KPE 376 Final

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Which of the following are not actions of the pectoralis minor muscle? Multiple Choice Abduction Depression Adduction Downward rotation


Which of the following muscles can perform extension of the great toe when concentrically contracting? Multiple Choice Tibialis anterior Peroneus tertius Extensor digitorum longus Extensor hallucis longus

Extensor hallucis longus

Which of the following muscles performs extension of the index finger? Multiple Choice Extensor indicis Abductor pollicis longus Extensor digiti minimi Extensor pollicis longus

Extensor indicis

Aging induces a progressive increase of collagen in bone that results in an increase in brittleness.


Which of the following actions is performed during the return phase of rowing exercise? Multiple Choice Adduction Flexion Downward rotation Depression


Kinematics is the description of motion and includes consideration of each of the following except? Forces Displacement Velocity Time


Which of the following muscles is not eccentrically active during the lowering phase of a dead lift exercise? Multiple Choice Iliopsoas Rectus femoris Semitendinosus Gluteus maximus


Which of the following is not true regarding muscular strength and endurance in the shoulder area? Multiple Choice Increases efficiency in skill performance of upper body activities Increases performance in all sports Essential for improved appearance and posture Specific conditioning exercises and activities should be intelligently selected

Increases performance in all sports

Which of the following is not a muscle of the rotator cuff group? Multiple Choice Infraspinatus Teres minor Supraspinatus Intrascapularis


Which of the following is the origin of the flexor pollicis longus? Multiple Choice Posterior aspect of the proximal ulna Medial epicondyle of the humerus Middle anterior surface of the radius Proximal 3/4ths of the anterior and medial ulna

Middle anterior surface of the radius

Which of the following is not a true statement regarding isokinetic exercise? Is not another type or classification of muscle contraction The speed or velocity of movement is constant Can only be performed on machines such as Biodex, Cybex, and Lido Muscular contraction occurs only through part of the movement

Muscular contraction occurs only through part of the movement

Which of the following pairs of variables exhibits an inverse relationship? The force and the force arm The resistance and the resistance arm Both of the above statements exhibit an inverse relationship Correct None of the above choices is

None of the above choices is

Which of the following muscles are agonists during a triceps extension? Multiple Choice Brachialis Brachioradialis Biceps brachii None of the above choices is correct

None of the above choices is correct

Which of the following is not a classification of neuron type? Sensory Interneuron Peripheral Motor


Which of the following is not a function performed by the skeletal system? Support to maintain posture Production of heat Mineral Storage Protection of internal organs

Production of heat

Which of the following is not an action of the pectoralis major muscle? Multiple Choice Internal rotation Pronation Flexion Abduction


Bone is composed of all but one of the following constituents. Phosphorus Calcium Water Protein


Which of the following is not a shape by which muscles are categorized? Fusiform Radial Strap Sphincter


Which of the following statements is correct regarding the lifting phase of a chest press? Multiple Choice The shoulder girdle performs adduction The elbow performs extension The wrist and hand perform extension The shoulder performs extension

The elbow performs extension

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the pushing phase of a push-up? Multiple Choice The shoulder girdle performs abduction The shoulder performs horizontal abduction Incorrect The elbow performs flexion The wrist and hand perform extension

The shoulder girdle performs abduction

Which of the following is not considered to be a law of motion and physical activity? Body motion is produced or started by some action of muscular system The muscular system is source of force in humans Motion cannot occur without a force There are three types of motion

There are three types of motion

Which of the following is not a true statement regarding antagonist muscles? When activated these muscles have the opposite concentric action These muscles work against agonist muscles by contracting and preventing movement Muscle is typically located on opposite side of the joint from agonist Also known as contralateral muscles

These muscles work against agonist muscles by contracting and preventing movement

Which of the following is an action performed by the serratus anterior? Multiple Choice Flexion Downward rotation Upward rotation Extension

Upward rotation

Which of the following is not an agonist muscle of hip extension when performing "alternating prone extension" exercise? Multiple Choice Vastus medialis Biceps femoris Semitendinosus Gluteus maximus

Vastus medialis

Movements in the transverse plane occur around which axis? Vertical Mediolateral Horizontal Anteroposterior


All of the erector spinae muscles run horizontally parallel to the spinal column.


Posterior dislocations occur frequently at the glenohumeral joint.


The location of the pectoralis minor muscle is such that the muscle may be palpated with little difficulty.


The dumbbell bent-over row is an excellent shoulder girdle exercise due to its work on the _____. Multiple Choice rhomboids levator scapula pectoralis minor serratus anterior


The "Tom, Dick, and Harry" phrase refers to the _____. Multiple Choice tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, extensor hallucis longus tibialis posterior, extensor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus

tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus

A sideward deviation of the spine is known as scoliosis.


The Q angle is usually _____ or less for males and _____ or less for females. Multiple Choice 20; 10 15; 15 10; 20 15; 20

15; 20

Which of the following levers would be best to use to move a specific object if your only objective was slight movement of the object? 3rd class with resistance arm of 20 and force arm of 10 2nd class with resistance arm of 10 and force arm of 20 Each would be just as effective as the others 1st class with resistance arm of 10 and force arm of 10

2nd class with resistance arm of 10 and force arm of 20

Which of the following is the Law of Acceleration? For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. A body in motion tends to remain in motion at the same speed in a straight line unless acted on by a force. A change in the acceleration of a body occurs in the same direction as the force that caused it. None of the above choices is correct.

A change in the acceleration of a body occurs in the same direction as the force that caused it.

Which of the following is an action of the middle fibers of the deltoid muscles? Multiple Choice Extension Flexion Adduction Abduction


Which of the following is not an action of the brachioradialis muscle? Multiple Choice Pronation from supinated position Supination from a pronated position Flexion of the elbow Extension of the elbow

Extension of the elbow

During an underhand softball pitch that does not involve a windmill windup, the hand holding the ball is moved to a posterior position with respect the torso prior to the forward swing of the arm that releases the ball. In what order do the movements occur at the shoulder joint to make this motion possible? Abduction, adduction Adduction, abduction Flexion, extension Extension, flexion

Extension, flexion

Which of the following muscles has its insertion on the four tendons to the bases of middle and distal phalanxes of the four fingers on the dorsal surface of the hand? Multiple Choice Extensor digitorum Abductor pollicis longus Extensor pollicis longus Extensor indicis

Extensor digitorum

The more sudden the activation of a myotatic reflex, the less significant the reflexive contraction.


The scapula is an example of an irregular bone.


The shape and arrangement of muscle fibers affect the muscle's ability to relax.


Which of the following muscles can perform flexion of the great toe when concentrically contracting? Multiple Choice Peroneus tertius Peroneus longus Peroneus brevis Flexor hallucis longus

Flexor hallucis longus

Which of the following statements is not true regarding the "recovery phase" of sports skills? Multiple Choice Used after follow-through to regain balance Not needed in some sports activities Involves more total force production by muscles than any other phase except for the movement phase Needed to get repositioned for the next possible sport movement

Involves more total force production by muscles than any other phase except for the movement phase

Which of the following muscles are antagonists during an arm curl? Multiple Choice Flexor carpi radialis Flexor carpi ulnaris Flexor pollicis longus None of the above choices is correct

None of the above choices is correct

Which of the following muscles has its origin on the distal third of the anterior fibula? Multiple Choice Peroneus longus Flexor hallucis longus Peroneus tertius Peroneus brevis

Peroneus tertius

Which of the following muscles is innervated by the deep peroneal nerve (L4, L5, S1)? Multiple Choice Peroneus brevis Flexor hallucis longus Peroneus longus Peroneus tertius

Peroneus tertius

Which of the following is an origin of the latissimus dorsi muscle? Multiple Choice Front of the sacrum Spinous processes of the lumbar and lower eight thoracic vertebrae Slips of the lower seven ribs Posterior crest of the ilium

Posterior crest of the ilium

When sitting which of the following movements would most likely result in the process of attempting to flex the right hip? Multiple Choice Posterior pelvic rotation Anterior pelvic rotation Right lateral pelvic rotation Left lateral pelvic rotation

Posterior pelvic rotation

Actions of the biceps brachii include all of the following except? Multiple Choice Supination of the forearm Weak flexion of the shoulder joint Pronation of the forearm Flexion of the elbow

Pronation of the forearm

Which of the following muscles does not act in flexion of the elbow? Multiple Choice Brachioradialis Biceps brachii Pronator quadratus Brachialis

Pronator quadratus

The radial nerve innervates all of the following muscles except? Multiple Choice Anconeus Brachioradialis Pronator teres Triceps brachii

Pronator teres

Which of the following is not true with respect to the synovial cavity? Multiple Choice Provides the knee with stability Supplies knee with synovial fluid Lies under patella and between surfaces of tibia & femur Considered to be the "capsule of the knee"

Provides the knee with stability

During the lifting phase of a "dead lift" exercise the agonist muscles of the wrist and hand include all of the following except: Multiple Choice Palmaris longus Flexor carpi radialis Flexor digitorum profundus Quadratus lumborum

Quadratus lumborum

Which of the following statements is false regarding forces? Product of mass and acceleration Relative to the mass of an object May either push or pull on an object Without forces acting on an object there would be no motion

Relative to the mass of an object

Which of the following positions would be best to stretch the pectoralis minor? Multiple Choice Retraction Protraction Elevation Depression


Which of the following muscles is innervated by the branches of C5, C6 and C7 of the brachial plexus? Multiple Choice Rhomboid Serratus anterior Trapezius Pectoralis minor

Serratus anterior

Which of the following muscles is located most anteriorly on the human body? Multiple Choice Rhomboids Levator scapulae Serratus anterior Trapezius

Serratus anterior

Which of the following is not an example that results from excessive tissue deformation due to mechanical loading? Shear Compression Bending Straightening


Which of the following muscles has a portion of its insertion located on the spine of the scapula? Multiple Choice Rhomboids Levator scapulae Trapezius Serratus anterior


Which of the following muscles is innervated by the branches of C3 and C4 of the brachial plexus? Multiple Choice Rhomboid Serratus anterior Pectoralis minor Trapezius


Which of the following is not an agonist muscle of shoulder flexion when performing "alternating prone extension" exercise? Multiple Choice Coracobrachialis Biceps brachii Triceps brachii Deltoid

Triceps brachii

The pennate type of muscle fiber arrangement may be classified by the following terms except? Multipennate Bipennate Tripennate Unipennate


Bone size and shape are influenced by both the direction and magnitude of applied forces.


Bones reshape themselves based upon the stresses that are placed upon them.


Collagen in bone provides flexibility and strength to resist tension.


The term "innervation" is used to describe a segment of nervous system and is defined as being responsible for providing a stimulus to muscle fibers within a specific muscle or portion of a muscle.


The term "intrinsic" usually pertains to muscles within or belonging solely to the body part upon which they act.


When antagonist muscles contract concentrically they perform the opposite joint motion of the agonist muscle.


Which of the following statements is true regarding the action of the quadriceps muscle group during squatting? Multiple Choice When the descent is at the same speed as gravity no muscular control is exerted. When the descent is at the same speed as gravity the muscle lengthening is eccentric. Both of the above choices are correct None of the above choices is correct

When the descent is at the same speed as gravity no muscular control is exerted.

The iliopsoas muscle is located _____ and performs _____ of the hip joint.

anteriorly; flexion

The sartorius muscle is located _____ and performs _____ of the hip joint. Multiple Choice medially; adduction anteriorly; flexion laterally; abduction posteriorly; extension

anteriorly; flexion

The insertion of the tensor fasciae latae muscle is one-fourth of the way down the thigh into the iliotibial tract, which inserts onto Gerdy's tubercle of the _____ tibial condyle. Multiple Choice posteromedial anteromedial anterolateral posterolateral


Motion between the articular surfaces of bone is known as _____. osteokinematics arthrokinematics biomechanics kinetics


In the alternating prone extension exercise the hip extensors contract _____. Multiple Choice concentrically during the lowering phase isometrically during the lifting phase concentrically during the lifting phase eccentrically during the lifting phase

concentrically during the lifting phase

An action common to the latissimus dorsi, teres major, and lower pectoralis major is _____. Multiple Choice flexion external rotation extension abduction


Extreme _____ of the spine would be prevented in part by the spinous processes. Multiple Choice abduction flexion lateral flexion extension


The rectus femoris is more powerful in extending the knee when the hip is in _____. Multiple Choice external rotation extension flexion internal rotation


An action common to the posterior deltoid, teres minor, and infraspinatus is _____. Multiple Choice internal rotation adduction abduction external rotation

external rotation

Due to the adductor brevis, adductor longus, and adductor magnus all inserting in various locations on the linea aspera, a resulting movement that is facilitated when adducting the hip is _____. Multiple Choice flexion extension external rotation internal rotation

external rotation

Supination refers to internal rotary movements of the radius on the ulna.


The abdominal curl-up does not strengthen the internal and external oblique abdominals unless trunk rotation is included.


The acetabulum inserts into the femoral head to form the acetabular femoral joint.


The acromioclavicular joint has more total range of possible than the sternoclavicular joint.


The anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments are located on the outermost anterior and posterior surfaces of the knee joint.


The chin-up exercise is an excellent exercise for triceps brachii development.


The horizontal indentations that transect the rectus abdominis, giving it a segmented appearance is the linea alba.


The insertion of the deltoid muscle is the humeral tuberosity on the lateral humerus.


The lateral supracondylar ridge is an anatomical landmark located on the ulna.


Proximal interphalangeal joint motion occurs about the _____ axis. Multiple Choice transverse frontal longitudinal sagittal


The wrist joint moves through the _____ plane about the _____ axis with ulnar and deviation. Multiple Choice sagittal; coronal transverse; longitudinal frontal; frontal frontal; sagittal

frontal; sagittal

Triceps surae refers to the _____. Multiple Choice gastrocnemius and soleus the Tom, Dick & Harry muscles triceps fibularis peroneus longus, peroneus brevis, peroneus tertius

gastrocnemius and soleus

The gluteus medius muscle is located _____ and performs _____ of the hip joint. Multiple Choice laterally; abduction medially; adduction posteriorly; extension anteriorly; flexion

laterally; abduction

In order to obtain the greatest amount of active wrist extension you should place the fingers in _____. Multiple Choice relaxed flexion full active extension tight adduction relaxed abduction

relaxed flexion

The three specific types of accessory motions are described as _____. spin, twirl, and glide roll, spin, and glide rock, slide, and circumfusion slip, slide, and roll

roll, spin, and glide

The insertion of the _____ muscle is the posteromedial surface of the medial tibial condyle. Multiple Choice semitendinosus semimembranosus sartorius rectus femoris


The _____ process can be palpated on the posterior surface of the spine when it is flexed. Multiple Choice xiphoid styloid transverse spinous


All of the following are open chain exercises except for _____. Multiple Choice sit-up abdominal curl-up alternating prone extension squat


The insertion of the rectus femoris muscle is the _____ aspect of the patella and the patellar tendon to the tibial tuberosity. Multiple Choice superior medial lateral inferior


As the knee approaches full extension the tibia must externally rotate approximately 10 degrees to achieve proper alignment of the tibial and femoral condyles.


Diarthrodial joints are also known as synovial joints.


Dorsiflexion is the dorsal aspect of the foot moving toward the anterior tibia.


During the arm pull/leg push phase of the rowing exercise the shoulder joint performs extension.


Each thoracic vertebrae has one pair of ribs that attaches to it laterally.


Eccentric actions occur when muscles lengthen under tension to control the joints moving with gravity or a resistance.


Exact names of the movement phases may vary from skill to skill to fit the various sports terminology.


Extensor hallucis longus can perform weak inversion of the foot.


Muscles are the main source of force that produce or change movement of a body segment or the entire body.


Muscles generally function in paired opposition to an antagonistic group.


Normal bony limitation of elbow flexion is limited by the coranoid process fitting into the coranoid fossa.


Normally, the hip joint can be abducted to approximately 35 degrees.


Normally, the wrist has more adduction range of motion than abduction range of motion.


Positioning the forearm in pronation reduces the effectiveness of the biceps brachialis in flexing the elbow.


Pronation is a combination of ankle dorsiflexion, subtalar eversion, and forefoot abduction.


Proper weight lifting technique involves exhaling during lifting and inhaling during lowering.


Reduction of the spine is defined as a return movement from lateral flexion to a neutral position.


Severe injuries at the tibiofibular joint can involve the posterior tibiofibular ligament, interosseus ligament, and interosseus membrane.


The knee joint can extend to 180 degrees normally although some individuals can extend slightly further.


The knee joint is the largest joint in the body.


The lateral fibula serves as the attachment for knee joint structures but does not articulate with the femur or patella.


The location of the erector spinae muscles enables them to extend the spine and assist in rotation and lateral flexion.


The rectus abdominis muscle can control the tilt of the pelvis when contracting.


The sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus all insert just below the medial condyle on upper anteromedial tibial surface.


The semimembranosus is located posteromedially and internally rotates the knee.


The term "action" refers to a specific movement of a joint that occurs as a result from a concentric muscle contraction.


Which of the following statements is correct regarding the diaphragm muscle? Multiple Choice It is responsible for breathing during quiet rest When it contracts and flattens air is inspired When larger amounts of air are needed other thoracic muscles have a more significant contribution to inspiration All of the above choices are correct

All of the above choices are correct

Which of the following muscles performs an action in the frontal plane? Multiple Choice Extensor indicis Extensor pollicis longus Abductor pollicis longus Extensor digitorum

Abductor pollicis longus

The muscles that perform radioulnar supination include all of the following except? Multiple Choice Anconeus Biceps brachii Brachioradialis Supinator


Which of the following is affected by the shape and size of a muscle? Location of the associated nerve Rate of muscle contraction Ability of a muscle to produce force Bony structure

Ability of a muscle to produce force

Which of the following could be done to reduce the amount of force needed to move a lever? Move the resistance closer to the axis Apply the force further from the axis Decrease the amount of resistance All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following statements accurately describes the relationship between linear and angular motion? Angular motion of the joints produces linear motion. Correct linear Motion of the joints produces angular motion. Both of the above choices are correct. None of the above choices is correct.

Angular motion of the joints produces linear motion.

Muscles provide all of the following except? Produce a major portion of total body heat Protection Attachment points for other muscles Posture and support

Attachment points for other muscles

Which of the following is the insertion of the extensor carpi radialis longus? Multiple Choice Base of distal phalanges Base of 5th metacarpal Base of 3rd metacarpal Base of 2nd metacarpal

Base of 2nd metacarpal

Which of the following is the insertion of the extensor carpi ulnaris? Multiple Choice Base of 5th metacarpal Base of distal phalanges Base of 3rd metacarpal Base of 2nd metacarpal

Base of 5th metacarpal

Which of the following is the insertion of the flexor digitorum profundus? Multiple Choice Base of 2nd metacarpal Base of 5th metacarpal Base of 3rd metacarpal Base of distal phalanxes of the four fingers

Base of distal phalanxes of the four fingers

The medial collateral ligament originates on the medial aspect of upper medial femoral condyle and inserts on medial tibial surface.


The most palpable point of the femur at the hip is the greater trochanter.


The most palpable shoulder girdle muscle is the trapezius.


The muscles that are considered to be the agonists of phalangeal flexion include flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor digitorum profundus, and flexor pollicis longus.


The names of individual phases of sports skills may vary depending upon body part involved.


The only muscle involved in extending all of the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints of the four fingers is the extensor digitorum.


The origin of the levator scapulae is the transverse processes of the upper 4 cervical vertebrae.


The origin of the pectoralis major muscle includes the medial half of the anterior surface of the clavicle.


The origin of the pectoralis major muscle includes the portion of the sternum adjacent to the costal cartilages of the first six ribs.


The patella serves as a pulley by improving the angle of pull with the result being a greater mechanical advantage for the quadriceps during knee extension.


The pelvic girdle rotates as a unit due to movement occurring in hip and lumbar spine.


The radial collateral ligament provides lateral stability to the elbow and is rarely injured.


The range of motion of the glenohumeral joint in the frontal plane is approximately 90-95° for adduction and abduction.


The serratus anterior performs abduction in the transverse plane.


The soleus can perform muscular actions only in the sagittal plane.


The specific needs of each individual should be specifically addressed when designing an exercise program.


The teres minor muscle is innervated by the axillary nerve from C5 and C6.


The term "isokinetics" describes a type of dynamic exercise that uses concentric and/or eccentric muscle contractions.


The tibia bears the majority of the weight as compared to the fibula.


The tibial tuberosity serves as the insertion point for all of the quadriceps muscles.


The trapezius can perform adduction in the transverse plane when activated.


The ulna is much larger proximally than the radius.


The ulnar nerve branching from C8 and T1 provides sensation to the ulnar side of hand, the ulnar one-half of ring finger, and the entire little finger.


The upper extremity is often one of the body's weakest areas.


There are two major types of fiber arrangements which are parallel and pennate.


Tibialis anterior performs dorsiflexion of the ankle in the sagittal plane.


When attempting extreme external rotation the total shoulder range of motion is enhanced by scapula adduction.


When determining appropriate conditioning exercises one should consider the open versus closed kinetic chain demands of the activity through analysis of skilled movements.


When the arm is held in the anatomical position the radial tuberosity is in close proximity to lateral side of the ulna.


When using free weights for strength training it is important to ensure that one group of muscles is not overdeveloped and another is underdeveloped.


The point at which all of the body's mass and weight is equally balanced or equally distributed in all directions is the _____. axis center of gravity point of equilibrium balance point

center of gravity

Which of the following movements occur at the shoulder joint but not at the knee? Flexion Rotation Circumduction Extension


The internal oblique abdominal inserts on the _____. Multiple Choice upper half of inguinal ligament, anterior 2/3 of crest of ilium, and lumbar fascia costal cartilage of 8th, 9th, and 10th ribs and linea alba cartilage of 5th, 6th, and 7th ribs and xiphoid process anterior half of crest of ilium, inguinal ligament, crest of pubis, and fascia of rectus abdominis at lower front

costal cartilage of 8th, 9th, and 10th ribs and linea alba

Which of the following is not true regarding concentric muscle contractions? Contractions occur when the muscle develops enough force to overcome applied resistance Contractions cause movement against gravity or resistance Commonly described as being a negative type of contraction A muscle develops active tension as it shortens

Commonly described as being a negative type of contraction

Which of the following is true regarding concentric muscle contractions? Contractions cause movement against gravity or resistance Causes a body part to remain stable against gravity or external forces The force developed by the muscle is less than that of the resistance Results in the joint angle changing in the opposite direction of the applied muscle force

Contractions cause movement against gravity or resistance

All of the following are bony landmarks located on the humerus except? Multiple Choice Lateral condyloid ridge Coronoid fossa Olecranon fossa Coronoid process

Coronoid process

Which of the following is not true regarding the quadriceps muscle group? Multiple Choice Consists of 4 separate muscles Covered by the vastus fascia Located in anterior compartment of the thigh Serve to extend the knee

Covered by the vastus fascia

Which of the following is a type of linear motion? Angular motion Angular Linear motion Curvilinear motion Curviangular motion

Curvilinear motion

Which of the following is the correct order starting from the most posterior aspect of the distal lower leg/ankle and moving medially? Multiple Choice Tibialis posterior, flexor hallucis longus, flexor digitorum longus Flexor hallucis longus, flexor digitorum longus, tibialis posterior Flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus, tibialis posterior Tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus

Flexor hallucis longus, flexor digitorum longus, tibialis posterior

Which of the following muscles performs flexion of the thumb? Multiple Choice Flexor carpi ulnaris Palmaris longus Flexor pollicis longus Extensor carpi radialis longus

Flexor pollicis longus

Which of the following is the Law of Reaction? For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. A body in motion tends to remain in motion at the same speed in a straight line unless acted on by a force. A change in the acceleration of a body occurs in the same direction as the force that caused it. None of the above choices is correct

For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction.

Which of the following statements is not true regarding the wrist and hand joints? Multiple Choice Contain more than 25 joints Forms 16 phalanges Composed of 29 bones Composed of more than 30 muscles

Forms 16 phalanges

Actions of the elbow and radioulnar joints occur in all of the following planes except? Multiple Choice Transverse Horizontal Sagittal Frontal


The 3rd metacarpophalangeal joint moves in which of the following planes? Multiple Choice Frontal, transverse Transverse, longitudinal Frontal, sagittal Sagittal, transverse

Frontal, sagittal

Which of the following is not an agonist muscle of trunk extension when performing "alternating prone extension" exercise? Multiple Choice Gluteus maximus Quadratus lumborum Erector spinae Splenius

Gluteus maximus

Which of the following is a proprioceptor associated with muscle tissue? Pacian corpuscle Meissner's corpuscle Golgi Tendon Organ Ruffini organ

Golgi Tendon Organ

Which of the following is the sole action of the brachialis muscle? Multiple Choice Supination from a pronated position Pronation from supinated position Flexion of the elbow Weak flexion of the shoulder

Flexion of the elbow

Which of the following muscles performs adduction of the wrist? Multiple Choice Extensor carpi radialis longus Flexor carpi ulnaris Flexor pollicis longus Palmaris longus

Flexor carpi ulnaris

Which of the following muscles can perform flexion of the four lesser toes when concentrically contracting? Multiple Choice Tibialis anterior Gastrocnemius Flexor digitorum longus Soleus

Flexor digitorum longus

The origin of the _____ muscle is the lower borders of the transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae (L1-L5), inner surface of the ilium, sides of the bodies of the last thoracic vertebra (T12), all the lumbar vertebrae (L1-L5), intervertebral fibrocartilages, and base of sacrum. Multiple Choice Tensor fascia latae Sartorius Rectus femoris Iliopsoas


Which of the following is the origin of the palmaris longus? Multiple Choice Medial epicondyle of the humerus Proximal 3/4ths of the anterior and medial ulna Middle anterior surface of the radius Posterior aspect of the proximal ulna

Medial epicondyle of the humerus

Which of the following is the insertion of the latissimus dorsi muscle? Multiple Choice Medial lip of the intertubercular groove of the humerus Spinous processes of the lumbar and lower six thoracic vertebrae Back of the sacrum Posterior crest of the ilium

Medial lip of the intertubercular groove of the humerus

The origin of the triceps muscle includes all of the following except? Multiple Choice Infraglenoid tubercle below the inferior lip of glenoid fossa of the scapula Supraglenoid tubercle above the superior lip of the glenoid fossa of the scapula Upper half of the posterior surface of the humerus Distal 2/3 of the posterior surface of the humerus

Supraglenoid tubercle above the superior lip of the glenoid fossa of the scapula

Which of the following is the correct definition of kinesiology? -Application of mechanical physics to human motion -Study of anatomy (active and passive structures), physiology, and mechanics in relation to human movement -Study of muscles as they are involved in the science of movement -Study of the human musculoskeletal and musculotendinous systems

Study of anatomy (active and passive structures), physiology, and mechanics in relation to human movement

Which of the following anatomical landmarks is located on the anterior surface of the scapula? Infraspinatus fossa Subscapular fossa Supraspinatus fossa Glenoid fossa

Subscapular fossa

Which of the following best describes the anatomical location of the head with respect to the left arm? Inferior and lateral Anterior and medial Distal and lateral Superior and medial

Superior and medial

The most common serious knee ligament injury involves the _____. Multiple Choice posterior cruciate ligament lateral collateral ligament anterior cruciate ligament medial collateral ligament

anterior cruciate ligament

The external oblique abdominal inserts on the _____. Multiple Choice costal cartilage of 8th, 9th, and 10th ribs and linea alba anterior half of crest of ilium, inguinal ligament, crest of pubis, and fascia of rectus abdominis at lower front Correct cartilage of 5th, 6th, and 7th ribs and xiphoid process borders of lower eight ribs at side of chest dovetailing with serratus anterior

anterior half of crest of ilium, inguinal ligament, crest of pubis, and fascia of rectus abdominis at lower front Correct

An agonist to the supinator muscle is the _____. Multiple Choice biceps brachialis triceps brachii brachioradialis brachialis

biceps brachialis

The primary movers in cervical spine extension (against resistance) are the: Multiple Choice erector spinae. scalenus. semispinalis cervicis. sternocleidomastoid.

erector spinae.

All sports involve closed-chain lower extremity activities and open-chain upper extremity activities.


An ankle sprain is a common injury that involves the stretching or tearing of one or more tendons.


An individual will develop adequate muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility through participation in sport activities.


Any muscle that is agonistic in hip extension can also contract to cause anterior pelvic rotation.


Assuming that the bat speed and pitched ball velocity were the same, the ball hit with the middle of the bat would travel further than the ball hit with the larger end of the bat.


During both walking and running there is a point where neither foot is touching the ground.


During the "follow-through" phase velocity of the moving body segment progressively decreases over a wide range of motion which is usually attributable to high concentric activity in muscles.


During the return phase of rowing exercise the wrist and hand joints perform extension.


Hip flexion is movement of the femur straight posteriorly toward the pelvis.


Hitting the funny bone is actually a contusion to the humeral nerve.


Inversion is turning the ankle and foot outward away from the midline of the body where the weight is on medial edge of foot.


It is not necessary to analyze each individual's exercise and skill technique in order to specifically design an exercise program to meet his/her needs.


Kyphosis is increased posterior concavity of thoracic curve of the vertebral column.


Lateral epicondylitis is a condition that occurs less commonly than medial epicondylitis.


Minor variations in the point of force application have no effect in determining the effective force of the muscle.


Most of the movement that occurs in the spinal column occurs in the cervical and thoracic regions of the spine.


Movement at the elbow by the forearm away from the shoulder is accurately described by the term "flexion."


Radial flexion is movement of the thumb side of hand toward medial aspect or radial side of forearm.


Six pairs of ribs attach directly to the sternum via a separate costal cartilage.


Some athletes may begin follow-through too late which can cut short the movement phase.


The arm curl exercise is composed of two phases which are the lifting phase and the relaxation phase.


The diaphragm depresses and draws the central tendon forward during exhalation.


The elbow joint is a hinge-type joint that allows for internal and external rotation.


The extensor digitorum longus in innervated by the tibial nerve (L5, S1, S2).


The femoral condyles articulate with the fibular condyles during flexion of the knee.


The flexor pollicis longus may be palpated on the posterior surface of the thumb.


The hamstring muscles function as a decelerator of the knee when decreasing speed to change direction and especially when landing from a jump.


The insertion of the brachioradialis muscle is the proximal end of the radius at the styloid process.


The levator scapulae muscle is innervated by the dorsal scapular nerve C5 and branches of C6.


The levator scapulae muscle is responsible for upward rotation of the inferior angle of the scapula.


The medial malleolus is an anatomical landmark located on the fibula.


The median nerve and all of the flexor tendons except for the flexor carpi ulnaris pass through the carpal tunnel.


The origin of serratus anterior is the surfaces of the upper seven ribs at the side of the chest.


The origin of the pectoralis major muscle is the coracoid process of the scapula.


The origin of the rhomboid muscles is the spinous processes of the last cervical (C7) and the first seven thoracic vertebrae (T1-7).


The popliteus originates on the medial aspect of lateral femoral condyle.


The posterior portion of the trunk contains the abdominal muscles.


The push-up exercise is an excellent exercise for upper extremity development but does little for the rest of the body.


The quadriceps muscle group functions as a decelerator to knee joint flexion in weight-bearing movements by contracting concentrically to prevent too rapid of a downward movement.


The quadriceps muscles perform eccentric contractions during accelerating actions.


The radial head sits inside of the capitulum and is held in place by the annular ligament.


The resistance arm is the distance between the axis and the point of lever application.


The scapula and clavicle serve as the proximal attachments for the muscles that flex and extend the elbow.


The semimembranosus inserts anteromedially on the medial tibial condyle.


The semitendinosus is located laterally and internally rotates the knee.


The stability of the glenohumeral joint is enhanced by its significant mobility.


The sternal head of the pectoralis major muscle is innervated by the lateral pectoral nerve arising from C8 and T1.


The structural instability of the acetabular femoral joint makes this joint susceptible to subluxations and dislocations.


The synergist muscle of an activity is considered to be the primary mover.


The teres ligament is located superficially and slightly limits adduction.


The tibial nerve innervates both the gracilis and biceps femoris muscles.


The vertebral column has 32 pairs of spinal nerves.


Velocity is how fast an object is moving, or the distance an object travels in a specific amount of time.


With the exception of the glenohumeral joint, the acetabular femoral joint is the least mobile joint of the body.


The rectus femoris is more effective in hip flexion when the knee is in _____. Multiple Choice extension abduction flexion adduction


The frontal plane divides the body into _____. top and bottom halves medial and lateral halves right and left halves front and back halves

front and back halves

The movement that occurs between the superior and inferior articular processes of the vertebral facet joints is characterized as _____. Multiple Choice gliding spinning rocking rotary


The squat and dead lift are similar in that they both strengthen the _____. Multiple Choice hip flexors hip extensors trunk extensors knee flexors

hip extensors

The origin of the tensor fasciae latae muscle is the anterior _____ and the surface of the ilium just below the crest. Multiple Choice ilium iliac crest acetabulum lumbar

iliac crest

The insertion of the iliopsoas muscle is the pectineal line and the _____ eminence, lesser trochanter of the femur, and the shaft just below. Multiple Choice pectineal ilium iliopectineal sacrum


An action common to the latissimus dorsi, teres major, subscapularis and pectoralis major is _____. Multiple Choice extension abduction adduction internal rotation

internal rotation

Increased posterior concavity of the cervical spine is known as _____. Multiple Choice kyphosis lordosis scoliosis recurvatum


The _____ vertebrae serve as a link between the pelvic girdle and the thoracic spine-rib cage. Multiple Choice lumbar sacral cervical thoracic


The only uniarticular knee flexor is the _____. Multiple Choice biceps femoris semimembranosus vastus intermedius popliteus


The biceps femoris muscle is located _____ and performs _____ of the hip joint. Multiple Choice laterally; abduction posteriorly; extension anteriorly; flexion medially; adduction

posteriorly; extension

Forward movement of the shoulder girdle in the horizontal plane away from the spine is _____. pronation protraction retraction reduction


If the knee were not able to slide, the femur would _____ when going from flexion to extension on a stationary tibia. spin more internally on the tibia roll off the front of the tibia roll off the back of the tibia spin more externally on the tibia

roll off the front of the tibia

Each muscle in the human body may be innervated by a single nerve or multiple nerves.


Of all the movements possible in the joints of the body, flexion/extension is the most commonly occurring.


The vastus lateralis provides a _____ pull on the patella when contracting concentrically. Multiple Choice superolateral superomedial inferolateral superior


"Carpal Tunnel Syndrome" is swelling and inflammation from increased pressure in carpal tunnel that results in decreased function of the median nerve.


A person riding a bicycle in straight line at 7.5 miles an hour would be more balanced than the same person riding the bicycle 4.8 miles an hour in a straight line.


All of the wrist flexor muscles generally have their origins located on the anteromedial aspect of the proximal forearm and the medial epicondyle of humerus.


Articular cartilage is located on the surfaces of both the femur and tibia.


For the pelvis to rotate, a significant amount motion must occur in the right hip, the left hip, the lumbar spine, or some combination of these joints.


Functions of the abdominal muscles include assisting in spinal stabilization and respiration.


Generally, a high rate of acceleration during the movement phase of a sports skill will result in a greater length and importance of the follow-though phase.


Generally, as a muscle gets longer, its ability to exert force increases.


Glenohumeral joint stability is enhanced by the glenoid labrum.


Heel-strike normally occurs by landing on the heel with the foot in supination and the leg in external rotation.


In a first class lever arrangement the agonist and antagonist muscle groups may contract simultaneously on either side of a joint axis.


Linear displacement is the distance that a system moves along a straight line.


Many types of back pain and other physical ailments can be avoided through proper maintenance of the musculoskeletal system.


Medial epicondylitis is also known as golfer's elbow.


Motion of the elbow primarily involves movement between articular surfaces of the humerus and ulna.


Motions of the toe metatarsal joints include flexion, extension, abduction, and adduction.


Motions of the wrist joint include flexion, extension, abduction, and adduction.


One of the functions of the supraspinatus muscle is to stabilize the humeral head in the glenoid fossa.


Opposition is movement of the thumb across palmar aspect to oppose any or all of the phalanges.


Overall the human leverage system is built for speed and range of movement at the expense of force generation.


Spinal flexion is defined as anterior movement of the spine where the head moves toward chest and the thorax moves toward pelvis.


Statics is the study of systems that are in a constant state of motion.


Supraspinatus action prevents superior translation of the humerus.


The "SAID Principle" indicates that strength gains beyond the range of motion utilized in the training are usually minimal.


The "SAID Principle" is applicable in every form of muscle training as well as to the systems of body.


The "kinetic chain concept" indicates that our extremities consist of several bony segments linked by a series of joints.


The abdominal curl-up strengthens the hip flexors.


The actions of serratus anterior include abduction and upward rotation.


The agonist muscles that perform glenohumeral flexion are the anterior deltoid and the pectoralis major.


The ankle and foot joints are composed of 26 bones in each foot.


The body will gradually, over time, attempt to adapt very specifically to the various stresses and overloads to which it is subjected.


The clavicular head of the pectoralis major is innervated by the lateral pectoral nerve arising from C5, C6, and C7.


The coracoclavicular ligament is particularly important in providing stability to the acromioclavicular joint.


The dead lift is a closed kinetic chain exercise.


The deltoid muscle is innervated by the axillary nerve from C5 and C6.


The distal malleoli of the tibia and fibula serve as pulleys for the posterior tendons to increase the mechanical advantage of the respective muscles in performing inversion and eversion actions.


The erector spinae iliocostalis are considered to be agonist muscles during extension of the spine.


The gastrocnemius and soleus are strengthened in the lowering phase of the squat due to their eccentric contractions.


The iliotibial tract of the tensor fasciae latae inserts on Gerdy's condyle.


The innervation of the trapezius muscle is the accessory nerve (cranial nerve XI) and branches of (C3-4).


The insertion of the pectoralis major muscle is the flat tendon 2-3 inches wide to the outer lip of the intertubercular groove of the humerus.


The insertion of the serratus anterior muscle is the anterior aspect of the whole length of the medial border of the scapula.


The mass of an object affects the speed and acceleration of the object during movement.


The medial border of the scapula above the scapular spine is the insertion point of the levator scapulae.


Which of the following statements is not true regarding "shin splints?" Multiple Choice May be partially prevented by stretching plantar extensors Most often involves tibialis posterior, medial soleus, or anterior tibialis Not a specific diagnosis Attributed to a number of different specific musculotendinous injuries

May be partially prevented by stretching plantar extensors

Which of the following is not considered to be a muscular compartment of the lower leg? Multiple Choice Medial compartment Anterior compartment Lateral compartment Superficial posterior compartment

Medial compartment

Which of the following is the origin of the flexor carpi radialis? Multiple Choice Proximal 3/4ths of the anterior and medial ulna Posterior aspect of the proximal ulna Medial epicondyle of the humerus Middle anterior surface of the radius

Medial epicondyle of the humerus

Agonist muscles during hip extension include all of the following except the: Multiple Choice Sartorius Semitendinosus Semimembranosus Biceps Femoris


The most common glenohumeral dislocation is _____. Multiple Choice anterior superior inferior posterior


Which of the following muscles may not be palpated on the dorsal aspect of the hand? Multiple Choice Extensor indicis Extensor pollicis longus Abductor pollicis longus Extensor digitorum

Abductor pollicis longus

Which of the following muscles performs abduction of the thumb? Multiple Choice Extensor digitorum Abductor pollicis longus Extensor pollicis longus Extensor indicis

Abductor pollicis longus

Which of the following statements is not true regarding the "kinetic chain concept?" Multiple Choice Bony segments and their linkage system of joints may be likened to a chain. A system can be both open and closed simultaneously. If the chain is closed then substantial movement of any one link cannot occur without substantial movement of the other links. Any one link in an extremity may be moved individually without significantly affecting other links if the chain is open.

A system can be both open and closed simultaneously.

Which of the following is not an action of the pectineus muscle? Multiple Choice External rotation of the hip Abduction of the hip Flexion of the hip Adduction of the hip

Abduction of the hip

Which of the following muscles does not perform wrist extension? Multiple Choice Extensor digitorum Extensor indicis Abductor pollicis longus Extensor pollicis longus

Abductor pollicis longus

Which of the following is not true regarding the rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis? Multiple Choice All are superficial and palpable except vastus medialis Generally desired to be 25% to 33% stronger than hamstring group All attach to the patella then to tibial tuberosity via patellar tendon Power may be measured by the vertical jump test

All are superficial and palpable except vastus medialis

The flexor hallucis longus performs which of the following actions? Multiple Choice Great toe flexion Transverse tarsal and subtalar inversion Ankle plantar flexion All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is the correct definition of biomechanics? Application of mechanical physics to human motion Study of motion of human movement Study of muscles as they are involved in the science of movement Study of the human musculoskeletal and musculotendinous systems

Application of mechanical physics to human motion

Which of the following is a true statement regarding stabilizer muscles? Are located opposite a joint or body part Contract to unlock the joint to enable another limb or body segment to exert force and/or move Are essential in establishing a relatively firm base for the more distal joints to work from when carrying out movements Known as guiding muscles

Are essential in establishing a relatively firm base for the more distal joints to work from when carrying out movements

Which of the following statements is not true regarding the "follow-through phase" of sports skills? Multiple Choice Begins immediately prior to the climax of movement phase Body segment velocity progressively decreases Brings about negative acceleration of involved limb or body segment Often referred to as the deceleration phase

Begins immediately prior to the climax of movement phase

The femoral nerve innervates all of the following muscles except: Multiple Choice Rectus femoris Vastus intermedius Biceps femoris Vastus lateralis

Biceps femoris

Which of the following is an action of the latissimus dorsi muscle? Multiple Choice External rotation Extension Both internal rotation and extension Internal rotation

Both internal rotation and extension

Which of the following is an example of a type of friction? Static Kinetic Both of the above choices are correct None of the above choices is correct

Both of the above choices are correct

Which of the following definitions is correct? Rolling friction is always less than static or kinetic friction. Static equilibrium is when the body is at rest or completely motionless. Both of the above choices are correct. None of the above choices is correct.

Both of the above choices are correct.

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the abdominal muscles? Multiple Choice Some sections of these muscles are linked by fascia and tendinous bands. These muscles do not attach completely from bone to bone. Both of the above choices are correct. None of the above choices is correct.

Both of the above choices are correct.

Which of the following statements is not true regarding the "kinetic chain concept?" Multiple Choice Open-chain exercises generally isolate only one segment. Closed-chain exercises work all body segments in the chain. Both of the above choices are correct. None of the above choices is correct.

Both of the above choices are correct.

Muscles that primarily extend the elbow and supinate the forearm include all of the following except? Multiple Choice Triceps brachii Brachialis Supinator Anconeus


Radioulnar supinators include all of the following except? Multiple Choice Biceps brachii Brachioradialis Brachialis Supinator muscle


The muscles that perform radioulnar pronation include all of the following except? Multiple Choice Brachioradialis Pronator teres Pronator quadratus Brachialis


Which of the following is not true regarding the bursae of the knee? Multiple Choice Some bursae are connected to synovial cavity Bursae are composed mainly of fatty tissue There are more than 10 bursae in and around knee Bursae absorb shock and/or reduce friction

Bursae are composed mainly of fatty tissue

Which of the following is not correct regarding menisci in the knee joint? Multiple Choice Attached to tibia Deepens tibial fossa Forms cushions between bones Decreases stability

Decreases stability

Which of the following joint motions is controlled during the lowering phase of "hip sled" exercise? Multiple Choice Dorisflexion Extension Abduction Plantar flexion


What term is used to describe the motion of bringing the dorsum of the foot closer to the anterior leg? Extension Dorsiflexion Flexion Plantar flexion


Which of the types of muscle contraction is usually utilized in causing an object's deceleration? Eccentric Concentric Isometric Isokinetic


The actions of the lower portion of the trapezius muscle include all of the following except? Multiple Choice Adduction Elevation Upward rotation Depression


Which of the following actions is performed by the levator scapulae? Multiple Choice Upward rotation Elevation Depression Downward rotation


Which of the following does not describe a way in which machines function? Enhances force in an attempt to increase total force needed to overcome a resistance Balance of multiple forces Alter resulting direction of the applied force Enhance range of motion & speed of movement so that resistance may be moved further or faster than applied force

Enhances force in an attempt to increase total force needed to overcome a resistance

The term "extensibility" refers to the ability of a muscle to return to its original length following stretching.


There are approximately 552 muscles in the human body.


Which of the following is not a function of the latissimus dorsi muscle? Multiple Choice Extension Internal rotation External rotation Adduction

External rotation

During the process of bone remodeling osteoblasts resorb existing bone and osteoclasts form new bone.


Eccentric muscle "actions" result from isometric muscle contractions.


Eccentric muscle contractions are referred to as muscle actions instead of a contraction since the muscle is shortening as opposed to lengthening.


Epiphyseal plates generally close by age 18 but some may be present until age 27.


Flexion/extension is an example of movement in a coronal plane about an anteroposterior axis.


Fusiform muscle fiber arrangement results in a circular pattern.


It is not possible for a muscle to cause more than one action in an associated joint.


Ligaments through their bone to bone connections provide dynamic stability to diarthrodial joints.


One of the functions of articular cartilage is to separate the diaphysis and epiphysis.


Osteoclasts are specialized cells that form and resorb new bone.


Typical bony features include tendons, epiphysis, and articular cartilage.


Which of the following anatomical landmarks is located on the posterior surface of the scapula? Multiple Choice Posterior fossa Subscapular fossa Glenoid fossa Infraspinatus fossa

Infraspinatus fossa

Which of the following is not true with respect to an isometric muscle contraction? Joint angle may be maintained in a relatively stable position Tension is developed within muscle but joint angles remain constant Is considered to be a dynamic contraction Considered to be a static contraction

Is considered to be a dynamic contraction

Which of the following is not true regarding the force arm of a lever? The greater the distance of the force arm then the more torque produced by the force Is determined by multiplying the distance from the axis by the force Is the shortest distance from the axis of rotation to the line of action of the force Also known as the moment arm or torque arm

Is determined by multiplying the distance from the axis by the force

Which of the following statements is not true regarding the "preparatory phase" of sports skills? Multiple Choice Often referred to as cocking or wind-up phase Becomes more dynamic as the need for explosiveness in the sport skill increases Used to lengthen the muscles in order to generate more force and momentum Is generally not the most critical phase in leading toward the desired result of activity

Is generally not the most critical phase in leading toward the desired result of activity

Which of the following is the origin of the supinator muscle? Multiple Choice Medial epicondyle of the humerus and neighboring posterior part of the ulna Lateral epicondyle of the humerus and neighboring posterior part of the radius Lateral epicondyle of the humerus and neighboring posterior part of the ulna Medial epicondyle of the humerus and neighboring posterior part of the radius

Lateral epicondyle of the humerus and neighboring posterior part of the ulna

Which of the following is considered to be an extrinsic glenohumeral muscle? Multiple Choice Deltoid Latissimus dorsi Teres major Coracobrachialis

Latissimus dorsi

When performing the up portion of the sit-up with rotation to the left, which of the following muscles are utilized the most? Multiple Choice Right internal oblique abdominal and left external oblique abdominal Right internal oblique abdominal and right external oblique abdominal Left internal oblique abdominal and left external oblique abdominal Left internal oblique abdominal and right external oblique abdominal

Left internal oblique abdominal and right external oblique abdominal

Which of the following muscles would not be concentrically active when attempting to place the right ear on the right shoulder while lying on the left side? Multiple Choice Right sternocleidomastoid Right splenius capitis Right erector spinae Left sternocleidomastoid

Left sternocleidomastoid

Which of the following types of machine is most common in the musculoskeletal system arrangements of the human body? Pulleys Wheel-axles Levers None of the above choices is correct


Which of the following is true regarding the medial collateral ligament? Multiple Choice Maintains medial stability by resisting valgus forces or preventing knee from being adducted Maintains medial stability by resisting varus forces or preventing knee from being abducted Maintains medial stability by resisting valgus forces or preventing knee from being abducted Maintains medial stability by resisting valgus forces or preventing knee from being flexed

Maintains medial stability by resisting valgus forces or preventing knee from being abducted

For two objects in contact with each other which of the following would result in the greatest amount of friction? One object sitting stationary on the other The amount of friction would be the same in all of the above examples One object rolling across the other One object sliding across the other

One object sitting stationary on the other

Which of the following muscles is not innervated by the spinal accessory nerve and/or the branches of C5? Multiple Choice Pectoralis minor Levator scapulae Rhomboids Trapezius

Pectoralis minor

Which of the following muscles does not perform plantar flexion? Multiple Choice Peroneus tertius Peroneus longus Flexor hallucis longus Peroneus brevis

Peroneus tertius

Which of the following statements is not valid regarding an "open kinetic chain?" Multiple Choice Upper extremity examples include a shoulder shrug, a shoulder abduction, or a biceps curl Lower extremity examples include seated hip flexion, knee extension, and ankle dorsiflexion Allows any one joint in the extremity to move or function separately Requires the movement of other joints in the extremity

Requires the movement of other joints in the extremity

Which of the following does not contribute to the relative stability of the acetabular femoral joint? Multiple Choice Strong ligaments Bony architecture Rich nervous innervation Large supportive muscles

Rich nervous innervation

Which if the following muscles contract concentrically to cause extension of the head, right cervical rotation, and right cervical lateral flexion? Multiple Choice Right splenius capitis Right splenius cervicis Left sternocleidomastoid Right sternocleidomastoid

Right splenius capitis

Which of the following muscles would best be strengthened by the bench press exercise? Multiple Choice Levator scapulae Rhomboids Trapezius Serratus anterior

Serratus anterior

Which of the following muscles would most likely be substantially weakened in an individual with a winging scapula? Multiple Choice Levator scapulae Rhomboids Serratus anterior Trapezius

Serratus anterior

Which of the following muscles has its insertion on the posterior surface of the calcaneus? Multiple Choice Flexor digitorum longus Tibialis anterior Soleus Tibialis posterior


Which of the following is true regarding an eccentric muscle action? The force developed by the muscle is less than that of the resistance Described as a positive type of contraction Results in the joint angle changing in the direction opposite that of the resistance or external force The muscle does not control the movement with gravity or resistance

The force developed by the muscle is less than that of the resistance

Which of the following statements is not true regarding the tibiofibular joint? Multiple Choice The interosseus membrane is located around the tibia and fibula shafts to provide support Joined at both the proximal and the distal tibiofibular joints Syndesmotic amphiarthrodial joint Minimal movement occurs at this joint

The interosseus membrane is located around the tibia and fibula shafts to provide support

Which of the following statements is not valid regarding an "open kinetic chain?" Multiple Choice The core of the body is more stabilized while the distal segment is free to move in single plane. It's not considered to be as functional as closed chain work for most lower extremity activities. The proximal segment is not fixed while the distal segment is free to move in a single plane. Its beneficial in isolating a particular joint to concentrate on specific muscle groups.

The proximal segment is not fixed while the distal segment is free to move in a single plane.

Which of the following is not true regarding an eccentric muscle action? Occurs when muscle gradually lessens in tension to control the descent of resistance Weight or resistance overcomes muscle contraction but not to the point that muscle cannot control descending movement The muscle lengthens under tension Typically called a positive type of muscle contraction

Typically called a positive type of muscle contraction

Raising the humerus high out to the side to ask a question involves which of the following scapula motions? Multiple Choice Upward rotation Elevation Adduction Abduction

Upward rotation

Which of the following is not considered to be one of the quadriceps muscle group? Multiple Choice Vastus medius Vastus lateralis Vastus intermedius Rectus femoris

Vastus medius

Actions of the brachioradialis muscle include all of the following except? Multiple Choice Weak flexion of the shoulder Supination from pronated position to neutral Pronation from a supinated position to neutral Flexion of the elbow

Weak flexion of the shoulder

When performing a "squat" exercise the hip is extended during the lowering phase.

When performing a "squat" exercise the hip is extended during the lowering phase.

Which one of the following may not be determined from viewing an activity from an analysis perspective? Multiple Choice Which kind of exercises are appropriate for developing the muscles Which type of contraction is occurring Which angle of movement will produce the greatest force Which muscles that are performing the movement

Which angle of movement will produce the greatest force

Which one of the following is not true regarding the analysis of most sport skills? Multiple Choice Will include a preparatory phase Will include a movement phase Will include a follow-through phase Will include a stop-action phase

Will include a stop-action phase

The origin of the rectus femoris muscle is the anterior inferior iliac spine and the groove (posterior) above the _____. Multiple Choice fascia acetabulum linea aspera ilium


The most laterally located bony landmark of the scapula is the _____. Multiple Choice glenoid fossa acromion process lateral border coracoid process

acromion process

The dead lift strengthens the knee extensors through _____. Multiple Choice eccentric contractions during the lifting phase eccentric contractions during the lowering phase concentric contractions during the lowering phase isometric contractions during the lifting phase

eccentric contractions during the lowering phase

The abdominal curl-up strengthens the abdominal muscles through _____. Multiple Choice eccentric contractions during the return to starting phase eccentric contractions during the curl-up phase concentric contractions during the return to starting phase isometric contractions during the curl-up phase

eccentric contractions during the return to starting phase

During the squat the hip flexors are strengthened by _____. Multiple Choice concentric contractions during the lowering phase eccentric contractions during the lifting phase eccentric contractions during the lowering phase none of the above

none of the above

Motion of the bones relative to the three cardinal planes resulting from physiological movements is known as _____. osteokinematic motion arthrokinematic motion osteochondral motion accessory motion

osteokinematic motion

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