Massive Quizlet Precalculus

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power function

a function of the form y=ax^b, where a is a real number and b is a rational number

rational function

a function whose rule can be written as a rational expression

Horizontal Asymptote

a horizontal line that the curve approaches but never reaches

infinite limit

a limit in which f(x) increases or decreases without bound as x approaches c


a line generated by a point on a circle rolling along a straight line

transverse axis

a line running laterally, across the body (from side to side)

common logarithm

a logarithm with base 10

natural logarithm

a logarithm with base e

nonsingular matrix

a matrix that is invertible

Cramer's Rule

a method that uses determinants to solve a system of linear equations

digits and common logarithms

a positive number K has (n+1) digits if and only if log K is in the interval [n, n+1)

arithmetic sequence

a sequence in which each term is found by adding the same number to the previous term

geometric sequence

a sequence in which each term is found by multiplying the previous term by the same number

finite sequence

a sequence that comes to an end

infinite sequence

a sequence that continues without end


a series of equal regular deposits

identity matrix

a square matrix that, when multiplied by another matrix, equals that same matrix

principal axis

a straight line perpendicular to the surface of a mirror that divides the mirror in half

Descartes' Rule of Signs

a technique for finding the number of positive and negative roots to a polynomial equation with real coefficients

directly proportional

a term used to describe the relationship between two variables whose graph is a straight line passing through the point (0,0)


an alteration; a rearrangement of elements, especially in mathematics

polar equation

an equation expressed in terms of polar coordinates


an open curve formed by a plane that cuts the base of a right circular cone





polynomial factors

if divide polynomial by equation and do not get remainder then is a factor

Conjugate Pairs Theorem

in a polynomial function, if (a+bι) is a zero, then (a-bι) is a zero

change of base formula


apparent magnitude

m2 -m1 =2.5 log a(b1/b2)

Richter scale

m=log(I/I 0)

rotation of axes

one of the steps in coordinate transformation involving a rotation of the meridian of the reference coordinate system

direction of increasing parameter

path of particle thats moving

Domain of f⁻¹

range of f

varies inversely

relationship between two variables whose graph forms a curve that slopes downward from left to right

arc length formula


Even/Odd Identities

sin(-x) = - sin x cos(-x) = cos x tan (-x) = - tan x csc (-x) = - csc x sec (-x) = sec x cot (-x) = - cot x

Double Angle Formulas

sin(2x)=2sin(x)cos(x) cos(2x)=cos^2-sin^2 =1-2sin^2 =2cos^2-1 tan(2x)=2tanx/1-tan^2

sum and difference formulas for sine

sin(u+v)=sin u cos v+cos u sin v sin(u-v)=sin u cos v-cos u sin v

Power-Reducing Formulas

sin^2 x = (1 - cos 2x)/(2) cos^2 x = (1 + cos 2x) tan^2 x = (1 - cos 2x)/(1 + cos 2x)

Pythagorean Identities

sin^2x+cos^2x=1 1+tan^2x=sec^2x 1+cot^2x=csc^2x

Product to Sum Formulas

sinx sin y = 1/2 [cos(x - y) - cos(x + y)] cosx cos y = 1/2 [cos(x - y) + cos(x + y)] sinx cos y = 1/2 [sin(x + y) + sin(x - y)] cos x sin y = 1/2 [sin(x + y) - sin(x - y)]

Pythagorean Identity

sin²θ + cos²θ = 1

Reciprocal Identities

sinθ = 1/cscθ ; cscθ = 1/sinθ cosθ = 1/secθ ; secθ = 1/cosθ tanθ = 1/cotθ ; cotθ = 1/tanθ


something that comes from another source

Sum Formula for Tangent


Difference Formula for Tangent


Quotient Identities

tanθ = sinθ/cosθ cotθ = cosθ/sinθ

reference angle

the acute angle formed by the terminal side of an angle in standard position and the x-axis

terminal point

the ending point of a vector


the graph of a quadratic function

the graph of f(x)=ax^2 is obtained from

the graph of the squaring function s(x)=x^2

index of summation

the letter used in the summation symbol sigma

nominal rate

the original interest rate

Sign of Polynomial Function

the polynomial function p(x) will have a constant sign on each interval formed by the real zeros of p(x) plotted on a number line.

Number of Combinations

the product of the number of things of each type

the squaring function s(x)=x^2

the quadratic function F(x)=ax^2+bx+c with a=1 ,b=0, c=0

minor axis

the shorter axis of an ellipse

initial point

the starting point of a vector

value of an annuity

the sum of all payments and interest

domain of sine and cosine



(geometry) a curve generated by the intersection of a plane and a circular cone

arithmetic progression

(mathematics) a progression in which a constant is added to each term in order to obtain the next term


(n.) a determining or characteristic element; a factor that shapes the total outcome; a limit, boundary

standard form for equation of a circle

(x-h)^2 + (y-k)^2 = r^2

Horizontal Ellipse

(x-h)^2/a^2 + (y-k)^2/b^2 = 1

Find the vertex of f(x)=ax^2+bx+c, a=-0

1.find x-coordinate h=-b/2a of the vertex 2.calculate k=f(-b/2a) to find its y-coordinate

conjugate axis


Period of Sine and Cosine Functions

Latus Rectum of Parabola


Graph of a Quadratic Function

A U-shaped curve called a parabola

focus of a parabola

A fixed point F used with a directrix to define a parabola

Number of zeros theorem

A function defined by a polynomial of degree n has at most n distinct zeros

Quadratic Function

A function that can be written in the form f(x) = ax2+bx+c, where a,b,and c are real numbers and a ≠ 0

quadratic function

A function that can be written in the form f(x) = ax2+bx+c, where a,b,and c are real numbers and a ≠ 0

graph of an equation

A graph of the set of ordered pairs that are solutions of the equation.

secant line

A line that intersects a circle in two points

parametric equations

A pair of equations that define the x and y coordinates of a point in terms of a third variable called a parameter.

Factor Theorem

A polynomial f(x) has a factor x - k if and only if f(k) = 0

Binomial Theorem

A way in which to write binomials in expanded form

compound interest


complex zero

According to the Fundamental Theorem, every polynomial function has at least one...

matrix equation

An equation in which the variable is a matrix.

logarithmic equation

An equation that contains one or more logarithms

area of a sector

Area of a Sector = (central angle/360) x πr²

general form of the equation of a line

Ax + By + C = 0

Decomposition of a function

Bringing a function back to its base form

Fundamental Theorem of Algebra

Every polynomial equation with degree greater than zero has at least one root in the set of complex numbers.

rational zeros theorem

For any polynomial function, with integral coefficients, if P/Q is a zero, then P is a factor of the constant and Q is a factor of the leading coefficient.

Trigonometric Functions

Functions that manipulate quantitative data in a worksheet.


Height of a wave

simple interest


binomial coefficient

The number of ways of arranging k successes among n observations

lowest terms

When a fraction is expressed with the fewest possible pieces, it is in lowest terms. (Also called simplest form.)

slant asymptote

When the degrees of the numerator is ONE larger than the denominator

Complex polynomial

When we want to emphasize that complex numbers may be used in this way,

range of sine and cosine


the unit circle

a circle with a radius of 1, centered at the origin, x^2+y^2=1

polynomial function

a continuous function that can be described by a polynomial equation in one variable

determinant of a 2x2 matrix


lower limit

bottom of the range of possible values that a measurement on a quantitative variable can have

sum and difference formulas for cosine

cos(u+v)=cos u cos v-sin u sin v cos(u-v)=cos u cos v+sin u sin v

Distance Formula

d = √[( x₂ - x₁)² + (y₂ - y₁)²]

rectangular equation

equation in terms of x and y

mutually exclusive events

events that cannot happen at the same time

Odd function


Odd functions


Even function


Even functions


standard form of a quadratic function

f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c

natural exponential function


Identity function


Difference Quotient


Inverse Function notation



fixed points at the centers of an ellipse

Polynomial Inequality

has the general form f(x) < 0 or f(x) > 0

focal diameter

length of latus rectum

Tangent as slope




relative frequency

number of times an allele occurs in a gene pool compared with the number of times other alleles occur

exponential form

numbers written with exponents




of or pertaining to Descartes

the graph of g(x)=ax^2 is the reflection

of the graph of f(x)=|a|x^2

Partial Fractions

one of the fractions that was added or subtracted to result in a given rational expression

pH scale formula


vertical asymptote

set denominator equal to zero

plane curve

set of points that can be drawn without lifting the pencil

Cofunction Identities

sin (π/2 - x) = cos x cos (π/2 - x) = sin x tan (π/2 - x) = cot x cot (π/2 - x) = tan x sec (π/2 - x) = csc x csc (π/2 - x) = sec x

Sum to Product Formulas

sin x + sin y = 2sin(x + y)/(2) cos(x -y)/(2) sin x - sin y = 2cos(x + y)/(2) sin (x - y)/(2) cos x + cos y = 2cos(x + y)/(2) cos(x - y)/(2) cos x - cos y = -2 sin(x + y)/(2) sin(x - y)/(2)

Half Angle Formulas

sin x/2 = + or - √(1 - cos x)/2 cos x/2 = + or - √1 + cos x)/2 tan x/2 = (1 - cos x)/(sin x) or (sin x)/(1 + cos x)

circular functions

trigonometric functions of an angle defined using the unit circle

inverse function

two functions f and g are inverse functions if and only if both of their compositions are the identity function

coding matrix

way to see coding intersections between two lists of items in your project

Leontief input-output model

x = Cx + d

Basic Trigonometric Functions

x =a+2np or x =1p-a2 +2np x =a+2np or x =12p-a2 +2np x =a+np

two-intercept form

x/a + y/b = 1

general form of the equation of a circle


standard form of the equation of a hyperbola


general equation of a parabola

y = a(x - h)2 + k

Equation of a tangent line


direct variation


joint variation


The amplitude of a sine wave is its:

zero to maximum

inversely proportional

A term used to describe the relationship between two variables whose product is constant.

singular matrix

A singular matrix is a square matrix with no inverse. It's determinant is zero.

general equation of an ellipse

(x-h)^2/a^2 + (y-k)^2/b^2 = 1

Vertical Ellipse

(x-h)^2/b^2 + (y-k)^2/a^2 = 1

standard equation of a parabola


midpoint formula

(x₁+x₂)/2, (y₁+y₂)/2

Reflecting Property of Ellipses

A ray of light originating at one focus will be reflected to the other focus

Fibonacci sequence

A sequence of numbers in which each number is the sum of the preceding two.

geometric progression

A sequence of numbers in which the ratio of one number to its predecessor is always the same

Remainder Theorem

If a polynomial f(x) is divided by x-k, the remainder is r=f(k)

reduction formula

If α is an angle in standard position whose terminal side contains (a,b), then for any real number x: a sin x + b cos x = √(a² + b²) sin(x + α)

major axis

Line through the widest part of an ellipse

the additive rule

P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A and B)

probability of the complement

P(A') = 1 - P(A)

experimental probability

Probability that is based on repeated trials of an experiment

Particular Term in a Binomial Theorem

Term containing the factor x^r in expansion of (x+y)ⁿ is (ⁿₙ-r)x^r(yⁿ⁻r)


The point of intersection of two sides of a polygon. The point of intersection of three edges of a space figure.


The process of choosing values for the parameters in a model.

Multiplicative Inverse

The reciprocal of a number

power growth model

The regression line and power model are shown with their corresponding scatterplots

Triangle Inequality Theorem

The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the length of the third side.


The two symmetrical parts of a hyperbola

Fundamental Counting Principle

Uses multiplication of the number of ways each event in an experiment can occur to find the number of possible outcomes in a sample space.

Theoretical Probability

What should occur or what we expect to happen in an experiment


a fixed line that is equidistant from the vertex as the focus is to the vertex

logarithmic function

a function of the form f(x)=logbX, where b≠1 and b>0, which is the inverse of the exponential function f(x)=b^X

upper limit

the top of the range of possible values that a measurement on a quantitative variable can have

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