Medical Law and ethics chapter 4

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Which of the following are functions of senate?

Approve or disapprove any treaties the president makes. Approve or disapprove any people the president recommends for jobs. Hold an impeachment trial for a government official who commits a crime against the country.

Which of the following is considered under the state criminal offence?

Arson, robbery, practicing medicine without a license.

The division of powers and responsibilities within all of the branches of government ensures a system of ______________ and _______________ to keep one branch from assuming too much power.

Checks and balances

Which of the following provides protections from wrongful acts of another person?

Civil Law

Which Power is exclusive to the state goverment?

Conduct elections

Which Power is exclusive to the state government?

Conduct elections

Which of the following are functions of the. national government?

Establish post offices and print money

Which for which reasons can a physician stop seeing a patient?

Failure to pay for services, Failure to follow physicians instructions, Failure to keep scheduled appointments

To be legally binding how many elements must be present in a contract?


What agencies would follow regulations enacted by administrative law?


Which contract is created by the conduct of the parties?


What does the house of representatives have power to do?

Introduces legislation that compels people to pay taxes.

Which of the following is considered a Federal criminal offense?


What is statutory law?

Law passed by the U.S. Congress or state legislatures

What are the courts decisions that were written down and later referred to as past cases by judges to help them make descisions?

Legal precedents

What are the 3 branches of goverment?

Legislative, Executive, Judicial

What does the federal court system typically oversee?

Patents, Admiralty, anti trust law

which legislation has also provided protections for consumers when dealing with insurers ?

Patient protection and affordable care act (ACA)

Laws that require law enforcement officers to read suspects their rights (the miranda warning) and govern the arrest and trial process are....

Procedural laws

If the conduct of the person committing the tort is judged to be malicious, what may be rewarded?

Punitive damages

What governs the administrations of health care and all other national matters derived from powers and responsibilities

The 3 branches of government

What entities are able to create administrative law

The president, State Legislatures and congress

Which term is defined as a civil wrong committed against a person or property, excluding breach of contract?


Which court hears cases from citizens involving claims against the federal government?

U.S claims court

What document delegates powers of responsibilities to the three branches of government?

U.S constitution

What is the highest court in the United states?

U.S supreme court

in order the properly terminate the physician- Patient relationship, the physician must give the patient formal ___________ notice that he is withdrawing the case.


What type of court would hear a court martial>

court of military appeals

what law involves offenses against state or sovereignty, committed or omitted , in violation of public law forbidding or commanding them?


What does procedural law define?

defines the rules used to enforce substantive law

what type of family matters are involved in a civil suit?

divorce, child support

A contract that is explicitly stated in written or spoken words is an

expressed contract

What are the main types of contracts

implied and expressed

Under the principles of negligence when does civil liability exists?

in cases in which the act is judicially determined to be wrongful

For what reasons could the courts review statutes ?

interpretations application constitutionality

What is administrative law?

it enables statutes enacted to define powers and procedures when an agency is created.

What do typical court systems consist of?

local, trial and appellate courts


one who commits a tort

What are creditor practices governed by?


Who can change legal precedents?

the court that made the original decision or a higher court.

What was the name of the brochure that was formally known as the patient bill of rights?

the patient care partnership

The body of criminal law involves a crime against who?

the state

True or false. Legal precedents are the rule of law applying to future cases?


Which of the following are types of torts?

unintentional and intensional

which year was the patients bill of rights created?


Checks and Balances exists to ensure that the power is equally distributed between how many branches of goverment?


what must be written credit agreement between physician and patient?

any interest charges to be made, the amount of each payment and the date its due

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