Medieval Europe lesson 3 Kingdoms & Crusades, Lesson 4 Culture and the Church, lesson 5 The Late Middle Ages - AL

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How were monks and friars similar but different from each other?

-Friars and monks took vows of chastity, poverty and obedience -Unlike monks, friars didn't live apart from the world in monasteries

During the Middle Ages, what were two popular types of vernacular literature and a description for each type?

1. Troubadour poetry- love poems, especially about the love of a knight for a lady. 2. Heroic epic- told stories of bold knights fighting in the service of kings & lords.

William Duke of Normandy

1066 invaded England claiming the English throne in the Battle of Hastings. He won the battle of hastings by surrounding the tired army of Harold Godwinson and shooting him in the eye with an arrow.

Domesday Book

A book that was created by William the Conqueror to record the taxes. It created a census of the people and every person, and farm animal in England were counted & recorded to be the first census in this book to help create taxes.

Who is Roland?

A character in a heroic epic "The Song of Roland"; Roland is a brave knight who fights in the service of Charlemagne against Muslims

grand jury

A group of citizens that meets to decide whether people should be accused of a crime.

Hildegard of Bingen

Abbess of a religious house in Western Germany; one of first important women composesrs and contributor to Gregorian chant; had visions and was mystic and prophet to kings, popes, emperors, priests

Why did the writings and ideas of Aristotle disturb some medieval Christians?

Because he used reason, rather than faith, to reach his conclusions

Why did William believe that he was the rightful king of England?

Because he was a relative of the Anglo-Saxon kings

Why did the rulers of Moscow work with the Mongols?

Because the Mongols gave them the right to collect taxes. When territories couldn't pay, Moscow rulers took control and expanded it's territory little by little.

How is a grand jury different from a trial jury?

Both are made up of average people but A grand jury helps determine whether charges should be brought against a suspect, while a trial jury renders a verdict at the criminal trial itself. Put differently, a grand jury hands down an indictment at the beginning of a case, while a trial jury decides guilt or innocence at the very end (not counting the appeal process).

How were Gothic churches different than Romanesque churches?

Gothic churches we taller and had more space.

Manga Carta

Great Charter- limited kings power over nobles. It forced the king to uphold the rights of freemen, including the right to fair trials by jury.

Why do you think a teenage girl like Joan of Arc was able to inspire the French troops and lead them into battle?

Her faith (guided by the voices of three saints) stirred the French soldiers to defeat the English a free the city of Orleans.

How did the Black Death affect Europe during the Late Middle Ages?

It affected the economy, with so many deaths, trade declined. Wages rose because of the high demand for workers but with fewer people there was less demand for food and food prices fell. It weakened feudalism.

How did the Magna Carta limit the power of the king of England?

It limited royal power because the king had to obey the law, & uphold the right of freemen, including right to fair trials by jury; it benefited all people.

circuit judges

Judges who traveled throughout the country to hear cases, brought the king's law to all parts of England.

How did cities of Kiev and Moscow become centers of powerful Slavic states?

Kiev grew wealthy from its river trade with Scandinavia and the Byzantine empire. In 988 the Rus ruler Vladimir married the sister of the Byzantine emperor. Priests came to teach religious rituals and the art of painting icons. Moscow became a large city after settlements moved into the area. Moscow was at the crossroads of trade routes. Moscow expanded its territory when territories couldn't provide tax money or soldiers.

Ivan III

Moscow prince who led rebellion against Mongol rule, referred to as a czar which means "emperor" in Russian, started establishing a huge empire.

How did the Catholic Church affect the lives of medieval Europeans?

Most people attended mass on Sundays and holy days and took part in sacraments like Holy Communion. People would pray to saints to ask for God's favor; Mary, mother of Jesus the most honored.

Harold Godwinson

Most powerful noble, became king of england in 1066, ruled for brief time until defeated and killed at the Battle of Hastings

According to Thomas Aquinas , what basic right does natural law give to people?

Natural law- the right to live, to learn, to worship and to marry

How did the kings of France increase their power?

Philip II regained some French land from England.

In what ways did the Muslims develop a rich culture in Spain & Portugal before they were forced out of those lands?

Set up schools & built beautiful mosques and palaces, like Alhambra in Granada.

After the Battle of Orleans, what happened to Joan of Arc?

The English army captured her and accused her of being a witch and was burned at the stake for heresy.

How was the Estates-General of France different from England's parliament?

The Estates-General included the townspeople and peasants, while England's parliament did not.

Two well known orders of friars

The Franciscans and the Dominicans

How was the king's power strengthened and then limited in medieval England?

The Magna Carta weakened the power of the government over time, by saying that the people have rights, and that the power of the government should be limited.

What was one way the crusades changed Christian Europe?

The crusades ensured that Christianity would be the major religion of Europe.

How did the Black Death spread?

The illness was caused by a type of bacteria spread by fleas, and rats carried these fleas through trading to different areas.


The power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behavior

How did Ferdinand and Isabella treat those of Muslim and Jewish faiths?

They believed even though the Jews said they converted to be Christian that they secretly practiced Judaism so to force obedience to the Catholic Church they put the Spanish Inquisition in place which tried & tortured thousand who were accused of being disloyal to the Catholic Church in Spain. So Jews were ordered to convert or leave Spain, so most left. Then after Spain conquered Granada, Muslims were given the same choice and they left for North Africa and chose not to convert to Catholicism.

Why did Western Europeans go on crusades?

They were told to go by the pope, in the name of their religion. To capture Jerusalem and free the Holy Land from the Muslims.

Why was it important that literature was written in everyday language?

To appeal to more people, the common as opposed to just the educated people.

King Alfred of Wessex

Unified England, was known as Alfred the Great

What was the major cause of the Hundred Years' War?

When King Edward III of England declared himself king of France and invaded that country.

Bernard of Clairvaux

a Cistercian monk who wrote and preached extensively on the spiritual life


a country's system for the making, selling, and buying of goods and services


a disease that spreads quickly and kills many people

trial jury

a group of citizens that decides whether an accused person is innocent or guilty


a way of thinking that combined faith and reason

What modern-day languages were part of the vernacular languages of Europe?

educated people began to write in the vernacular, as well as in Latin

What architecture innovation replaced the heavy walls of Romanesque buildings ?

flying buttresses

Anti -Semitism

hostility toward or discrimination against Jews


ideas that go against church teachings

Cistercian monks

monks who wanted less riches and a more spiritual, simpler way of life. They developed new farming methods.

What concept did Thomas Aquinas stress in his writings about government?

natural, or the idea that some laws have authority from nature


religious worship service for catholic Christians


religious worship service for the catholic Christians

King Henry II of England

set up central royal court with lawyers, judges, a body of common law, and the grand and trial jury

What was the main idea behind scholasticism?

that ideas accepted on faith did not have to contradict ideas develops by reasons


the Christian "reconquest" of the Iberian Peninsula


the study of religious faith practice and experience

How did some people change the church?

they started new religious orders

What was a popular type of vernacular literature?

troubadour poetry and the heroic epic

How did disputes and wars change societies in Europe during the Late Middle Ages?

~Disputes in the church weakened its authority. ~The hundred years' war caused conflict between English monarchs and France kings and caused Europe to be torn apart politically ~the Reconquista happened where Christians drove out Muslims and then caused the Spanish Inquisition and led to most Jews leaving the area and Muslims left for North Africa

What types of learning and art developed during the Middle Ages?

~Gothic style of architecture, churches were taller & had more space than Romanesque churches. ~ Also universities like today started ~a new way of thinking, scholasticism which combined faith and reason- Thomas Aquila's became its greatest thinker. ~writers created literature in the vernacular (English, Italian, Spanish, & German) instead of just Latin.

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