Leadership Mid-Term

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What are the eight aspects of task related attitudes and behavior in regards to leadership?

1. Adaptability to the situation. 2. Direction setting. 3. High performance standards. 4. Concentrating on the strengths of group members. 5. Risk taking and execution of plans. 6. Hands-on guidance and feedback. 7. Ability to ask tough questions. 8. Organizing for collaboration.

What four things does leadership deal with?

1. Change 2. Inspiration 3. Motivation 4. Influence.

What is the leadership formula?

L = f (l, gm, s)

What effect do leaders have on others?

Leaders inspire and stimulate others to achieve worthwhile goals.

What may cause leadership to shift?

Leadership may shift depending on whose expertise is the most relevant at the moment.

Strong ___-___ ability is a fundamental characteristic for effective leaders in all fields


What is delegation? Is it a major contributor to empowerment?

The assignment to another person of formal authority and responsibility for accomplishing a specific task. Yes.

What are the seven aspects of relationship-oriented attitudes and behaviors associated with leadership?

1. Aligning people. 2. Openness to worker opinion. 3. Creating inspiration and visibility. 4. Satisfying higher-level needs. 5. Giving emotional support and encouragement. 6. Promoting principles and values. 7. Being a servant leader.

What levels of the organization require leadership?


What is Emergent Leadership?

Group members that significantly influence other group members even though they have not been assigned formal authority.

What does empowerment refer to?

Passing decision-making responsibility from managers to group members.

What is ethics? What else are ethics accepted as?

The study of moral obligation, or separating right from wrong. The accepted guidelines of behavior for groups or institutions.

What is the definition and appropriate circumstances of the supportive style of leadership?

The supportive leader displays concern for the well-being of group members and creates an emotionally supportive climate. The leader also emphasizes developing mutually satisfying relationships among group members. The supportive leader enhances morale when group members work on dissatisfying, stressful, or frustrating tasks.

Two implications of the leadership model:

1. Context influences leadership at any given moment. 2. Leadership is a process with intrapersonal and interpersonal mechanisms (or modes of transmissions).

What are twelve attributes that transformational leaders have?

1. They are visionary. 2. They have masterful communication skills. 3. They have the ability to inspire trust. 4. They are able to make group members feel capable. 5. They have energy and an action orientation. 6. They have emotional expressiveness and warmth. 7. They romanticize risk. 8. They use unconventional strategies. 9. They have a self-promoting personality. 10. They challenge, prod, and poke. 11. They are often self-adoring to the point of being narcissistic. 12. They are dramatic and unique. The last tactic is an alalgam of many others.

Vision is the ___ to imagine different and ___ conditions and the ways to ___ them.

Ability Better Achieve

Task related means that the ___, attitude, or ___ focuses more on the ___ to be performed than on the ___ aspects of leadership.

Behavior Skill Task Interpersonal

By developing some of the traits, characteristics, and behaviors of charismatic people, a person can increase his or her ___.


Leading during a crisis can be regarded as ___ leadership because the situation demands that the leader ___ certain behaviors, attitudes, and traits.

Contingency Emphasize

A useful perspective on implementing ___ theory is that the managers must be ___ enough to avoid clinging to ideas that no longer work. Being stubborn about what will work in a given situation, and ___ to old ideas can result in ___ leadership. The ___ culture is a major ___ variable the leader needs to consider in choosing which approach to ___ will lead to favorable outcomes.

Contingency Flexible Clinging Ineffective Organizational Leadership

Many effective leaders are ___ in the sense that they arrive at imaginative and ___ solutions to complex problems. ___ ability lies on a continuum, with one end being represented by ___ leaders who think of innovative products and services. At the other end of the continuum are leaders who rely on ___ solutions to problems.

Creative Original Creative Business Standard

What is adaptability to the situation?

Effective leaders adapt to the situation by choosing a tactic based on the unique circumstances at hand (the contingency approach).

What are high performance standards?

Effective leaders consistently hold group members to high standards of performance. Setting such standards increases productivity, partly because of the Pygmalion effect.

A study found that ___ leadership by the CEO influences top-management team processes (behavioral integration), which in turn ___ performance of the team. Also, ___ leadership leads to behavioral integration which then enhances team ___ which then bolsters ___ of the firm.

Empowering Improves Empowering Potency Performance

The leader should choose among ___ leadership styles to achieve optimum results in a given situation. Two key sets of contingency factors are the type of ___ and the type of ___ they perform. Key ___ characteristics include their ___ of control and perception of their ___ with respect to the assigned task.

Four Subordinates Work Subordinate Locus Ability Environmental contingency factors are:

What is the essence of the contingency approach to leadership?

Leaders are most effective when they make their behavior contingent upon situational forces, including group member characteristics.

What are transformational leaders?

Leaders who bring about positive, major changes in an organization.

What is the key to effective crisis management?


What is integrity? Can a criminal have integrity? If so, how?

Loyalty to rational principles, thereby practicing what one preaches regardless of emotional or social pressure. Yes By consistently engaging in criminal behavior.

Is the leadership role within the team the responsibility of one person?

No, it is the responsibility of several individuals.

Are ethical issues that require a run through the ethics guide designed by Bentley College subtle or blatant?


What does it mean to give emotional support and encouragement?

Supportive behavior toward team members usually increases leadership effectiveness. A supportive leader gives frequent encouragement and praise, and also displays caring and kindness even about non-work-related matters such as the health of a worker's ill family member.

An effective leader has to be ___ or ___ competent in some discipline particularly when leading a group of ___. The importance of ___ of the business is strongly recognized as an ___ of executive leadership. Knowledge of the business is ___ important for strategy formulation.

Technically Professionally Specialists Knowledge Attribute Critically

What is the given setting referenced in the definition of leadership?

The given setting refers to the context of a leader on the relationship, such as one characterized by high power and authority.

What is direction setting?

The leader must set the direction of change. Direction setting is part of creating a vision and a component of strategy. Part of a business leader's job is to communicate clearly where the business is going, why, and how the company will benefit if goals are achieved.

What is hands-on guidance and feedback?

The leader who provides hands-on guidance helps the group accomplish important tasks, and at the same time group members learn important skills. Too much guidance, however, can lead to poor delegation and micromanagement. The leader can rarely influence the actions of group members without appropriate performance feedback.

What is the definition and appropriate circumstances of the participative style of leadership?

The participative leader uses group input when making decisions. He or she is best suited for improving the morale of well-motivated employees who perform nonrepetitive tasks.

What is organizing for collaboration?

This behavior is on the borderline between a task orientation and a relationship orientation. The task focus is that information sharing takes place, whereas the relationship focus is that group members must work collaboratively with each other. One task approach to enhance collaboration is to select technologies that will improve or speed up existing workflows.

What does the leadership formula mean?

This formula means that the leadership process is a function of the leader, the group members, and other situational variables.

Charismatic leaders have ___ characteristics and many of these ___ also apply to a ___ leader

Unique Characteristics Transformational

Creating a ___ is one of the major tasks of top ___. ___ leaders have clear ___, and vision is an important part of ___ implementation and bringing about ___. ___leaders ___ others with their vision, because a vision ___ and attracts others. The charismatic leader also helps implement the ___. A good example of a vision is that of Google: "To make nearly all information accessible to everyone all the time."

Vision Management Effective Visions Strategy Change Charismatic Inspire Uplifts Vision

Recent neuroscience research suggests that ___ have higher levels of ___ activity in the areas of the ___ associated with ___ processing and the ___ of information.

Visionaries Brain Brain Visual Organization

Does research indicate that having good relationships with group members is a major success factor for the top three positions in large organizations?


Has the internet changed how leaders build relationships?


Is leadership a multilevel phenomenon?


Must leaders be good managers and must managers be good leaders?


Does the leader interact with the group members one at a time, and also with the group? Leadership takes place in the context of the ____ and the external ___.

Yes. Organization Environment

What are the four ethical leadership behaviors? List and talk about why they are important.

1. Be Honest and Trustworthy and Have Integrity In Dealing With Others. Trustworthiness contributes to leadership effectiveness. 2. Pay Attention to All Stakeholders. Maximizing shareholder wealth is not a sufficient role for a leader. Another behavior of authentic leaders is to perceive their role to include having an ethical responsibility to all of their shareholders. 3. Build Community. The leader helps people achieve a common goal, and searches for goals compatible to all. When many people work toward the same constructive goal, they build community. 4. Respect the Individual. Respecting individuals is a principle of ethical and moral leadership that incorporates other aspects of morality. For example, if you tell the truth, you respect others well enough to be honest. Keeping promises also shows respect.

What are the eight attributes and behavior for effective crisis management, why are they good, and what are good descriptions of them?

1. Be decisive- The leader should take decisive action to remedy the situation. 2. Lead with Compassion. Displaying compassion toward the concerns, anxieties, and frustrations of the group is a key interpersonal skill for crisis leadership. 3. Think Strategically (See the Big Picture)- Workers may be so mired in the crisis that they see no way out. 4. Reestablish the Usual Work Routine- An effective way of helping people deal with a workplace crisis is to influence them to return to their regular work. However, workers should first express their feelings about the crisis. 5. Avoid a Circle-the-Wagons Mentality- To strongly defend yourself against your critics or deny wrongdoing is a mistake. 6. Display optimism- Pessimists abound in every crisis, so optimism by the leader can help energize the group members to overcome the bad times. 7 Prevent the Crisis through Disaster Planning- The ideal form of crisis leadership is to prevent a crisis through disaster planning. 8. Stay Calm and Provide Stable Performance- Remaining calm and steady under crisis conditions contributes to effectiveness because it helps team members cope with the situation.

Suggestions for developing charisma include the following eight things:

1. Create visions for others and connect the visions to their dreams. 2. Be enthusiastic, optimistic, and energetic. 3. Be sensibly persistent. 4. Remember names of people. 5. Develop synchrony with others (which helps make connections). 6. Develop a personal brand including making an impressive appearance. 7. Be candid. 8. Display an in-your-face attitude.

What are the four leadership styles?

1. Directive style 2. Supportive style 3. Participative style 4. Achievement-oriented style

What are the four empowering practices? List and define or provide an example of them.

1. Foster Initiative and Responsibility. Encourage team members to take the initiative and give them broader responsibility. 2. Link Work Activities to the Goals of the Organization. Empowerment works better when the empowered activities are aligned with the strategic goals of the organization. 3. Provide Ample Information. Give employees ample information about everything that affects their work. This is the basis of open-book management. 4. Allow Group Members to Choose Methods. Explain to the individual or group what needs to be done and let the people involved choose the method. Also explain why the task needs to be done. 5. Encourage Self-Leadership. Encourage team members to practice self-leadership because it is the heart of empowerment. 6. Establish Limits to Empowerment. To prevent dysfunction, workers need a clear perception of the boundaries to empowerment. 7. Continue to Lead. Although the leader empowers group members, the leader should still provide guidance, emotional support, and recognition. 8. Consider Cultural Differences. Cross-cultural factors influence empowerment, such as a study of a single firm with operations in the United States, Mexico, Poland, and India. Among Indian workers, empowerment lowered job satisfaction.

What are the six questions designed by the Center for Business Ethics at Bentley College to evaluate the ethics of a specific decision?

1. Is it right? 2. Is it fair? 3. Who gets hurt? 4. Would you be comfortable if the details of your decision or actions were made public in the media or through email? 5. What would you tell your child, sibling, or young relative to do? 6. How does it smell?

What are the five key variables of leadership effectiveness?

1. Leader characteristics and traits 2. Leader behavior and style 3. Group member characteristics 4. Internal 5. External environment.

What three variables affect a leaders effectiveness?

1. Leader characteristics behavior and style. 2. Group member characteristics and behavior. 3. Context (Internal and external environment).

What are the four components of empowerment, what do they mean and why are they effective?

1. Meaning is the value of a work goal evaluated in relation to a person's ideals or standards. A person doing meaningful work is likely to feel empowered. 2. Competence, or self-efficacy, is an individual's belief in his or her capability to perform a particular task well. 3. Self- determination is an individual's feeling of having a choice in initiating and regulating actions. Choosing a method to solve a problem leads to a high level of self- determination. 4. Impact is the degree to which the worker can influence strategic, administrative, or operating outcomes on the job.

Vroom and Jago identified what four conclusions about the role of situations in leadership?

1. Organizational effectiveness is affected by situational factors not under leader control. 2. Situations shape how leaders behave. 3. Situations influence the consequences of leader behavior. 4. The type of organization influences which leadership approach is best.

To create a vision, it is helpful to obtain information from many sources, including the following six things:

1. Personal intuition. 2. The work of futurists. 3. Group discussions with group members. 4. Other vision statements. 5. The hopes and dreams of constituents. 6. The larger organization's vision.

What are the seven key aspects of servant leadership?

1. Place service before self-interest. 2. Listen first to express confidence in others. 3. Inspire trust by being trustworthy. 4. Focus on what is feasible to accomplish. 5. Lend a hand. 6. Provide emotional healing. 7. Act as a role model for other organizational members to emphasize service.

What are the four major functions of management?

1. Planning. 2. Organizing, 3. Controlling. 4. Leading.

What two things are collectively referred to as cognitive factors?

1. Problem-solving 2. Intellectual skills

The three environmental contingency factors are:

1. The group members' tasks. 2. The authority system within the organization. 3. The work group.

Leadership is a relationship between ___ and ___

1. The leader. 2. The people being led.

Is leadership a trait or behavior of an individual or a phenomenon generated in the interactions among people in a given setting?

A phenomenon generated in the interactions among people in a given setting.

What is a key driving force of collaborative leadership? What fosters this?

A key force driving collaborative leadership is the hyper-connected organizational world. Fostered by e-mail, social media, and globalization.

What does promoting principles and values mean?

A major part of a top leader's role is to help promote values and principles that contribute to the welfare of individuals and the organization. Covey advises that an organization's mission statement must be for all good causes. What constitutes the right values depends on the leader's core beliefs.

What does leadership effectiveness refer to?

At the left side of the framework, leadership effectiveness refers to attaining desirable outcomes such as productivity, quality, and satisfaction in a given situation.

Is leadership formal or informal?


What is crisis leadership?

Crisis leadership is the process of leading group members through a sudden, largely unanticipated, intensely negative, and emotionally draining circumstance.

To develop visions and ___ strategy, a leader needs ___, the ability to understand the long-range ___ of actions and policies. Many of today's business leaders are accused of having a ___ emphasis on ___ profits. Conceptual thinking refers to the ___ to see the ___ perspective and makes farsightedness possible. A conceptual thinker is also a ___ thinker.

Incorporate Farsightedness Implications Shortsighted Quick Ability Overall Systems

It is paradoxically true that power and ___ increase when the leader ___ power with others. As team members received more power, they can ___ more. Because the manager shares ___ for their accomplishments, the manager becomes more ___. To empower others is to be ___ as an influential person. In a ___ environment increasingly dependent on ___, the most successful organizations will be those that effectively use the ___ of all players on the team.

Influence Power Accomplish Credit Powerful Perceived Competitive Knowledge Talents

Leadership involves ___ people, so it follows that many ___ leadership attitudes, behaviors, and ___ deal with interpersonal relationships.

Influencing Effective Practices

A good example of a vision is that of Google: "To make nearly all ___ accessible to everyone all the time."


Another important cognitive trait of effective leaders is ___, a depth of ___ that requires considerable ___ and ___ sense. A manager with keen ___ is able to make good choices in ___ people for key assignments. Insight also facilitates the ___ adapting his or her style to the situation.

Insight Understanding Intuition Common Insight Selecting Leader's

Visions can be ___ but a wide range of ___ must be involved in ___ the vision.

Inspiring Employees Implementing

What does it mean to create inspiration and visibility?

Inspiring others is an essential leadership practice. An example of an inspiring practice is building enthusiasm about projects and assignments. Being visible and available facilitates inspiration.

Both the ___ and ___ environments have a significant impact on ___ effectiveness.

Internal External Leader

What is a fifth dimension of empowerment?

Internal commitment toward work goals.

Research spanning 100 years has demonstrated that leaders received higher scores than most people on ___ ability tests. The relationship is likely to be ___ when the leader plays an active role in ___ making and is not overly stressed.

Mental Higher Dec

___ ability as well as ___ is important for leadership success.

Mental ability as well as personality is important for leadership success.

What does one have to do to be a leader?

Make a difference and facilitate positive changes.

What is concentrating on the strengths of group members?

Making good use of the strengths of group members rather than concentrating effort on patching up areas for improvement is an effective tactic. The effective leader helps people improve, yet still capitalizes on strengths.

What does management deal with?

Management deals more with maintaining equilibrium and the status quo.

What is openness to worker opinion?

Management openness is a set of leader behavior behaviors particularly relevant to subordinates' motivation to voice their opinion. Being open to worker opinions is part of the consideration dimension, and also central to participative leadership.

What does aligning people mean?

Many people have to be aligned (a state of pulling together) to create significant change toward a higher purpose. Alignment enables people to have a clear sense of direction because they are pursuing a vision. Alignment of people also incorporates getting the group to work together smoothly. Mobilization is easier with an agreed-upon mission.

What is the ability to ask tough questions?

Many times, leaders can be effective by asking tough questions rather than providing answers. A tough question is one that makes a person or group stop and think about why they are doing or not doing something.

What are morals? Will a moral leader practice good ethics? Why is it argued that ethics is at the center of leadership?

Morals are an individual's determination of what is right or wrong and is influenced by his or her values. Yes Edwin H. Locke argues that ethics is at the center of leadership because the goal of a rational leader is to merge the interests of all parties so that everyone benefits and the organization prospers.

What does it mean to satisfy higher-level needs?

Motivation and inspiration energize people by satisfying needs for achievement, a sense of belonging, recognition, self-esteem, and a feeling of control over one's life.

According to Mintzberg, should the difference between leadership and management be overdrawn?


Should technology block leaders from face-to-face interactions?


Research indicates that servant leadership has a ___ relationship with organizational ___ behavior, ___ performance, and staying with the ___. Recent evidence suggests that ___ leadership at the top of the organization has a ___ impact on the ___ of a firm. The study also suggested that CEO's who were company founders were more likely to be ___ leaders.

Positive Citizenship Job Organization Servant Positive Performance Servant

Cognitive intelligence is all the more useful for leadership when it is supplemented by ____ intelligence.


A study of printing industry executives found that entrepreneurs who learn through ___ experience and amplify their ___ experience with ___ goals are more likely to lead and operate growing ventures.

Practical Growth

A useful definition of leadership is ___

The ability to inspire confidence and support among the people who are needed to achieve organizational goals.

What is practical intelligence?

The ability to solve everyday problems by using experience-based knowledge to adapt to and shape the environment.

What is the definition and appropriate circumstances of the achievement-oriented style of leadership?

The achievement-oriented leader sets challenging goals, pushes for work improvement, and sets high expectations for group members. This style works well with achievement-oriented team members and with those working on ambiguous and nonrepetitive tasks.

What is the basic idea of self-leadership?

The basic idea of self-leadership is that all organizational members are capable of leading themselves at least to some extent. When employees lead themselves, they feel empowered.

What is the definition and appropriate circumstances of the directive style of leadership?

The directive leader emphasizes formal activities, such as planning, organizing, and controlling. The directive style improves morale when the task is unclear.

What are empowering practices?

The practices that foster empowerment supplement standard approaches to participative management such as conferring with group members before reaching a decision.

What is risk taking and execution of plans?

To bring about constructive change, the leader must take risks and be willing to implement these risky decisions. "Without risk, there is no reward." Execution is a key part of a leader's job.

What does being a servant leader mean?

Wanting to serve others as a leader is a relationship behavior that encompasses several other key behaviors. A servant leader serves constituents by working on their behalf to help them achieve their goals, not the leader's own goals. A servant leader is a moral leader. Key aspects of servant leadership include the following:

Is trust in business leaders low?


Is delegation narrower than empowerment? Why or why not? How can delegation be motivating?

Yes It relates to a specific task. Delegation can be motivational because it offers group members the opportunity to develop their skills and demonstrate their competence.

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