Kinesiology Final

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What are the arthrokinematics at the knee joint during the motion of moving from sitting to standing?

Femoral condyle rolls anteriorly, slides posteriorly

What is the screw home mechanism that occurs at the knee when moving from sitting to standing?

Femur medially rotates

What position of the hip produces the greater amount of contact between joint surfaces?

Flexed 90, abducted, and laterally rotated

Which muscles provide gripping force on the ground during sway to help maintain balance?

Flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallicus longus

Which of the following positions most effectively stretches the rectus femoris?

Hip extension with knee flexion

What is the function of the hamstring muscles?

Hip extension, knee flexion

What is the function of the posterior fibers of the adductor magnus muscle in the sagittal plane?

Hip extensor

Which of the following muscles produce a force couple to posteriorly tilt the pelvis?

Hip extensors, abdominal muscles

Which of the following positions would provide the most effective stretch of the hamstring muscles?

Hip flexion, knee extension

Which of the following muscles produce a force couple to anteriorly tilt the pelvis?

Hip flexors, erector spinae muscles

What is the function of the fibulas lotus during closed-chain activities when the body shifts weight from the rear foot to the forefoot when walking?

Holds first ray in contact with ground

Which of the following motions at the metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joint motions is displayed in the image?


Which of the following muscles have a primary function of hip flexion when activated?

Iliopsoas, sartorius, rectus femoris

Which of the following ligaments can be used to counter posterior leaning of the trunk to assist with standing without actively contracting lower extremity musculature?


Which of the following bones make up the acetabulum of the hip?

Illium, ischium, pubis

Which of the following results is most likely to occur in the knee joint following surgical removal of the knee joint menisci?

Increased gliding of femoral surface on tibia

Which of the following statements bets describes the function of the patella at the knee?

Increases movement arm of quadriceps muscles, most effectively from 60-30 extension

Which of the following motions together make up supination of the ankle and foot complex?

Inversion, adduction, plantar flexion

Which of the following statements best describes the function of the tibias posterior muscle?

Inverts the foot in both dorsiflexion and plantar flexion, assists with plantar flexion

Which of the following bony landmarks is used to palpate the attachments of the bicep femoris muscle?

Ischial tuberosity, fibular head, lateral tibial condyle

Which of the following bony landmarks is used to palpate the attachments of the biceps femoris muscle?

Ischial tuberosity, fibular head, lateral tibial condyle

In which of the following positions do the hamstring muscles become passively insufficient at end ranges?

Knee extension with hip flexion

Which of the following best describes the optimal position for stretching the gastrocnemius muscle?

Knee extension, ankle dorsiflexion

In which of the following positions do the hamstring muscles become actively insufficient at end ranges?

Knee flexion with hip extension

In which of the following positions does the rectus femoris become passively insufficient t end ranges?

Knee flexion with hip extension

Which of the following movements does the biceps femoris muscle produce?

Knee flexion, hip extension, lateral axial rotation

Which of the following angles would indicate a coxa valgus of the femoral neck and shaft?


What is the average passive extension range of motion at the hip if the knee is placed in extension?


In what position is gluteus maximus able to generate its greatest extensor force?

70 hip flexion

In which of the following positions is the greatest amount of axial rotation of the knee?

90 degrees of knee flexion

Which of the following angles between the femur and the tibia at the lateral aspect denotes excessive genu valgus?


Which of the following angles between the femur and tibia at the lateral aspect denotes excessive genu varum?


A person stands only on the left leg with no weight bearing on the right leg. The person hikes his right pelvis rotating the pelvis upward in the frontal plane. What is the resultant position of the left support hip in relation to the pelvis?


Which if the following definitions best describes Q angle at the knee?

Angle formed by the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) and midpoint of patella, typically 13-15 degrees

Which of the following ligaments counters excessive anterior slide of the tibia on the femur during open chain terminal knee extension?

Anterior cruciate ligament

In which of the following positions is the patella in maximal contact with the intercondylar femoral groove?

Between 90 and 60 degrees of flexion

Which of the following ligaments is MOST LIKELY to be injured with an ankle inversion sprain?


What muscle provides the primary action of lifting the heel off the ground during walking?

Concentric closed-chain contraction of gastrocnemius

What is the typical angle of tibial torsion seen in adults?

Distal end rotated 20-30 degrees laterally compared with proximal end

What is the primary function of the tibias anterior muscle?

Dorsiflexion and inversion

What muscles are activated at the knee when moving from a standing to a sitting position?

Eccentric contaction fo quadriceps

What is the function of the tibias posterior on the medial longitudinal arch as the leg accepts weight bearing during standing, walking, or running?

Eccentrically contracts to control rate of lowering of arch as leg accepts weight

What is the function fo the tibias anterior muscle after the heel touches the ground during walking?

Eccentrically lowers foot to ground

What is the primary motion that occurs at the subtalar joint?

Equal amounts of inversion/eversion and abduction/adduction, small amount of dorsiflexion/plantar flexion

Which of the following motions together make up pronation of the ankle and foot complex?

Eversion, abduction, dorsiflexion

What is the primary function of the fibulas longus and fibulas brevis muscles during open-chain activities?

Everts foot, assists with plantar flexion

As an athlete performs a powerful uphill sprint, what is the function of hip abductors at the end range of hip flexion?

Extension torque

Which statement best compare the knee extensor muscle group with the flexor muscle group?

Extensors able to produce two thirds greater force than flexors

When moving from a sitting to a standing position, what muscles are most likely activated at the hip in the sagittal plane?

Gluteus maximus, hamstring

A person is moving from a sit-in position to a standing position. Which of the following muscles are MOST LIKELY activated at the hip to achieve hip extension during this change in position?

Gluteus maximus, hamstrings

When standing only on the right lower extremity, which of the following muscle groups on the right side assist with maintaining the pelvis in a level position?

Gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, tensor fasciae latae

Which of the following joint conditions would most likely result from a center edge angle if the acetabulum that is greater than 25 degrees?

Greater joint stability

Which of the following bony landmarks is MOST OFTEN used to measure leg lengths and heights for assistive devices?

Greater trochanter of the femur

In which of the following positions is the rectus femoris muscle able to generate the greatest hip flexion torque?

Hip and knee flexion

Which of the following positions best stretches the rectus femoris muscle?

Hip extension and knee flexion

Which of the following ligaments counters a varus force in the frontal plane at the knee joint?

Lateral Collateral Ligament

Which of the following statements best describes the function of the piriformis muscle?

Lateral hip rotator below 90 of hip flexion, medial rotator above 90 of hip flexion

Which of the following four arches has a characteristic of rigidity and assists with forward propulsion during walking?

Lateral longitudinal arch

Which of the following bony configurations contributes to a greater capacity for ankle inversion compared with eversion?

Lateral malleolus extends further distally than medial malleolus

In which direction does the knee meniscus move during lateral rotation at the knee?

Lateral meniscus moves anteriorly, medial meniscus moves posteriorly

Which of the following landmarks is used to palpate the proximal attachment and muscle belly of the tibias anterior muscle?

Lateral tibial condyle and proximal tibial shaft

What is the function of the popliteus muscle when moving from a standing to a sitting position?

Laterally rotates femur on tibia

Which of the following relationships between the neck of the femur and the femoral shaft would most likely result in an excessive "toeing out" posture and restricted medial rotation at the hip?


Which of the following ligaments counters a valgus force in the frontal plane at the knee joint?

Medial collateral ligament

Which of the following foot arches has a characteristic of elasticity and is the main shock absorbing structure of the foot?

Medial longitudinal arch

A person stands only on the left leg with no weight bearing on the right leg. The person rotates his right pelvis forward in the horizontal plane. What is the resultant position of the left support hip in relation to the pelvis?

Medially rotated

Which of the following bones comprise the forefoot?

Metatarsals and Phalanges

Which of the following bones comprise the midfoot?

Navicular, three cuneiforms, cuboid

What is the primary function of the ankle and foot complex supination at the subtalar joint?

Places foot in position allowing foot to be rigid enough for propulsion during walking

Which of the following ligaments counters excessive posterior slide of the tibia on the femur during open chain terminal knee extension?

Posterior cruciate ligament

Which of the following hip muscles plays a role as the spine stabilizer?

Psoas Major

Which of the following knee posture sis depicted in the image?


When walking, a persons left pelvis is noted to drop downward in the frontal plane when standing only on the right leg as the left leg swings forward. Weakness in which of the following muscle groups is most likely to result in this pelvis movement?

Right hip abductors

When walking, during forward swing of the right leg, which of the following muscle groups rate the pelvis in the horizontal plane toward the weight bearing stance leg?

Right medial rotators

What is the arthrokinematic motion of the talus during open-chain talocrural dorsiflexion?

Rolls anterior, slides posterior

What is the arthrokinemation motion of the talus during open-chain talocrural plantar flexion?

Rolls posterior, slides anterior

Which of the following muscles comprise the per anserinus tendons?

Sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus

Which of the following metatarsals has the least amount of mobility, allowing the other metatarsals to move around it so the foot can adapt to the ground during walking?


Which of the muscles' tendons becomes prominent with resisted knee flexion at the medial tibial condyle?


Which of the following factors is most likely to result in excessive lateral tracking of the patella?

Shortened iliotibial band and lateral patellar retinaculum, lax medial collateral ligaments

Which of the following statements best describes the characteristics and function of the soles muscle?

Slow-twitch fibers, works over a period of time controlling body sway at the ankle

What is the arthokinematic motion at the hip during open-chain femoral flexion?

Spins posteriorly

Which of the following bones comprise the rearfoot?

Talus, calcaneus

What is the screw-home mechanism that occurs during the last 20-30 degrees of open chain knee extension?

Tibia laterally rotates

What is the screw home mechanism that occurs as the knee begins open-chain flexion?

Tibia medially rotates

Which of the following bones comprise the talocrural joint?

Tibia, fibula, talus

Which of the following muscles forms a sling to lift and support the transverse ad medial longitudinal arches?

Tibialis anterior, fibulas longus

Which of the following muscle tendons are located in the tarsal tunnel?

Tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus

Which of the following ligaments is MOST LIKELY to be injured with an ankle eversion sprain?


Which of the following statements is most correct about the vastus muscle group?

Vastus muscles produce 80% of the total extension torque

Which of the following functional activities require the least amount of knee flexion range of motion?

Walking on a level surface

What is the primary function of the ankle and foot complex pronation at the subtalar joint?

Unlocks subtalar joint allowing foot to adapt to various surfaces

Which of the following motions and postures occur with an increased anterior tilt of the pelvis?

flexion at the hip, increased lumbar lordosis, spinal extension

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