Linguistics Modules 6-14

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English is a grammatical gender-based language.


Hieroglyphs were the formal writing systems used in Ancient Babylonia


If an L1 feature is similar to a feature in L2, L2 learner will not benefit from transferring such a feature.


If the truth of one sentence necessarily implies the truth of another, we call the relationship between the two is one of 'Contradiction'


Imitation theory of Language Acquisition was proposed by Noam Chomsky.


Inability to read and comprehend written words caused by damage to 'angular gyrus' is called as 'agraphia'.


Linear order of constituents does not vary from language to language.


Linear word order in English is: Subject Object Verb (S O V).


The concept of describing 'parts of speech' is a notion introduced in 'modern grammar' tradition.


The process of creating words from mental concepts is called 'grammaticalization'.


The term agrammatism is used to describe syntactic speech with the presence of grammatical function words such as infections.


Traditional grammar concept of 'number' refers to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person pronouns.


Which of the following is the closest related language to English?


The branch of linguistics that deals with how languages change, what kinds of changes occur, and why they occur is called:

Historical & comparative linguistics

If a word is spelled and pronounced the same way but has entirely different meanings, you call that word:


The writing system illustrated below is an example of: 明 = " bright

Ideographic writing system

Innanteness theory of Language Acquisition assumes which of the following?

- Children are genetically predisposed to acquiring language. - Children do not imitate the language of the environment. - They learn the systems of grammar by breaking each system down to its smallest combinable parts, and then developing rules to combine them.

Grammar of a language, according to the text, is defined as:

A set of rules that account for all the grammatical sequences in a language and rule out all the ungrammatical sequences

Children acquire Fricative sounds before they acquire Stop sounds, consonant clusters before single consonants, polysyllabic words before monosyllabic words. This happens because they hear

Above statement is not true:because children acquire simpler sounds, simple syllables, simple morphology and syntax before they acquire complex structures.

Identify the part of speech (lexical categories) of the underlined word. The teacher appeared grouchy.


Identify the phrasal category of the underlined constituent in the following sentences. Your claim is logically ridiculous

Adjective phrase

Identify the part of speech (lexical categories) of the underlined word. The door opened suddenly


Identify the phrasal category of the underlined constituent in the following sentence. The boy ran very quickly

Adverb Phrase

The thematic role of the underlined Noun Phrase is: The teacher is grading the homework.


A writing system composed of symbols called letters, which represent individual sounds (also known as phonemes) and have no meaning unless they are combined with other letters is known as:

Alphabetic writing

The lexical relation between the pair of words shallow and deep is:


Inability to process, process or produce language is called:


Which theory of language development suggests that children learn appropriate sounds and words in reaction to their parents' reinforcement?


The thematic role of the underlined Noun Phrase is: John bought his girlfriend a present for her birthday.


Hindi 'do' and Turkish 'iki' are most probably...


Which of these students are studying English in an EFL setting?

Chinese students learning English in an English class in China.

Which theorist hypothesized that children are born with a language acquisition device?


English 'two' and Russian 'dva' are most probably...


A bundle of nerves that connects the right and left hemisphere of the brain is called:

Corpus Collosum

"Do not split an infinitive' is a descriptive rule of English.


'Language learning' describes the gradual development of the ability over time in a language.


Children are more constrained by affective factors than adults in learning a second language.


Damage to the Broca's area causes grammatically normal, but semantically deviant sentences.


Damage to the Wernicki's area causes disruptions of language processing and production.


Depressions or indentations on the cortex is called gyri.


Which of the following does NOT play a significant role in the child's learning of language?

Imitation of adult speech

The thematic role of the underlined Noun Phrase is: The key opened the door.


If motivation to learn another language is to accomplish some tangible results, then such a motivation is called as:

Instrumental Motivation

The sentence You are wasting my time is an example of:


Identify the part of speech (lexical categories) of the underlined words. I collect antique glassware


Identify the phrasal category of the underlined constituent in the following sentence. Our loud neighbors will be away this weekend.

Noun Phrase

The lexical relation between the pair of words mature and ripe is:


English speakers pronounce the letter "a" as [ e: ], while French, German, and Spanish speakers pronounce it as [ a: ]. This fact has resulted from:

The great vowel shift

For the following sentence, state if the PS rules and lexical rules given below can generate it or not. (Note: Ignore the tense on the verb). The girl ate the beans PS rules: S -> NP VP NP -> Art (Adj) N (PP) VP -> V NP (PP) (AdvP) PP -> P NP Lexical rules: Art: the Noun: girl, beans. Verb: ate

This sentence can be generated by the above PS and Leical rules

For the following sentence, state if the PS rules given below can generate it or not. (Note: Ignore the tense on the verb). Mary slept on a couch. PS Rules: S -> NP VP NP -> Art (Adj) N (pp) VP -> V NP (PP) (AdvP) PP -> P NP Lexical rules: Art: a Noun: Mary, couch Verb: slept Preposition: on

This sentence cannot be generated by the above PS and Leical rules

'Foreigner talk' input facilitates comprehension in a second language learning process.


According to behaviorists, child's success in learning a language depends on the quality and quantity of language he hears, as well as consistency of the reinforcement offered by others in the environment.


Aphasia caused by stroke, seizures or injury, results in inability to perceive, process or produce language due to damage to the brain.


Children learn a language by learning the systems of language by breaking down the rules of phonology, syntax, morphology, semantics, and pragmatics.


Children rarely pay attention to error correction by adults.


Cuneiform is a system of writing first developed by the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia c. 3500-3000 BCE.


Damage to the 'Arcuate Fasciculus' causes disruptions of language processing and production.


Descriptive grammar refers to the structure of a language as it is actually used by speakers and writers.


Dichotic Listening test provides evidence for left hemisphere dominance for language processing.


Genie's case provides evidence in support of the 'critical period hypothesis'


Identify the correct labeled tree diagram for the following sentence. Mark 'True' if the tree diagram is correct or 'False' if it is wrong.


If writing symbols represent words or morphemes, such a written symbol is known as logographic writing system.


In English, adjectives precede the noun they modify. This is a descriptive rule of English.


In an L2 learning situation, some features, such as vocabulary and grammar, are easier to learn than others, such as pronunciation.


Language is predominantly lateralized to the left hemisphere of the brain.


Most prominent fissure located between the right and left hemisphere of the brain is called sylvian fissure.


Negative feelings or experiences (affective factors) can create a barrier to acquisition or learning of a second language.


Some of the errors in L2 learns are due to 'transfer' of L1 rules onto L2 grammar.


Terms such as 'subject', 'object' refers to function of constituents in a language.


The syllabic writing system is comprised of symbols or letters that relate to syllables of words, which carries more meaning than alphabetic letters


The term agrammatism is used to describe the a-syntactic, telegraphic speech, with its absence of function words, grammatical inflections and verb forms.


The words flower and flour show homophony relationship.


Identify the phrasal category of the underlined constituent in the following sentence. John walked to Zeke's house and delivered the letter

Verb Phrase

Language impairment due to Broca's aphasia results in:

short utterances absence of functional words dysfluet speech

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