Lower extremity
symphysis pubis (SIM-fie-sis)
a cartilaginous joint wherer the pubis (pubic) bones of each side meet
medial malleolus (mah-LEE-oh-lus)
a large bony prominence on the medial surface of the distal end of the tibia
greater trochanter (TRO-kan-tur)
a large process that projects superiorly from the junction of the neck and shaft of the femur
posterior superior iliac spine/process
a projection on the posterior medial surface of each ilium, at the medial end of the iliac crest
ischial tuberosity (ISS-kee-um)
a rough projection on the lower portion of the ischium body rests on when sitting
lesser trochanter
a smaller projection on the medial surface of the femur
os coxa
aka hip bone, is formed by the fusion of 3 bones 1. ilium 2. ischium (ISS-kee-um) 3. pubis
ankle bones
bone of the thigh
lateral malleolus (mah-LEE-oh-lus)
bony projection on the lateral surface of the distal end of the fibula
head of fibula
enlargement on the proximal end of the fibula
calcaneus (kal-KAY-nee-us)
heel bone, largest of the tarsals
anterior superior iliac spine/process
higher projection on the lateral end of the iliac crest
greater sciatic notch
just below the posterior inferior iliac spine
obturator foramen (FORAY-mahn)
large hole in the anterior surface of the coxal bone, formed by the pubis and ischium
lateral condyle of tibia
large process on the lateral proximal end of tibia articulates w/ the lateral condyle of the femur and the head of the fibula
medial condyle of tibia
large process on the medial proximal end of tibia articulates w/ the medial condyle of the femur
lateral condyle
large rounded process on the lateral distal end of the femur
medial condyle
large rounded process on the medial distal end of the femur
larger bone on the medial side of the lower leg, aka=shin bone
anterior inferior iliac spine/process
lower projection on the lateral end of the iliac crest the projection ends just above the superior edge of the acetabulum
one of three bones to form the os coxa anterior portion of the os coxa
one of three bones to form the os coxa largest and most superior
ischium (ISS-kee-um)
one of three bones to form the os coxa lowest portion of os coxa posterior, inferior portion of the pelvis
ischial spine (ISS-kee-um)
pointed projection just above the ischial tuberosity
tibial tuberosity
roughened protrusion just below the condyles on the ANTERIOR surface of the tibia
head of femur
rounded ball-like head
greiliac crest
superior margin of the ilium. when placing hands on hips they rest on the iliac crests
acetabulum (ASS-AHTAB-yahlum)
the 3 os coxa bones come together to form a cup-like structure this cup on the lateral surface holds the ball-shaped head of the femur. hip socket
the bond that forms the kneecap
the instep of the foot
the large bone on the top of the foot
the most inferior portion of the vertebral column articulates superiorly w/the sacrum
sacroiliac joint (SAK-ro-IL-ee-ak)
the posterior of the ilium articulates w/the sacrum at the sacroiliac joint
posterior inferior spine/process
the projection is below the the posterior superior iliac spine/process
the smaller bone on the lateral side of the lower leg
pelvic girdle
the two os coxae are fused posterior to the sacrum and coccyx and this forms the pelvic girdle
toes of the foot
triangular bone that is formed by 5 fused vertebrae. this vertebrae and the 2 os coxa form the pelvis. the sacrum articulates with these bones at the sacroiliac joints