Library Instruction Quiz Review
Which of the following best describes the difference between primary and secondary sources?
a. Primary sources are original documents or artifacts that were written or created during the event, and secondary sources analyze or discuss primary sources.
Which of the following best describes ILL?
b. ILL allows patrons to request books or journal articles that cannot be retrieved through library resources, at no additional charge
Which of the following is the best example of a primary source?
b. Interview
From the library's homepage, search for the phrase: "Louisiana history" in the prominent search box. Which of the following appear in your results as an electronic book?
b. Revolution, Romanticism, and the Afro-Creole Protest Tradition in Louisiana, 1718-1868
From the library's homepage, locate the Top Databases section under the Library's Discovery Search bar and click on the "Academic Search" link. Login to the database if you are off-campus. *Click on the "Advanced Search" link under the search bar. *Type in "Louisiana" in the first search box *Type in "college students" in the second search box *Click "Search" *Limit your search to "Full Text" and "Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals." Which of the following article titles appears in your search? (Only consider the first 2 pages of results)
c. Differentiation Levels of College Students: Effects on Vocational Identity and Career Decision Making
From the library's homepage, click on "Databases," and then click on "JSTOR." Login to the database if you are off-campus.* Click on "Advanced Search."* Type "Louisiana" into the first text box. *Type "Civil War" into the second box.* Limit your search to the Academic Content, "Journals," and Primary Source Content, "Documents."* Click "Search." Which of the following article titles appears in your search? (Only consider the first 2 pages of results)
c. Keeping the Faith: The Political Significance of Religious Services in Civil War Louisiana, 1860-1865
Why is it necessary to cite the sources that you use?
d. All of the above. (a. To give credit to the original creators of the information. b. To allow your reader to explore additional resources on the topic. c. To avoid committing plagiarism, which has serious academic consequences.)
Which of the following is not true regarding scholarly sources?
d. Scholarly journals use flashy advertisements and glossy photographs.
When searching a database using the phrase "capital punishment," you did not retrieve the results you wanted. Which of the following is the least effective good option for modifying your search?
d. Search Google.
You've found an internet source that you would like to cite in your paper. What evaluation criteria must you consider first?
d. You have carefully considered the website's currency, authority, purpose, objectivity, and writing style to ensure that it is appropriate to use.