Lane Travel—Maintaining a Space Cushion

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safe, road, react

Always maintain a _______ distance from the vehicle in front of you. You will have a better view of the ________ to watch for problems and more time to ________

multi-lane streets, lane, drop back, move ahead

Be cautious when driving alongside other vehicles on _____________________. Someone may crowd your __________ or try to change them and hit you. If possible, _____________ a little or _______________ of the other vehicle.

if you pass an object before you finish counting at least 2 seconds

How can you tell if you're following a car too closely?

watch for when the rear of the vehicle ahead passes an object; count the seconds it takes you to reach the same spot

How do you determine how many seconds away you are from the car in front of you?


How many seconds away from the car in front of you is a safe following distance if you're going over 30 mph?


How many seconds away from the car in front of you is a safe following distance?

behind, right, right, reduce, encourage, pass, tailgating

If a vehicle ________________ you is following you too closely and there is a _________ lane, move over to the ___________. If you can't move over, slowly __________ you speed. This may ____________________ the vehicle to __________ you or to stop _______________________.

on wet or slippery roads, when the driver behind you wants to pass, when following bicycles or motorcycles, when following drivers who cannot see you, when you have a heavy load or are pulling a trailer, when it is hard for you to see, when stopped on a hill, when you are learning to drive, when approaching or in a work zone

Increase your following distance...

space, center, left, right

Keep as much _________ as possible between your vehicle and oncoming vehicles. In general, it is safest to drive in the ___________ of your lane so your vehicle can move ___________ or _________ to avoid a potential problem.

parked cars, lane, open, step out, parked vehicles

Keep extra space between your vehicle and ________________________ by moving away from them without leaving your _________. A vehicle door may _________ in your path or someone may ______________ of a vehicle or from between ___________________________

slow down, stop, bicyclist, pedestrian, brake lights, turn signals

Look for clues that a driver ahead may be going to ____________________ or ___________, such as a ____________ or _________________ on the road ahead, _____________________ coming on, or blinking ________________________.

freeways, lane, lane change, slowing down, speeding up

Make room for vehicles entering _______________. If there is no one next to you, move over a __________. Help other drivers signaling for a ________________ make the move safely by _______________________ or _____________________ a little, if needed.

you could get hit from behind

Never brake hard to discourage tailgating because...

trouble spots, last-minute

Scan ahead for ____________________________ as far as you can see to help you avoid the need for ________________________ moves.

road and weather conditions, the weight of your vehicle, your reaction time, the braking ability of your vehicle

Stopping distance can depend on:

spot hazards, judge the speed of other traffic, react to conditions

The higher the speed you are traveling, the less time you have to....

turn your body and head to the right, look out through the rear window, glance to either side

To see as much as possible...


True or false: Mirrors give you a full view.

Increase the space between you and the vehicle ahead and count again at another spot to check your new following distance; repeat until you're no longer closer than 2 seconds behind the other vehicle.

What do you do if you find out that you're too close to the vehicle in front of you?

it gives you room to react defensively to sudden moves toward your lane by other vehicles

What does a side space cushion do?

take in the entire scene, including the sides of the road

What does it mean to scan?

helps you see pedestrians ahead, potential hazards, vehicles that may enter your path, or signs routing you to another street or road

What does scanning the road do?

pedestrians, approaching traffic

When backing up, look for...

rear tires, a safe following distance

When stopping behind another vehicle, make sure you can see where the ________________ of the vehicle in front meet the road. After the traffic starts to move, return to _______________________________

steady speed, signaling, slow down, stop

You can help keep the driver behind you at a safe distance by keeping a ______________________ and _______________ in advance by gently pressing the brake when you have to _______________________________ or ___________.

any vehicle you drive

You need to know how long it takes to stop...

brake lights, slowing down

Your _____________________________ will alert drivers behind you that you are ______________________________.

alert, slow down, stop

Your brake lights will ________ you when you have to _________________________ or __________.


the faster your time, the _______________ your stopping distance

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