Medical Assistant Physical Exam Positions

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Sims' (Lateral)

Patients lies on the their left side with the left arm behind the body and right arm forward, flexed at the elbow. Both legs flexed at knee and the right leg is sharply flexed and positioned next to the left leg, which is slightly flexed. Used to rectal examination, treatments and enemas


Patients lies supine position with foot of the table elevated. Treatment for shock or abdominal surgery


Female patients assume the dorsal recumbent position with feet in the stirrups. Knees are bent and butt moved to the edge of the exam table. Used for pap smear and pelvic exams

Fowler's Position

Fowler's positions are tilted back. In medicine, Fowler's position is a standard patient position. It is an intervention used to promote oxygenation via maximum chest expansion and is implemented during events of respiratory distress.

Knee-chest (genupectoral)

Have the patient put their butt in the air like a five year old. Used for proctologic exams


Have your patient put their butt in the air but put the exam table in a more sharp position like they are being alien probe. Used for proctologic exams (Colorectal surgery is a field in medicine, dealing with disorders of the rectum, anus, and colon.)

Dorsal recumbent

Patient is in supine position with legs flexed at the knees and feet flat on table. Used for genital and rectum exam

Supine (horizontal recumbent)

Patient laying flat on back with arms at side. Used for examination of chest, heart and abdomen


Patient lies flat on their stomach with the head turned slightly to the side. Arms can be positioned above the head and extended or alongside the body. Used for Back or neck procedures (cervical to sacral), Procedures of the occipital or postero-lateral cranium Sacral, perianal & perineal procedures

Jackknife (reclining)

Patient lies on the back with shoulders elevated, knees flexed, thighs flexed at right angles to the trunk. Used for when passing a urethral sound

Erect Standing (anatomic)

Patient stands upright with arms at sides and palms facing forward

Sitting Position

Pretty self explanatory. Patients sits at end of exam table with feet over edge.

Semi Fowlers

Same as fowlers except at 45 degrees

High fowlers position

Same as fowlers except at 90 degrees. Basically the same as fowlers

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