Nutrition and drugs chapter 7

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Allergic reactions can result in what kind of shock?

Anaphylactic shock

What kind of amino acid cannot be synthesized by humans in sufficient amounts and must be included in the diet?

Essential amino acid

What breaks down polypeptides into shorter peptides and amino acids?

Trypsin and chymotrypsin

True or false: 13 is the most important nutrient class


People with celiac disease must avoid products with:


Rank the basic steps of proteins synthesis

1. DNA Unwinds exposing a gene 2. The gene undergoes transcription, forming messenger RNA 3. mRNA transfers the information from the nucleus to ribosomes 4. The ribosomes "read" The messenger RNA 5. RNA molecule conveys a particular amino acid to the ribosome 6. At the river some, the amino acid attaches to the peptide chain

Rank in order the steps involved in the digestion of protein beginning in the stomach

1. Denaturation by stomach acid and partial digestion by pepsin 2. The pancreas secretes protein-splitting enzymes 3. Final digestion occurs within absorption of cells 4. Amino acids enter the portal vein and travel to the liver 5. Rectum: very little dietary protein is excreted in feces

What is the process of protein digestion in correct order?

1. Digested proteins move from the stomach into the small intestine 2. Further digestion occurs as a pancreas secretes proteins splitting enzymes, including trypsin 3. Final digestion occurs within absorptive cells 4. Amino acids enter the portal vein and travel to the liver

Where are dipeptides and tripeptides broken into amino acids?

Absorptive cells

An immunologist is a physician who specializes in the treatment and diagnosis of...


What will prevent the absorption of nutrients, often leading to malnutrition?

Damaged villi

What is a ovovegetarian?

Eats eggs but no other animal Foods

What is a lactovegetarian?

Eats milk in the milk products but no animal flesh or eggs

The amino acid pool is an _______ source of nitrogen



Is a major stomach enzyme used for digesting proteins

What occurs when the amount of protein consumed equals the amount of protein lost?

Nitrogen equilibrium

A chemical attraction that connects to amino acids together is called:

Peptide bond

What is the term for the chemical bond formed between amino acid in a protein?

Peptide bond

What happens to the protein production when the supply or "pool" Of amino acids does not have one or more of the essential amino acid needed for constructing the protein?

Production of the protein stops

Amino acids are the building blocks of....


Nitrogen equilibrium occurs when...

Protein intake equals protein losses

What is tRNA Responsible for?

Responsible for bringing specific amino acids to the ribosomes as needed during protein synthesis

What are unproven diagnostic methods for allergies?

• electro dermal testing • hair analysis • diagnosis performed by an alternative medical practitioner

Rank the correct order for the steps of urea production and removal

1. deamination 2. Liver converts ammonia to urea 3. Urea is released into the blood 4. Can you pick up urea and illuminate it in the urine

Anemia, liver disease, osteoporosis, and infertility can result from untreated....

Celiac disease

Individuals who have experienced a serious viral infection or suffer severe emotional stress are at increased risk for....

Celiac disease

What type of disease results and the poor absorption of nutrients from the small intestine?

Celiac disease

what is PKU (phenylketonuria)

Is a rare genetic metabolic disorder that affects infants. It usually occurs when cells are unable to produce an enzyme that converts the essential amino acid phenyalanine to other compounds

What is a peptide bond?

Is an attraction between the acid group of one amino acid and the amino group of another amino acid

What is protein turnover

Is the process by which cells break down old proteins and re-synthesize new proteins so that the cell will have the proteins it needs to function at that time

When does protein undergo denaturation?

It undergoes denaturation when it is exposed to various conditions that alter the macronutrients natural folded and coiled shape.

What is a lactoovovegetarian?

It's milk and milk products and eggs but no other animal Foods

The study of how a persons genetic make up influences the way their body reacts to food is called...


The study of the interaction between diabetes and the development of obesity is an example of....


The study of how excess vitamin a consumption during pregnancy can cause birth defects in the developing embryo is an example of


The study of how the nutrients and other components and food can affect gene expression is called.....


The branch of science that studies the interactions between gene functioning, dietary choices and the environment is called

Nutritional genomics

During proteins synthesis, the mRNA moves where after leaving the nucleus?


What is transamination?

The process of transferring a nitrogen containing group to another substance to make an amino acid

The process of transferring a nitrogen containing group to another substance to make an amino acid is called:


True or false: every sell contains protein


A _____ amino acid cannot be synthesized by humans in sufficient amounts, or at all, and must be included in the diet

• essential • indispensable

What are the potential causes of denaturation?

• heat • stomach acid

Forms of PEM include

• kwashiorkor • marasmus

A crescent shaped blood cell is indicative of:

• sickle cell anemia • genetic disorder • faulty DNA code

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