M1 Introduction to Computing (CCS0002)

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- Self-study programs - Online training classes - Instructor-led training - Web resources

How can people prepare for certification?

IT consultant

Individual who draws upon expertise in specialized area of computers

Computer equipment field

Manufacturers and distributors of computers and computer-related hardware Careers involve design, manufacture, and production of computer equipment

Computer Science

Offers a foundation that permits graduates to adapt to new technologies and new ideas

Computer information systems

Programs that emphasize technical knowledge and skills

Computer science

Programs that stress theoretical side of programming and operating systems Also called software engineering

Computer service and repair field

Provides preventative maintenance, component installation, and repair services

Computer science

Ranges from theory through programming to cutting-edge development of computing solutions

Information technology department

Responsible for keeping all computer operations and networks operating smoothly

Education and training

Schools, colleges, universities, and private companies need educators and trainers.

Computer information systems

Sometimes called management information systems (MIS) or management information technology

Computer engineering

Teaches students how to design and develop the electrical components found in computers and peripheral devices

Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP)

The _____ is a professional association of programmers, systems analysts, and information processing managers

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

The _____ is a scientific and educational organization dedicated to advancing knowledge and proficiency of information technology

International Consumer Electronics Show (CES)

The _____ is one of the larger technology trade shows, bringing together thousands of vendors and more than 110,000 attendees

System development and programming

_____ analyzes, designs, develops, and implements new information technology and maintains and improves existing systems

Information Technology

_____ career involves installing, organizing and maintaining computer systems as well as designing and operating networks and databases

Computer Science

_____ deals with theories in solving complex problems by the of use of programming


_____ develops and enforces policies designed to safeguard data and information from unauthorized users


_____ directs the planning, research, development, evaluation, and integration of technology

Technical services

_____ evaluates and integrates new technologies, administers the organization's data resources, and supports the centralized computer operating system and servers


_____ is a process of verifying the technical knowledge of an individual who has demonstrated competence in a particular area. Computing professionals typically obtain a certification by taking and passing an examination


_____ operates the centralized computer equipment and administers the network, including both data and voice communications

Computer sales

_____ people need general understanding of computers and specific knowledge of the product they are selling

IT professionals

_____ should enjoy installing computer systems, using software and maintaining networks and databases. They are also tasked to ensure the security and effectivity of the organization's computers and data


_____ teaches employees how to use components of the information system or answers specific questions

Information technology (IT)

______ is a label that has two meanings. In common usage, the term "information technology" is often used to refer to all of computing

Information systems

______ is a unique field of study that draws upon elements of both computer science and business

Project leader

analyzes requirements, designs solutions, and oversees software development process

Information systems

concerned with the information that computer systems can provide to aid a company, non-profit or governmental organization in defining and achieving its goals also concerned with the processes that an enterprise can implement and improve using information technology

Software engineer

designs and develops software

Computer scientist

researches, invents, and develops solutions to complex software problems


writes and tests computer programs

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