Marketing Research Ch. 4 and 9

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Observing mechanism

Observation can be done using technological devices or human observers.


A phenomenon in which one or two members of a group state an opinion and other members of the group are unduly influenced is called ________________

social media monitoring

Observational research based on analyzing conversations in social media is called _______ __________ ___________

word association test

A projective technique in which a participant is given a list of terms or short phrases, one at a time, and requested to respond with the first thought that comes to mind is called ______.

It should be easy to talk about and interesting.

Identify a true statement about the first topic area introduced in the main session of a focus group discussion.

moderator's guide

A detailed outline of the topics, questions, and subquestions used by a moderator to lead focus group sessions is called a(n) _____________ _______________


A form of qualitative data collection that records behavior in natural settings to understand how social and cultural influences affect individuals' behaviors and experiences is called ______.

scanner-based panel

A group of participating households that have a unique bar-coded card as an identification feature for being included in a research study is called a ______.

in-depth interview

A data-collection method in which a well-trained interviewer asks a participant a set of semistructured questions in a face-to-face setting is called a(n) ______.

focus group research

A qualitative data collection method in which responses to open-ended questions are collected from a small group of participants who interactively and spontaneously discuss topics of interest to the researcher is called ___________ _____________ ______________

-the ideal number of group members in face-to-face focus group interviews is from 10 to 12

A true statement about focus groups is that ______. -the best location to hold focus group discussions in most instances is a church or civic organization -the most common problem that inexperienced moderators have is personal and political biases -the ideal number of group members in face-to-face focus group interviews is from 10 to 12 -the first questions in selecting a sample ensure that potential respondents meet the demographic criteria

-try to understand research participants instead of fitting their answers into set categories

A true statement about qualitative researchers is that they ______. -mostly use structured questions and administer tests to large numbers of respondents -most often use qualitative research methods with descriptive and causal research designs -seek to validate facts, estimates, and relationships through statistical analysis and interpretation of numbers -try to understand research participants instead of fitting their answers into set categories

listening platform

A(n) _____________ ____________ or post is an integrated approach to monitoring and analyzing social media sources to provide insights that will support marketing decision making.

focus group moderator

A(n) _____________ ______________ ____________ is a person who is well trained in the interpersonal communication skills and professional manners required for a focus group.

debriefing analysis

After conducting a focus group session, Jacob, a researcher, compares notes with Melissa, the moderator of the session, to discuss the responses of the participants to the session's topics. This procedure is called ______.

participant observation

An ethnographic research technique that involves comprehensive observation of behavior in natural settings in order to completely experience cultural or subcultural contexts is called ________ _________

case study

An exploratory research technique that comprehensively investigates one or several existing situations that are similar to the current problem/opportunity situation is called ______.

debriefing analysis

An interactive procedure in which the researcher and moderator discuss the subjects' responses to the topics that outlined a focus group session is called________ __________

validate facts, estimates, and relationships

An objective of quantitative research is to ______. -understand hidden psychological and social processes that influence consumers -gain a preliminary understanding of relationships -discover new ideas, thoughts, and feelings -validate facts, estimates, and relationships

bulletin board

An online research format in which participants agree to post regularly over a period of four to five days is called ____________ ____________

technology-mediated observation

Collection of data using mechanical devices to capture human behavior, events, or marketing phenomena is called ______.


Observation can be disguised or undisguised.

-Researchers can complete investigations quicker and at a significantly lower cost than is true with quantitative methods.

Identify an advantage of qualitative research methods. -Researchers can complete investigations quicker and at a significantly lower cost than is true with quantitative methods. -Researchers typically find it easy to estimate the magnitude of the phenomena being investigated. -They often involve a large sample size, and the results can be generalized to a diverse population. -It is easy to find well-trained investigators, interviewers, and observers for data collection.

10 to 12

Ideal number of participants in a face-to-face focus group

-The findings are not generalizable to the target population.

Identify a disadvantage of focus group interviews. -They fail to foster an understanding of why consumers act in certain market situations. -They are unable to elicit wide-ranging participant responses. -Hard-to-reach informants are not represented in such interviews. -The findings are not generalizable to the target population.

-They decrease the cost of data collection.

Identify a feature of devices used for technology-mediated observation. -They decrease the cost of data collection. -They reduce the reliability of the gathered data. -They reduce the flexibility of data collection. -They decrease the accuracy of the collected data.

-They are managed by a qualified moderator through a semistructured discussion.

Identify a true statement about focus groups. -They most often last about nine hours. -They are managed by a qualified moderator through a semistructured discussion. -They typically consist of 25 to 30 participants. -They are exclusively conducted in a face-to-face context.

-It is most likely when group members do not have a previously well-formed opinion on topics discussed in the group.

Identify a true statement about groupthink. -It occurs when researchers separate participants and ask them for their opinions individually without other group members. -It is most likely when all participants discuss the topics of discussion before the meeting and present their ideas coherently during the meeting. -It is most likely when group members do not have a previously well-formed opinion on topics discussed in the group. -It happens when each member of a group has his or her own independent opinion, which is not influenced by social pressure.

-An interviewer asks probing questions to elicit more comprehensive information on a topic.

Identify a true statement about in-depth interviewing. -An interviewer discourages explanation of a participant's response in order to leave the response open to interpretation. -An interviewer asks probing questions to elicit more comprehensive information on a topic. -Participants are less likely to reveal detailed information as compared to quantitative methods. -Participants are highly likely to respond in a socially desirable manner to impress others.

-They promote understanding of why consumers behave or act in certain market situations.

Identify an advantage of using focus group interviews. -The trustworthiness of the interpretation is independent of the insightfulness of researchers. -They promote understanding of why consumers behave or act in certain market situations. -The findings of focus group interviews are easily generalizable to the target population. -The data gathered through focus groups is highly reliable.

-They reduce interviewer errors, recall error, and response bias. -They enable data collection at a low cost and in relatively less time than other types of procedures.

Identify the benefits of observation methods. (Check all that apply.) -They reduce interviewer errors, recall error, and response bias. -They explain behaviors without the support of any other method. -They enable data collection at a low cost and in relatively less time than other types of procedures. -They lead to findings that are generalizable to the target population and to the general population.

-Behaviors cannot be explained unless observation methods are combined with another method. -It is difficult to set up and record behaviors using observation methods.

Identify the disadvantages of observation methods. (Check all that apply.) -The number of data collection errors increases in this type of data collection. -Behaviors cannot be explained unless observation methods are combined with another method. -It is difficult to set up and record behaviors using observation methods. -They take more time and are more expensive than other types of procedures.

-Need for well-trained interviewers or observers -Small sample sizes

Identify the disadvantages of qualitative research. (Check all that apply.) -Small sample sizes -Tedious data collection processes -Lack of accuracy in recording marketplace behaviors -Need for well-trained interviewers or observers

Memoing Negative case analysis

Identify the elements of iterative analysis. (Check all that apply.) Triangulation Negative case analysis Memoing Selective coding

-A comfortable atmosphere -Built-in equipment for recording

Identify the features of a typical professional focus group facility. (Check all that apply.) -Built-in equipment for recording -Two-way glass windows -A small table and chairs for up to six people -A comfortable atmosphere

-Is a setting available to observe the events or behaviors? -To what extent are the events or behaviors repetitious and frequently exhibited?

Identify the issues a researcher should consider when evaluating various methods of observing behaviors. -How much detail of the behavior needs to be recorded? -To what extent are the events or behaviors repetitious and frequently exhibited? -Is a setting available to observe the events or behaviors? -What types of behavior are relevant to the research problem?

-Rich detail that can be uncovered when concentrating on one participant at a time -Lower likelihood of participants responding in a manner that is socially desirable -Less cross talk that may restrict some people from participating in a focus group

Identify the major advantages of in-depth interviewing over focus groups. (Check all that apply.) -Wide-ranging participant responses that are elicited -Lower likelihood of participants responding in a manner that is socially desirable -Less cross talk that may restrict some people from participating in a focus group -Stimulating new ideas, thoughts, and feelings about a topic -Rich detail that can be uncovered when concentrating on one participant at a time

-It is the most widely used qualitative research method in marketing. -It is rooted in the behavioral sciences.

Identify the true statements about focus group research. (Check all that apply.) -It encourages group members to talk briefly on multiple topics. -It is the most widely used qualitative research method in marketing. -It typically lasts about seven to eight hours. -It is rooted in the behavioral sciences.

-Projective techniques were developed by clinical psychologists and can be used in conjunction with focus groups and in-depth interviews. -Interpretation is very complex in projective techniques

Identify the true statements about projective techniques. (Check all that apply.) -Projective techniques have a relatively low degree of subjectivity. -Projective techniques were developed by clinical psychologists and can be used in conjunction with focus groups and in-depth interviews. -Interpretation of data collected by projective techniques is independent of the background and experience of researchers. -Interpretation is very complex in projective techniques.

-The theory that emerges from it is often called grounded theory. -It is largely an inductive process.

Identify the true statements about qualitative data analysis. (Check all that apply.) -It is useful in calculating significant correlations between numerical data. -The analysis is seldom ongoing or iterative. -The theory that emerges from it is often called grounded theory. -It is largely an inductive process.

-In most cases, data are gathered in relatively short periods of time. -It helps researchers and clients get closer to their existing and potential customers than does quantitative research.

Identify the true statements about qualitative research. (Check all that apply.) -In most cases, data are gathered in relatively short periods of time. -In most cases, it is used with descriptive and causal research designs and occasionally with exploratory designs. -It provides data that are often statistically projectible to the target population of interest. -It helps researchers and clients get closer to their existing and potential customers than does quantitative research.

-They are most often used with descriptive and causal research designs. -Research problems are precise and well-defined. -They are often statistically projectible to the target population of interest.

Identify the true statements about quantitative research methods. -Their unstructured approach enables researchers to collect in-depth data about respondents' attitudes, beliefs, and emotions. -They are often statistically projectible to the target population of interest. -They are most often used with descriptive and causal research designs. -Research problems are precise and well defined. -Researchers usually collect detailed data from relatively small samples by observing behavior.

-It should introduce the research objectives -It should present the research problem

Identify the true statements about the content of the introductory portion of a qualitative research report. (Check all that apply.) -It should include evidence for assertions. -It should introduce the research objectives. -It should include quotes from research participants. -It should present the research problem.

-The accuracy of data is unknown because most automated techniques for classifying textual data are unproven. -The sample of people interacting about a brand may not be representative of consumer reactions in the target market because the sample is usually self-selected. -Some social media sites are not publicly available for researchers to mine.

Identify the weaknesses of social media monitoring. (Check all that apply.) -The findings are affected by the bias of interviewers and their questions. -The accuracy of data is unknown because most automated techniques for classifying textual data are unproven. -People who refuse to fill out surveys or agree to focus groups most often do not share their experiences with online social networks. -Some social media sites are not publicly available for researchers to mine. -The sample of people interacting about a brand may not be representative of consumer reactions in the target market because the sample is usually self-selected.

-Understand initial questions or problems

In the context of conducting in-depth interviews, what must researchers do before developing research questions? -Decide on the best environment for conducting interviews -Understand initial questions or problems -Greet respondents and put them at ease -Select and screen respondents

-It first occurs as researchers identify categories. -It is used to better understand the similarities and differences between two constructs of interest.

In the context of data reduction, identify the true statements about comparison. (Check all that apply.) -It first occurs as researchers identify categories. -It enables researchers to move from the identification of themes and categories to the development of theory. -It uncovers issues that the already collected data do not address. -It is used to better understand the similarities and differences between two constructs of interest.

-It is used to look at co-occurrences of themes in a study. -It provides a counterweight to biases that responses may bring to the analysis.

In the context of data reduction, which of the following are true of tabulation in qualitative analysis? (Check all that apply.) -It is used to look at co-occurrences of themes in a study. -It provides a counterweight to biases that responses may bring to the analysis. -It is used to work through collected data several times in order to modify early ideas. -It provides a way to generalize findings to the target population.

-They are especially suitable for web-based advertising of products and services.

In the context of qualitative data collection methods, identify a true statement about online focus groups. -Response rates are lower because of decreased convenience for participants. -They are especially suitable for web-based advertising of products and services. -They involve more social pressure than the traditional face-to-face method. -Participant responses tend to be longer than those of offline focus groups.

-Software can be used to slow down the responses of dominant group members and thus ensure that everyone gets a chance to participate. -Low-incidence populations are easier to reach online. -Responses tend to be more candid as there is less social pressure when participants are not face to face.

In the context of qualitative data collection methods, identify the features of online focus groups. (Check all that apply.) -Software can be used to slow down the responses of dominant group members and thus ensure that everyone gets a chance to participate. -Low-incidence populations are easier to reach online. -They are relatively slow to conduct because the focus group transcript must be prepared manually. -Asking follow-up questions is much easier than in traditional offline focus groups. -Responses tend to be more candid as there is less social pressure when participants are not face to face.

Categorization and coding Theory development Iteration and negative case analysis

In the context of the process of analyzing qualitative data, identify the interrelated processes of data reduction. (Check all that apply.) Triangulation Determination of emic validity Iteration and negative case analysis Categorization and coding Theory development

-have a distinct understanding of the objective of the study, a definition of the problem, and particular data requirements

In the planning phase of a focus group study, researchers must ______. -have a distinct understanding of the objective of the study, a definition of the problem, and particular data requirements -debrief all the important people involved in the study to compare notes and come to a conclusion about the study -ensure that all the participants of the focus group study participate in the discussion of given topics -analyze the data obtained from the participants of the study by using advanced content analysis techniques

Observing mechanism

It refers to how the activities, behavior, or events are observed and recorded.


It refers to the degree to which a trained observer or researcher actually observes the event or behavior as it occurs.


It refers to the degree to which people consciously know their behavior is being observed and recorded.


It refers to the degree to which the activities, behavior, or events to be observed are known to the researcher before doing the observations.

Case study research

Jenny, a researcher, focuses on only a few people for her research. She conducts in-depth research on them by tracking their thoughts using multiple interviews conducted over several weeks. Which data collection method is Jenny using?

theoretical sampling

Jill is conducting a study on the decision-making skills of middle managers of an organization. For this purpose, her initial focus group included middle managers of that organization. During her study, she found out that many decisions are influenced by lower level managers. She then decided to create a focus group with lower level managers, who were not initially considered for that study. In this scenario, Jill is using ______ to collect data.

14 to 16

Limited opportunity for individuals to contribute their opinions

bulletin boards

Mark, a researcher, goes to a classroom to collect data for a research project. He gives 25 students the details of a link to a forum in which they have to discuss the topics posted by him over a period of five days. To collect data, Mark is using a method called ______.

sentence completion tests

Projective techniques where participants are provided with a set of partial sentences and asked to complete them in their own words are called ___________ _____________ ___________

private communities

Purposed communities whose primary purpose is research are called _________ _____________

word association tests

Rachel, a researcher, is using projective techniques to collect qualitative data. She gives the subjects a list of terms: tree, river, house, knife, garden, and keys. She asks them to respond with the first thought that comes to their minds. Rachel is using ______ to collect data.

qualitative research

Research that involves the collection of data in the form of text or images using open-ended questions, observation, or "found" data is known as ___________ ____________

quantitative research

Research that places heavy emphasis on using formal standard questions and predetermined response options in questionnaires or surveys administered to large numbers of respondents is known as ___________ ____________


Researchers using quantitative methodology focus on statistical analysis and the ____________ of numbers.

theoretical sampling

Selecting sample members based on earlier interviews that indicate that specific types of participants will assist researchers better understand a research topic is called ______.


T/F: The goals/objectives for qualitative research include the validation of facts, estimates, and relationships.

content analysis

The systematic procedure of taking individual responses and grouping them into larger theme categories or patterns is called ______.

online community

The term "________________ ______________ " refers to a group of individuals with common interests who communicate via the Internet and interact together for a common purpose.

content analysis

To create meaningful findings from focus group discussions, qualitative researchers use ______.

Causal research

To examine cause-and-effect relationships among market variables that are specifically defined

Exploratory research

To find ideas and insights to better comprehend the problem

Descriptive research

To gather information that helps answer research questions Causal research matches

the Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET)

Trisha, a researcher using a projective technique to collect data, encourages research subjects to share their thoughts and feelings. She makes note of subconscious reactions to the research topic. To do this, she uses a visual research technique that involves in-depth interviewing. In this scenario, Trisha is using ______.


True or false: In most instances, the best place to conduct a face-to-face focus group interview is a professional focus group facility.


True or false: Observation methods require an observable behavior or event and a system of recording it.


True or false: Probes or follow-up questions should be included in a moderator's guide to assist the moderator elicit additional information.


True or false: The fundamental idea behind the focus group approach is that one individual's response will set off comments from other participants, thus creating synergy among group members.


True or false: When selecting and recruiting participants for a focus group, researchers should ensure that the participants typify the general makeup of the target population.

5 to 7

Unlikely to create synergy between group members

-They stimulate new thoughts, feelings, and ideas about a topic. -They allow the participation of clients -They bring out wide-ranging participant responses. -Hard-to-reach informants are brought together in focus group interviews.

What are the advantages of focus group interviews? (Check all that apply.) -The data collected is highly reliable and trustworthy irrespective of a researcher's insightfulness. -They bring out wide-ranging participant responses. -They stimulate new thoughts, feelings, and ideas about a topic. -They allow the participation of clients. -Findings from focus group interviews are easily generalizable to the target population. -Hard-to-reach informants are brought together in focus group interviews.

-Researchers can observe interactions between people unprompted by the potential bias of interviewers. -People who may not agree to focus groups or fill out surveys may share their experiences on social media platforms.

What are the advantages of using social media monitoring? (Check all that apply.) -Researchers can observe interactions between people unprompted by the potential bias of interviewers. -People who may not agree to focus groups or fill out surveys may share their experiences on social media platforms. -The accuracy of the collected data is known because most automated techniques for classifying textual data are proven. -The sample of people interacting about a brand or product is typically representative of consumer reactions in the target market.

-The results could be contaminated by group dynamics. -The trustworthiness of the interpretation of the data is dependent on the insightfulness and care of researchers. -The data has limited reliability.

What are the disadvantages of focus group interviews? (Check all that apply.) -The results could be contaminated by group dynamics. -They do not allow client participation. -The trustworthiness of the interpretation of the data is dependent on the insightfulness and care of researchers. -They do not inspire new ideas and thoughts or elicit wide-ranging participant responses. -The data has limited reliability.

-To make accurate predictions about relationships between behaviors and market factors -To obtain meaningful insights into relationships between market factors and behaviors -To validate relationships -To test research hypotheses

What are the main objectives of quantitative research? (Check all that apply.) -To test research hypotheses -To gain a preliminary understanding of relationships -To understand hidden psychological and social processes that influence consumers -To obtain meaningful insights into relationships between market factors and behaviors -To validate relationships -To make accurate predictions about relationships between behaviors and market factors

Exploratory Descriptive Causal

What are the major types of research designs? . Cohort Causal Historical Descriptive Exploratory

-He or she is responsible for generating positive group dynamics. -He or she must be able to activate and manage the direction of the group members' discussions over predetermined topics. -He or she must be able to ask the right questions.

What are the roles of a focus group moderator? (Check all that apply.) -He or she is responsible for creating an environment in which participants have to watch what they say and speak in an inhibited manner. -He or she is responsible for generating positive group dynamics. -He or she must be able to activate and manage the direction of the group members' discussions over predetermined topics. -He or she must be able to ask the right questions. -He or she must refrain from directly participating in the group's discussions.

The objective of the focus group

What ultimately determines whether online or face-to-face focus groups are the most relevant to use for a focus group study?

In-depth interviewing

Which of the following approaches is particularly good to use with projective techniques?

-Qualitative techniques allow decision makers to obtain firsthand experiences with customers. -Qualitative research methods often provide preliminary insights that are useful in developing ideas about how variables are related.

Which of the following are advantages of qualitative research? (Check all that apply.) -Qualitative research has a large sample size, and therefore the results are generalizable to a large population. -Qualitative techniques allow decision makers to obtain firsthand experiences with customers. -Qualitative research methods often provide preliminary insights that are useful in developing ideas about how variables are related. -Qualitative research data are highly reliable and do not involve the subjective interpretations of researchers.

-It is used to obtain preliminary insights into research problems. -It is used to explore more deeply into areas that quantitative research may be too superficial to access.

Which of the following are true of qualitative research? (Check all that apply.) -It is used to explore more deeply into areas that quantitative research may be too superficial to access. -It is used to make accurate predictions about relationships between market factors and behaviors. -It is used to obtain preliminary insights into research problems. -It is used to validate facts, estimates, and relationships.

Purposive sampling

Which of the following involves choosing sample members because they possess specific characteristics? -Purposive sampling -Convenience sampling -Theoretical sampling -Systematic sampling

It has low reliability.

Which of the following is a disadvantage of qualitative research?

-It has low reliability.

Which of the following is a disadvantage of qualitative research? -It provides only superficial data. -It costs more than quantitative research. -It is more time-consuming than quantitative research. -It has low reliability.

Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET)

Which of the following is a visual research technique used in in-depth interviewing that encourages research subjects to share emotional and subconscious reactions to a particular topic?

A stratified purposive sample

Which of the following is selected so that various target group members, such as low-income and high-income consumers, are included or to compare groups?

-They should generally avoid interrupting. -They should try to view the topic of discussion from a participant's point of view.

Which of the following should moderators do during the main session of focus group discussions? (Check all that apply.) -They should put forward their views on the topic of discussion before the session starts. -They should try to view the topic of discussion from a participant's point of view. -They should look to move from one topic of discussion to another very quickly. -They should generally avoid interrupting.

projective techniques

__________ _____________ are an indirect method of questioning that enables a participant to project beliefs and feelings onto a third party, into a task situation, or onto an inanimate object.

social mention

___________ ___________ is a social media search and analysis platform that aggregates user-generated content into a single stream of information for a common purpose.

observation research

___________ ____________ involves systematic observation and recording of behavioral trends of objects, people, events, and other phenomena.

purposed communities

_____________ ______________ are online social networks that may be specific to marketing research, or they may be broader brand communities, the primary objective of which is marketing.

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