces of the tibia and fibula; insertion: inferior surfaces of the navicular, cuneiform, and cuboid bones and bases of the second, third, and fourth metatarsal bones.

Tibialis anterior

The ______ has the following attachments- origin: upper two-thirds of the lateral surface of the tibia; insertion: inner surface of the medial cuneiform and the base of the first metatarsal.


The _______ has the following attachments- origin: anterior superior iliac spine and notch just below the spine; insertion: anterior medial surface of the tibia just below the condyle.

rectus abdominis

The _______ has the following attachments- origin: crest of the pubis; insertion: cartilage of the 5-7 ribs and xiphoid process.

Adductor magnus

The ________ has the following attachments- origin: edge of the entire pubic ramus and the ischium and ischial tuberosity; insertion: whole length of the linea aspera, inner condyloid ridge, and adductor tubercle.


The ________ process can be palpated on the posterior surface of the spine when it is flexed:


The _________ has the following attachments- origin: anterior superior iliac spine and notch just below the spine; insertion: anterior medial surface of the tibia just below the condyle.


The _____has the following attachments- origin: anteromedial edge of the descending ramus of the pubis; insertion: anterior medial surface of the tibia below the condyle.


The acetabulum inserts into the femoral head to form the acetabular femoral joint. ?

Plantar flexion

The action of the tibialis posterior on the ankle joint is ____

Plantar flexion

The action of the tibialis posterior on the ankle joint is _____.


The action of the vastus intermedius on the knee joint is _______


The actions of the erector spinae iliocostalis on the spine include [x1], lateral flexion, and rotation.

Lateral pelvic rotation ? Pelvic rotation?

The actions of the erector spinae spinalis on the spine include extension, lateral flexion, and [x1].


The actions of the peroneus longus on the ankle joint are subtalar _____ and plantar flexion.

Lateral flexion

The actions of the splenius capitis on the spine include extension, rotation, and [x1].


The anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments are located on the outermost anterior and posterior surfaces of the knee joint.


The atlantoaxial joint between the first and second cervical vertebrae is classified as a


The biceps femoris has the following insertion _______ of the fibula and lateral condyle of the tibia.


The biceps femoris has the following insertion: ____


The biceps femoris long head has the following origin: ischial _______.

Posteriorly, extension

The biceps femoris muscle is located ________ and performs _______ of the hip joint. ?

Linea aspera

The biceps femoris short head has the following origin: lower half of the ______, and lateral condyloid ridge.


The erector spinae [x1] has the following attachments- origin: ligamentum nunchae, 7th cervical spinous process, thoracic 11 and 12 spinous processes, and lumbar 1 and 2 spinous processes; insertion: second cervical spinous process, thoracic 5-12 spinous processes, occipital bone.


The erector spinae [x1] has the following attachments- origin: medial iliac crest, thoracolumbar aponeurosis from sacrum, lumbar 1-5 transverse processes, and thoracic 1-5 transverse processes, cervical 5-7 articular processes; insertion: cervical 2-6 spinous processes, thoracic 1-12 transverse processes, lower nine ribs, mastoid process.


The erector spinae [x1] has the following attachments- origin: medial iliac crest, thoracolumbar aponeurosis from the sacrum, posterior ribs three through twelve; insertion: posterior ribs one through twelve, cervical four through seven transverse processes.


The erector spinae iliocostalis are considered to be agonist muscles during extension of the spine.

Anterior half of crest of ilium, inguinal ligament, crest of pubis, and fascia of rectus abdominis at lower front

The external oblique abdominal inserts on the _____.


The fibula is not part of the ginglymus articulation of the knee joint.

All of the above

The flexor hallucis longus performs which of the following actions? a.great toe flexion b.transverse tarsal and subtalar inversion c.ankle plantar flexion d.all of the above

Laterally, abduction

The gluteus medius muscle is located ________ and performs ________ of the hip joint. ?


The hip joint is also known as the ___ femoral joint


The hip joint is classified as a ________ joint that consists of the head of the femur connecting with the acetabulum of the pelvic girdle.


The insertion of the _________ muscle is the posteromedial surface of the medial tibial condyle. ?


The insertion of the iliopsoas muscle is the pectineal line and the _____ eminence, lesser trochanter of the femur, and the shaft just below. ?


The insertion of the rectus femoris muscle is the _______ aspect of the patella and the patellar tendon to the tibial tuberosity. ?


The insertion of the tensor fasciae latae muscle is one-fourth of the way down the thigh into the iliotibial tract, which inserts onto Gerdy's tubercle of the ______ tibial condyle.

Costal cartilage of 8th, 9th, and 10th ribs and linea alba

The internal oblique abdominal inserts on the ______


The lateral fibula serves as the attachment for knee joint structures but does not articulate with the femur or patella.


The location of the erector spinae muscles enables them to extend spine and assist in rotation and lateral flexion.


The medial collateral ligament originates on the medial aspect of upper medial femoral condyle and inserts on medial tibial surface.


The medial malleolus is an anatomical landmark located on the fibula.

Anterior cruciate ligament

The most common serious knee ligament injury involves the ______

Tibialis anterior

The most prominent tendon crossing the ankle anteromedially and the easiest to palpate is the _____.


The movements of the adductor brevis on the hip joint include ____, external rotation, and flexion.


The movements of the adductor brevis on the hip joint include ______, external rotation, and flexion.


The movements of the pectineus on the hip include flexion, _______, and external rotation.


The movements of the quadratus lumborum on the spine include lateral flexion and [x1].


The origin of the _______ muscle is the lower borders of the transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae (L1-L5), inner surface of the ilium, sides of the bodies of the last thoracic vertebra (T12), all the lumbar vertebrae (L1-5), intervertebral fibrocartilages, and base of sacrum. ?


The origin of the gluteus maximus muscle is the posterior one-fourth of the crest of the ilium, posterior surface of the sacrum and ________ near the ilium, and fascia of the lumbar area.

Iliac crest

The origin of the tensor fasciae latae muscle is the anterior _______ and the surface of the ilium just below the crest. ?


The patella serves as a pulley by improving the angle of pull with the result being a greater mechanical advantage for the quadriceps during knee extension.


The patella serves as a pulley by improving the angle of pull with the result being a greater mechanical advantage for the quadriceps during knee extension. ?

Anteriorly, flexion

The pectineus muscle is located ______ and performs _____ of the hip joint. ?


The popliteus has the following insertion: upper posterior medial surface of the ______.


The popliteus has the following origin: posterior surface of the lateral condyle of the _____


The posterior portion of the trunk contains the abdominal muscles.

Lateral flexion

The primary actions of the erector spinae longisimus on the spine include extension, [x1], and rotation.


The primary actions of the flexor digitorum longus at the ankle joint are toe flexion, plantar flexion, and _____


The primary actions of the peroneus tertius at the ankle joint include _____ and eversion.

Plantar flexion

The primary movement of the soleus on the ankle joint is _____


The primary movements of the biceps femoris at the knee joint include ______, and external rotation.


The primary movements of the gluteus medius at the hip joint include ____, as well as internal and external rotation.

Internal rotation

The primary movements of the semimembranosus on the knee joint include flexion, and _____

Internal rotation

The primary movements of the semitendinosus on the hip joint include extension, posterior pelvic rotation, and _____


The pubofemoral ligament is located anteromedially and inferiorly and limits excessive extension and abduction. ?


The rectus abdominis muscle can control the tilt of the pelvis when contracting.


The rectus femoris has the following insertion: superior aspect of the patella and patella tendon to the _______ tuberosity.


The rectus femoris has the following origin: anterior inferior iliac spine of the ilium and posterior groove above the _______.


The rectus femoris is more powerful in extending the knee when the hip is in _______


The right and left pelvis are joined together by the sacrum at the right and left sacroiliac joints.


The right and left pelvis are joined together by the sacrum at the right and left sacroiliac joints. ?


The rotary movement of the spine in the transverse plane is termed spinal _____

Anteriorly, flexion

The sartorius muscle is located _________ and performs _________ of the hip joint.


The sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus all insert just below the medial condyle on upper anteromedial tibial surface.


The semimembranosus has the following insertion: posteriomedial surface of the _______ tibial condyle.


The semimembranosus has the following origin: ____ tuberosity


The semimembranosus inserts anteromedially on the medial tibial condyle.


The semimembranosus inserts anteromedially on the medial tibial condyle. ?

Posteriorly, extension

The semimembranosus muscle is located ________ and performs ________ of the hip joint. ?


The semitendinosus has the following insertion: upper anterior medial surface of the ______ just below the condyle.


The semitendinosus has the following origin: _____ tuberosity.


The semitendinosus is located laterally and internally rotates the knee.


The soleus can perform muscular actions only in the sagittal plane.


The spinous processes are located anterior with respect to the vertebral bodies.


The teres ligament is located superficially and slightly limits adduction. ?


The tibia bears the majority of the weight as compared to the fibula.


The tibial tuberosity serves as the insertion point for all of the quadriceps muscles. ?

thoracic spine, rib cage, and pelvic girdle

The trunk is composed of the ___.

External rotation

The upper fibers of the gluteus maximus assist in hip abduction, whereas the lower fibers assist in adduction. Together these fibers also carry out hip extension, posterior pelvic rotation, and _____ of the hip.


The vastus intermedius has the following insertion: upper border of the ______ and patellar tendon to tibial tuberosity.


The vastus intermedius has the following origin: upper two-thirds of the anterior surface of the _______


The vastus lateralus has the following origin: intertrochanteric line, anterior and inferior borders of the greater _____, gluteal tuberosity, upper half of the linea aspera, and entire lateral intermuscular septum.


The vastus medialis has the following insertion: medial half of the upper border of the patella and patellar tendon to the _____ tuberosity

Linea aspera

The vastus medialis has the following origin: whole length of the _____ and medial condyloid ridge.


The vertebral column is composed of 24 articulating vertebrae.


Turning the ankle and foot inward in adduction toward the midline is termed subtalar ______


Turning the ankle and foot outward in abduction away from the midline is termed subtalar ____.

Internal rotation

When contracted, the action of the popliteus on the knee joint includes flexion and _____


When contracted, the action of the vastus lateralis on the knee joint is ______


When contracted, the actions of the rectus abdominis on the spine include lumbar [x1] and lateral flexion.


When contracted, the actions of the splenius cervicis on the spine include [x1], rotation, and lateral flexion.


When contracted, the extensor hallucis longus carries out the following actions at the ankle joint: extension of the great toe, dorsiflexion, and subtler _____.

Plantar flexion

When contracted, the flexor hallucis longus has the following actions on the ankle joint: flexion of the great toe, ______ , and inversion.


When the semitendinosus contracts, the resultant movement to the knee joint is _____, and internal rotation.

Right sternocleidomastoid

Which if the following muscles contract concentrically to cause cervical flexion, left cervical rotation, and right cervical lateral flexion?

Right splenius capitis

Which if the following muscles contract concentrically to cause extension of the head, right cervical rotation, and right cervical lateral flexion?

Rich nervous innervation

Which of the following does not contribute to the relative stability of the acetabular femoral joint?

Gluteus medius

Which of the following is considered to be an agonist muscle during hip abduction?

Classified as an arthrodial type joint

Which of the following is correct regarding the patellofemoral joint?


Which of the following is not considered to be one of the quadriceps muscle group?

Decreases stability

Which of the following is not correct regarding menisci in the knee joint?

Sometimes referred to as trochoginglymus joint due to internal and external rotation occurring when in full extension

Which of the following is not correct regarding the knee joint proper?

Provides static stability to the knee joint

Which of the following is not true regarding the hamstring muscle group?

Covered by the vastus fascia

Which of the following is not true regarding the quadriceps muscle group?

All are superficial and palpable except vastus medialis

Which of the following is not true regarding the rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis?

Provides the knee with stability

Which of the following is not true with respect to the synovial cavity?

Extensor hallucis longus

Which of the following muscles can perform extension of the great toe when concentrically contracting?

Extensor digitorum longus

Which of the following muscles can perform extension of the lesser toes when concentrically contracting?

Flexor digitorum longus

Which of the following muscles can perform flexion of the four lesser toes when concentrically contracting?

Flexor hallucis longus

Which of the following muscles can perform flexion of the great toe when concentrically contracting?

flexor hallucis longus

Which of the following muscles can perform flexion of the great toe when concentrically contracting?

Tibialis anterior

Which of the following muscles can perform inversion of the foot when concentrically contracting?

Flexor hallucis longus

Which of the following muscles does not perform eversion of the foot?

Peroneus tertius

Which of the following muscles does not perform plantar flexion?

Biceps femoris

Which of the following muscles externally rotates the knee?

Flexor digitorum longus

Which of the following muscles has its insertion on the base of the distal phalanx of each of the four lesser toes?


Which of the following muscles internally rotates the knee?


Which of the following muscles may be palpated on the upper one-half of the posterior aspect of the lower leg?


Which of the following muscles only performs plantar flexion

Erector Spinae

Which of the following muscles would be most effective in performing anterior pelvic rotation?

Left sternocleidomastoid

Which of the following muscles would not be concentrically active when attempting to place the right ear on the right shoulder while lying on the left side?

all of the above

Which of the following statements is not correct regarding the abdominal muscles?

The interosseus membrane is located around the tibia and fibula shafts to provide support

Which of the following statements is not true regarding the tibiofibular joint?


_______ of the knee is the only movement attributed to the vastus medialis.


Pronation is a combination of ankle dorsiflexion, subtalar eversion, and forefoot abduction.

Laterally, abduction

he gluteus medius muscle is located ________ and performs ________ of the hip joint. ?


n right or left lateral [x1], the head moves laterally in the frontal plane toward the shoulder and the thorax moves laterally toward the pelvis.


All of the erector spinae muscles run horizontally parallel to the spinal column.

Gerdy's condyle

All of the following are key bony landmarks of the knee joint except?


All three of the vasti muscles of quadriceps originate on proximal femur and insert on patellar superior pole.


Bending or decreasing the angle between the femur and the lower leg is termed _________


Contraction of the adductor longs results in adduction of the hip, and assisting in hip ____


Contraction of the adductor longus results in adduction of the hip, and assisting in hip _____.


Contraction of the adductor magnus results in adduction of the hip, external rotation, and hip ______.


Extensor hallucis longus can perform weak inversion of the foot.


Extreme _____ of the spine would be prevented in part by the spinous processes.


For the pelvis to rotate a significant amount motion must occur in either the right hip, the left hip, the lumbar spine or some combination of these joints. ?


If desiring to emphasize work on the gluteus maximus during resisted hip extension exercises, the knee should be placed in _________. ?

rectus abdominis

In performing lateral flexion against gravity such as in a lateral sit-up, which of the following muscles would be least effective?


Inversion is turning the ankle and foot outward away from the midline of the body where the weight is on medial edge of foot.


Reduction of the spine is defined as a return movement from lateral flexion to a neutral position.

External rotation

Rotary movement of the lower leg laterally away from the midline is termed ________

Internal rotation

Rotary movement of the lower leg medially toward the midline is termed ______


Straightening or increasing the angle between the femur and the lower leg is termed ____


Straightening or increasing the angle between the femur and the lower leg is termed _______


Tibialis anterior performs dorsal flexion of the ankle in the sagittal plane.


Toe flexion is movement of toes toward plantar surface of the foot.

Gastrocnemius and soleus

Triceps surae refers to the ____

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