MGMT 371

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If want to be an effective team leader:

-Have no hidden agendas -Behave in ways consistent with personal values -Act consistently -Share info with the team and ask team questions to collect info about team issues


A group of two or more people with complementary skills who are committed to working together to achieve a specific objective.

Blocking behaviors

Behaviors that inhibit the team & its members from achieving their objectives.

What is a disadvantage of the ladder of inference?

Biased thought processes

_______ teams allow managers to see a problem from many different perspectives.


Blocking behaviors:

inhibit the team and its members from achieving their objectives.

Michael, a major general inThe Air Force, expects first and second lieutenants to salute him bc of the ________ that his military rank affords him.

legitimate power

Taking away something negative can act as a ______ reinforcer.


When you send a text, you're using _____ communication.


To help your team perform more effectively:

-Make sure everyone on your team wants to accomplish the same thing. -hire people that are good with other people. They should be able to resolve conflicts and be open to new ideas. -Help team members understand each other's strengths and limitations.

What are the drives associated with the the four-drive theory of motivation?

1. Drive to acquire - people want to gain material possessions & a place in their social hierarchy. 2. Drive to bond - people want to be liked by other people, both inside & outside of work. 3. Drive to comprehend - people want to understand how to master the world around them. 4. Drive to defend - people want to be able to fight off threats & promote justice.

Norms come about in the following ways:

1. Past experiences 2. Explicit statements from leaders or members 3. Critical events in the team's history 4. Primary, or first behavior precedents

Boundary manager

A manager who determines how the team will work with clients, upper management, & others who have an interest in the team's product. They buffer the team from organizational infighting, persuade top management to support the team's work, & coordinate & negotiate with other groups on deadlines.

A leader wants members to speak up if they have to big of a work load. Which successful team outcome is the leader hoping to improve?

Contributing to team members' satisfaction

Social loafing

Disengaging from the team process and failing to contribute to the team's recommendations or other deliverables.

Proposed by Clayton Alderfer, the _____ suggests that when people are frustrated trying to achieve a higher-level need, they can be motivated by lower-level rewards.

ERG theory

Team norms

Expected team behaviors.

When people are rewarded for behavior, the satisfaction they get from doing the work increases.

False. External rewards can decrease a person's sense of satisfaction with a task.

Offering people regular reinforcement for desired behaviors at work guarantees increased long-term productivity.

False. Regular external reinforcers can change behavior in the short-term, but since they encourage people to focus only on the reward, and not on the work, they may stifle LT success.

A creative derive team is 3 months old. People are getting to know each other and figuring out what to do. What stage is this?

Forming stage

Ruby Harper is the grants and services director for the Greater Columbus Arts Council. Recently, she posted to her blog that she loves her job bc it's something she's good at, it changes often, & "the possibilities feel immense." These _____ come to Ruby from the job itself, not from an outside manager.

Intrinsic rewards

Task objectives

Issues that orient team members toward their goals and priorities and help them understand how their work fits in the bigger picture.

Hygiene factors

Job factors that are potential dissatisfiers that relate to physiological, safety, and belongingness needs. These factors are the primary components that comprise the work environment.

Once in the storming stage, the team leader should:

Make sure that each group member has a chance to express his or her opinion, especially when that opinion differs from the ideas put forth by the rest of the group

Which of the following should a manager typically do in the forming stage of team development?

Provide resources

Intrinsic rewards

Rewards associated with "doing the job" that include interesting & challenging work, self-directection & responsibility, variety, opportunities to use one's skills & abilities, & sufficient feedback regarding one's efforts.

Extrinsic rewards

Rewards used to facilitate or motivate task performance that include pay, promotions, fringe benefits, and job security.

Which of the following orients team members toward their priorities and help them understand how their work fits in the bigger picture?

Task objectives

Vertical teams

Teams composed of a manager and his or her subordinates in the formal chain of command, usually in one functional department.

Manager-led teams

Teams in which the manager acts as the team leader.

Self-directed teams

Teams that determine their own objectives and the methods by which to achieve them.

Collocated teams

Teams that use a significant amount of face-to-face communication to make operating decisions. They operate in close proximity to one another, engage in a lot of social interaction, & provide quick feedback on the team's progress to one another.


The act of presenting an aversive stimulus in response to an undesired behavior.

Negative reinforcement

The act of removing an aversive condition in response to a desired behavior.

Positive reinforcement

The act of rewarding a desired behavior.


The action of people behaving in line with a group's expectations & beliefs.

Task complexity

The amount of info that must be processed to understand the task, the degree of uncertainty about possible outcomes, the presence of many subtasks that require a range of skills and knowledge, or the absence of standardized procedures to conduct the task.

Theory Y

The belief that employees are motivated to do their best and to work to their potential.

Theory X

The belief that employees inherently dislike work and need to be constantly monitored and evaluated to ensure that they do what is expected.


The belief that one has the capabilities to accomplish organizational goals.


The desire, stimulus, or incentive to pursue a particular course of action.


The direct consequences of doing the job and the primary cause of the job.

Task interdependence

The extent to which group members need to work with and rely on each other to produce the collective work of the group.


The idea that a behavior stops bc it has ceased to be rewarded or punished.

Need for affiliation

The need to interact, socialize, and develop friendships.

Need for power

The need to seek opportunities for personal aggrandizement (personalized power) or the need to make an impact on & influence others (socialized power).

Need for achievement

The need to set, meet, and exceed goals.

Adjourning stage

The stage that occurs when a team has completed its task & the team is disbanded.

Performing stage

The stage that occurs when team members adopt and play roles that enhance the activities of the group.

Forming stage

The stage that occurs when team members define the task that is to be done & how that task is to be accomplished, setting the ground rules for the team.

Storming stage

The stage that occurs when team members experience conflicts about interpersonal issues and differences in perspectives.

Norming stage

The stage that occurs when team members uncover ways to create new standards that encourage more collaborative behavior.

Content theories

The study of the incentives and needs that motivate people to perform in a certain way

Two-factor theory

The theory that 2 conditions, hygiene factors & motivators, simultaneously act as drivers of satisfaction & dissatisfaction. Hygiene factors are lower-order needs & a potential source of dissatisfaction. Motivators are higher-order needs & a potential source of satisfaction.

Theory of operant conditioning

The theory that both positive and negative reinforcement increase behavior while punishment and extinction decrease behavior.

Expectancy theory

The theory that employees expect that high effort should lead to good performance and that good performance, in turn, should lead to reward.

Four-drive theory

The theory that four drives- the drive to acquire, bond, comprehend, and defend- underlies motivation and that the degree to which these are satisfied directly affects employees' emotions and behaviors.

Acquired needs theory

The theory that individuals are driven or motivated by 3 needs: -the need for affiliation -the need for power -the need for achievement

ERG theory

The theory that individuals are motivated by 3 primary needs: -Existence (basic physical needs) -Relatedness (connection with others) -Growth (personal development)

Hierarchy of needs theory

The theory that individuals have multiple needs that must be fulfilled in a specific hierarchal order to ensure the greatest level of satisfaction.

Equity theory

The theory that people will compare their circumstances with those of similar others and that this behavior motivates them to seek fairness in the way they are rewarded for performance.

Reinforcement theory

The theory that positive and negative reinforcements can induce certain behavior.

Goal-setting theory

The theory that setting goals that are difficult, but achievable, is a significant motivator of performance.

Process theories

Theories that explain why people behave in ways to satisfy their needs & how they evaluate their overall level of satisfaction after they have attempted to fulfill their needs.

Oscar, a ______ manager, believes that his employees are highly motivated and skilled. He gives them autonomy when doing their work and seeks consensus in decision making for the team.

Theory Y

Nonfinancial incentives are just as effective as financial incentives in changing behavior.

True. Nonfinancial rewards like supervisor recognition and feedback can be just as effective.

The nurses' union was a ________, bc all of its members charred a common cause and were prepared to present it to the hospital's management staff.


When orgs use _________ there is more social interaction between team members bc they're working beside each other in the same area.

collocated teams

A person is involved in the _______ process whether he or she is speaking, listening, or even sitting quietly behind a desk when another person enters the room.


The new CEO asked for a _______ to better understand the company's communication systems.

communication audit

When an employee sends a suggestion to his manager, he's using a vertical _______ to transmit info.

communication channel

You're a new team leader. You want to be sure that the group doesn't show too much _______. There should be lively debates and discussions about different ideas.


Wells Fargo is one of the world's largest companies. The bank outsources some of its work to small companies in India and the Philippines. These companies experience _______ bc they rely much more on Wells Fargo than Wells Fargo does on them.

dependence asymmetry

CEO blunts, "You're wrong" when an employee challenges him. This communication style is based on ________.


Best Buy has a program named Twelpforce that allows frontline employees to see and respond to problems that customers post on Twitter. The program serves as a form of _______, bc employees have the authority to determine the best ways to help customers reach out to the company.


The concept of _______ says that employees are most motivated when they feel they are being treated fairly- the rewards they receive are balanced with the work they put into the company- and their rewards are similar to the rewards of others who put in the same amount of work.

equity theory

According to Alderfer's ERG theory, employees who are motivated by the recognition they get when they are awarded a company ski trip have ______ needs.


Abigail is having problems. She doesn't feel like her boss is paying her enough money to live on, despite the fact that she works hard. The fact that Abigail isn't receiving _____ will make her dissatisfied with her work, according to Frederick Herzberg.

hygiene factors

Employees who have high ______ want to form good relationships with their coworkers. They are most effective in service management and human resource roles.

need for affiliation

People who like persuading others to do work & who can generate strong emotions in others are likely to have a high ______. They will be especially good when taking charge of complex organizations and bureaucracies.

need for power

Teachers who expect a lot of interaction in class may arrange desks in a circle. This is a form of ______, telling students that it's okay to talk in class.

nonverbal communication

Every week, Lolita's team meets at 10 am on Tuesday. Lolita always brings doughnuts to these meetings, and she always starts the meeting by asking who's had a big success that week. Lolita's habitual actions were developed during the _______ stage of team growth.

norming stage

Joe advocates exposing one's vulnerabilities to clients. Doing so requires communication style based on _______.


Very attractive people have high levels of ________, which can also come form having expertise, working hard, and being credible within a particular value system.

personal power

According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory, employees who are motivated by supermarket food vouchers bc they are hungry have _______ needs.


If an employee comes in late to work, his or her manager may dock the employee's pay. This is a _______ designed to reduce the number of times the employee comes in late to work in the future.


Mason and Madison are best friends. Mason can change Madison's behavior bc she likes him, giving him ______ over her.

referent power

The concept of ______ says that behavior that is rewarded will increase, while behavior that is punished will decrease.

reinforcement theory

Obama says he has excellent friendships with other international leaders. These friendships increase Obama's _________, which is a power that stems from a person's networks.

relational power

When coming into a meeting, people often sit near their leader. Thus, the seating arrangement is a type o communication based on _______.

space and objects

Bob shouted, "No! We can't do that! If we put the buttons on the bunnies first, we won't be able to get their eyes on properly!" and Anne growled back, "Oh stop acting like a child! We can get the eyes on just fine, even if we put the buttons on first!" Bob and Anne are on a team that's going through the _____ stage.

storming stage

Julie, an empathetic listener, used _______ to truly listen and understand her clients. She went beyond her initial impressions and used probing and reflecting responses to encourage more info.

supportive communication

The jobs done in start-up orbs often have high levels of _______ bc they require a lot of info to do them correctly, they have a lot of subtasks that require different skills, & they don't follow standard routines or procedures.

task complexity

When you work with other students on a school project, you expect them to come to class prepared and to spend almost all of your group time talking about class-related issues. These _____ will help the group to perform better overall.

team norms

Your friend yells, "Well, hello there!" You smile. Your creepy teacher yells, "Well, hello there!" You quiver. You're likely to have a different reaction to the same words in part bc of the ______ of the speaker.

vocal qualities

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