L+ Users and groups/
Group ID
unique number of a user's primary group membership
user id
unique number that represents the user to the system
Passwd command
used by the root user to set or reset a password
used to determine the details of the users currently logged in username Name of the system Date and Time in that order
W command
used to display the details of users that are currently logged in to a system and their transactions
used to display user ID (UID) and group ID (GID) information Entering no options displays information about the user who is currently logged in id (options) (username)
Group name
user friendly name of the group
What is a Standard User
user that runs applications, configures databases, and creates webistes To ensure system security, user accounts should not be shared
How do you create a user in Linux command line
useradd Example useradd (options) (username) Account is stored in /etc/passwd file Configured according to options set in the /etc/login,defs file Home directory
What are some nuances of useradd
Account is stored in /etc/passwd file Configured according to options set in the /etc/login.defs file Home directory is created in the /home/ <account anme> Directory and populated using files from the /etc/skel/ directory
Accounts that are specific to the service (HTTP for web service or mysql for database service Service accounts run in the background and perform a single function
What can root user accounts do?
Administrative tasks Password Resets System Config User Account management
Lines of input after W command
First Line of output -Displays the status of the system Second line of output Displays a table column list of the users logged in to the system Third line of output - Last column Indicates the current activities of the users W (options) *Username
First terminal user details
Last 1 The last command retrieves information from the /var/log/wtmp file Last (options)
/etc/profile file
provides system-wide environment variables that are sued to apply certain settings to user accounts -/.bash_profile -/.bash_login -/.profile
bash_profile file
provides the shell configuration for the inital login environment Bash_profile File /etc/skel When a new user account is created in /etc/skel directory, it is automatically copied into the new user's home directory Files added to the /etc/skel/ directory after a user account is created will not be copied to existing users; home directories
Group ID
reference number on the system
Login shell
shell that is launched when user logs in (/bin/bash or /bin/ksh) useradd usermod userdel
storage location for all groups
What command allows you to switch user credentials to the root user
verifies /etc/sudoers syntax before committing changes -c (check file error) -f (edit/check location -s (Check files in strict mode) -x (output in JSON) Wheel group members exercise root privileges with less potential for damaging the system
provides system-wide configuration changes specific to bash settings
useradd command does not set a password for the account
-c comment field -e expiration date -s (default shell of the user) . useradd -s/bin/ksh -d (view default config for new users)
What are some options for the who command
-u (idle time) . (active user Old (inactive over 24hrs) Am i (who amd I) gives you user info
.Bashrc file
enables customization of the user's own environment Adapt to specific needs and preferences Create environment variable Set default directories and file permissions Change default command prompt
Sudo command
enables the server admin to delegate commands to users
How do you delegate a user account
List the user in the /etc/sudoers file using the visudo editor to delegate the user account
Modern storage location for hashed passwords and additional account information Only root has access to the /etc/shadow file
Will groupdel delete user accounts within a group?
NO Groupdel will only delete the group itself
Polkit Command
Pke xec Example Pkexec Mkdir /Jason
Account Profiles
Profiles for accounts
Group list
Refers to members of the group
Represents full name of the user
What is Root
Root is the superuser account in Linux. IT typically has the highest access rights on the system However in Unix and Linux ay account with user ID - is a root account.
What command allows you to Substitue or Switch a user
Serves as storage location for scripts that admins may use to set additional system-wide variables Set tje emvornment variables via scripts contained in /etc/profile,d
Polkit or Sudo?
Sudo, Sudo is easier to use more flexible and has better security thatn pkexec
Least Privilege
The practice of giving users only as much access as needed to perform certain job functions
What does the whoami command do?
Used to display the username currently logged in to the system
What is Superuser (ROOT)
User with admin credentials Always log into a system with a non privileged user account
What are the fields of information in the (/etc/shadow) file
Username Password (hashed format) Days since password was changed Days before password must be changed Days until user is warned to change password Days after password expires that account gets disabled Days the account has been disabled Unused field that is reserved for future use /etc/passwd /etc/shadow
How do you verify the current username on a system
Whoami command If the user is a toot user beside their name will be a # If the user is a standard user beside their name will be a $
Can users be members of more than one group
Yes Users can be apart of three groups Administrator Group Instructor Group Accounting Group
command to change the group's attributes
command to create a group
command to delete groups
contains assigned password to the user
contains the name the user use to log into the system
Polkit (PoliciyKit)
controls system wide privileges that allows non - privileged processes to communicate with privileged ones
displays the history of user login and logout actions and the actual time and date
How do you change the name of a group using groupmod
group mod (options) (group names)
If you want to create a group and exit if it exists. which group option should you pick
groupadd -f
If you want to create a group what should your group/option tree be
groupadd -g
How do you create a group with a specified group name
groupadd -g instuctors groupadd (options) (group names)
How do you create a group with a non-unique group ID
groupadd -o
How do you change a group's ID
groupmod -g
How do you rename a group
groupmod -n
highly privileged accounts primarily used for administration by specialized IT employees. These users/accounts may have virtually unlimited privileges, or ownership, over a system. Superuser account privileges may allow: full read/write/ execute privileges. creating or installing files or ...
password required to enter the group
Home directory
path to the home directory of the user
permits a user to edit a file with own credentials %editors ALL = sudoedit /path/to./file Do not edit /etc/sudoers with standard text editros like Vi(m), nano, or gedit