MGMT 3030 Ch 4 SB

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Which of the following is not true?

Followers always have less influence over the rest of the group than the leader does.

In the context of influence tactics, when an agent attempts to get a target person in a good mood before making a request, ____ occurs


A policeman giving a ticket is an example of ____ power.


A minister's impassioned plea to members of a congregation about the good works that could be accomplished if a proposed addition to the church were built is an example of an influence tactic called _____.

inspirational appeal

An agent makes requests to targets based on his or her position or authority. This scenario exemplifies an influence tactic called _____.

legitimizing tactic

According to the text, how people vary in their motivation to influence and control others refers to _______..

need for power

All of the following are bases of power except ____ power.


The Stanford prison experiment highlighted the role of the ____ in the leader power equation.


Individuals who are relatively selfish, impulsive, uninhibited, and lacking in self-control have a high need for which type of power?

Personalized power

Which of the following are nonverbal gestures of power?

Staring Touching Pointing

Which of the following is not true of female managers?

They are more likely to act out of self-interest.

True or false: Effective leaders know how the influence tactics they use affect others.


Several significant people in an alcoholic's life, such as spouse, children, employer, or neighbor, agree to confront the alcoholic in unison about the many dimensions of his or her problem. This is an example of an influence tactic called _____.

coalition tactic

Cult leader Jim Jones is an example of a leader using _____ power.


A coach deciding who will play in a game is an example of ____ power being exercised.


An individual's formal or official authority is called ______ power.


The status differential between members of a group is called the _____.

pecking order

The capacity to produce effects on others or the potential to influence others refers to _____


A politician's adviser explains how demographic changes in the politician's district make it important for the politician to spend relatively more time in the district seeing constituents than he or she has in the recent past. In the context of influence tactics, this scenario is most likely an example of _____.

rational persuasion

An agent uses logical arguments or factual evidence to influence others. This scenario exemplifies an influence tactic called _____.

rational persuasion

The potential influence one has due to the strength of the relationship between the leader and the follower is referred to as _____ power


Coercive power can be thought of as being the opposite of ______ power.


Employee of the month and special parking spots are examples of using ____ power to influence behavior.


The potential to influence others due to one's control over desired resources is ____ power


In his classic study, Stanley Milgram found that some ____% of individuals followed the requests of their "boss" even though doing so may have gone against their own personal beliefs.


Who has the greater capacity to influence followers?

Leaders who have the ability to use rewards and punishments.

True or false: Good leaders are open to being influenced by subordinates.


Agents ask another to do a favor out of friendship. In this scenario, the agents use an influence tactic called _____.

personal appeal

A judge who gives Samuel, a convicted prisoner, a suspended sentence but tells him to consider the suspension a "sword hanging over his head" if he breaks the law again is using an influence tactic called _____.

pressure tactic

An agent uses threats or persistent reminders to influence targets. This scenario exemplifies an influence tactic called _____.

pressure tactic

Which of the following is likely to have the least amount of power?

A policeman dressed in regular clothes

True or false: Stanley Milgram found that many people will obey an authority figure even when doing so is in conflict with their conscience.


Match the situations of team leaders choosing influence tactics (in the left column) with their descriptions (in the right column). Instructions

Choosing an influence tactic thinking an act would improve an employee's self-esteem or morale : Frequently associated with successful influence attempts Choosing an influence tactic because it followed company policy and choosing one because it was a way to put a subordinate in his place : Frequently mentioned as reasons for unsuccessful influence attempts

The actions of the Taliban against women in Afghanistan is an example of using which type of power?


____ power is the power of knowledge.


True or false: Male managers are more likely to involve others when developing strategy.


True or false: McClelland found that individuals with a high need for power are guaranteed leadership success.


____ is the actual change in a target person's attitudes, values, beliefs, or behaviors.


Which types of power are best for a leader to use?

It depends on the situation.

_____ power is primarily a function of the situation.


Match the categories of influence tactics used by agents (in the left column) with the tactics included in them (in the right column). Hard tactics Soft tactics Rational tactics

Legitimizing or pressure tactics Ingratiation Exchange

Studies by McClelland and also by Miner use which method of assessing the need for power?

Projective personality tests

As a result of his decisions in his personal life, Tiger Woods lost which type of power?


In the context of influence tactics, identify a feature of coalition tactics that is different from that of consultation.

They are used when agents seek the aid or support of others to influence a target.

A minister establishes a committee of church members to help plan the layout and use of a new church addition. In this scenario, the minister uses an influence tactic called _____.


An agent asks a target to participate in planning an activity. In this scenario, the agent uses an influence tactic called _____.


An agent influences a target by giving and taking favors. This scenario exemplifies an influence tactic called


Two politicians agree to vote for each other's pet legislation despite minor misgivings about each other's bills. This scenario exemplifies an influence tactic called _____.


Individuals in a clique who sit next to each other at a circular table

increase their power.

The change in a target agent's attitudes, values, beliefs, or behaviors as the result of influence tactics refers to _______.


A salesperson's good-natured or flattering banter with a customer before the customer makes a decision about purchasing a product is an example of an influence tactic called _____.


An agent makes a request or proposal designed to arouse enthusiasm or emotions in a target person. In this scenario, the agent uses an influence tactic called _____.

inspirational appeal

A sentence that opens with, "John, we have known each other a long time and I have never asked anything of you before" represents the beginning of an influence tactic called _____.

personal appeal

If you want to minimize status differentials with subordinates, what should you do at a meeting with them?

You should sit at a circular table.

True or false: An individual is likely to be perceived as taller when he is introduced as a professor rather than as a student.


In order to be successful in the operating room, a brain surgeon must have ______ power.


Which type of power does an individual who is admired and seen as a role model have?


Long-term success as a leader requires

a high need for socialized power and a high need for activity inhibition.

A principal asks a teacher to be on the school's curriculum committee, and the teacher accedes to the request despite reservations because it is the principal's prerogative to appoint any teacher to that role. This scenario exemplifies an influence tactic called _____.

legitimizing tactic

Which of the following is not one of the six composites that comprise Miner's motivation to manage?

Maintaining good relationships with subordinates

Many people admire Michael Dell and see him as a role model. Which type of power does Dell have?


Which of the following is an effective team leader's ideal job?

To create the conditions for the team to be successful

True or false: As demonstrated by Michelle Obama's gaffe at a dinner at Buckingham Palace, cultural differences can impact power.


Match the categories of influence tactics used by agents (in the left column) with the situations in which they are typically used (in the right column). Hard tactics Soft tactics Rational tactics

When an influencer has the upper hand, when the agents anticipate resistance, or when the other person's behavior violates important norms When the agents are at a disadvantage, when the agents expect resistance, or when the agents will personally benefit if the attempt is successful When parties are relatively equal in power, when resistance is not anticipated, and when the benefits are organizational as well as personal

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