Media and Society

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The ownership of several major U.S. media corporations by foreign companies is an example of

Globalization of media

Some people consider ______ the "Father of Radio" because he was the first person to send radio waves over long distances

Guglielmo Marconi

Increasing the amount of advertising and mixing commercial and noncommercial content is known as


Every Avengers movie hits the big screen with existing story lines, recognizable imaginary worlds, and characters familiar not only from earlier films but also from the comic books that spawned them. They also have a built-in fan base. As such, they are a perfect example of

IP (intellectual property) movies

Communication between two or a few people is

Interpersonal Communication

The false and malicious publication of material that damages a person's reputation (typically applied to print media) is


Large, hierarchically structured organizations are typical of

Mass Communication

The ability to effectively and efficiently comprehend and use any form of mediated communication is

Media Literacy

Homework's due tomorrow, so you're on your computer; to help you relax, you're streaming your favorite music on your phone; you check Facebook every few minutes to see what's happening with your pals; and in the corner, the TV shows you that the Celts lead the Bulls by 12 at the half. You are

Media multitasking

A culture's fundamental values are its


Tailoring media content to specific audiences that possess characteristics of interest to specific advertisers is a strategy known as

Narrowcasting or niche marketing

The Great Train Robbery is often credited with setting off the explosion of movie houses around 1905. The cost was five cents to see a movie at a


The first workable device for generating electrical signals suitable for the transmission of a visual was the

Nipkow disc

Anything that interferes with successful communication is said to be


The fact that people increasingly have no preference for where they access their media content suggests that they are becoming

Platform Agnostic

The power of the government to prevent the publication or broadcast of expression is called

Prior Restraint

The making of movies is


After the sinking of the Titanic, the U.S. Congress passed the ______, mandating among other things that wireless operators be licensed by the secretary of commerce and labor

Radio Act of 1912

Culture is the world made meaningful; it is socially constructed and maintained through communication. It limits as well as liberates us; it differentiates as well as unites us. It defines our realities and thereby

Shapes the ways we think, feel, and act

The guarantee to a fair trial is secured in the ______ Amendment to the Constitution


The vast majority of the recording industry's revenues (more than 80%) is generated by


The idea that machines and their development drive economic and cultural change is

Technological Determinism

The Radio Act of 1927 ensured that the airwaves belonged to

The Public

The first "talking machine", or sound-recording method, was developed in 1887 by

Thomas Edison

Recording a television show on a home VCR or DVR for later viewing is called


A movie that can be described in one line is a concept film


Different bounded cultures can share a common dominant culture


Evening news, documentary, horror film, and gossip magazine are examples of genres


If telephone service can be delivered by the same cable that brings television into the home, so can the Internet


If you explain an idea to a friend in a letter, you have encoded your message


In radio, the dollars earned from the sale of air time are called billings


Media literacy is a skill that can be acquired and developed


Much of smartphone and tablet listening occurs via social networking sites' streaming services


News deserts are areas starved for news vital to their existences


Social cognitive theorists consider identification to be a special form of imitation


The frequency of movie going for young people has been in decline for some time now


The uses and gratifications approach is interested in what people do with media rather than in what media do to people


In 1908, Thomas Edison united the 10 companies that held all the necessary patents for film production into the Motion Picture Patents Company (MPPC), which was often simply called the


The Gutenberg printing press was an advance over earlier printing presses, because it

Used metal type and was designed for the production of large numbers of volumes

Fast-forwarding through commercials on a recorded television show is called


During the ______ era of mass communication theory, the media were believed to be corrupting influences that undermined the social order, and "average" people were considered defenseless against their influence

mass society theory

In mass communication theory, the_______ argues that active audience members use media content to create meaning, and meaningful experiences, for themselves

meaning-making perspective

Media effects on individuals are said to be

micro-level effects

Lucille Ball's insistence that she, rather than CBS, own the rights to her television program set the stage not only for reruns but also for

the creation of the syndication industry

The "free" channels provided automatically to all cable subscribers are called

Basic Cable

You just watched 5 episodes of Stranger Things in one long Saturday night. You have engaged in...

Binge Watching

Modern filmmaking characterized by reduced risk taking and formulaic movies is called

Blockbuster Mentality

The ownership of the vast majority of the media in the U.S. by only five companies is known as

Concentration of media ownership

The process of recording images on polished metal plates covered with an emulsion of silver iodide is called


The culture that seems to hold sway with the majority of a given people is the ________ culture


Convergence refers to the collecting, or converging, of many media companies into a few large corporations


More people listen to AM radio than FM radio


Skeleton papers are once-prospering newspapers cut to bare bones in an effort to maximize profits


The physiological phenomenon in which images gathered by our eyes are retained by our brains for about one twenty-fourth of a second is called rapid eye movement


The three primary activities of the film industry are production, distribution, and promotion


When a professor lectures to a large class of students, this is an example of mass communication


Whereas the movie industry may have easily succumbed to pressure from the Red hunters of the McCarthy era, the television industry resisted gallantly


You have never had a television in your apartment, choosing to watch video from streaming services and other providers on your laptop and mobile devices. Which of the following groups do you belong to

A zero-TV home

Audiences for specific media content becoming smaller and more defined is known as

Audience Fragmentation

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