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U1C1L4:Q8 What is the first rule in social correspondence? A) Candor B) Sincerity C) Simplicity D) Conciseness


U1C2L4:Q17 T or F: Passive learners take charge of the learning processes. A) True B) False


U1C2L6:Q18 T or F: On fill-in-the-blank questions, you should only leave an answer blank if you don't know the answer. A) True B) False


U1C2L6:Q20 So they will be prepared for his tests, your history teacher tells students what types of notes they should take before each lesson. Today he said, "Pay attention to the concepts and ideas in this lesson. You will be required to use critical thinking to formulate an answer and organize a response." For this lesson, what type of question do you think will be on the test? A) Binary-Choice B) Essay C) Multiple choice D) Short answer


U1C2L6:Q22 What is the SQ3R theory? A) A technique for assessing injuries at the scene of an accident. B) A reading/study system that increases understanding and retention. C) A theory on how effective leaders manage a team. D) A theory on how the Earth was formed.


U1C2L6:Q24 T or F: When taking notes, expert students record every word the speaker says. A) True B) False


U1C2L6:Q28 T or F: To get the best results on tests, do not skip around. Do the test questions in order in which they are presented. A) True B) False


U1C2L6:V10 When you ________, you study the material previously studied. A) recall B) review C) reconnoiter D) memorize


U1C2L6:V2 The act of connecting or relating ideas or facts to other things; such as images, stories, words, music, etc., is ________. A) comprehension B) association C) retention D) concentration


U1C2L6:V7 The definition of ________ is to skim a textbook or other learning material in order to get a general idea about the content. A) review B) preview C) Method of Loci D) binary


U1C2L7:Q1 T or F: If your values are true and good, they will not change over time. A) True B) False


U1C2L7:Q12 You are a platoon leader and acting company commander because the company commander and XO are absent. Your battalion S-3 calls you up and asks you which platoon you selected for the opportunity to participate in a prestigious drill competition. This is the first you've heard of it, but the other platoon leader tells you that the commander said that her platoon would be participating in it. Unfortunately, this platoon leader once admitted that she has a habit of taking care of her platoon at the expense of the others by choosing to perform easier tasks. You have to give the S-3 an answer now. What is your best course of action? A) You maintain loyalty to your platoon and give them the opportunity. B) You respect the other platoon leader's integrity and send her platoon, but you also ask her how she would feel if you sent your platoon. C) You tell the S-3 that your company doesn't have a platoon to participate. D) You send your platoon in order to teach the other platoon leader about integrity.


U1C1L2:V24 What word completes this analogy? A) tarnish B) divide C) align D) shining


U1C1L2:H3 Categorize the following ranks in order for highest to lowest. A) B) C) D)


U1C5L1:Q7 Is being unpopular positive or negative stress? A) Positive B) Negative

Cadet Opinion

U1C2L7:Q3 Personal ________ comes in two forms: physical and moral. A) duty B) integrity C) loyalty D) courage


U1C3L3:V6 What is the definition of the term "file"? A) To march in position B) To turn in position C) The side of the formation, either left or right D) To form up in column


U1C4L2:V8 ___________ means to prevent or restrain expression of a feeling or idea. A) Oppress B) Repress C) Impress D) Suppress


U1C5L1:V6 ______ is the body's action to release tension, such as a decrease in our heart rate and breathing rate, and an increasing sense of well-being. A) Meditation B) Fatigue C) The relaxation response


U1C1L4:Q2 As a general rule when making introductions, introduce juniors to seniors (in age and rank). A) True B) False

Cadet Opinion

U1C1L2:V10 What is the definition of the word "ferrule"? A) A decorative metal cap attached to the end of a shoulder cord to prevent fraying B) A line formed by the seam of the shirt aligned with the zipper flap and edge of the belt buckle C) A soft, fuzzy finish or cloth formed by short fibers raised on the surface D) An insignia consisting of stripes meeting at an angle to indicate grade or rank


U1C1L2:V11 Choose the uniform where you would not wear a gray beret. A) B) C)


U1C1L2:V17 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A subdivision of a company-size military unit normally consisting of two or more squads or sections; the leader is usually a first lieutenant." A) Platoon B) Company C) Battalion D) Enlisted


U1C1L2:V19 Choose the words that best complete the sentence below. ______ are a pair of broad pieces of stiffened cloth worn on uniforms to display the ______ of grade. A) Shoulder marks, insignia B) Ranks, precedence C) Shoulder boards, chevron D) Ferrules, insignia


U1C1L2:V20 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "The physical dimensions, proportions, magnitude, or extent of an object." A) Sized B) Hemmed C) Fitted D) Tarnished


U1C1L2:V21 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "The smallest unit in the Army organization composed of a varying number of personnel, depending on the type of element, and led by a noncommissioned officer." A) Squad B) Team C) Succession D) Subordinate


U1C1L2:V26 A uniform is (was) ______. A) a distinctive mode of dress B) required to be worn to all JROTC classes C) first worn by the British Navy D) the act of everyone wearing exactly the same thing


U1C1L3:Q10 If you are in a vehicle with an officer, ______ should be the first person to exit the vehicle when you arrive at your destination. A) you B) the officer C) the driver of the vehicle D) whoever is on the sidewalk side of traffic


U1C2L6:Q27 T or F: One effective technique to use during testing is to pick the parts of the test you know and do them first. A) True B) False


U1C2L6:Q30 T or F: When taking multiple choice tests, the answer choice "all of the above" is typically correct. A) True B) False


U1C2L6:Q31 T or F: In binary choice test questions, qualifiers such as "never" and "always" usually indicate a false answer. A) True B) False


U1C2L6:V6 ________ test your ability to recall, compare, or contrast information and to choose the right answer among several choices or give a short written answer. A) Objective questions B) Subjective questions C) Reviews D) Previews


U1C2L6:V9 ________ is the ability to keep something, such as what you've learned. A) Retention B) Preservation C) Retaining D) Hoarding


U1C3L2:F6 When at a halt, start all marching movements from the position of attention. A) True B) False


U1C3L2:Q1 You arrived a couple minutes late to drill practice. When you walked in, you heard your team leader give the command of execution "face." The squad responded by raising their left heels and right toes and turned 90 degrees. What was the preparatory command, and which way did they turn? A) "right" and to the right B) "left" and to the left C) "about" and to the rear


U1C3L2:Q3 You are leading your platoon in a parade. All of the parade participants are lining up in a field near the beginning of a parade route. When it is your platoon's time to enter the parade, you start marching them towards the start point. Your platoon looks very professional, but you see that you have to cross some uneven ground, and you think it may hurt your formation. What command or commands could you give to help them stay together? A) "half step, march" B) "platoon, attention" C) "double time, march" D) "platoon, halt" and "fall in" near the parade start point


U1C3L2:Q4 When you call cadence while leading your platoon in drill, you keep the beat, or rhythm, by starting each stanza on your left foot. However, today you find that you are doing it on your right foot, but your squad members are correct and starting on their left. What is the most appropriate thing to do in order to synchronize the entire formation? A) Halt the formation and start again from the position of attention. B) Give the command to "change step, march" so that the rest of your platoon is in step with you. C) Just keep marching and keeping the rhythm on your right foot. D) Change step on your own.


U1C3L2:V3 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "Fast marching pace of 180 steps per minute." A) double time B) halt C) quick time D) rest E) steps


U1C3L3:F1 T or F: It is critical to master the techniques of forming a squad and your related responsibilities to be a sharp drill squad. A) True B) False


U1C5L2:Q6 You are stretching before you do the exercises in the Cadet Challenge. With your feet about shoulder -width apart and knees slightly bent, you hold your hands together behind your back and pull them up as you bend at the waist. What parts of your body are you focusing on with this stretch? A) Arms and shoulders B) Lower back and arms C) Thighs and lower back D) Lower back and shoulders


U1C4L3:V9 ____________ is the act of repeated unwanted and annoying actions, including threats and demands. A) Harassment B) Escalation C) Pestering D) Arguing


U1C5L1:Q9 The psychosomatic response to prolonged stress can result in ______. A) headaches B) dilated pupils C) mood swings


U1C5L1:V1 Negative stress is also called ______. A) distress B) resistance C) anxiety


U1C5L1:V4 The fight, flight, or freeze response ______. A) is the body and mind's preparation to help you to respond to a tense situation or danger B) reveals if you are a brave fighter or an afraid coward C) is the body and mind's reaction to stress in the alarm stage


U1C5L1:V8 Stress is ______. A) your body's response to change B) anything that causes you anxiety C) psychosomatic


U1C5L1:V9 Anything that causes stress is ______. A) a stressor B) negative C) psychosomatic


U1C5L2:Q3 When you warm up for exercise, you should ______. A) exercise at a reduced pace B) bounce back and forth the muscles you'll be using C) breathe rapidly D) do as many repetitions as possible


U1C1L2:Q7 What are the two main categories of individual awards given to Cadets for superior performance? A) Institutional and national awards B) Personal recognition and public recognition awards C) Merit unit awards and scholastic excellence awards D) Team and squad awards


U1C1L1:F1 One of the outcomes of the Army JROTC program is to get young people to join the Army after they have completed high school. A) True B) False


U1C1L1:Q10 One of the goals of the JROTC curriculum is to encourage students to graduate from _____________. A) college B) high school C) basic training D) two-year colleges


U1C1L1:Q11 T or F: The mission of JROTC is to train citizen soldiers for the future of the U.S. A) True B) False


U1C2L4:V8 ______ is awareness and understanding of one's own thought processes. A) Intrapersonal skill B) Metacognition C) Objectivity D) Sociological skill


U1C2L5:Q1 What is the first reading strategy you use to improve your comprehension? A) Summarizing each paragraph as you read it. B) Previewing or scanning the material. C) Having someone explain the gist of the material to you. D) Writing down questions you hope to have answered in the material.


U1C2L5:Q11 You read for enjoyment, but you also read to improve your reading ability. One of your classmates, a star basketball player, says that she always sees you reading, and that she wishes she could be as good a reader as you. Then she says, "I have to go to basketball practice." Just then you realize you can use her basketball skills to help her understand how to become a better reader. Which of the following should you say? A) If you stop playing basketball, you will become a better reader. B) If you practice reading as much as basketball, then you will become a better reader. C) Since you're already good at basketball, you should practice reading instead of basketball. D) I'm good at reading, and you're good at basketball, so we all have our strengths.


U1C2L5:Q14 What is an "analogy"? A) A type of clock face. B) The linking of new information with your prior knowledge; resemblance in some particulars between things otherwise unlike. C) A comparison between two very similar items. D) A short story meant to teach a lesson or moral.


U1C2L5:Q3 To deepen your understanding of complex written materials, when should you do a mini-review of the material? A) At the end of the text. B) At the end of each paragraph. C) At the end of each chapter. D) After you read each sentence to check for comprehension.


U1C2L5:Q6 Explain the GIST strategy of reading comprehension. A) Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review. B) "GIST" means the main point. In this strategy, you focus on short passages of 3-5 paragraphs and create summaries for each passage. C) Think aloud quoting of main concepts at the end of each chapter. D) Reading the entire text aloud to hear the major points on ideas.


U1C2L5:V12 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "The action or capability of understanding something." A) Inventory B) Comprehension C) Property D) Concept


U1C2L5:V15 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "An element that constitutes the basis from which a word is derived by the addition of other elements such as prefixes or suffixes." A) Concept B) Root Word C) Synonym D) Property


U1C2L5:V7 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "The art of carefully devising or employing a plan of action or method designed to achieve a goal; the art or science of planning and directing large-scale military operations and campaigns." A) Concept B) Strategy C) Antonym D) Property


U1C2L6:Q11 In the PQRST method, you ________ before you read a textbook chapter or section. A) skim the chapter and prepare to take notes B) skim the chapter and read the questions at the end of the chapter C) carefully read the chapter summary and take notes D) rest and test


U1C2L7:Q19 When a person possesses a high standard of moral value and principles, shows good moral judgment, and demonstrates consistent moral behavior, the person exhibits the value of _____________. A) selflessness B) integrity C) morality D) loyalty


U1C2L7:Q22 T or F: All norms are good and have positive results. A) True B) False


U1C2L7:Q5 Arranging marriage for your children is NOT an example of ________. A) a cultural norm B) a universal norm C) a non-universal norm D) over-involved parents


U1C4L2:Q11 The technique of controlling your emotion so you can resolve conflict in a calm, rational manner is _________. A) logic B) anger management C) emotional intelligence D) meditation


U1C4L2:Q7 Which of the following is an example of changing thinking in an angry situation? A) I know how to solve this problem. B) It's not the worst thing that happened. C) That student is always picking arguments.


U1C4L2:Q8 T or F: When you are angry with someone, you should let the person know immediately and say the first thing that comes into your head. A) True B) False


U1C4L2:V5 _________ is the degree to which a person uses a communication style or pattern that is indirect and effectual for accurate expression of thought and feeling. A) Empathy B) Deference C) Passive-aggressive behavior D) Suppression


U1C4L3:Q11 The last part of an "I" statement ________________________. A) states your feeling B) states how a behavior affects you C) describes a specific behavior D) suggests a solution to the conflict


U1C4L3:Q12 T or F: In a conflict you should manage your body language. You should: avoid eye contact, keep your arms and legs uncrossed, and unclench your fists. A) True B) False


U1C4L3:Q13 T or F: The conflict resolution process involves defining who is to blame for the conflict. A) True B) False


U1C4L3:Q21 T or F: Nonverbal communication cues seldom lead to fighting. A) True B) False


U1C4L3:Q4 T or F: We have the most conflicts with people we don't know very well. A) True B) False


U1C4L3:Q6 Brady and Titus are friends. They have conflicts because they belong to different religions and are always trying to convince each other that theirs is the right religion. This is an example of a ______ conflict. A) religious B) value C) relationship D) structural


U1C4L3:Q7 Which of the following is NOT a skill for dealing with conflict? A) Listening skills B) Ability to ignore the feelings of others and be objective C) Being aware of differences between yourself and others D) Ability to "give and take"


U1C4L3:Q8 It might be best to ignore a conflict if ___________. A) it has been going on a long time without resolution B) the person is just trying to make you angry C) it is with a family member D) you are the one at fault


U1C4L3:V1 Active listening means ______. A) you are listening while actively engaged in a task B) you are fully concentrating on what is being said rather than just passively 'hearing' the message of the speaker C) you are listening for people who are being active in the conversation


U1C4L3:V6 Effective speaking is a successful verbal communication that _________. A) everyone agrees with B) has the desired or intended result C) makes listeners more effective speakers


U1C5L1:Q8 During the ______ phase of stress, your body reacts to "fight, flight, or freeze." A) alarm B) resistance C) fatigue


U1C5L1:V2 ______ are chemicals released by the brain that trigger a natural relaxation response. A) Adrenaline B) Endorphins C) Testosterone


U1C5L1:V5 A physical reaction that results from stress rather than from an injury or illness is called ______. A) hypochondria B) psychosomatic response C) psychological distress


U1C5L1:V7 The stage of stress where the body adapts to the initial rush created by stress is ______. A) alarm B) resistance C) fatigue


U1C1L2:V1 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A military unit made up of two or more companies or batteries and a headquarters that is commanded by a lieutenant colonel, is the smallest unit to have staff, and is administratively self-sufficient." A) Platoon B) Company C) Battalion D) Enlisted


U1C1L2:V12 Choose the word that completes the red box in the title of this image. A) Chevron B) Shoulder marks C) Insignia D) Giglines


U1C1L2:V18 Choose the word that best describes the scenario below. Sandy spilled soda on the floor at lunch when no one was looking. Instead of leaving the mess, she cleaned it up. By doing this, what was Sandy taking for her actions? A) Unit awards B) Individual awards C) Responsibility D) Athletic awards


U1C1L2:V2 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "To cut or divide into two equal parts." A) Nap B) Precedence C) Bisecting D) Align


U1C1L2:V23 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "The order of persons next in line for an office or rank that is held by another." A) Squad B) Team C) Succession D) Subordinate


U1C1L2:V4 ______ is the status of a person loyal to a nation, entitled to its rights and protection, while also assuming some responsibilities for service to the nation. A) Naturalized B) Immigrant C) Citizenship D) Loyalist


U1C1L2:V5 Choose the image showing a "Class A Uniform." A) B) C)


U1C1L2:V7 Choose the image showing an "Army Combat Uniform (ACU)." A) B) C)


U1C1L3:F1 In 1777, the Second Continental Congress decided that our flag would have ___ stripes, alternating red and white in color. A) 50 B) 12 C) 13


U1C1L3:Q21 What is the "union" on the U.S. flag? A) The emblem on the flag symbolizing the southern states. B) The emblem on the flag symbolizing the northern states. C) The emblem on a flag symbolizing unity, such as the blue rectangle and stars on the U.S. flag. D) The emblem on a flag symbolizing discord in our nation's history.


U1C1L3:Q24 What does the color red on the U.S. flag symbolize? A) It represents six of the original 13 colonies B) The blood that was shed at Valley Forge C) Hardiness and valor D) Hope, purity, and innocence


U1C1L3:Q26 When displaying the flags of two or more nations, how are they hung? A) With the U.S. flag on top B) With the U.S. flag below the guest nation's flag C) From separate flagstaffs or poles of the same height and size D) With the U.S. flag on the right


U1C2L3:Q11 Name the four dominant categories of behavior in Winning Colors®. A) Activists, Pacifists, Planners, Builders B) Relaters, Adventurers, Soloists, Performers C) Planners, Builders, Relaters, Adventurers D) Detailers, Globalists, Builders, Relaters


U1C2L3:V3 Choose the word that best describes the scenario below. Every time Betty sees Mexican food cooked by her grandmother, she smiles without realizing it. Eating food cooked by her grandmother makes her happy, and she feels good and safe with her family. This feeling would be what for Betty? A) Natural B) Preference C) Comfort zone D) Diversity


U1C3L3:V7 What is the definition of the term "close interval"? A) Two arms' distance between troops in rank formation B) Single arm's distance between troops in rank C) Elbow's distance between troops in rank formation D) To turn in position


U1C4L1:Q2 ______ is the last step of the decision-making/problem-solving process. A) Weighing your options B) Making your decision and taking action C) Implementing the plan


U1C4L1:Q6 What will short-term and intermediate goals help you achieve? A) Money B) Popularity C) Long-term goals


U1C4L1:Q7 If your long-term goal is to become a game programmer, an intermediate goal would include ______. A) playing more games B) learning how to create videos C) learning a programming language


U1C4L1:V2 The process of making a choice is called ______. A) goal-setting B) choice choosing C) decision-making


U1C4L1:V3 You evaluate or ______ to determine the value of something. A) analyze B) criticize C) assess


U1C4L2:Q1 Physical reactions to anger include _________. A) decreased heart rate and blood pressure B) fatigue C) headaches


U1C4L2:Q3 If you are really angry at someone, it is best to _________. A) keep it to yourself and avoid a conflict B) yell and get it out of your system C) calm yourself until you can express what's bothering you without causing a conflict


U1C6L2:V1 Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. In field education, you perform the service as a part of a(n) __________ program designed primarily to enhance understanding of a field of study, while providing substantial emphasis on the service. A) exploratory project B) experiential learning C) training D) field education


U1C6L2:V5 Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. "One who takes notes for the team and organizes information." A) Community service B) Reporter C) Recorder D) Facilitator


U1C4L3:Q1 When I have a conflict with someone, I usually _______. A) avoid talking about it with the person so we don't argue B) argue with the person until I win C) avoid any interactions with the person D) try to find the solution to the conflict

Cadet Opinion

U1C4L3:Q2 When I have a conflict with someone, I usually feel _______. A) anger B) fear C) excitement D) sadness

Cadet Opinion

U1C4L3:Q3 Most of my conflicts are with _________. A) family members, not parents B) friends C) others at school D) teachers or parents

Cadet Opinion

U1C5L1:Q1 Is being selected as a team leader positive or negative stress? A) Positive B) Negative

Cadet Opinion

U1C5L1:Q11 What was your score on Exercise #1 - How Stressed Are You? A) 0-24 B) 25-49 C) 50-74 D) 75 or over

Cadet Opinion

U1C5L1:Q12 In which area did you have the most points? A) School B) Family C) Health and Fitness D) Social E) Work

Cadet Opinion

U1C5L1:Q2 Is failing a test positive or negative stress? A) Positive B) Negative

Cadet Opinion

U1C5L1:Q3 Is moving to a different school positive or negative stress? A) Positive B) Negative

Cadet Opinion

U1C5L1:Q4 Is disagreeing with a friend positive or negative stress? A) Positive B) Negative

Cadet Opinion

U1C5L1:Q5 Is being involved in many after-school activities positive or negative stress? A) Positive B) Negative

Cadet Opinion

U1C5L1:Q6 Is being popular positive or negative stress? A) Positive B) Negative

Cadet Opinion

U1C1L3:Q22 What are the orders a commander calls to a formation of Cadets when colors are about to pass by? A) "Attention" and "To the flag" B) "Attention" and "Face the Colors" C) "To the flag" and "Present, Arms" D) The commander orders "Attention" and "Present, Arms" when the colors are within six steps of the unit


U1C1L3:Q23 What does the color white on the U.S. flag symbolize? A) Seven of the original 13 colonies B) Hardiness and valor C) Reverence for God, loyalty, and justice D) Hope, purity, and innocence


U1C1L3:Q30 During an indoor ceremony, Cadets do not salute a flag unless they are under arms. Define the term "under arms". A) Wearing shoulder boards or a Class B uniform shirt B) Participating in a color guard C) Carrying a weapon or equipment pertaining to a weapon D) Surrounded by others who are carrying sabers


U1C1L3:Q35 A) When you are in uniform and you hear the national anthem; when the colors pass you; during official greetings B) During official greetings; during reveille and retreat; during the rendering of honors C) When first uncasing or later when casing the colors; when pledging allegiance outdoors and in uniform; when reporting D) All of the above


U1C1L3:Q37 When is it appropriate to call a room to attention? A) When those in the room should be silent. B) When announcements are made over a public address system. C) When the battalion Cadet executive officer enters the room. D) When an officer enters the office for the first time each day.


U1C1L3:Q41 What is the primary purpose of a hand salute today? A) To distinguish officers from enlisted personnel. B) To reveal that you are not holding a weapon. C) To show non-military respect for their civilian positions. D) To indicate respect for those in positions of authority.


U1C1L3:Q9 If you are wearing civilian clothes, you do NOT have to ______. A) salute an officer B) salute while saying the Pledge of Allegiance C) stand at attention and salute when the national anthem plays D) all of the choices


U1C1L4:Q10 After the formal event is over, to whom should you write a thank you note? A) The event host B) Special guests or dignitaries C) Sponsoring organizations D) All of the choices


U1C1L4:Q12 A group of people, including the host and honored guests, who stand in a line to welcome guests attending a function is called a _______________. A) welcoming group B) line welcome C) welcome responsibility D) receiving line


U1C1L4:Q25 How long after a dinner party are you obligated to stay to avoid the hint of "eat-and-run" rudeness? A) Not less than fifteen minutes B) At least one half hour C) You should stay until the hosts have completed their presentation D) At least one hour


U1C1L4:Q26 If an invitation indicates that an event requires formal dress, what should males wear? A) Only a tuxedo is appropriate B) A sport coat with a tie C) Only a dress blue military uniform is appropriate D) A suit, although a tuxedo or uniform is preferable


U1C1L4:V1 You shouldn't ______ or take control of a conversation. A) sorbet B) repast C) protocol D) monopolize


U1C1L4:V4 A ______ is a group of people, including the host and honored guests, who stand in line and individually welcome guests attending a social function. A) curtly B) repast C) protocol D) receiving line


U1C1L4:V6 If you do not normally speak a ______ or flowery language, you should not write in that way in a thank you note. A) repast B) protocol C) martial D) stilted


U1C3L1:V6 Choose the synonym for the word below. Precision A) Accurate B) Explanation C) Unclear D) Imprecision


U1C1L1:Q2 One of the outcomes of the Army JROTC program is for Cadets to ______. A) graduate high school with skills needed to excel in additional career/education training B) be prepared to defend our nation C) appreciate the role of the Army in performing physical fitness exercises


U1C1L1:Q4 The Cadet Creed explains how the JROTC program supports citizenship, character, and ______. A) leadership B) integrity C) patriotism


U1C1L1:Q6 The ______ chapter of the JROTC program will help you know your community, perform as a team, and become a more helpful citizen. A) service learning B) team building C) leadership


U1C1L1:V1 A high school student enrolled in the leadership and citizenship activities through Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps is called a ______. A) Cadet B) mantle C) junior soldier


U1C1L1:V10 Being the only one of its kind is the definition of ______. A) unique B) mantle C) self-esteem


U1C1L1:V3 JROTC is a program that teaches high school students the values of good citizenship while giving them an introduction to the U.S. Army. The letters JROTC stand for ______. A) Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps B) Junior Results Ongoing Testing Corps C) Junior Reserve Outcome Training Corps


U1C1L1:V5 ______ is an important role or responsibility that passes from one person to another. A) Mantle B) Leadership C) Inheritance


U1C1L1:V6 A specific job given to a person or group of persons to accomplish is called a(n) ______. A) mission B) opportunity C) challenge


U1C1L1:V7 To ______ is to provide a need or a purpose that causes a person to want to do something. A) motivate B) challenge C) lead


U1C1L1:V9 ______ are favorable or advantageous circumstances or combination of circumstances. A) Opportunities B) Challenges C) Mantles


U1C1L2:Q3 In the pyramid of authority in JROTC, from the top to the bottom of the pyramid is a chain of command. A) True B) False


U1C1L2:Q6 Explain the difference between the military terms "rank" and "grade." A) Rank is a title indicating a Soldier's position and responsibility, while grade is a letter/number combination denoting a Soldier's pay rate. B) Rank applies only to enlisted Soldiers, while grade applies to officers. C) Rank is from O-2 to O-6, while grade is from PFC to E-8. D) Rank has to do with a drill movement, while grade refers to LET level.


U1C2L6:Q25 T or F: Positive statements can help you perform better and with more confidence on tests. A) True B) False


U1C1L3:Q14 Assuming the hand and arm are in the correct positions, which of the following is NOT part of the correct procedure for rendering a hand salute? A) When wearing glasses and headgear with a visor, touch the tip of your right forefinger to that point on the glasses where the temple piece of the frame meets the right edge of your right brow. B) When wearing glasses and headgear without a visor (or when uncovered), touch the tip of your right forefinger to that point on the glasses where the temple piece of the frame meets the right edge of your right brow. C) When wearing headgear with a visor, place the tip of your right forefinger on the rim of the visor, lightly to the right of your right eye. D) When wearing headgear without a visor (or when uncovered), touch the tip of your right forefinger to the forehead, near and slightly to the right of your right eyebrow.


U1C1L3:Q16 What do the colors on the U.S. flag represent? A) The thirteen stripes represent the original thirteen colonies B) The blood lost in the Civil War C) The thirteen original signers of the Constitution D) The first thirteen states to join the Confederacy


U1C1L3:Q18 The terms "colors," "standard," and "ensign" are all synonyms for ______________. A) the flag B) an officer's rank C) enlisted ranks D) patriotic bunting


U1C1L3:Q28 T or F: When a flag is properly folded, only the blue field with stars will be visible. A) True B) False


U1C1L3:Q29 Who wrote "The Star Spangled Banner"? A) Francis Scott Key wrote it in 1814 B) Martha Washington wrote it in 1777 C) George Washington wrote it in 1789 D) Mary Todd Lincoln wrote it in 1861


U1C1L3:Q31 What is the purpose of a cannon salute? A) To honor civil or military officials from the U.S. or foreign countries B) To memorialize a military official upon his or her death C) To alert drivers that a funeral cavalcade will soon be moving D) To honor non-commissioned and petty officers


U1C1L3:Q34 T or F: You should not render a salute on buses or trains, in stores or theatres, while indoors, or while both parties are in civilian clothes. A) True B) False


U1C1L3:Q39 T or F: The position of honor dictates that those of lower rank walk, sit, or ride to the left of those with senior rank. A) True B) False


U1C1L3:Q40 What is a "mess" in military jargon? A) A group of persons in the military who regularly eat meals together or the place where such meals are served. B) The results of a badly executed drill maneuver. C) Presenting oneself to a person of higher rank. D) A drum and bugle salute usually used to honor officials.


U1C1L3:Q42 A ______________ salute is used to honor civil or military officials from the U.S. or foreign countries. A) cannon B) gun C) hand D) none of the above


U1C1L3:Q44 A common courtesy when an officer enters the office or classroom for the first time of the day is to ____________. A) stand up B) stand and salute C) order "post" D) call the room to attention


U1C1L3:Q5 The flag is usually displayed at half-staff ______. A) to honor the dead B) to honor visiting foreign officials C) whenever the national anthem is played


U1C1L3:Q7 Cadet Barr wears glasses. When she salutes, she should touch the tip of her right forefinger to the upper right edge of her glasses. A) True B) False


U1C1L3:Q8 When you are in uniform outside and the national anthem plays, you should stand at attention, salute, and ______. A) face the source of the music B) remove your hat if you are wearing one C) drop your salute after six seconds, but remain at attention


U1C1L3:V10 Another word for a flagpole is ______. A) staff B) standard C) bombardment


U1C1L3:V13 ______ is the signal for the start of the official duty day. A) Reveille B) Rise and shine C) Reporting


U1C1L3:V2 The upper left part of the U.S. flag is called the ______. A) union B) standard C) halyard


U1C1L3:V3 A song of gladness, praise, devotion, or patriotism is called ______. A) an anthem B) a standard C) a pop tune


U1C1L3:V4 When you carry a weapon or the equipment pertaining to a weapon, you are considered to be ______. A) under arms B) part of the esprit de corps C) participating in a ceremony D) a bombardment


U1C1L3:V5 The U.S. flag is often called "The Stars and Stripes" or "Old Glory." You might also hear it called ______. A) the colors, standard, or ensign B) the colors, halyard, or pennant C) the colors, halyard, or staff


U1C1L3:V8 What is a pennant? A) A flag B) A ceremony C) A part of the staff


U1C1L4:Q13 T or F: A polite dinner guest touches nothing on the table, not even the napkin, until after the blessing or invocation. A) True B) False


U1C1L4:Q14 Explain the general rule for use of cutlery or silverware at a formal dinner. A) Start with the outside pieces of silverware and work inward toward the plate. B) Start at the left and work to the right. C) Make sure you use only the salad fork first. D) Never use the dessert spoon for stirring drinks.


U1C1L4:Q15 T or F: The number of pieces of silverware on a formal table setting indicates the number of courses you can expect at the meal. A) True B) False


U1C1L4:Q17 Explain the zigzag method of the American eating style. A) The fork is held in the left hand with tines down to secure the food being cut with a knife. After cutting no more than two or three bites, the fork is transferred to the right hand for eating. B) Eating more that one course at the same time. C) Using the fork, knife, and spoon on the same course. D) Conducting polite conversation with diners on your left and right.


U1C2L3:V2 Choose the word that best describes the scenario below. Some activities are very easy for Jennifer. For example, she is great at tennis, but horrible at basketball. What is another word to describe how easy tennis is for Jennifer? A) Natural B) Preference C) Comfort zone D) Diversity


U1C1L4:Q20 What is the proper way to eat soup? A) The motion of the spoon should be away from you. If it is necessary to tip your soup bowl, tip it away from you. It is never appropriate to blow on soup to cool it. Soup should be sipped, not slurped, from the side of the spoon. B) Soup should be eaten with the spoon in the right hand from the front of the spoon. C) The spoon should always be dipped toward you and sipped from the side. D) Soup should not be served at formal meals.


U1C1L4:Q22 When at a formal dinner, it is important not to monopolize the conversation. Define "monopolize". A) To take exclusive ownership or control B) Talking to yourself C) Arguing about religion or politics D) Making suggestive sexual remarks


U1C1L4:Q27 If an invitation requires informal attire, what should a male wear? A) A sport coat and tie B) A suit is required but it may be worn without a tie C) Slacks or jeans are appropriate D) A long-sleeved shirt with a tie is acceptable


U1C1L4:Q30 T or F: Your first responsibility upon arriving at a party is to greet the host or hostess. A) True B) False


U1C1L4:Q32 T or F: When planning a military ball, thank you notes must be sent to special guests, to organizations sponsoring the event, and to those who provided services or entertainment. A) True B) False


U1C1L4:Q33 T or F: It is a Cadet's responsibility to inform a guest attending the Cadet Ball of the appropriate attire and customs of the event. A) True B) False


U1C1L4:Q34 T or F: Toasts at formal events are always made standing up. A) True B) False


U1C1L4:Q5 You have to supervise a group of Cadets who will put the place settings on the tables at your spring Dining-Out. When one of them asks, "Why are there so many forks?", what should you say is the purpose for each? A) X = Salad Fork; Y = Dinner Fork; and Z = Dessert Fork B) X = Dessert Fork; Y = Salad Fork; and Z = Dinner Fork C) X = Spare Fork; Y = Primary Fork; and Z = Serving Fork D) X = Serving Fork; Y = Primary Fork; and Z = Spare Fork


U1C1L4:V2 A formal military dinner for military members only is known as ______. A) Dining-In B) Dining-Out C) protocol D) stilted


U1C1L4:V5 ______ are name cards for a formal dinner. A) Place cards B) Tines C) Stilted D) Martial


U1C1L4:V8 ______ are widespread customs accepted as socially correct ways of acting. A) Manners B) Etiquette C) Protocol D) Foundations


U1C2L1:Q5 As part of geography class exercise, three teams competed with each other to show which states belonged in which regions. Each member of the team was given 30 seconds to show as many as they could. Two of the teams began by listing all the states in one specific area. The first person in the winning team was a JROTC Cadet who drew this Thinking Map®. Of the choices below, which one best describes why her team won? A) Because Brace Maps are perfect for showing part-whole relationships like these. B) Because Tree Maps helped break down and categorize all of the parts of an object. C) Because Multi-Flow Maps are perfect for showing the parts, and sub- parts of objects. D) Because most of the Thinking Maps® would have helped in this situation.


U1C2L1:V10 Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. _________ show(s) resemblance in some particulars between things otherwise unlike. A) Analogies B) Relating Factor C) A Bubble Map D) A Bridge Map


U1C2L1:V3 Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. The map used for brainstorming is a _______. A) Circle Map B) Bubble Map C) Flow Map D) Multi-Flow Map


U1C2L2:Q2 T or F: It is important to be balanced in the four behavior clusters of Winning Colors®. A) True B) False


U1C2L2:Q5 Define "assessment". A) The act of evaluating or appraising a person's ability or potential to meet certain standards or criteria. B) Judging your peers' weaknesses. C) Giving a test. D) Watching a drill movement.


U1C2L2:Q6 __________ means contemplating one's own thoughts or feelings for the purpose of deeper self-understanding. A) Introspection B) Observation C) Assessment D) Self-assessment


U1C2L2:V2 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "Examination of one's own thoughts or feelings." A) Introspection B) Assessment C) Associate D) Cluster


U1C2L3:Q3 Cadets Franklin and Smith have been best friends since they were five years old. After they determined their Winning Colors® preferences, it seemed like they had very little in common. Cadet Franklin was strong in planning and relating behaviors, and Cadet Smith was strong as a builder and adventurer. Both of them realized that they did work better with others at times, and their friendship began to fall apart. What would be the best thing to say to help them remain friends? A) "Behaviors work in many ways, and if you tried to appreciate the differences, you would probably find that they complement each other, just like you." B) Nothing. Sometimes people just outgrow friendships. C) "This exercise was to help increase communication within a diverse society. It doesn't have anything to do with friendship, so you should still be friends." D) Nothing. They probably shouldn't have been friends in the first place because their preferences were different.


U1C2L3:Q4 T or F: According to Winning Colors®, you can communicate with others more effectively if you use power words that appeal to others' preferences. A) True B) False


U1C2L3:Q5 In Winning Colors®, _____________ are quiet, introspective, and detail oriented. They are good listeners and tend to hide their feelings. A) Planners B) Builders C) Relaters D) Adventurers


U1C2L3:Q7 In Winning Colors®, those who like sharing ideas and feelings, who work well in teams, and who are social and love to talk are known as ____________. A) Relaters B) Planners C) Builders D) Adventurers


U1C2L3:Q8 In Winning Colors®, who are the action-oriented, who live in the present, are flexible, and thrive on spontaneity? A) Adventurers B) Planners C) Builders D) Relaters


U1C2L4:F1 T or F: Active learners use goal setting, time management, and progress assessment techniques to gauge their own progress. A) True B) False


U1C2L4:Q14 You have a high verbal/linguistic intelligence, so you have been assigned as a tour guide for a nature walk in the local park. You will be teaching tour groups about protecting the natural plant life in the park, so you have to have pictures of the plants that appear earlier and later in the year. You can choose an assistant to help you prepare and brief the pictures. If the potential assistants possessed the intelligences listed in options A-D, which would be most helpful to you? A) Naturalist; Visual/Spatial; Interpersonal B) Naturalist; Bodily/Kinesthetic; Interpersonal C) Visual/Spatial; Logical/Mathematical; Intrapersonal D) Naturalist; Visual/Spatial; Intrapersonal


U1C2L4:Q18 T or F: Active learners use goal setting, time management, and progress assessment techniques to gauge their own progress. A) True B) False


U1C2L4:Q19 Those who approach learning as "remembering" are called ___________ learners. A) passive B) aggressive C) lenient D) strict


U1C2L4:Q21 T or F: Active learners are both creative and critical thinkers. A) True B) False


U1C2L4:Q25 T or F: Active learners do not wait for learning to happen; they make learning happen. A) True B) False


U1C2L4:Q29 You just bought a used car. Your friend's dad gave you this advice, "Make sure you get a mechanic who doesn't mind getting his hands dirty and likes to work alone." If you take his advice, what two kinds of intelligences would you like the mechanic to possess? A) Bodily/Kinesthetic and Intrapersonal B) Naturalist and Intrapersonal C) Visual/Spatial and Interpersonal D) Logical/Mathematical and Interpersonal


U1C2L4:Q3 T or F: New information begins to fade after 30 minutes if not rehearsed. A) True B) False


U1C2L4:Q31 T or F: Gardner revolutionized thinking of intelligence by asking not "How smart are you?" but "How you are smart?" A) True B) False


U1C2L4:V1 An assumption is ______. A) something taken for granted; a supposition or guess B) a mental map of an idea C) the circumstance that surrounds a particular event D) awareness of one's own thinking


U1C2L4:V11 A ______ is a practical person. A) pragmatist B) theorist C) realist D) schemist


U1C2L4:V15 ______ are things that cause a response - such as an action, feeling, or thought. A) Stimuli B) Actions C) Preferences D) Intelligences


U1C2L4:V5 Data is another word for ______. A) information B) computation C) groups of numbers D) groups of words


U1C2L5:Q10 You found an index card with the following diagram. What is it and what was somebody trying to do with it? A) It's a word map that someone was using to learn about the word "caveat" B) It's a mind map that someone was using to learn about the word "warning" C) It's a mind map that someone was using to learn about the word "caveat" D) It's a word map that someone was using to learn about the word "warning"


U1C2L5:Q15 What is a "hypothesis"? A) An assumption made for the sake of argument. B) A medical condition that results from exposure to extreme cold. C) A wild guess made at an answer for the purpose of speculation. D) A scientific theory.


U1C2L5:Q4 T or F: One technique for comprehending difficult reading material is to explain what you have read to another person. A) True B) False


U1C2L5:Q8 What is a "contrast clue" in reading for meaning? A) Looking for how a new word you are learning is different from a word you know. B) Equating an unknown word with a word you already know. C) Looking for prefix and suffix clues on word construction. D) A graphic organizer that helps you learn new vocabulary.


U1C2L5:Q9 What is the purpose of a word map? A) It is a graphic organizer that helps you learn new words or concepts. B) To help you understand how texts are organized. C) To help you solve crossword puzzles. D) None of the above


U1C2L5:V13 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A noun or pronoun that is set beside another noun or pronoun in a sentence that explains it." Example: As in the poet and Burns in, A Biography of the Poet Burns . A) Appositive B) Strategy C) Hypothesis D) Prediction


U1C2L5:V16 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A word or element that is attached to the back of a word." A) Suffix B) Prefix C) Synonym D) Analogy


U1C2L5:V2 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "An itemized list of current assets; a survey of national resources; a list of traits, preferences, attitudes, interests, or other abilities used to evaluate personal characteristics or skills." A) Inventory B) Purpose C) Strategy D) Analogy


U1C2L5:V5 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "Written or spoken knowledge that can help to illuminate the meaning of a word or passage." A) Context B) Purpose C) Inventory D) Strategy


U1C2L5:V9 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A quality or trait belonging to or unique to an individual or thing." A) Property B) Comprehension C) Appositive D) Mood


U1C2L6:F1 T or F: To get the most out of your study time, you should take short breaks from long study sessions. A) True B) False


U1C2L6:Q13 Notehand is an efficient note-taking skill because you write ________. A) only important ideas and write faster B) every word in your personal shorthand C) only the topic headings from your textbook D) an outline that is easy to read


U1C2L6:Q17 T or F: When you take a test you should skip difficult questions and come back to them later. A) True B) False


U1C2L6:Q21 What are the 5 steps in the SQ3R study system? A) Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review B) Study, Question, Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse C) Survey, Quarrel, Read, Recite, Rehearse D) Seek answers, question everything, read only the summaries at the end of chapters, rehearse main points, rewrite in your own words


U1C2L6:Q23 T or F: Effective time managers use dead time to study. A) True B) False


U1C2L7:Q14 A transfer student was assigned to your squad. When you asked him about his previous JROTC unit, he told you that there was a lot of competition between units and individuals. At first, you were impressed with the new Cadet. However, after a couple of weeks you noticed that he was causing a breakdown in teamwork, and an increase in competition between your squad members. You have enough time before leadership lab to talk to your squad about one of the Army Values. Which one should you choose to correct this situation? Why? A) Selfless Service - your squad members are becoming more competitive with each other, and are placing their own needs before those of the squad. B) Honor - your squad members aren't adhering to a code of ethics or values. C) Personal Courage - your squad members aren't facing fears, danger, or adversity. D) Respect - squad members aren't treating each other as they should.


U1C2L7:Q15 Name the seven individual values of LDRSHIP. A) Loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage B) Luck, disciples, reward, self-declaring, humility, interest, and perseverance C) Love, direction, retention, service, humbleness, involvement, and patience D) None of the above


U1C2L7:Q17 What are the three things you must do to exhibit the value of loyalty? A) Respect the U.S. Constitution and its laws, demonstrate strong moral character and virtue, and show faithfulness to family, friends, and peers B) Recognize every human's dignity, arrive on time to events, and create a climate of fairness C) Salute the flag, follow the chain of command, and show consideration for others D) Put the welfare of others first, be self-introspective, and focus on community service


U1C2L7:Q18 To exhibit the value of respect, what three actions must you take? A) Treat all people with dignity, demonstrate consideration for others, and create a climate of fairness B) Listen to others, consider every viewpoint, and act accordingly C) Both of the above D) None of the above


U1C2L7:Q21 Name the two forms of personal courage. A) Physical and moral courage B) Absolute and situational courage C) Temporary and permanent courage D) Intellectual and physical courage


U1C2L7:Q23 T or F: Leaders have the responsibility to do the morally right thing. A) True B) False


U1C2L7:Q24 T or F: Leaders sometimes have to make a decision between two morally right values. A) True B) False


U1C2L7:Q25 The acronym "LDRSHIP" stands for what? A) Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage B) Leadership, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Perseverance C) Loyalty, Diligence, Regard, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage D) Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personality


U1C2L7:Q4 Selfless service means ________. A) your priorities are service to your community or the nation B) you are never selfish C) you create a climate of fairness D) you show good moral judgment


U1C2L7:Q6 T or F: Cultural norms can be stronger than universal norms. A) True B) False


U1C2L7:V2 Cultural norms are ________. A) acceptable behaviors within a society or culture B) normal activities for a given culture C) the normal style of art, music, and theatre in a culture D) acceptable behaviors within an organization


U1C2L7:V3 ________ are guidelines we use to do the right thing. A) Ethics B) Moral habits C) Integrity standards D) Consciences


U1C2L7:V5 Integrity is __________. A) the characteristic of having high moral values and behavior B) ordering of your obligations and commitments C) the total of your organizational, civic, and moral obligations D) the internal sense of right and wrong


U1C2L7:V8 Priorities are __________. A) the things or actions that are most important to you B) standards of moral behavior C) principles about what you believe D) the first five items on any list


U1C2L8:Q2 What is the difference between intrapersonal skills and interpersonal skills? A) Intrapersonal skills are those that occur by yourself. Interpersonal skills are those that occur with others. B) Intrapersonal means between two others; Interpersonal means between a group. C) Intrapersonal entails positive self-talk, while interpersonal entails cheering others on. D) There is no difference in these skills.


U1C2L8:V1 Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. The __________ scale indicates the degree of motivation and readiness for change in the skills measured by the Personal Skills Map. A) change orientation B) intrapersonal C) persistence D) adaptability


U1C2L8:V6 Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. The Interpersonal ____________ scale indicates how effectively an individual uses direct, honest, and appropriate expression of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in dealings with others. A) Assertion B) Intrapersonal C) Persistence D) Deference


U1C3L1:F1 A football coach was being interviewed about his training methods. He said that he uses tough practices, on-the-spot corrections, positive feedback, and enforcement of team values to accomplish his primary training goal, which is to make his players proud to be on the same team. The coach's primary goal for training illustrates a particular purpose and objective of drill. Which is it? A) Esprit de Corps B) Teamwork C) Self-confidence D) Discipline


U1C3L1:Q2 A ____________ is used to move troops and equipment from one formation to another in a quick and orderly manner. A) drill B) maneuver C) road march D) 30-inch step


U1C3L1:Q3 During training, some soldiers always complained about doing battle drills over and over again, even after they did them right. They also didn't think they had a very good squad leader. In combat, the same soldiers reflected on what they did during a firefight. They all realized that several times they reacted to a dangerous situation without thinking in order to accomplish their mission. What should they now realize about their training? A) They realize the purpose and objectives of drill. B) They realize the necessity of personal pride. C) They realize the self-confidence they now have. D) They realize the importance of building strong esprit de corps.


U1C3L1:V1 Choose the synonym for the word below. Dedication A) Committed wholeheartedly B) Baptism C) Instruction D) Disciplined


U1C3L3:Q2 You are the first squad leader. When your platoon sergeant forms the platoon in a line, your squad is in front of the rest of the platoon. If your platoon is middle platoon of three platoons, which of the following actions should you take upon forming? A) Look to the right and align yourself with the platoon to the right as you lift your left arm. B) Look straight ahead as you lift your left arm. C) Look to the left to make sure your squad is aligned correctly. D) Stand three steps to the left and center on your squad.


U1C3L3:V2 What is the definition of the term "flank"? A) The side of the formation, either left or right B) To form up in ranks, facing forward the length of formation C) To form up line abreast D) A patterned arrangement of troops


U1C3L3:V5 What is the definition of the term "double interval"? A) Two arms' distance between troops in rank formation B) Elbow's distance between troops in rank formation C) Form up in ranks, facing forward the length of formation D) Single arm's distance between troops in rank


U1C3L3:V8 What is the definition of the term "formation"? A) A patterned arrangement of troops B) A command for marching in place C) To form up line abreast D) To turn in position


U1C4L1:Q4 Tom is a very good student athlete. His goal of becoming a college athlete is attainable. A) True B) False


U1C4L1:V1 An attainable goal is one that can be ______. A) realistically reached B) evaluated C) measured


U1C4L1:V4 The process of working toward something you want to accomplish is called ______. A) goal-setting B) accomplishment attaining C) decision-making


U1C4L2:Q10 Read the following paragraph and select the correct option (A-D). The three main approaches to managing anger are expressing, suppressing, and calming. Expressing your angry feelings in an aggressive manner is the healthiest way. Suppressing anger is when you hold in your anger, stop and think about it, and focus on something positive. Calming means controlling your outward behavior and internal responses like taking steps to lower your heart rate, calm yourself down, and let the feelings subside. A) Replace "aggressive" with "assertive" B) Replace "healthiest" with "quickest" C) Replace "heart rate" with "voice" D) Replace "stop and think about it" with "hold your breath"


U1C4L2:Q2 The three main approaches to managing anger are expressing, suppressing, and ______________. A) calming B) asserting C) empathizing


U1C4L2:Q4 When you use empathy in an angry situation, you ________. A) try to understand what the other person is feeling and thinking B) express yourself directly without offending others C) keep your feelings and thoughts to yourself


U1C4L2:Q9 __________ communication can trigger more inner anger. A) Deferential B) Assertive C) Aggressive


U1C4L2:V1 What is the definition of the word "aggression"? A) A tendency to be hostile or quarrelsome. B) Learning to control and manage the emotion of anger; managing your anger so it comes out in a healthy and constructive way. C) A reflection of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with current emotional skills and abilities. D) The ability to clearly communicate personal thoughts and feelings.


U1C4L2:V6 _________ is the ability to sense, understand, and accept another person's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. A) Empathy B) Deference C) Passive-aggressive behavior D) Suppression


U1C4L2:V7 Passive-aggressive behavior is ___________. A) getting back at people indirectly without telling them why, rather than confronting them B) being quiet, then yelling C) doing nothing, then starting a fist fight D) using assertion in an aggressive way


U1C4L3:Q15 In conflict resolution, it is important that the other person knows you are trying to ________. A) understand his point of view B) agree with him about his solution C) blame someone who is not involved in the conflict


U1C4L3:Q17 If you are in a conflict with a Builder, your communication approach should NOT _______. A) take a light-hearted fun approach B) be prepared C) be concise and to the point, no small talk D) explain directions step-by-step


U1C4L3:Q20 You saw one of your schoolmates take your favorite pencil. When you asked him to return it he got angry and said it was his. He then took an aggressive stance and had his fists clenched and said, "Are you calling me a thief?" Both of you are the same size, so a fight would be fair, and you might win. What should you do? A) Look him straight in the eye and say, "I guess not." Then pull out another pencil and continue your school work. B) Gather some friends to back you up and make sure you would win the fight. C) Say "Yes. I am!" but get another pencil and continue your school work. D) Take up the same aggressive stance and get ready to fight because it is your pencil, and he is a thief.


U1C4L3:Q23 T or F: Nonverbal communication can encourage fighting. A) True B) False


U1C4L3:Q5 Conflicts are usually caused by some type of ________. A) difference B) insult C) harassment D) emotional distress


U1C4L3:Q9 The goal in any conflict should be a _______ solution where some of each party's needs are met. A) non-violent B) mutual C) long-lasting D) brainstormed


U1C4L3:V10 Mutual is a _____________________. A) feeling or action experienced by two or more people B) friendly agreement between two or more people C) type of insurance between two people D) single point of view by an individual


U1C4L3:V11 The definition of negotiate is to __________. A) try to reach an agreement by discussion B) try to find a solution to another person's problem C) agree to disagree D) agree on a time and place


U1C4L3:V4 A conflict is ________. A) a disagreement or argument B) a fallacy C) an escalator


U1C4L3:V5 The results or effects of your actions are called _____. A) consequences B) negotiations C) harassment


U1C4L3:V8 To escalate is to __________. A) cause a situation to become more intense or serious B) cause a situation to become more friendly and light-hearted C) reach an agreement peacefully D) reach an agreement by one side overpowering the other


U1C5L2:V2 What is a curl-up? A) One of the five events on the Cadet Challenge that consists of a sit-up movement from a lying position up to the point where your elbows touch your thighs B) An award earned by achieving a standard of 85 percent or higher C) One of the five events on the Cadet Challenge that consists of running 30-feet twice and picking up a block at each end D) An alternative event for the pull-up in the Cadet Challenge


U1C5L2:V4 What is a pull-up? A) One of the five events on the Cadet Challenge that consists of pulling the body up from a dead weight hanging position on a bar to having the chin clear the bar B) One of the five events on the Cadet Challenge that consists of stretching a number of inches past an established baseline C) One of the five events on the Cadet Challenge that consists of running 30-feet twice and picking up a block at each end D) One of the five events on the Cadet Challenge that consists of a sit-up movement from a lying position up to the point where your elbows touch your thighs


U1C5L2:V7 What is a right angle push-up? A) A push-up exercise where your elbows are lowered to a right angle B) A push-up exercise where your knees are bent at a right angle C) A push-up exercise where your hips and feet form a right angle D) A push-up exercise where knees and elbows are at a right angle


U1C6L1:Q11 To record reflections, experiences, observations, and goals in service learning, you should keep a __________. A) learning log B) journal C) clearly written notebook D) copy of your teacher's instructions


U1C6L1:V4 Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "An environment where one can learn and develop by actively participating in organized service experiences within one's own community." A) service learning B) orientation C) community service D) debriefer


U1C6L2:F1 You are discussing potential service learning projects with Debra, a fellow JROTC Cadet. Debra needs some work done on her car and suggests offering a free car repair clinic to students as a service learning project since several other Cadets know how to work on cars. How do you respond to Debra's suggestion? A) Remind Debra that service learning needs to address a school or community need that relates to the JROTC curriculum. Since car repair isn't part of the curriculum, it would not be an appropriate project. B) Explain to Debra that most of the other Cadets on your service learning team do not have cars, so it would not be an appropriate service learning project. C) Tell Debra that your brother would be happy to fix her car so maybe you should think of a different project. D) Explain to Debra that service learning is only supposed to involve projects that can be done in the classroom, so she should think of another idea.


U1C6L2:Q1 Your service learning team is developing a plan of action for a community wide recycling drive. As you plan for all of the tasks that need to be completed, you realize that there is no way that you can accomplish a recycling drive for the whole community in the time that you have for the project. What should you do? A) Revise the project goal. Instead of trying to cover the whole community, target a realistic number of neighborhoods. B) Scrap the whole plan and try to come up with a more realistic service learning project. C) Keep going and hope that you can miraculously accomplish it all once you get going. D) Revise the plan of action document from four pages to two by deleting some of the tasks.


U1C6L2:V3 Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. "One who facilitates; one who leads team discussion." A) Facilitator B) Timekeeper C) Reporter D) Debriefer


U1C1L2:H2 In accordance with the uniform regulations found in CCR-145-2, in which of the following scenarios is the wearing of the military uniform permissible? a. Cadet Jones was invited to join a group of JROTC Air Force Cadets who are taking a field trip that includes a short flight on an Air Force plane. b. Cadet Hastings is attending a ceremony honoring veterans at a political rally. c. Cadet Moore is on her way to school d. Cadet Simm's car has broken down; he's hitchhiking to get a ride to school. e. Cadet Vonning volunteered to "get out the vote" at his high school by passing out information about polling places and times.


U1C1L2:H1 Advancement to higher ranks and grades in the Army JROTC program is based on which of the following attributes?

Ability, skill, potential

Cadet Broman is learning to fold a flag correctly. Looking at the picture below, what did he do wrong in folding the flag?

Answers will vary

U1C1L1:H1 Which of the following responses is the most informative about the mission and purpose of JROTC?

Answers will vary

U1C1L3:H2 Compose a scenario in which you would not salute a superior officer, while both the cadet and officer are in uniform.

Answers will vary

U1C1L4:H1 What evidence in the text can you find that supports the need for acquiring and applying the rules of social etiquette and manners in a social situation? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

Answers will vary

U1C2L4:H1 Metacognition is actively paying attention to your thinking process. In this regard, what changes could you make in yourself to become an active learner?

Answers will vary

U1C4L1:H1 Plan for your future by creating short, intermediate and long-term goals using the SMART system for goals as your framework.

Answers will vary

U1C4L2:H1 If someone you know is really angry at you, shouting, and making a scene, you should: take a deep breath, soften your stance, use empathy, and avoid being defensive. However, what if you are the aggressor? Using your text, determine which strategy or strategies to manage anger would best fit your personality. Explain the reasoning behind your choice(s).

Answers will vary

U1C4L3:H1 There is a debate about building a new road. One group is against the road because they say the state will have to raise taxes to build it. Another group favors the road because they say it will benefit local businesses. A third group opposes the road because they say it will create too much traffic in a quiet neighborhood that has many families with young children. This type of conflict is an interest conflict. Using the Evaluating Consequences section in your text on page 256 as your guide, choose a course of action to support and explain how you arrived at your decision.

Answers will vary

U1C5L1:H1 Following a healthy lifestyle is part of managing stress. The reasoning behind this idea is that stress is easier to deal with when you feel well and rested. Generate a list of stressors in your life and categorize them as either positive or negative. Explain the reasoning behind categorizing your stressors as you did.

Answers will vary

U1C5L2:H1 After establishing base scores for the Cadet Challenge events construct an exercise plan to build your physical strength and endurance?

Answers will vary

U1C1L1:Q7 If someone asked you about what you expect to get out of Army JROTC, which one of the following responses would you use to best inform them about the mission and purpose of JROTC? A) "We expect to learn military skills as future soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines for our armed forces. That's the purpose of JROTC." B) "We expect to develop our personal growth skills as we participate in a variety of experiences and leadership situations to help us be better citizens. That's the mission of JROTC." C) "We expect to participate in an alternative method of normal classroom learning. That's the purpose of JROTC."


U1C1L1:Q8 Teamwork is the ability to work well with others towards a common goal. It is one of the hallmarks of Army JROTC. If you were describing some of the activities you do in JROTC to develop teamwork, what would you most likely be talking about? A) Classes that teach the dangers of substance abuse B) Drill and ceremonies, first aid, and map reading C) Goal-setting and financial planning D) The importance of diet and exercise in maintaining good health


U1C1L1:V2 ______ arouse the interest of one's actions or efforts. A) Leadership B) Challenges C) Opportunities


U1C1L1:V8 The ______ officially created the Reserve Officers' Training Corps of which Junior ROTC is a part. A) JROTC Law of 1916 B) National Defense Act C) National Youth Defense Training Act


U1C1L2:Q2 The uniform is allowed to be worn during the following activity: A) Student demonstration B) Ushering C) Hitchhiking D) Political events


U1C1L2:Q5 Name three factors that affect personal appearance. A) Height, weight, and blood pressure B) Tidy hair, clean fingernails, and good posture C) Age, income, and race D) All of the choices


U1C1L2:V14 Choose the antonym for the word below. nonsubdued A) Bright B) Dull C) Shiny D) Polished


U1C1L2:V15 In an organization, ______ or more people combine their efforts to do a job. A) one B) two C) five D) ten


U1C1L2:V25 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A group of people approximating one-half of a squad and normally led by a junior noncommissioned officer." A) Squad B) Team C) Succession D) Subordinate


U1C1L2:V6 Choose the image showing a "Class B Uniform." A) B) C)


U1C1L2:V8 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A subdivision of a military regiment or battalion that constitutes the lowest administrative unit. It is usually under the command of a captain and is made up of at least two platoons." A) Platoon B) Company C) Battalion D) Enlisted


U1C1L3:Q1 The U.S. flag has changed many times over the years, partly because _______. A) people argued about what design looked best B) states, representing stars on the flag, were added to the union C) congress passed different laws on how the stars should be arranged on the union


U1C1L3:Q19 When outdoors but not in formation, how and when do you show respect for the flag when you walk past it? A) You come to a full stop, come to attention, and render a hand salute. B) You should turn your head towards the flag and render a hand salute when you pass within six steps of the flag. C) You turn your head towards the flag and render a hand salute when ten steps from the flag, holding the hand salute until you are ten steps past the flag. D) None of the above


U1C1L3:Q2 The "Star-Spangled Banner" was written as a poem inspired by ______. A) love of the 13 colonies B) a battle during the War of 1812 C) the design of the U.S. flag


U1C1L3:Q25 When raising and lowering the U.S. flag to half-staff, what is the process? A) The flag should be raised to only half-staff and all other flags should be below it. B) On both raising and lowering the flag, it must first be raised to its peak position. C) Either the U.S. Congress or the President can order the flag to half-staff. D) When the flag is flown at half-staff, it is a sign the nation is in mourning.


U1C1L3:Q3 The flag should be flown with the union at the bottom. A) True B) False


U1C1L3:Q32 T or F: The President and Vice President receive a 21-gun salute as a matter of courtesy. A) True B) False


U1C1L3:Q33 T or F: You must render the salute to all commissioned and warrant officers as well as non-commissioned and petty officers. A) True B) False


U1C1L3:Q36 _____________ is requesting and obtaining permission to speak to a senior officer or being notified that a senior officer wants to speak with you. A) "Requesting" B) "Reporting" C) "Chain of command" D) "Saluting"


U1C1L3:Q38 Explain the "position of honor". A) Sitting in the center of a head table at a military social function. B) A military courtesy of keeping people of senior rank or status to your right while walking or sitting. C) The position a senior ranking officer takes as the first person in a receiving line. D) Presenting oneself to a person of senior rank.


U1C1L3:Q45 How are gun salutes rendered to the president and vice president? A) The president receives a 19-gun salute, while the vice president receives a 17-gun salute. B) The president receives a 21-gun salute, while the vice president receives a 19-gun salute. C) The president receives a 21-gun salute, while the vice president receives a 17-gun salute. D) The president and the vice president both receive 21-gun salutes.


U1C1L3:V12 Retreat is the signal for the start of the official duty day. A) True B) False


U1C1L3:V6 What is the definition of the word "courtesies"? A) To have the ability within itself to move B) Acts of politeness of gracious manners; the use of polite gestures or remarks C) A group of persons, usually in the military, who regularly eat meals together; the place where such meals are served D) Removing the case from the colors that are attached to a staff


U1C1L4:F1 What is "etiquette"? A) Formal English food B) Behaviors based on rules of a polite society C) The proper way to wear a military uniform D) Parents' support for public education


U1C2L4:V7 If something has to do with language, it is ______. A) logical B) linguistic C) interpersonal D) subjective


U1C1L4:Q11 Read the following paragraph and select the most correct option (A-D). Invitations must be understood by the invitees. The invitees should know what they are being invited for, where it will be held when they should be there, and what they should wear. R.S.V.P. means "please reply," and means that the host or hostess is expecting you unless you notify them otherwise. If you can accept, then you need not to reply, you just need to be there on time. A) Replace "understood by the invitees" with "elegant and professional" B) Replace "R.S.V.P" with "R.S.V.P. Regrets only" C) Replace "what they should wear" with "what they should bring" D) Replace "what they should wear" with "where they can send thank-you notes"


U1C1L4:Q16 Where is the bread plate located in a formal setting? A) On the right of the place setting B) On the left side of the place setting C) Above the place setting D) None of the choices


U1C1L4:Q19 T or F: It is appropriate to place silverware back on the table when you are finished using it. A) True B) False


U1C1L4:Q21 Where do you place your hands between courses during formal meals? A) The right hand may be placed on the table with the left hand in the lap B) On your lap or at your sides, and elbows should not be placed on the table C) Either hand may be on the table but not both D) It is acceptable to hold hands with a date, but it must be out of sight under the table


U1C1L4:Q23 T or F: Purses, gloves, and cameras may be placed on a dinner table. A) True B) False


U1C1L4:Q24 T or F: It is acceptable after you have declined an invitation because of other obligations, to call back and accept the invitation if your other obligation changes. A) True B) False


U1C1L4:Q28 If an invitation requires casual attire, what should a male wear? A) Casual attire usually means shorts B) Nice slacks and a sport shirt, although in some situations jeans or shorts may be acceptable C) Jeans may be worn but a shirt with a tie is required D) Casual attire allows almost any type of outfit to be worn


U1C1L4:Q29 T or F: It is appropriate to be "fashionably late" (up to 30 minutes) for formal dinners. A) True B) False


U1C1L4:Q31 T or F: If there is a large crowd remaining at a party, it is acceptable to leave a party without thanking your host or hostess. A) True B) False


U1C1L4:Q4 Which rule should you follow to receive awards or recognition? A) Offer the right hand to receive the award B) Offer the left hand to receive the award C) Wait to be instructed on how to receive the award D) Salute prior to receiving the award


U1C1L4:Q7 Where should you place your napkin if you must leave the table during dinner? A) To the right of your plate B) On your chair C) On the floor below your chair D) Above your plate


U1C1L4:Q9 It is polite to RSVP to an invitation within ______ day(s). A) one B) two or three C) four or five D) seven to ten


U1C1L4:V10 The response a host receives from you that tells them you will attend or not attend a function is a(n) ______. A) Dining-In B) RSVP C) good idea D) monopoly


U1C1L4:V3 ______ is a code of behavior or courtesy based on rules of a polite society. A) Dining-Out B) Etiquette C) Receiving line D) Stag


U1C1L4:V7 A formal military dinner to which non-military guests are invited is known as ______. A) Dining-In B) Dining-Out C) comradeship D) martial


U1C2L1:F1 You volunteered to help young children learn to read. During one of your volunteer classes, another student drew this Thinking Map® to answer a question from one of the children. What do you think the question was? A) Is apple juice made the same way as orange juice? B) How do they make orange juice? C) How long does it take to make orange juice? D) Why do you like orange juice?


U1C2L1:Q2 As part of an exercise to help learn Thinking Maps®, your class was broken down into teams of two. One person was supposed to draw a Thinking Map®, and the other was supposed to guess what the other was trying to visually learn. What is your teammate trying to show with this Thinking Map®? A) The steps someone needs to take to become a fireman. B) The qualities that he thinks firemen possess. C) The comparison of similar qualities for firemen and policemen. D) The classification of firemen as important members of the community.


U1C2L1:Q4 What would be the most appropriate answer to put in the center box of this Thinking Map®? A) Changing seasons B) Mudslides C) Water conservation D) Urban sprawl


U1C2L1:Q7 Kelvin is a new Cadet in Army JROTC. He is giving a presentation about Asia, and wants to use a Thinking Map® to show the countries in Asia's different regions. He doesn't have much experience using them, and thinks that a Tree Map will work best. Since you have a lot of experience using Thinking Maps®, Kelvin asks you your opinion. In order to help Kelvin understand Thinking Maps® a little better, what should you tell him? A) Tell him that a Tree Map will work just fine. B) Tell him that because it visually shows the parts of a physical object, a Brace Map would be better for describing the physical regions of Asia. C) Tell him that a Double Bubble Map would work better because it would show how the countries and regions are connected. D) Tell him that a Bubble Map would be able to best illustrate the different parts of Asia because it separates the sections.


U1C2L1:V2 A __________ is a tool used for classifying and categorizing. A) Multi-Flow Map B) Tree Map C) Brace Map D) Double Bubble Map


U1C2L1:V6 Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. A ___________ is used as a tool to determine sequencing. A) Circle Map B) Flow Map C) Bubble Map D) Bridge Map


U1C2L2:Q7 What is assessment? A) An infected wound. B) The act of evaluating or appraising a person's ability or potential to meet certain standards or criteria. C) An infected tooth. D) A type of rappelling harness.


U1C2L2:V4 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A number of similar things growing together, or of things or individuals collected." A) Differentiate B) Cluster C) Associate D) Introspection


U1C2L3:Q2 You are a Cadet platoon sergeant. Cadet Cleveland is the squad leader of a very diverse squad. Cadet Cleveland is usually a very effective communicator, but he is getting frustrated because he always has to repeat instructions several times before his whole squad understands. What should you do to help him understand why he has to explain more than once, and what he can do to improve understanding by his diverse squad? A) Tell him that sometimes leaders have to explain themselves more than once, even with squads that are not too diverse. B) Tell him that since he has a very diverse squad, he may always have to explain things more than once, but to pay attention for words that effectively get his message across, and to use them more often. C) Have him re-evaluate his own comfort zone and natural behaviors because they are probably different from what he first thought. D) Give him a list of power words to randomly use when he gives instructions so that at least some of his Cadets will understand.


U1C2L3:Q6 In Winning Colors®, natural leaders who express themselves openly and directly and are also rule-governed, dependable, and loyal are known as ________. A) Planners B) Builders C) Relaters D) Adventurers


U1C2L3:V1 Choose the word that best describes the scenario below. Jake has specific tastes when it comes to food. His favorite type is Italian. What is another word to describe Jake's taste in food? A) Natural B) Preference C) Comfort zone D) Diversity


U1C2L4:Q1 A new Cadet asks if you could help him become a better active learner. You say, "Sure, I will." You tell him to make a list of his current learning methods. After he finishes his list, you ask him which one of the methods he would like to improve the most. To see if he understands what he needs to change, which one of the following methods do you hope he chooses? A) I try to learn major concepts and details. B) I try to memorize the scenarios as they are written in the text. C) I read the text and make an outline to help me review my notes. D) I try to approach learning as "thinking."


U1C2L4:Q11 A new Cadet asks if you could help him become a better active learner. You say, "Sure, I will." You tell him to make a list of his current learning methods. After he finishes his list, you ask him which one of the methods he would like to improve the most. To see if he understands what he needs to change, which one of the following methods do you hope he chooses? A) I try to learn major concepts and details. B) I try to memorize the scenarios as they are written in the text. C) I read the text and make an outline to help me review my notes. D) I try to approach learning as "thinking".


U1C2L4:Q15 Sam likes to play computer games. His favorites are complex games that require him to use logic to solve problems and work through puzzles. In classes, Sam always asks questions, and he likes to participate in group discussions. Outside of class, he always seems to be talking to someone. If you had to label Sam by his intelligences, which two would best apply? A) Bodily/Kinesthetic and Interpersonal B) Logical/Mathematical and Interpersonal C) Verbal/Linguistic and Intrapersonal D) Visual/Spatial and Interpersonal


U1C2L4:Q16 T or F: Active learners wait for learning to happen. A) True B) False


U1C2L4:Q22 What is the difference between subjective and objective thinking? A) Subjective thinking occurs quickly; objective thinking is slow or ponderous. B) Subjective thinkers deal with interpretations, while objective thinkers deal with facts. C) Subjective thinking is an active thinking skill, while objective is a passive skill. D) All of the above


U1C2L4:Q24 Select the mental activities that are examples of critical thinking. A) Daydreaming, counting, listening, listing B) Analyzing, comparing/contrasting, evaluating, prioritizing C) Previewing, summarizing, reading D) Brainstorming, generalizing, inventing, visualizing


U1C2L4:Q28 T or F: Attention and motivation have little influence in the learning process. A) True B) False


U1C2L4:Q32 What are the characteristics of Gardner's bodily/kinesthetic intelligence? A) Drawing, building, or designing B) Physical prowess, coordination, fitness, and action C) Thinking in symbols or abstractions D) Listening, reading, or thinking


U1C2L4:Q35 According to Gardner, what is verbal/linguistic intelligence? A) The gift of rhythm and harmony. B) The gift of strong language and literacy skills such as listening, reading, speaking, and writing. C) The gift of physical powers, coordination, fitness, and action. D) The gift of visually representing concepts and ideas through drawing, building, and designing.


U1C2L4:Q37 According to Gardner, what is naturalist intelligence? A) A gift of natural musical talent that includes melody, rhythm, sound. B) A gift of environmental awareness as manifested in an understanding of interrelationships of the natural world. C) A gift of reasoning and thinking naturally in symbols such as graphing. D) A gift of innate verbal skills such as listening, reading, and writing.


U1C2L4:Q5 Cadet Caldwell wants to improve her memory of what she learns. Which of the following should she do? A) Buckle down and memorize. B) Use what she's learned in a variety of different learning activities. C) Study with a friend. D) Ask more questions in class.


U1C2L4:Q7 According to Kolb's model, if you love science labs and testing out new ideas, you are demonstrating _______ learning preferences. A) pragmatist B) activist C) theorist D) reflector


U1C2L4:Q9 What is the difference between subjective and objective thinking? A) Subjective thinking occurs quickly; objective thinking is slow or ponderous. B) Subjective thinkers deal with interpretations, while objective thinkers deal with facts. C) Subjective thinking is an active thinking skill, while objective is a passive skill. D) All of the above


U1C2L4:V12 A mental map or outline of the way you think about something is ______. A) subjective B) a schema C) a graphic organizer D) a Thinking Map®


U1C2L4:V16 The definition of ______ is existing in the mind; belonging to the person who is thinking rather than to the object of thought. A) intrapersonal B) subjective C) interpersonal D) reflection


U1C2L4:V2 The set of circumstances or facts surrounding a particular event, situation, or story is ______. A) data B) context C) pragmatism D) stimuli


U1C2L7:Q8 Erin is a member of the U.S. Congress and a new bill has come up for a vote. This bill will result in the spending of millions of dollars of taxpayer money. Which question should Erin ask herself when deciding how to vote? A) Which decision will help me get re-elected? B) Which vote will result in the greatest good for the greatest number of people? C) How do my party leaders want me to vote? D) What will people think of me based on my vote?


U1C2L7:Q9 The benefits of living by an ethical personal code of conduct include ________. A) sleeping better at night B) less frustration about making moral decisions C) apologizing more often D) not having to change your mind


U1C2L7:V11 The Golden Rule states that __________. A) you should be honest and kind at all times B) you should treat others the way you want to be treated C) you should treat others the way they treat you D) you should never lie, steal, or harm another person


U1C2L7:V6 Morals are __________. A) a set of guidelines for how to conduct ourselves B) principles of what is right and what is wrong C) universally acceptable behaviors D) the internal sense of right and wrong


U1C2L7:V7 ________ are behaviors that are acceptable to small groups of people, usually behaviors about group obligations, religious practices, and so on. A) Cultural norms B) Non-universal norms C) Universal norms D) Regional norms


U1C2L8:Q1 Craig's success profile showed that he needs a lot of improvement in time management, stress management, and physical wellness. He also needs to improve his self-esteem and interpersonal assertion skills. He was overwhelmed at first, but after six months, his JROTC instructor commended him for improving in all five areas. Which of the following key emotional skills most allowed Craig to improve in all of these areas? A) Time Management B) Change Orientation C) Stress Management D) Physical Wellness


U1C2L8:Q4 What does the Sales Orientation/Leadership scale measure on the Personal Skills Map? A) It measures your ability to read the emotions of others. B) It measures how you perceive your skills at positively impacting and influencing the actions of other people. C) It measures your likeliness of succeeding in a sales career. D) It measures how good you are at giving directions.


U1C2L8:V3 Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. Skills that occur by yourself are __________ skills. A) adaptability B) intrapersonal C) assertion D) deference


U1C3L1:Q1 What is the backbone of military discipline? A) Duty B) Drill C) Rank D) Maneuvers


U1C3L1:V10 Choose the synonym for the word below. Unison A) Conflict B) Harmony C) Disagree D) Discord


U1C3L1:V3 Choose the synonym for the word below. Drill A) Stationary B) March C) Inaccurate D) Discord


U1C3L1:V9 Choose the best definition of teamwork from the list below. A) A group of people playing a sports game. B) The effort of a group to complete a task or goal. C) The feeling of accomplishment when doing something with a group. D) Working with other people.


U1C3L2:F4 All marching movements executed from the "halt" are initiated from the "position of _____". A) quick time B) attention C) rest D) parade rest


U1C3L2:V1 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A command to relax the body while remaining silent in place and not assuming any particular position." A) attention B) at ease C) parade rest D) rest


U1C3L2:V2 (Choices are incomplete) "Attention" is best represented by which diagram? A) B) C) D)


U1C3L2:V4 Facing: A two-count movement for turning to one side or the other. What type of face is shown in the picture? A) "opposite, face" B) "left, face" C) "about, face" D) "right, face"


U1C3L2:V5 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A command to bring a moving formation to a standstill." A) double time B) halt C) quick time C) rest E) steps


U1C3L2:V9 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A position where you remain standing with your right foot in place; in certain situations, you may move or talk in this position unless otherwise directed." A) salute B) rest C) at ease D) attention


U1C3L3:Q1 You are a squad leader. When your squad is formed as part of a larger formation, where should your position be? A) Three steps in front of and centered on the squad B) The right flank, or number one (base) position, of the squad C) Three steps to the left and centered on the squad D) The left flank, or number one (base) position, of the squad


U1C3L3:V4 What is the definition of the term "rank"? A) The side of the formation, either left or right B) To form up line abreast C) Two arms' distance between troops in rank formation D) To form up in column


U1C3L3:V9 What is the definition of the term "normal interval"? A) Patterned arrangement of troops B) Single arm's distance between troops in rank C) Elbow's distance between troops in rank formation D) Two arms' distance between troops in rank formation


U1C4L1:F1 Which skill will help you take control over your life and give it purpose and direction? A) Decision-making B) Goal-setting C) Idea-sharing D) Academic excellence


U1C4L1:Q1 If you have a decision to make or problem to solve, which of the following should you do before comparing alternatives? A) Make a plan B) Develop solutions or courses of action C) Outline how to carry out your decision


U1C4L1:Q3 The danger in setting your goals too low is that you may ______. A) be tempted to give up on yourself B) never reach your full potential C) become lazy


U1C4L1:Q5 ______ goals are ones you want to achieve in one to five years. A) Short-term B) Intermediate C) Long-term


U1C4L2:F1 Anger is _________. A) an unhealthy reaction to conflict B) a common healthy reaction to being emotionally hurt or physically harmed C) always a destructive reaction


U1C5L2:Q2 As you review the list of winners and their scores, you notice that one of the winners got the wrong ribbon. The following list shows the participants, their percent score on the five exercises (one-mile walk/run; shuttle run; pull-ups; curl-ups; and V-sit reach), and their ribbon. Which one got the wrong ribbon? A) Ken: 95%; 90%; 92%; 85%; 100%; - JROTC Physical Fitness Ribbon B) Rachel: 86%; 91%; 87%; 85%; 86%; - JROTC Athletic Ribbon C) Cindy: 85%; 90%; 86%; 88%; 87%; - JROTC Physical Fitness Ribbon D) Tim: 100%; 100%; 96%; 84%; 100%; - JROTC Athletic Ribbon


U1C5L2:V6 What is a V-sit reach? A) An award earned by achieving a standard of 85 percent or higher on the Cadet Challenge B) One of the five events on the Cadet Challenge that consists of stretching a number of inches past an established baseline C) One of the five events on the Cadet Challenge that consists of running 30-feet twice and picking up a block at each end D) One of the five events on the Cadet Challenge that consists of a sit-up movement from a lying position up to the point where your elbows touch your thighs


U1C6L1:Q3 What are the benefits for students who participate in service learning? A) Hastens physical maturity; becomes more civic minded; sees the school-life connection; has higher self-esteem B) Learns more; earns better grades; attends school regularly; behaves better; becomes more civic minded; gains appreciation of others; sees the school-life connection; has higher self-esteem; learns life skills for after graduation C) Peers will think better of you; earns better grades; behaves better; gains appreciation of others D) Learns more; earns better grades; attends school regularly; eliminates which jobs you do not want to perform as an adult


U1C6L1:Q5 Read the following paragraph and select the correct option (A-D). You are working on a service learning project to provide tutoring to elementary school students. You have volunteered to perform the role of Debriefer for your team because you like to take notes and organize information. A) Replace Debriefer with Timekeeper B) Replace Debriefer with Recorder C) Replace Debriefer with Facilitator D) Replace Debriefer with Reporter


U1C6L1:V5 Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "Using a __________ will help you record thoughts, feelings, knowledge, and processes, and help you organize what you have learned." A) recorder B) learning log C) facilitator D) progress report


U1C6L2:Q2 Which of the following would NOT be a rule for Executing the Service in a service learning project: A) Ensure that you understand the task or goal at hand. If you are not sure, ask an authority. B) If you are a team leader, make sure your team members are assigned to the easiest tasks. C) If a situation or problem arises that needs an authority's attention, take what actions you can and have someone contact the person in charge. D) Arrive on time and always be courteous.


U1C6L2:V2 Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. Service learning opportunities can use ____________ principles to incorporate scholastic programs with the curriculum. A) training B) field education C) problem-based learning D) exploratory project


U1C6L2:V4 Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. "One who encourages team members and leads discussions after presentation and team discussion." A) Orientation B) Debriefer C) Timekeeper D) Service learning


U1C6L2:V6 Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. "One who keeps track of time and plans the schedule." A) Reflection B) Timekeeper C) Debriefer D) Orientation


U1C1L2:H4 Place the following Institutional Award categories in order, starting with the highest order of merit a. Military awards b. Academic Awards c. Miscellaneous Awards d. Athletic Awards


U1C1L1:Q1 The Army JROTC began in 1916 when ______ passed the National Defense Act. A) the Army Chief of Staff B) the Secretary of Defense C) Congress


U1C1L1:Q3 The ______ of Army JROTC is to motivate young people to be better citizens. A) benefit B) challenge C) mission


U1C1L1:Q5 The Cadet Challenge is an activity where you ______. A) perform drills B) improve your grades C) improve your physical fitness


U1C1L1:V4 ______ is the ability to influence, lead, or guide others so as to accomplish a mission in the manner desired. A) Team building B) Service learning C) Leadership


U1C1L2:Q1 Who is responsible for the overall function and management of a Junior ROTC unit? A) The Cadet Command B) The school principal C) The senior JROTC instructor D) The battalion commander


U1C1L3:Q27 Where is the U.S. flag carried when in procession with other flags? A) The U.S. flag should be on the right of the audience. B) The U.S. flag should stand higher than other flags. C) The U.S. flag is on the far right of the row of marching persons or in the front and center position if it is in a line of flags. D) The U.S. flag should be carried in front of, not in line with, other flags.


U1C1L3:Q4 If the flag is displayed flat on a wall, where should the union be? A) Upper right B) Lower right C) Upper left


U1C1L3:Q43 What are "ruffles and flourishes"? A) Fringe on the edge of flags. B) A nickname given the gold braid on an officer's dress blue hat. C) A drum and bugle salute, usually used to honor military or civilian officials. D) Another name for a 21-gun salute.


U1C1L3:Q6 When the U.S. flag is displayed with flags from other nations, the U.S. flag should be ______. A) flown higher than other flags B) displayed in the center of all the flags C) displayed at the same height as other flags


U1C1L3:V1 Behaviors and procedures that were developed over many years are called ______. A) standards B) courtesies C) customs


U1C1L3:V11 ______ is the common spirit or feeling of pride found in the members of a group and inspiring enthusiasm, devotion, and strong regard for the honor of the group. A) Patriotism B) Courtesies C) Esprit de corps


U1C1L3:V14 What is another word for an attack with bombs, explosive shells, or missiles? A) War B) Terrorism C) Bombardment


U1C1L3:V7 What do you call a rope or tackle used for hoisting or lowering? A) Pennant B) Staff C) Halyard


U1C1L3:V9 When the flag is flown in the middle of a flagpole, it is said to be at ______. A) half-pole B) mid-staff C) half-staff


U1C1L4:Q1 The guest of honor for your Dining-Out asks, "What's the order in the receiving line?" "What should you tell her?" A) You and your spouse are first, then the host and his spouse, and then the company commanders and their spouses or guests. B) The host and his spouse are first, then you and your spouse, and then the company commanders and their spouses or guests. C) The host is first, then you and your spouse, then the host's spouse, and then the company commanders and their spouses or guests. D) The company commanders and their spouses or guests are first, the host and his spouse are second, and then you and your spouse.


U1C1L4:Q18 Where on the plate is silverware positioned to indicate the diner is finished eating? A) When dinner is finished the silverware should be replaced on the table B) On the napkin C) Knife and fork are placed beside each other diagonally from the upper left to lower right, or from the 10:00 to the 4:00 position D) On the bottom half of the plate upside down


U1C1L4:Q3 Which of the following should you do when shaking hands? A) Look for someone to whom you can introduce them while shaking hands B) Stand at attention and only offer your hand when the other person puts their hand out C) Maintain eye contact with the person whose hand you are shaking D) Look at the other person's name badge so you know their name


U1C1L4:Q6 Where should you place a piece of silverware when you are not using it? A) Back on the table in the same position B) With the tip resting on the plate and the handle on the table C) Separated across the top of your plate D) Across the bread plate


U1C1L4:V9 A military officer, the school principal, or a government official (such as a senator or mayor), are ______ at a JROTC Cadet Ball or Dining-In event. A) hosts B) important C) dignitaries D) not invited


U1C2L1:Q1 You arrived late to class. After admitting that it was your fault, you joined a small group that was creating this Thinking Map®. Since you don't want to cause any more interruptions, you evaluate the Thinking Map® and help the group as they________________. A) how the part-whole relationships of computers and their parts B) estimate the cost of computers and accessories C) brainstorm information to help define "computer" D) analyze the procedure for setting up a computer system


U1C2L1:Q3 You are doing a research report in your biology class, and your teacher sees this Double Bubble Map in your notebook. She has never seen one before, so she asks you what it means. So that she understands what Double Bubble Maps are supposed to do, you say: A) "It visually shows the differences between mosquitoes and honey bees." B) "It visually shows the similarities between mosquitoes and honey bees." C) "It compares and contrasts the qualities of mosquitoes and honey bees in a visual manner." D) "It describes the part-whole relationships of mosquitoes and honey bees as part of the insect family in a visual manner."


U1C2L1:V4 Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. A ________ is used to analyze a physical object and its parts. A) Circle Map B) Tree Map C) Brace Map D) Bridge Map


U1C2L1:V8 Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. A ________ is used for seeing cause-and-effect. A) Flow Map B) Tree Map C) Multi-Flow Map D) Bridge Map


U1C2L1:V9 Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. A similar phrase that fits both sides on an analogy is a ___________. A) Flow Map B) Tree Map C) Relating Factor D) Bridge Map


U1C2L2:Q4 What is introspection? A) Giving feedback to others to help them learn. B) Communicating your learning preferences to others. C) Self-examination for the purpose of a deeper self-understanding. D) Examining the actions of others to gain self-insight.


U1C2L2:V1 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "To group things together when they have common characteristics." A) Cluster B) Introspection C) Associate D) Differentiate


U1C2L3:Q1 Jason was called a "go-getter" by his friends and family. He was always taking risks and challenging himself, and sometimes it seemed like he would go too far and possibly get hurt. However, before he did something, he always researched it, analyzed the risks, and then decided whether the risk was worth taking or not. How would you list Jason's two most dominant behavior preferences? A) Adventurer and Relater B) Adventurer and Builder C) Planner and Adventurer D) Planner and Builder


U1C2L4:Q12 You told a classmate that she should try to be a little more objective in her views. She disagreed with you, so you challenged her by saying, "I bet you can't write four objective statements." She said, "If I can't do that, then I'll admit I'm too subjective." Of the following statements, which one will cause her to admit that she's too subjective? A) SUV's get poor mileage. B) Army JROTC teaches citizenship. C) Exercises like this one won't help me. D) Cell phones are useful in emergency situations.


U1C2L4:Q13 You are on the planning committee for the spring prom. You are in charge of planning, setting up entertainment, and decorations. You also have to choose three other students to assist you. If the following choices (A-D) were the intelligences possessed by other students, which one would you prefer NOT to have as an assistant? A) Interpersonal; Musical/Rhythmical B) Interpersonal; Bodily/Kinesthetic C) Logical/Mathematical; Intrapersonal D) Visual/Spatial; Interpersonal


U1C2L4:Q20 Those who approach learning as "thinking" are called __________ learners. A) passive B) secondary C) active D) kinesthetic


U1C2L4:Q30 Name Gardner's eight intelligences. A) Body, eyes, brain, speech, environment, music, self-aware, and other aware B) Moving, seeing, thinking, speaking, appreciating, singing, reflecting, and communicating C) Bodily/Kinesthetic, Visual/Spatial, Logical/Mathematical, Verbal/Linguistic, Naturalist, Musical/Rhythmical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal D) Physical, visual, intellectual, verbal, natural, musical, personal, and public


U1C2L4:Q33 According to Gardner, what is visual/spatial intelligence? A) The gift of being able to read maps. B) The gift of understanding what one sees and putting those sights into words. C) The gift of visually representing and appreciating concepts, ideas, and information, such as through drawing, building, and designing. D) None of the above.


U1C2L4:Q38 According to Gardner, what is interpersonal intelligence? A) The gift of verbal or linguistic skills such as listening, speaking, and writing. B) The gift of inner thought, self-awareness, and self-reflection. C) The gift of working with people and understanding the complexities of human relationships. D) The gift of environment awareness of the natural world.


U1C2L4:Q8 Suppose your strongest intelligence is visual/spatial. Which of the following will be your preference when trying to learn something new? A) Write notes or summaries of what you've read. B) Organize a study group. C) Create graphic organizers of ideas and facts. D) Explain what you've learned in conversations with one other person.


U1C2L4:V13 The definition of ______ is pertaining to the science of society, social institutions, and social relationships. A) psychological B) interpersonal C) sociological D) environmental


U1C2L4:V3 When you develop ideas that are original, useful, and can be further explored, you are engaging in ______. A) metacognition B) subjectivity C) creative thinking D) linguistics


U1C2L4:V9 The definition of objectivity is ______. A) existing in the mind; belonging to the person who is thinking rather than to the object of thought B) pertaining to the science of society, social institutions, and social relationships C) expressing or dealing with facts or conditions as perceived without distortion by personal feelings, prejudices, or interpretations


U1C2L5:Q12 You just started reading a book that you got from the library when you were assigned to read the same book for a class. You're a little disappointed because now you have to read it, which takes some of the fun out of it. Then you remember a reading strategy question from your JROTC "Reading for Meaning" class, and you tell yourself that you will read for both understanding AND pleasure. What question did you remember from class? A) "Why do I have to read this?" B) "How difficult is reading this going to be?" C) "What is my purpose for reading this?" D) "Why can't students choose what to read?"


U1C2L5:Q2 What three types of questions can you ask to help you comprehend written materials? A) Open ended, closed ended, or multiple choice. B) Short answer, long answer, or true and false. C) Empirical or fact-based questions, values or opinion questions, and analytical or definition questions. D) All of the above


U1C2L5:Q7 Name the four reading comprehension strategies. A) Surveying, Scanning, Summarizing, and Paraphrasing. B) Questioning, Arguing, Quoting, and Retelling. C) Directed Reading-Thinking Activity, GIST, Think-Alouds, and Question-Answer Relationships. D) None of the above


U1C2L5:V1 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "Something that is foretold on the basis of observation, experience, or scientific reason." A) Hypothesis B) Analogy C) Prediction D) Strategy


U1C2L5:V10 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "Resemblance in some particulars between things otherwise unlike." A) Inventory B) Purpose C) Analogy D) Prediction


U1C2L5:V14 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "An abstract or generic idea generalized from a particular instance." A) Context B) Strategy C) Concept D) Suffix


U1C2L5:V3 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A predominant emotional tone or general attitude." A) Concept B) Appositive C) Mood D) Antonym


U1C2L5:V6 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "Something set up as an object or end to be obtained." A) Hypothesis B) Analogy C) Purpose D) Prediction


U1C2L6:Q12 The "question" part of the PQRST method means you should think: A) This lesson is about .... B) This paragraph says .... C) I'll need to learn .... D) Get the idea of ....


U1C2L6:Q14 The 2-3-3-2 and 2-5-1 note-taking techniques are best used when ________. A) the textbook and class lecture are not closely related B) the class does not use a textbook C) the class lecture and textbook are closely related


U1C2L6:Q16 Getting very nervous and anxious before a test usually ________. A) has no impact on your test results B) makes you do better on a test because it forces you to study harder C) drains energy from your body and mind, making it harder to do well on a test


U1C2L6:Q19 You found this list in your library. What was someone trying to do with it? 1. I studied regularly. 2. My teacher worked hard so I would pass, not fail. 3. If I don't know something, I will go to the next question. 4. I will look for prompts for the questions I missed. 5. I won't know everything, but I'm being tested on what I know. 6. Freaking out won't make anything easier. A) Prepare for a study session B) Develop a study strategy C) Prepare mentally for a test D) Manage time effectively


U1C2L6:Q26 What is the best preparation for taking tests? A) Cramming for hours the night before the test B) Memorizing every page of your text C) Keeping up with assignments, doing homework, taking notes in class, and reviewing D) All of the above


U1C2L6:V4 ________ describes actions that are performed in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort. A) Objectively B) Critically C) Efficiently D) Subjectively


U1C2L6:V8 A ________ is a word or word group that limits or modifies the meaning of another word or phrase. A) converter B) transformer C) qualifier D) exception


U1C2L7:Q10 What is a practical step to get rid of bad habits and to form good ones? A) Always start forming new habits on a Monday. B) Don't try too hard to take every chance you get to act on the change. C) Never stop a new habit before it is firmly fixed in your life. D) Begin the change in behavior a little at a time.


U1C2L7:Q11 In an Army JROTC competition, the scores are so close that one point could mean winning or losing. On the final event, a written test, you got the lowest possible grade without failing. When your instructor was reviewing the test answers, you noticed that he marked one answer correct that should have been wrong. You have an ethical dilemma, and telling him he made a mistake will cause you to fail and could cause your squad to lose. Think about the Army Values and your personal values. What should you do? What do you stand to gain? A) Remain loyal to your squad and don't say anything; your squad could win the competition. B) Remain loyal to your squad by informing the teacher of his mistake after the competition is over; more loyalty from your squad mates. C) Maintain your integrity and inform the teacher of his mistake, even if it means your squad loses; gain the respect of your competitors, instructor, and eventually, your squad. D) Maintain your integrity and inform the teacher of his mistake; expect to be awarded extra points for your strong values.


U1C2L7:Q20 What is the difference between physical and moral courage? A) Physical courage earns you the President's Physical Fitness Award. B) Moral courage is easier than physical courage because it doesn't involve bodily injury. C) Physical courage is overcoming fears of bodily harm and doing your duty. Moral courage is overcoming fears other than bodily harm while doing what needs to be done. D) None of the above


U1C2L7:Q7 The Golden Rule is an example of one of the rules of ethics. Which one? A) Do good, avoid evil B) Be fair and unbiased C) Respect the dignity for all people D) Be responsible for your thoughts and conduct


U1C2L7:V4 Behaviors we repeat frequently, often without thinking are ________. A) our personal code of conduct B) part of our conscience C) habits D) an obsession


U1C2L7:V9 __________ are behaviors that are acceptable everywhere. A) Cultural norms B) Non-universal norms C) Universal norms D) Regional norms


U1C2L8:Q3 What does the Self-Esteem scale measure on the Personal Skills Map? A) How vain you are. B) It measures how well you can take constructive criticism from others. C) It measures your self-perceived level of personal worth. D) It measures your ability to "read" others, or your emotional intelligence.


U1C2L8:V2 Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. When you choose to go on resolutely or stubbornly in spite of the opposition, you are showing __________. A) change orientation B) deference C) persistence D) adaptability


U1C2L8:V5 Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. _____________ is the learned ability to identify, experience, understand, and express human emotions in healthy and productive ways. A) Change orientation B) Intrapersonal C) Emotional intelligence D) Adaptability


U1C2L8:V7 Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. When you show respect and esteem to a superior or an elder, you are showing ____________. A) persistence B) intrapersonal C) deference D) emotional intelligence


U1C3L1:F2 Which statement below supports the purpose of drill? A) "Drill makes me embarrassed to be a part of my unit." B) "Drill makes me think more before acting on commands." C) "Drill helps me pay more attention to detail." D) "Drills make me tired and distracted."


U1C3L1:Q4 Who was the Prussian officer who wrote drill movements for General George Washington's army at Valley Forge? A) Heimlich B) Hitler C) Baron Friedrich von Steuben D) Trotsky


U1C3L1:V4 Choose the best definition of followership from the list below. A) Staying in line behind the drill leader. B) A row of Cadets marching in unison. C) Acting as a member of a team. D) A group of team leaders.


U1C3L1:V5 Choose the synonym for the word below. Maneuver A) Idle B) Abstain C) Movement D) Disadvantage


U1C3L2:F2 Which command is being executed in this picture? A) Right Face B) Parade Rest C) Left Face D) About Face


U1C3L2:F5 To march with a 15-inch step from the halt, the command is "_____, _____". A) half step, halt B) forward, march C) half step, march D) double time, march


U1C3L2:V7 (Choices are incomplete) Parade Rest is best represented by which diagram? A) B) C) D)


U1C3L2:V8 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "Standard marching pace of 120 steps per minute." A) double time B) halt C) quick time D) rest E) steps


U1C3L3:V10 What is the definition of the term "pivot"? A) A patterned arrangement of troops B) To form up line abreast C) To turn in position D) A command for marching in place


U1C4L2:Q5 Jason gets angry often, even about things that don't matter much. He knows it's a problem, but he doesn't know how to stop it. When you ask him if he's satisfied with himself, he thinks about it, and then he says, "No. I'm not. I'm not satisfied with myself; the way I manage time; and the way I relate to people." Which strategy for managing anger should you recommend he try? A) Relaxation techniques B) Changing your thinking C) Change orientation D) Empathy


U1C4L2:Q6 Relaxation is a healthy way to manage anger because it __________. A) can make others think you are cool-headed and unflappable B) distracts you from the problem at hand C) helps you get your emotions under control in a tense situation


U1C4L2:V4 _________ is recognition of the need to make personal changes by expanding skills and improving relationships. A) Passive-aggressive behavior B) Deference C) Change orientation D) Suppression


U1C4L3:Q10 Candy says "I'm never going to talk to you. You always lie to me. I won't answer your phone calls. Maybe I'll see you around next year!" What are the "fighting words?" A) never, lie, maybe B) never, always, maybe C) never, always, won't D) never, lie, always


U1C4L3:Q14 In general, you should not confront someone in a conflict when there are onlookers because _____. A) the onlookers might interrupt B) the onlookers will take sides C) the person may think you are trying to pressure or embarrass him in front of others D) the person will bring onlookers into the conflict


U1C4L3:Q22 Effective speaking and active listening are the skills most needed to manage ____________. A) time B) persuasive action C) conflict D) delegation


U1C4L3:V2 To ______ is to express regret to another person about your actions or words. A) compromise B) escalate C) apologize


U1C4L3:V3 An agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side getting part of what they want is called a ___________. A) conflict B) consequence C) compromise


U1C4L3:V7 In an either-or fallacy, people think there are _________. A) lies being told about them B) many choices for a solution C) only two possible solutions


U1C5L1:F1 What is stress? A) Your body's response to over-exertion B) Your body's response to sadness C) Your body's response to change


U1C5L1:Q10 Behavioral effects of prolonged stress include ______. A) stress-related ulcers B) skin disorders C) increased vulnerability to alcohol, tobacco, and other drug abuse


U1C5L1:Q14 What stress management strategy should you use for stressful situations that are beyond your control? A) Find a hobby B) Exercise C) Ignore it D) Be assertive


U1C5L1:Q15 Exercise is a good stress management strategy because ______. A) it makes your muscles physically stronger B) it increases your heart rate C) when you exercise, your brain releases chemicals that help you relax


U1C5L1:V3 ______ is the stage of stress when the body loses its ability to adapt to a situation when exposed to prolonged periods of stress. A) Alarm B) Resistance C) Fatigue


U1C5L2:Q5 The following list shows the first two percent scores and events for four of the Cadet Challenge participants. If each of the participants scores 100% on the remaining events, then who qualifies for the JROTC Physical Fitness Ribbon? A) Dan: 100% shuttle run; 100% flexed-arm hang B) Dave: 92% curl-ups; 80% pull-ups C) Dean: 85% pull-ups; 85% one-mile walk/run D) Don: 100% curl-ups; 75% V-sit reach


U1C5L2:V1 What is the definition of the term "Cadet Challenge?" A) One of the five events on the Cadet Challenge consists of a sit-up movement from a lying position up to the point where your elbows touch your thighs B) An award earned by achieving a standard of 85 percent or higher C) A physical fitness test that consists of five exercises taken from the Cadet Challenge program D) An alternative event for the pull-up in the Cadet Challenge


U1C5L2:V5 What is a shuttle run? A) One of the five events on the Cadet Challenge that consists of pulling the body up from a dead weight hanging position on a bar to having the chin clear the bar B) An award earned by achieving a standard of 85 percent or higher C) One of the five events on the Cadet Challenge that consists of running 30-feet twice and picking up a block at each end D) One of the five events on the Cadet Challenge that consists of a sit-up movement from a lying position up to the point where your elbows touch your thighs


U1C6L1:Q1 Which of the following illustrate the correct sequence of activities in service learning? A) Meaningful Service + Orientation and Training + Structured Reflection = Service Learning B) Orientation and Training + Service Learning + Structured Reflection = Meaningful Service C) Orientation and Training + Meaningful Service + Structured Reflection = Service Learning D) Orientation and Training + Structured Reflection + Meaningful Service = Service Learning


U1C6L1:Q2 Which of the following is not a characteristic of meaningful service? A) Challenges you to develop new skills B) Addresses a real and important need another group is not addressing C) Includes an extensive fund-raising component D) Has a positive effect on others


U1C6L1:Q7 An environment where one can learn and develop by actively participating in organized service experiences within one's community is called __________. A) learning service B) servant leadership C) service learning D) community service


U1C6L1:V1 Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "The act or process of orienting or being oriented; for example, being oriented on the first day of college." A) reflection B) service learning C) orientation D) community service


U1C6L1:V2 Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "Any form of service provided for the community or common good." A) reflection B) service learning C) community service D) recorder


U1C6L2:Q3 In service learning, what is meant by the term, "field education?" A) To study out-of-doors or in a non-traditional location away from school B) Performing service and training to enhance understanding of the natural world C) Performing service and training to enhance understanding within a field of study D) To study the environment and the natural world


U1C2L2:F1 Do you agree or disagree with the statement "Self-awareness is just the beginning of a lifetime of growth and learning?" A) Agree B) Disagree

Cadet Opinion

U1C2L3:F1 How important to you are the personal preferences of others? A) Extremely important - I always try to consider other people's preferences while working with them. B) Very important - I try to consider other people's preferences while working with them. C) Somewhat important - I sometimes consider other people's preferences while working with them. D) Not at all important - As long as we get the job done it doesn't matter what people prefer.

Cadet Opinion

U1C2L5:F1 How do you rate your current ability to understand what you read? A) Really Good - I remember everything I read and my test grades show it! B) Pretty Good - I get distracted easily when I have a lot of reading to do and my mind wanders. C) OK - I am a slow reader and stumble on a lot of words I do not know. D) Bad - I have a hard time reading and often just don't do it. My grades show it too!

Cadet Opinion

U1C2L6:Q1 I would rather mow two lawns or babysit a crying infant for three hours than study. A) Agree B) Disagree

Cadet Opinion

U1C2L6:Q10 After I complete a reading assignment, I explain what I've read to myself in my own words. A) Agree B) Disagree

Cadet Opinion

U1C2L6:Q2 If I don't understand something I've read or heard in class, I ask someone to explain it to me. A) Agree B) Disagree

Cadet Opinion

U1C2L6:Q3 I skim textbook chapters before I start reading from start to finish. A) Agree B) Disagree

Cadet Opinion

U1C2L6:Q4 I really enjoy studying. A) Agree B) Disagree

Cadet Opinion

U1C2L6:Q5 I take notes on my textbook readings and classroom activities. A) Agree B) Disagree

Cadet Opinion

U1C2L6:Q6 On a test, I answer the questions right away without reading the directions. The directions are always the same anyway. A) Agree B) Disagree

Cadet Opinion

U1C2L6:Q7 I can't always read or understand notes I've taken weeks ago. A) Agree B) Disagree

Cadet Opinion

U1C2L6:Q8 I know the strategies for answering different types of questions on a test. A) Agree B) Disagree

Cadet Opinion

U1C2L6:Q9 I set aside a routine time and place to study and do homework. A) Agree B) Disagree

Cadet Opinion

U1C2L7:F1 Which of the following best describes you? A) I know exactly what is important to me. B) I sometimes struggle to balance two or more things that are important to me. C) I usually don't make a fuss about what's important or not.

Cadet Opinion

U1C4L3:F1 How much do you know about resolving conflicts in a positive way? A) I know this topic thoroughly. I can resolve any conflict. B) I know something about resolving conflicts. Sometimes I can solve problems, sometimes I can't. C) Very little or nothing. I have no idea how to resolve a conflict in a positive way.

Cadet Opinion

U1C5L2:F1 How physically fit do you think you are? A) Top Shape - I think I am in top physical shape, consistently eating well, and exercising. B) Holding My Own - I am in pretty good shape, watching what I eat most times, and exercising fairly regularly. C) Need Some Help - I am a little out of shape, not always watching what I eat, and not exercising regularly. D) Out of Shape - I am completely out of shape, hardly ever watching what I eat, and hardly exercising at all.

Cadet Opinion

U1C1L1:Q9 Name the congressional act that launched the JROTC program. A) The Civil Rights Act B) The No Child Left Behind Act C) The National Fitness Act D) The National Defense Act of 1916


U1C1L2:Q4 Name the three elements in the Pyramid of Authority. A) Positional authority, expert authority, and peer authority B) Authority of expertise, authority of association, and positional authority C) Unity of command, span of control, and chain of custody D) Unity of command, span of control, and chain of command


U1C1L2:V13 Choose the word that best describes the scenario below. Robin is to receive the Personal Appearance Ribbon today. What type of award is this? A) Commitment B) Motivation C) Decoration D) Military


U1C1L2:V16 A(n) ______ is a graphic description of positions and lines of authority and responsibility in an organization or unit. A) flow chart B) company chart C) line chart D) organizational chart


U1C1L2:V22 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A person lower in rank or grade." A) Squad B) Team C) Succession D) Subordinate


U1C1L2:V3 What is the definition of the word "chevron"? A) A decorative metal cap attached to the end of a shoulder cord to prevent fraying B) A line formed by the seam of the shirt aligned with the zipper flap and edge of the belt buckle C) A soft, fuzzy finish or cloth formed by short fibers raised on the surface D) An insignia consisting of stripes meeting at an angle to indicate (enlisted) grade or rank


U1C1L2:V9 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "Relating to or constituting the part of the military force subordinate to officers." A) Platoon B) Company C) Battalion D) Enlisted


U1C1L3:Q11 Which of the following situations describe an incorrect way of displaying the United States Flag? A) Flags on walls, windows, or buildings are displayed with the union to the observer's upper left. B) In parades or processions with other flags, the United States flag is always carried at the far right of a row, or to the front and center a column. C) In auditoriums, meeting halls, or chapels, the United States flag is displayed to the speaker's right as they face the audience. D) On Memorial Day, the flag is displayed at half-staff until the end of the day when it is raised to the top of the staff, then solemnly lowered.


U1C1L3:Q12 Prior to an assembly in the gym, you are watching the color guard practice posting the colors. During one of their rehearsals, you observe a new Cadet, not in uniform, stand at attention and render a hand salute as the flag passes him. As a leader who believes in giving positive feedback or making on-the-spot corrections, what do you tell him? A) You commend him for showing the flag the proper respect. B) You inform the Cadet that the proper procedure for showing respect indoors is to stand at attention and place his hand over his heart as the flag passes. C) You inform the Cadet that he should call "Attention," then "Present, Arms" as the flag approaches, then "Order, Arms" after the flag has moved 6 paces past him. D) You inform the Cadet that the proper procedure for showing respect indoors, whether in uniform or not, is to stand at attention until the flag is six steps past him.


U1C1L3:Q13 You have been directed to go to the teacher's lounge to greet a guest speaker for career day, Lieutenant Colonel Jones, and to escort him back to the JROTC Department. Your instructor told you that he will be easy to spot because "He is 6-foot-eight and should be in uniform." When you arrive at the teacher's lounge, you immediately spot LTC Jones but he is in civilian clothes. You should walk up to him, __________, and say, "_________________ I am here to escort you back to the JROTC Department. Please come with me." A) render a hand salute; Lieutenant Colonel Jones, B) render a hand salute; Sir, my name is Cadet (your name), and C) stand at attention; Lieutenant Colonel Jones, D) stand at attention; Colonel Jones, my name is Cadet (your name), and


U1C1L3:Q15 In what year did the Continental Congress establish the first stars and stripes flag? A) 1776 B) 1845 C) 1902 D) 1777


U1C1L3:Q17 What do the colors on the U.S. flag represent? A) White represents Northern States; Red represents Southern states; Blue represents the Union B) Blue represents hope, purity, and innocence; White represents hardiness and valor; Red represents reverence to God, loyalty, vigilance, perseverance, and justice C) White represents death; Red represents rebellion; Blue represents clear skies of freedom D) White represents hope, purity, and innocence; Red represents hardiness and valor; Blue represents reverence to God, loyalty, vigilance, perseverance, and justice


U1C1L3:Q20 What is the proper way to raise and lower a U.S. flag? A) It should be raised ceremoniously and lowered briskly. B) It always should pause at half-mast for a brief moment. C) It should be raised and lowered in a hurry to keep it from getting dirty. D) It should be raised briskly and lowered ceremoniously.


U1C2L1:Q6 You are part of a group of new drill instructors. Before your first session instructing drill, your company commander shows you this Thinking Map®, and says the following. "This Flow Map indicates how important your jobs are as drill instructors. From the days of the Revolutionary War to the present, drill instructors have taught and guided groups of individuals into becoming proud and disciplined members of cohesive teams. As dedicated drill instructors, you are charged with teaching your Cadets to the best of your ability. You must also realize that the Cadets that you teach today will become the drill instructors of tomorrow, and that you are all part of a tradition that started with Baron von Steuben and the Continental Army." What part of the above paragraph should you change to make it correct? A) Do not change anything. It is already correct. B) Change "Baron von Steuben" to "George Washington" C) Change "Flow Map" to "Multi-Flow Map" D) Change "Flow Map" to "Bridge Map"


U1C2L1:V1 Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. The map used for seeing analogies is a ____________. A) Circle Map B) Tree Map C) Bubble Map D) Bridge Map


U1C2L1:V5 Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. A _________ is used for describing qualities. A) Tree Map B) Flow Map C) Double Bubble Map D) Bubble Map


U1C2L1:V7 Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. A tool used to compare and contrast is a ____________. A) Circle Map B) Multi-Flow Map C) Bubble Map D) Double Bubble Map


U1C2L2:Q1 The assessment tool, Winning Colors®, groups human behavior into categories. Name the four behavior clusters. A) Carpenter, Scheduler, Activity Director, and Listener B) Communicator, Leader, Anticipator, and Inventor C) Tester, Risker, Challenger, and Performer D) Builder, Planner, Adventurer, and Relater


U1C2L2:Q3 Which of the following are steps in the self-discovery process? A) Introspection, observation B) Giving and receiving feedback C) Using assessment tools D) All of the choices


U1C2L2:V3 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "To make a distinction or state a difference between things so we can tell them apart." A) Associate B) Cluster C) Assessment D) Differentiate


U1C2L2:V5 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "The act of evaluating or appraising a person's ability or potential to meet certain criteria or standards." A) Cluster B) Introspection C) Associate D) Assessment


U1C2L3:Q10 If you exhibit Winning Colors® builder behaviors, which of the following are some of your power words? A) Responsible, duty, tradition, money B) Leading people, power, results C) Be prepared, give directions, do it my way, I like to get things done now D) All of the above


U1C2L3:Q9 Cadets Hill and Franklin argued with each other every time they planned a task together. To try and stop this from occurring, their JROTC instructor designed a task just for them. The next time they were assigned to work together, she gave each of them a list of Winning Colors® power words and told them that when they spoke to each other, they had to use at least one power word in each sentence. To their surprise, they stopped arguing. What answer best describes why this happened? Cadet Franklin's Planner Power Words: * Being my best * Thinking * Exactness * Knowing the future * Caring * Analyzing * Knowing more Cadet Hill's Adventurer Power Words: * Do it now * Risk * Test the limits * Excitement * Freedom * Fun * Challenge A) The instructor forced them to use their own power words and natural behaviors when talking to the other. B) The instructor forced them to use their own power words to get both of them out of their comfort zones. C) The instructor gave them power words that helped strengthen their arguments, so when they both realized that neither of them would win, they stopped arguing. D) The instructor forced them to use power words that matched the other's preferences, and didn't produce tension between them.


U1C2L3:V4 Choose the word that best describes the scenario below. You are the leader of a team with six Cadets. There are two very outgoing individuals, two organized individuals, one quiet individual, and one who talks a lot. Recognizing their personal character and strengths, will help you determine their role on the team. When you accept the various strengths and abilities of others, you are appreciating the ______________ of the team. A) Natural B) Preference C) Comfort zone D) Diversity


U1C2L4:Q10 Critical thinking is one of Cadet George's strengths. He is very good at defining problems by asking questions, judging facts and evidence, and prioritizing factors. Creative thinking is one of Cadet George's weaknesses. He has a lot of trouble "thinking outside the box" to come up with creative ways to solve problems. If he asked you to help him develop his creative thinking skills, which one of the following exercises would you have him do? A) Analyze the eating habits of ten different types of butterflies. B) Classify ten different types of butterflies by type. C) Compare and contrast ten different kinds of butterflies. D) Invent a mechanism to catch ten specific types of butterflies.


U1C2L4:Q2 A "What" question usually has an answer that is ______. A) critical B) subjective C) passive D) objective


U1C2L4:Q23 Select the mental activities that are examples of creative thinking. A) Daydreaming, counting, listening, listing B) Analyzing, contrasting, prioritizing C) Previewing, summarizing, reading D) Brainstorming, generalizing, inventing, predicting, visualizing


U1C2L4:Q26 Goal setting, time management, and progress assessment techniques are techniques used by ____________ learners to gauge their own progress. A) auditory B) kinesthetic/tactile C) passive D) active


U1C2L4:Q27 The term _____________ means to think about thinking. A) meditation B) perceptual modality C) stew D) metacognition


U1C2L4:Q34 According to Gardner, what is logical/mathematical intelligence? A) The gift of visually representing concepts through drawing and building. B) The gift of physical prowess, fitness, or action. C) The gift of thinking in music terms and symbols and of performing. D) The gift of reasoning and thinking in symbols and abstractions, as demonstrated in calculating, computing, problem solving, and graphing


U1C2L4:Q36 According to Gardner, what is the musical or rhythmical intelligence? A) The gift of visually representing concepts through drawing, building, etc. B) The gift of reasoning and thinking in symbols such as graphing. C) The gift of verbal skills such as listening, reading, and writing. D) The gift of melody, music, rhyme, rhythm, and sound, as demonstrated in playing an instrument, singing, timing, and patterns.


U1C2L4:Q39 According to Gardner, what is intrapersonal intelligence? A) The gift of environmental awareness. B) The gift of verbal or linguistic skills such as listening, reading, speaking, and writing. C) The gift of working with people and understanding the complexity of human relationships. D) The gift of inner thought, self-awareness, and self-reflection as demonstrated in goal-setting, self-assessing, and self-regulating.


U1C2L4:Q4 Cadet Barnes listens to music while he studies history. This may not affect his ability to study because ______. A) he really likes history and is very motivated to learn it B) he has a solid schema of the era he is studying C) the music he plays is more than 30 seconds long D) his brain "tunes out" the music while he's studying


U1C2L4:Q6 Cadet McKinney won't do his homework unless his parents nag him. When he does, he needs to have step-by-step instructions. According to the Dunn and Dunn model, the Cadet is showing his learning preferences in which area? A) Sociological B) Psychological C) Environmental D) Emotional


U1C2L4:V10 ______ means acted upon by an external agency; receptive to outside impressions. A) Active B) Stimuli C) Subjective D) Passive


U1C2L4:V14 Spatial means ______. A) forgetting things easily; spacing out B) having to do with outer space C) fighting or arguing D) existing in space


U1C2L4:V4 When you evaluate and judge your own (and others) ideas, assumptions, and actions you are using ______. A) objectivity B) metacognition C) schema D) critical thinking


U1C2L4:V6 ______ is the sensation of movement or muscle sense. A) Linguistic B) Kinesthetic C) Pragmatic D) Spatial


U1C2L5:Q13 You like history, but your history textbook is very boring and you find it difficult to comprehend the material. Your friend tells you that when he reads history, he uses the directed reading - thinking activity strategy (DR-TA strategy). Which of the following best explains what he does when he reads history? A) He reads difficult passages out-loud to help him understand. B) After reading three to five paragraphs, he writes a short summary about what he read. C) He reads one part, and then predicts what he thinks happened next. D) Before each chapter and section, he predicts what he thinks is the author's purpose for writing.


U1C2L5:Q5 Explain the Direct Reading-Thinking Activity (DR-TA) strategy for reading comprehension. A) Survey, question, read, recite, and revise. B) You follow the directions of a teacher or instructor on a homework assignment. C) It is used to avoid having to read an entire text. D) It is used to predict the author's purpose in writing. You form predictions of the content of materials based on the information you acquire.


U1C2L5:V11 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A word that means the opposite of another word." A) Comprehension B) Mood C) Concept D) Antonym


U1C2L5:V17 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A word or element that is attached to the front of a word." A) Suffix B) Inventory C) Antonym D) Prefix


U1C2L5:V4 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A word or expression of the same language that has the same or nearly the same meaning." A) Concept B) Appositive C) Context D) Synonym


U1C2L5:V8 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "An assumption or concession made for the sake of argument; an interpretation of a practical situation or condition taken as the ground for action." A) Analogy B) Comprehension C) Concept D) Hypothesis


U1C2L6:Q15 Reciting your notes to yourself is important because it ________. A) helps you make sure your sentences make sense B) ensures that your notes are legible C) proves that you are paying attention in class D) helps transfer the information in your notes into your memory


U1C2L6:Q29 Give an example of a binary choice question format. A) Short answer essay B) Argument C) Compare and contrast D) True/False; Yes/No; Agree/Disagree


U1C2L6:V1 ________ are shortened forms of written words or phrases used in place of the whole word. A) Acronyms B) Acrostics C) Notehand D) Abbreviations


U1C2L6:V11 ________________ ask that you use critical thinking strategies to answer the question and then organize, write, and revise a written response. A) Multiple choice questions B) Binary choice questions C) Matching questions D) Subjective questions


U1C2L6:V12 Excessive worry about doing well on a test is called ________. A) quiz quandary B) test angst C) quiz fear D) test anxiety


U1C2L6:V3 A deeper way of thinking that rigorously analyzes an idea or subject is called ________. A) review B) association thinking C) objective thinking D) critical thinking


U1C2L6:V5 Something written down using abbreviations or symbols is called ________. A) shorthand B) doodles C) cursive D) notehand


U1C4L2:V3 What is the definition of the word "assertion"? A) A tendency to be hostile or quarrelsome. B) Learning to control and manage the emotion of anger; managing your anger so it comes out in a healthy and constructive way. C) A reflection of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with current emotional skills and abilities. D) The ability to clearly communicate personal thoughts and feelings.


U1C4L3:Q16 The communication key for a _________ emphasizes freedom of thought. A) Builder B) Relater C) Adventurer D) Planner


U1C4L3:Q18 The two Winning Colors® types most likely to respond to a friendly, light heart approach are ________. A) Planner and Builder B) Planner and Relater C) Builder and Adventurer D) Relater and Adventurer


U1C2L7:Q13 One of your friends applies the Army Values only when they benefit him. Even though your instructor regularly reinforces application of the Army Values, your friend continues to apply them only for his own needs. You also tried to talk to him, but his answer is always "I'll deal with it when I have to." You know that today he is going to have a serious ethical dilemma and will learn a hard lesson. As a loyal friend, what can you do to best help him learn the meaning and purpose of values? A) Since your instructor keeps reinforcing them and you already talked to him, you have to let him learn about the purpose and meaning of values when he is faced with the dilemma. B) Tell him about the dilemma he's about to have so that he can be ready for it, even if it means he can apply the Army Values to help him avoid it. C) Even if he'll be mad at you for not telling him, let him learn the right (and hard) things about values. D) Before his dilemma occurs, talk to him about the meaning and purpose of values so that it is fresh in his mind, even if he later realizes that you knew about it ahead of time.


U1C2L7:Q16 What are the three things you must do to exhibit the value of duty? A) Show up early to events, stay busy during activities, leave only after the boss is gone B) Respect the constitution, report law breakers, be faithful to your team C) See dignity in all people, listen well, perform at your potential D) Carry out the requirements of your job, meet professional standards, and fulfill your legal, civic, and moral obligations


U1C2L7:Q2 What three things must you do to demonstrate the Army Value of duty? A) Show up early to events, stay busy during activities, and leave only after the boss is gone. B) Respect the constitution, report law breakers, and be faithful to your team. C) See dignity in all people, listen well, and perform at your potential. D) Carry out the requirements of your job, meet professional standards, and fulfill your legal, moral, and civic obligations.


U1C2L7:V1 ________ is an internal sense of what is right and what is wrong. A) An ethic B) A moral C) Integrity D) Conscience


U1C2L7:V10 Ideas, beliefs, or attitudes about what is important are _________. A) ethics B) your conscience C) norms D) values


U1C2L8:F1 A learned ability to identify, experience, understand, and express human emotions in healthy and productive ways is called ___________. A) book smarts B) people smarts C) intelligence quotient D) emotional intelligence


U1C2L8:V4 Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. The willingness and capability to change is known as __________. A) emotional intelligence B) intrapersonal C) deference D) adaptability


U1C3L1:Q5 What is a maneuver? A) A type of military tactic used exclusively while retreating. B) A type of fertilizer. C) A 30-inch drill step. D) A movement in military tactics (or in drill) normally to secure an advantage.


U1C3L1:V2 Choose the synonym for the word below. Discipline A) Critical B) Misconduct C) Disorganized D) Obedient


U1C3L1:V7 When one displays professionalism they: A) Behave in a manner beyond being an amateur B) They dress appropriately C) They display courtesy and respect to others D) All of the choices E) None of the choices


U1C3L1:V8 Choose the synonym for the word below. Self-discipline A) Selfish B) Self-actualizing C) Self-absorbed D) Self-control


U1C3L2:F1 You are practicing drill with your squad one afternoon. You put your squad at "rest" and are discussing suggestions for improving one of the movements in squad drill. Just then, a Major from your local National Guard unit walks by your squad. What should you do? A) Call the squad to attention and order them to "present, arms." B) Salute the Major as you continue your discussion. C) Continue to do what you were doing. D) Call your squad to attention, but only you salute the Major.


U1C3L2:F3 Which command is being executed in this picture? A) Right Face B) Parade Rest C) Left Face D) About Face


U1C3L2:Q2 Your platoon is marching in a parade. While waiting for the parade to begin, you find out that it will be starting 30 minutes late. Your platoon is at the position of attention, but because of the wait, you want them to relax and talk for a while. Which command do you give them? A) "parade, rest" B) "parade, rest," and "at ease" C) "parade, rest," and "rest" D) "rest"


U1C3L2:V10 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A relaxed form of march without a set cadence to conserve troops' energy." A) double time B) halt C) quick time D) rest movements E) steps


U1C3L2:V6 A hand salute is ________. A) a one-count command B) executed with the right hand C) executed so that neither the palm or back of hand is clearly visible from the front D) all of the choices E) none of the choices


U1C3L3:Q3 While marching in your squad, you see that the squad leader will have to change the direction of the squad column to the right by 90 degrees. Which of the following describes how the squad leader should give the command? A) On the right foot, "right flank, march" B) On the right foot, "column half right, march" C) On the left foot, "column right, march" D) On the right foot, "column right, march"


U1C3L3:V1 What is the definition of the term "line"? A) To form up in column B) To form up in files, facing forward the width of the formation C) To form up line abreast D) To form up in ranks, facing forward the length of formation


U1C3L3:V3 What is the definition of the term "column"? A) To form up line abreast B) To form up in ranks, facing forward the length of formation C) The side of the formation, either left or right D) To form up in files, facing forward the width of the formation


U1C4L2:V2 What is the definition of the word "anger management"? A) A tendency to be hostile or quarrelsome. B) A reflection of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with current emotional skills and abilities. C) The ability to clearly communicate personal thoughts and feelings. D) Learning to control and manage the emotion of anger; managing your anger so it comes out in a healthy and constructive way.


U1C4L3:Q19 Carefully read the potential conflict situations (W, X, Y, and Z), and then indicate the type of conflict it describes. Type of Conflict / Potential Conflict Situation W. A classmate wants to copy your homework and turn it in as his own. X. You have to rush to the dentist because you thought your appointment was at 4 p.m., but your appointment slip says 3:30 p.m. Y. Someone is continually picking on or bullying someone else. Z. You have soccer practice from 3-5 p.m., and your job starts at 4:30 p.m. A) W = Data, X = Value, Y = Structural, Z = Relationship B) W = Interest, X = Data, Y = Relationship, Z = Value C) W = Relationship, X = Interest, Y = Data, Z = Structural D) W = Value, X = Data, Y = Relationship, Z = Structural


U1C5L1:Q13 Which of the following is a good relaxation technique? A) Laughter B) Rapid breathing C) Depriving yourself of sleep until you are really tired D) Meditation


U1C5L2:Q1 You are about to join your friends after school for a quick game of soccer. You know this activity will put stress on your bones, muscles, and tendons. How should you prepare your body before the game? A) Warm up after a quick stretch B) Do a stretch of all muscles you will use C) No preparation is necessary D) Stretch after a quick warm up


U1C5L2:Q4 A new Cadet asks, "If I practice a lot and score 100% on each event, then what can the Cadet Challenge do for me?" What should you NOT tell him? A) It will help you develop an understanding and appreciation for physical fitness. B) It will show how a physical fitness program can improve your health and appearance. C) You will gain personal satisfaction by having to strive for and achieve a goal. D) You will receive a round red emblem with an embroidered eagle that you can wear on your uniform.


U1C5L2:V3 What is a flexed-arm hang? A) One of the five events on the Cadet Challenge that consists of a sit-up movement from a lying position up to the point where your elbows touch your thighs B) One of the five events on the Cadet Challenge that consists of pulling the body up from a dead weight hanging position on a bar to having the chin clear the bar C) A physical fitness test that consists of five exercises D) An alternative event for the pull-up in the Cadet Challenge


U1C6L1:Q10 Reflecting, or taking time to observe, analyze, and integrate actions with learning, is an important part of the learning process and of _____________ learning. A) student B) human C) JROTC D) service


U1C6L1:Q4 What is the purpose of a learning log? A) To record notes from math class, particularly geometry. B) To make a list of all the things you would like to learn if you had time. C) To record books, restaurants, movies, or activities recommended by instructors. D) To record reflections, experiences, observations, goals, etc.


U1C6L1:Q6 Which of the following options (A-D) is not an example of a type of structured reflection for a service learning project? A) Learning Log B) Team and Class Discussion C) Public Presentation D) Project Proposal


U1C6L1:Q8 What is the formula for service learning? A) One student and one effort = Two beneficiaries B) Orientation + Service + Structure = A boon to society C) Meaningful Service + Training + Reflection = High self-esteem D) Orientation and Training + Meaningful service + Structured Reflection = Service learning


U1C6L1:Q9 __________, or taking time to observe, analyze, and integrate actions with learning, is an important part of the learning process and of service learning. A) Meditation B) Reporting C) Recording D) Reflection


U1C6L1:V3 Choose the term that best matches the definition below. "A thought, idea, or opinion formed or a remark made as a result of mediation; consideration of some subject matter, idea, or purpose." A) recorder B) reporter C) timekeeper D) reflection


U1C6L2:Q4 Which of the following is NOT a good example of being prepared for a service learning project? A) Identify alternate group leaders in case there are absences. B) Ensure that you have the correct tools and supplies to complete the service. C) Assign Cadets to work on projects according to their expertise and ability. D) Post a detailed schedule for the project and remind everyone that they must meet the posted deadlines.


U1C6L2:V7 Choose the term that best completes the sentence below. "One who represents the team voice and reports team findings." A) Recorder B) Reflection C) Orientation D) Reporter


U1C3L2:V11 Choose the word that best matches the definition below. "A prescribed distance from one heel to the other heel of a marching soldier." A) double time B) halt C) quick time D) rest E) steps


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