Management Chapter 13

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Shannon−Weaver Communications Model

1) Source 2) Encoder 3) channel message (noise) 4) decoder 5) receiver

Three Directions of Communication in Organizations

1) downward communication 2) upward communication 3) lateral communication

The Active Listening Process

1) processing 2) sensing 3) responding

Gossip Chains (also consider as grapevines)

Also consider as grapevines Communication networks in which one individual creates and spreads untrue or inaccurate information to others through the organization.

Information overload

At times, we can become overwhelmed by the wealth of information surrounding us. This can lead us to make hasty decisions or lose our ability to prioritize. Being able to prioritize our workload helps us to make better decisions and prevents us from getting overloaded by information. Svetlana dishonestly cites "information overload" as one of the reasons Langston wants to leave the lending department.

Social Context

Communication also depends on the social setting.

Low-context cultures

Depend more on explicit messages conveyed through the spoken or written word. Most English-speaking and Germanic countries have a fast, direct, logical, efficient, "what you say is what you mean" communication style. In business environments in these countries, there is less emphasis on interpersonal relationships and more on the individual.

Overcoming Difficulties in Cross-Cultural Communication

Do your homework Never make assumptions Be an active listener Make an effort to be supportive Avoid slang, jargon, and euphemisms

Barriers to Communication

Filtering Emotions Information overload Differing perceptions

Upward Communication

Information that flows from lower to higher levels in the organization's hierarchy. For example, employees at U.S. chicken restaurant Chick-fil-A came up with Frosted Lemonade, a combination of fresh-squeezed lemonade and ice cream


Most cultures value humor, but what is perceived to be funny in one culture can easily fall flat in another because some jokes are inappropriate for the audience or get lost in translation.

Types of Communication Channels

Oral communication Written communication Electronic communication Nonverbal communication

Other Complicating Factors when it comes to communicating

Slang and idioms Euphemisms Proverbs Verbal dueling Humor

Differing perceptions

Sometimes the way we interpret situations clashes with the perceptions of others, leading to confusion and misconception. We can overcome this communication barrier by challenging our own assumptions about other people and situations, and by seeking advice from others to clarify our perceptions. Proper training for employees in organizations helps to align perceptions. For example, Sonia notes the perceptual differences between Langston and Svetlana and promises Langston she will talk to Svetlana to clear up the misunderstanding.

Cross-Cultural Communication

The success of global organizations depends on the quality of cross-cultural communication, and without the necessary preparation, it can be a minefield.

Proverbs or wise sayings

These are also common to many different cultures. "A fool and his money are soon parted," "Too many cooks spoil the broth," and "Better late than never."


When someone screens and then manipulates a message from a sender before passing it on to the intended receiver, that person has filtered the message. ''we hear what we want to hear''

Verbal Dueling

a form of competitive communication in which the participants exchange insults until one "wins."

cluster chain

consists of a group of people who broadcast information only within their group (ex: us en team projects)

active listening

consists of concentrating on the true meaning of what others are saying. It is an essential skill for employees in the workplace because it allows the receiver to hear and understand the message, and reassures the speaker that the message has been heard in the same terms in which it is delivered. There are three main components to active listening: sensing, processing, and responding.

conversational taboos

cosas que no son conversionales


feelings have an effect on the way we communicate. When we are happy and relaxed, we are more likely to accept constructive criticism in a positive way and convey our messages succinctly and accurately. However, when we are stressed or angry, we might snap at others or feel attacked or defensive when someone tries to offer advice. It is essential that we are aware of our emotions and keep them in check before they spiral out of control.

Informal Networks

handle the unofficial sharing of information between employees and across company divisions. can help employees communicate freely with one another, build relationships, exchange opinions, and share grievances. For instance, fast-food workers come together to share their grievances about low pay, teachers share classroom tips with each other, and students rate their professors.

Slangs and idioms

informal language applied in a particular context or group.


major barriers to cross-cultural communication The tendency to believe that your culture or ethnicity is superior to everyone else's.

Written Communication

makes use of the written word in the form of reports, memos, and letters to communicate messages. Advantages and disadvantages: Senders can review written messages before sending and record and archive them if necessary. However, unless the receiver provides feedback, the sender will not always know whether the message has reached its destination or has been interpreted correctly.


means actively understanding and remembering what is being said, as well as making an effort to empathize with the speaker's feelings and thoughts and the situation at hand.


means paying attention to the signals sent from the speaker. The listener avoids forming an opinion or interrupting the speaker until he or she has finished and consciously remains attentive to what the speaker is saying.

High-context cultures

most messages are conveyed through body language, nonverbal cues, and the circumstances in which the communication is taking place. According to Hall, many Middle Eastern and Asian cultures fall into this category. The Japanese, for example, have an indirect, intuitive, unemotional, contemplative, and passive style when it comes to negotiation. In short, what you say is not necessarily what you mean. It values silence as a way of absorbing information and getting a sense of the people they are communicating with.

Lateral Communication

sends messages between and among similar hierarchical levels across organizations. For example, collaborative organizations like IDEO use lateral communication to gather ideas from employees across several disciplines in order to generate creative solutions.

Downward Communication

sends messages from the upper levels of the organizational hierarchy to the lower levels. For example, in hierarchical organizations like the military, there is a tendency to use downward communication. One of the major functions of downward communication is to maintain discipline and employee compliance through positive influence.


the act of transmitting thoughts, processes, and ideas through a variety of channels.

Oral Communication

the exchange of information, ideas, and processes verbally, either one-on-one or as a group. Advantages and disadvantages: Talking to people in person or on the phone or in a video chat is an excellent way to network and build relationships. Another major advantage of oral communication is that messages are sent and received almost instantaneously, and feedback is given just as fast, so misunderstandings can get quickly cleared up. However, sometimes the informal nature of oral communication means that messages can get lost, forgotten, or misunderstood.

Electronic Communication

the transmission of messages through various types of electronic media. (snapchat, facebook, ig) Advantages and disadvantages: There is no better way of instantly reaching a large audience across a global network than through forms of electronic communication. However, electronic communication can be hindered by technical problems, privacy breaches, and misinterpretation. Written electronic communication can be an especially poor channel for delivering negative news because it does not provide an adequate means for expressing emotion.

Nonverbal Communication

the transmission of wordless cues between people. (bodylanguage) Advantages and disadvantages : can be an important way of interacting with others because it allows for transmission of subtle messages through eye contact, vocal tone, and posture. However, because we usually are unaware of the nonverbal messages we are sending, we are at risk of unintentionally conveying the wrong message which, in turn, may give the wrong impression.

Grapevine (informal network)

the unofficial line of communication between individuals or groups these are a useful method of communicating messages quickly and efficiently in person, over emails, blogs, or through other technological tools. For example, former Google employee Mark Jen was fired for criticizing his employer through his blog, and a Delta Airlines flight attendant was fired for posting suggestive pictures of herself in uniform on her blog.


the way active listeners provide feedback to the speaker and clarifying the message by repeating some of the key points at appropriate breaks.

Formal Networks

transmit the messages established and approved by the organizational hierarchy. They are imposed by the chain of command, which sends official messages such as policies and procedures to the rest of the staff. For example, when a CEO needs to tell employees about a new company policy, management sends the information in the form of an email.


vague or general words used in place of those considered to be too blunt or harsh.

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