Language of Medicine - Ch. 19: Cancer Medicine

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Implantation of radioactive seeds directly into the tumor is called:


________, or the freezing and destruction of malignant tissue, was used to treat Mr. Seiger's prostate cancer.


Malignant transformation of genetic material results from damage to:



Exposed surface due to death of overlying tissue

________genesis is the identification of the type of tissue from which tumor cells arise.


Connective tissue tumors usually require large doses of radiation to destroy the tumor cells; this type of tumor is called:


This diagnostic test localizes antigens, or proteins, in tissues using marked antibodies to assess presence and amount of specific molecules in both normal and tumor cells.


One of the most common staging systems is referred to as TNM, which stands for:

tumor, nodes, metastases

Lacking structures typical of mature cells is:


Mr. Skarda was started on interferon to stimulate his immune system. Interferon, which is produced by normal cells, uses the body's own defense mechanism to fight tumor cells. Therefore, it is called:

A biologic response modifier


A tumor containing dead tissue

The results of Mrs. Lei's Pap smear showed dysplastic cells, meaning the cells were:

Abnormal but not clearly cancerous

________plasia means reversion to a more primitive cell type.


Tony, age 28, reentered the hospital for high-dose chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant for his leukemia. Bone marrow had been harvested from Tony after his first hospitalization in which he achieved complete remission. This type of bone marrow transplant is called:


This detects human chorionic gonadotropin in serum of patients with testicular cancer.

Beta-hCG test

This procedure may be used if a tumor is attached to a vital organ and cannot be completely removed


This procedure may be used if a tumor is attached to a vital organ and cannot be completely removed:


The term that means spreading evenly through the affected tissues is:


What is the test for the presence of a hormone receptor on breast cancer cells?

Estrogen receptor assay

Mrs. Lei had a repeat Pap smear. A Pap smear is an example of a clinical procedure called:

Exfoliative cytology

Staging of tumors is a system of evaluating the:

Extent of spread of tumors

Small, repeated doses of radiation are termed:


Pedunculated polypoid

Growth that extends from a stalk or stem

Cancerous tumors are divided into broad groups on the basis of the particular type of tissue from which the tumor cells arise. This is called:


Dr. Gorman removed Mrs. Jakob's malignant tumor and told her that it was filled with thick, sticky fluid. The term for the gross description of this tumor is


Pieces of DNA that can cause normal cells to become malignant if activated by mutations are called:


Forming small finger-like or nipple-like projections of cells is called


The term that means composed of a variety of cell types is:


______________, which is abbreviated ___, is a serum protein produced by prostate cancer cells

Prostate-specific antigen, PSA

Mr. Gerald was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer. His oncologist recommended combination chemotherapy as the modality, or method, of treatment, which would be given according to a written plan, or a:


Another term for a retrovirus is:

RNA virus

Drugs, such as cisplatin and 5-FU (5-fluorouracil) that sensitize tumors and normal tissue to radiation to improve the outcome of treatment are called:


The combining form cyst/o means

Sac of fluid

This means densely packed; overgrown with fibrous tissue.


The combining form follicul/o means:

Small glandular sacs


Wartlike growth

The pathologist's report described the malignant tumor as fungating. According to this gross description, the tumor had:

a mushrooming pattern of growth

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and ________ are protein marker tests for prostate cancer.

acid phosphatase

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and _______________ are protein markers for prostate cancer.

acid phosphatase

Mr. Rucic was diagnosed with gastric ________, a cancerous tumor arising from glandular cells lining the stomach.


Adding drugs early in the course of treatment to hasten or assist primary treatment in attacking cancer cells would be considered:

adjuvant therapy

The medical term for programmed cell death is:


The prefix ana- means:


The prefix ana- means


Characteristically, a _______ tumor grows slowly, is well-differentiated and noninvasive, and does not spread to a distant location; that is, it does not_______.

benign, metastasize

Characteristically, a ________ tumor grows slowly, is well-differentiated and noninvasive, and does not spread to a distant location; that is, it does not _______

benign, metastasize

This detects human chorionic gonadotropin in serum of patients with testicular cancer

bet-hCG protein marker test

A cancer-treating substance that stimulates the body's immune system or other body defenses is called a(n):

biologic response modifier

Retino_______, a tumor of the retina of the eye, is an example of a known inherited cancer caused by transmission of defective DNA, which is the abbreviation for _______

blastoma, deoxyribonucleic acid

Retino________, a tumor of the retina of the eye, is an example of a known inherited cancer caused by transmission of defective DNA, which is the abbreviation for ________.

blastoma, deoxyribonucleic acid

The aspiration of a small amount of bone marrow tissue for microscopic evidence of cancerous cells is called a(n) ________ biopsy.

bone marrow

The combining form carcin/o means:


A ________oma is a solid tumor derived from epithelial tissue.


Radiation is a ___________ when it produces leukemia in radiologists and survivors of atomic bomb explosions.


Radiation is a(n) _________ when it produces leukemia in radiologists and survivors of atomic bomb explosions.


An adeno______ is a cancerous tumor arising from glandular cells.


This refers to localized tumor cells that have not invaded adjacent structures.

carcinoma in situ

When malignant tissue is destroyed by burning, it is called:


Treatment with drugs to damage the DNA of cancer cells is called _______ therapy.


Alkylating agents, antimetabolites, antibiotics, hormones, and antimiotics all are types of:

chemotherapeutic agents

Use of several chemotherapeutic agents together for the treatment of tumors is called:

combination chemotherapy

The ovaries are the most common site of this kind of tumor:


Reversion to a more primitive, embryonic cell type is called ______ and is characteristic of malignant tumors.


Reversion to a more primitive, embryonic cell type is called ____________ and is characteristic of malignant tumors.


Pamela's vaginal carcinoma was caused by DES, which is the abbreviation for _____________, a hormone or chemical ________ taken by her mother when she was pregnant with Pamela.

diethylstilbestrol, carcinogen

A mole, or nevus, that displays a highly abnormal but not clearly cancerous appearance is described as:


Ms. Golightly was diagnosed with breast cancer. The tumor was removed along with a large area of surrounding tissue and lymph nodes. This type of surgical procedure is called ________ resection.

en bloc

When a tumor is removed along with a large area of surrounding tissue and lymph nodes, it is called:

en bloc resection

Benign tumors are often _________, meaning they are contained within a fibrous capsule or cover.


Benign tumors are often_________, meaning they are contained within a fibrous capsule or cover.


This term means resembling squamous epithelial cells:


The removal of a tumor and a margin of normal tissue for diagnosis and possible small tumor cure is called a(n) ________ biopsy.


Wide resection involving the tumor, its organ of origin, and all surrounding tissue in the body space is called:


Scraping and microscopic examination of cells from the region of suspected disease is called:

exfoliative cytology

Radiation applied to a tumor from a distant source using a linear accelerator is:

external beam radiation

The combining form fibr/o means:


The combining form sarc/o means:

flesh, connective tissue

The combining forms sarc/o means:

flesh, connective tissue

The suffix -plasia means


The suffix -plasia means:


This is destruction of tissue by high-frequency electric sparks.


Evaluating the degree of maturity of tumor cells or indication of malignant transformation is called _______ of tumors.


_______genesis is the identification of the type of tissue from which tumor cells arise.


Redness, swelling, and heat are characteristic of _____ tumors.


This is used to inspect the peritoneal cavity for tumors


This is used to inspect the peritoneal cavity for tumors.


Core needle biopsy uses a ___________ needle


Characteristically, a tumor that multiplies rapidly, is undifferentiated and invasive, and can metastasize is a ________ tumor.


X-ray examination of the breast is


X-ray examination of the breast is:


Thyroid and breast tumors may be ______, meaning they are large, soft, and fleshy.


Dr. Gorman removed Mrs.Jakob's malignant tumor and told her that it was filled with thick, sticky fluid. The term for the gross description of the tumor is:


Once environmentally caused changes in DNA are established in a cell, they are passed on to daughter cells. These inheritable changes, or _____ , can lead to malignant growth.


Once environmentally caused changes in DNA are established in a cell, they are passed on to daughter cells. These inheritable changes, or ________, can lead to malignant growth.


A ________ biopsy is the aspiration of a core of tissue for microscopic examination.


A _______ oma is a cancerous tumor derived from embryonic (immature) nerve tissue


A(n) _______oma is a cancerous tumor derived from embryonic nerve tissue.


A piece of DNA whose activation is associated with the conversion of a normal cell into a cancerous cell is a(n):


Gross examination of the benign polyp in Mr. Devine's colon revealed it extended from a stem; the term for this description is:


Neo_____ means new growth and refers to either benign or malignant tumors.


Neo______ means new growth and refers to either benign or malignant tumors


Mr. Jeeters, 38, had stage I Hodgkin disease. Treatment with extensive external radiation eradicated the disease; therefore, this type of tumor is called:


A ________ scan consists of pictures taken of organs after injection of radioactive substances.


This diagnostic procedure involves the intravenous injection of radioactive substances to reveal abnormalities.

radionuclide scan

The combining form radi/o means:

rays or x-rays

Paul is receiving chemotherapy for his leukemia. Most likely, he will continue to receive chemotherapy until signs of the disease are absent; that is, until he achieves a


Osteo ________ is a malignant tumor of bone


Osteo_____ is a malignant tumor of bone.


The extent of spread of a tumor within the body is called its


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