MGT 341 Exam 2

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Which theory identifies certain job characteristics that produce high levels of the three psychological states that make work more satisfying?

job characteristics theory

The use of power and influence to direct the activities of followers toward goal achievement is the definition of Blank______.


Research shows that the differences between experts and novices are a function of


What term is used to describe the permanent change that results when an employee's experience increases a knowledge or skill?


Which of the following is an organizational characteristic that tends to increase political behavior?

limited resources

What is the term for the capacity to recognize others and apply this recognition to persuade them to achieve individual or team goals?

political skill

What term describes the tendency for people to interpret their environment based on their own expectations, experience, and attitudes?

selective perception

Which dimension of psychological empowerment is experienced by employees who have a degree of autonomy in their work tasks?


What employee motivator tends to produce the best professional results?


A college dean asks an instructor to develop course lectures for an organizational behavior course by the end of the semester. In order to monitor progress against this goal, the instructor establishes mini-milestones, such as planning to develop lectures for at least two chapters per week. What term describes these internalized milestones?

self-set goals

What is the name of a company officer appointed to make sure that a company meets its legal obligations and does not violate regualtions?

compliance officer

A team's success depends on the abilities of the "weakest link" of the team in which type of task?


In a relay race, if one runner fails to complete a leg of race, the entire team is disqualified. This is an example of a(n) Blank______ task.


What term describes actions that occur as the result of a behavior?


Charlotte knows that John's support will be essential in having her proposal accepted by senior management, so she meets with him informally. "I'd like to get your thoughts on the best approach on getting the staff trained on the new software," she says. "What are your thoughts on the next steps I need to take to get management's approval?" Which influence tactic is Charlotte using?


What term describes the practice of providing positive reinforcement every time an employee exhibits a desired behavior?

continuous reinforcement

Identify the reinforcement schedule under which new learning is most rapidly acquired.

continuous reinforcement schedule

When people spend energy in meetings instead of working on tasks, they experience

coordination loss

Loretta is jokingly referred to as the "cheerleader" because she always helps motivate her team to complete tasks, even when the project seems dull or boring. What team task role does Loretta fill?


Which of the following are among the factors that enhance the ability of a team to make effective decisions?

hierarchical sensitivity decision informity staff validity

According to Kohlberg's theory of cognitive moral development, which is true of moral development at the conventional stage?

it involves an emphasis on laws, rules, and orders that govern society

What is a defining trait of organizational politics?

it seeks to advance self-interest

A relay race in which each runner must pass the baton to the next runner on the team is an example of __ interdependence


At Abels Enterprises, a manufacturer of outdoor furniture, one worker assembles the frames for the chairs and then passes them on to a second worker. This worker fastens the cushions before passing the chairs on to a third worker, who wraps the chairs for shipment to customers. This is an example of Blank______ interdependence.


With Blank______ interdependence, one task cannot be started before the completion of one or more other tasks.


Which core job characteristic refers to the degree to which the job affects or impacts the organization and/or society?


In terms of equity theory, which of the following would be considered inputs?

skills experience

One of the reasons that Carl has been so successful in his career is that he seems to be able to easily pick up on interpersonal cues and "read" other people. Which dimension of political skill does this best describe?

social astuteness

The final project in Alonzo's class is a group research paper. Alonzo hates group work, but even if he doesn't do much work on the project, he know that his team members will pick up the slack to avoid getting a poor grade. This is an example of

social loafing

What term describes a company's acknowledgment that it is accountable for its actions?

social responsibility

Dispositional- based trust

some people have personality traits that include a general propensity to trust over others

The degree to which team members make informed, reasonable recommendations to the team leader is referred to as

staff validity

What is the perceptual process through which we make assumptions about others on the basis of their membership in a social group?


Process gain is synonymous with :


______ is the extent to which the work performed by one member of a group affects what other members do.

task interdependence

Research shows that learning has a moderate correlation with Blank______ and a weak correlation with Blank______.

task performance; organizational commitment

Alana's manager has set a challenging goal for her to increase sales in her region by 10% over the next quarter. What process does Alana use to develop an approach to reaching this goal?

task strategy

Team member activities that correspond directly to accomplishing the team's work are referred to as _____ processes.


Training that is intended to facilitate the development of team processes related to goal setting, interpersonal relations, problem solving, and role clarification is referred to as

team building

Rank the following motivating forces in order of their strength on job performance, with the strongest job performance motivator listed at top and the lowest job performance motivator listed at bottom.

-Self-efficacy specific, difficult goals -increased valence, instrumentality, and expectancy-perceptions of equity

Which of the following are factors by which employees judge whether an authority's decision making is fair?

-interpersonal justice -procedural justice -distributive justice

Rank the levels of cross-training from the shallowest level to the deepest level, with the shallowest level listed at the top and the deepest level listed at the bottom.

1. personal clarification 2. positional modeling 3. positional rotation

The ______ style of conflict management is high in terms of concern for your own outcomes and low in terms of concern for others' outcomes.


After a team of managers has brainstormed ways to cut costs, they discuss the potential impact of each suggestion and whether it would solve the problem. Which stage of the rational decision-making model is this?

Evaluating alternatives against the decision-making criteria

Which of the following best defines valence?

It is the believed worth of the results of one's efforts.

Which of the following is a characteristic of a team?

Its members have a task-oriented purpose.

An instrument designed to measure five dimensions of job satisfaction, including supervisor satisfaction, pay satisfaction, promotion satisfaction, coworker satisfaction, and satisfaction with the work itself, is known as the

Job Descriptive Index (JDI)

occurs when members have to wait on one another before they can do their part of the team task.

Production blocking

Knowing who knows what / specialty of knowledge as it relates to the team task.

Transitive memory

Which factor is predicted by an employee's level of trust in authorities?

ability to focus

What is the term for the conflict resolution style in which one party sacrifices its own self-interest and allows another party's interests to take precedence?


Which element of S.M.A.R.T. goals proposes that goals should be challenging yet attainable?


Which of the following are examples of teamwork processes?

action processes transition processes interpersonal processes

In Blank______ tasks, the work of each member fully contributes to the final group product.


The three factors that influence trust levels are disposition-based trust, cognition-based trust, and

affect- based trust

Vonetta laughed derisively at her teammate during the meeting and exclaimed, "Wow, I've heard some dumb ideas come out of this group before, but that one takes the cake!" Which individualistic role does this best describe?


Which of the following activities are involved in boundary spanning?

ambassador- scout- task coordinator

What term describes conditions that precede a particular behavior that influence its future occurrence?


Styles of conflict resolution can be described in terms of the factors of cooperation and


In the process of hiring a specialist, at what point should ability be considered?

at the beginning of the process

What name is given to process through which we determine the cause of our behavior and that of other people?


A high level of Blank______ directly contributes to the psychological state known as responsibility for outcomes, according to the job characteristics theory.


According to the job characteristics theory, the degree to which the job provides an employee with freedom, independence, and discretion to perform the work is referred to as


What process are dance students demonstrating when they repeat a dance step after watching their instructor perform it?

behavior modeling

New supervisors at Quality Engineering are required to attend a training program in which they learn how to do performance reviews for their subordinates. The employees watch the trainer conduct a performance review and then participate in role play in which they conduct mock performance reviews on each other. What name is given to this type of program?

behavior modeling training

What tendency defines the fundamental attribution error?

believing that another person's behavior is due to internal factors.

What term describes the idea that people are unable to reach the optimal decision due to a lack of ability, time, and resources to process information and alternatives?

bounded rationality

What is the best definition of satisficing?

choosing the first acceptable alternative considered

In order to support at-risk youth in the neighborhood of its store, Action Sporting Goods donated funds to open a community-center that offers tutoring and after-school activities for teens. What component of corporate social responsibility is Action exercising?


According to research, internalization and compliance facilitated by power and influence can increase ______

citizenship behavior

When people make a rational assessment based on perceptions of another party's reliability, they engage in

cognition- based trust

In terms of equity theory, what is the term for the process in which people think about things in new ways in order to regain intellectual balance, but do not change their behaviors?

cognitive distortion

What is the type of influence tactic in which supervisors help others finish the job by providing forms of assistance or eliminating potential problems?


Which conflict management style is high in concern for the outcomes of the parties in conflict?


Which dimension of psychological empowerment refers to an employee's belief that they can perform their job successfully?


At the end of a meeting, Daryl recaps the actions the committee has taken and outlines the "to do's" for each member that needs to be completed before the next meeting. He is ensuring that the committee has high

decision informity

personality is normally considered a ___ level diversity variable.


hich branch of business ethics involves the scientific study of how people tend to act when presented with a moral problem or dilemma?


A company's employees work both in sales and in record-keeping. When the company introduces a sales contest, it is most likely to affect the staff's ______ of effort.


The freedom to make decisions without following a prescribed policy or getting permission from a higher authority is known as which component of power?


A group of algebra students is working collaboratively on an in-class assignment. Oliver is considered an algebra "whiz," so he's quick to solve the problems, and the rest of the group is happy to go along with his answers. The assignment is an example of a(n) ___ task


In Blank______ bargaining, the negotiators approach each issue as a "fixed pie" -- if one piece is larger, then the other piece must be smaller, so each side wants to maximize its share of the pie.


Which dimension of justice is most accurately described by the saying, "A fair day's pay, for a fair day's work."

distributive justice

A manager who persuades a subordinate to work late in order to finish a presentation that he plans to deliver in the morning is exercising what type of influence?


Shawn has just learned that a coworker, who has fewer years of experience and less education, earns a higher salary. According to equity theory, what will Shawn experience?

equity distress

Which of the following motivation theories considers the ratio between outcomes and inputs and recognizes that outcomes depend in part on what occurs in the lives of others?

equity theory

What term describes the tendency to continue with an apparently bad decision or allocate more resources to a failing course of action?

escalation of commitment

Which component of corporate social responsibility is based on the idea that a company has integrity and the will to do what is right and fair?


An individual's belief that effort will result in positive outcomes is known as ______


Which theory of motivation proposes that work effort is directed toward positive experiences and away from negative ones?

expectancy theory

Danielle is eager to earn an A average in her college courses this semester because her parents have promised her a trip to Florida if she achieves this. The trip is an example of ______ forces in Danielle's motivation


An employer who removes a consequence following an unwanted behavior by an employee engages in


Which personal characteristic is generally beneficial to the social climate of a group when possessed by a few members but a source of power struggles and unproductive conflict when too many members have it?


What type of motivation occurs when success is recognized and rewarded by other people?

extrinsic motivation

Which two personality characteristics are teams likely to benefit from having a mix of these members?

extroversion agreeableness

Moods are states of feeling that are often extreme in intensity.


Team states are the

feelings and thoughts that result from working in a team.

The determination with which employees establish a goal and the efforts they will take to achieve it is called

goal commitment

Which theory of motivation argues that objectives determine the work actions of people?

goal setting theory

Tom disagrees with the team's ideas for the new ad campaign, but he doesn't want to "make waves," so he keeps his thoughts to himself rather than risk an argument. This is an example of

group think

When Linda is deciding where to eat in an unfamiliar area, she counts the number trucks parked in the restaurant's parking lot, because she has heard that truck drivers know all the good places to eat. What term describes this idea?


A team that is high in Blank______ has a leader who can effectively weigh members' assessments and recommendations in making decisions that affect the team

hierarchical sensitivity

According to the job characteristics theory, the degree to which a job requires completion of a whole, identifiable piece of work from beginning to end with a visible outcome is known as


What dimension of justice is defined as the perceived fairness of the communications provided to employees by authorities?

informational justice

Which dimension of justice is demonstrated when a company provides an honest explanation to employees for a decision that affects their employment?

informational justice

A student believes that doing well on the next test will ensure an A in the course. These thoughts demonstrate what type of belief?


the term describes the believe that, "if i do a good job, ill revive the outcome I desire"


What is term for the level of effort that motivated employees put forth?


In terms of equity theory, a(n) ______ refers to an employee examining others within the same organization.

internal comparison

Motivating, confidence building, affect management, and conflict management are kinds of Blank______ processes.



is a significant predictor of an employee's ability to focus and influences citizenship & counterproductive behavior

In the context of work, what quality results from the feeling that job tasks are valuable relative to an individual's own ideals and passions?


An employee's belief that the job the employee has is worthwhile or important is a reflection of which critical psychological state?

meaningfulness of work

One of the factors in Irina's job as a web designer that gives her the most satisfaction is putting together images, words, animation, and sound and immediately seeing her work take shape and come to life. This would best describe which critical psychological state?

meaningfulness of work

What is the term for cognitive groupings or clusters of outcomes that are viewed as having critical psychological or physiological consequences?


Alex is careful in filling out a monthly sales report correctly because he doesn't want to be criticized for any errors he might make. What consequence influences Alex's behavior?

negative reinforcement

Adele and Tina have been battling over space in their joint cubicle for weeks, and their boss has finally called them into the office to unemotionally discuss the matter and try to come up with a plan on how they can share their space. What is a term for this sort of meeting?


A taskwork process in which team members independently generate ideas, present those ideas to the group, and then independently rank-order the ideas generated is known as

nominal group technique

Lloyd's new product development team is finally "hitting on all cylinders." Its members are working together smoothly, trust each other, and are mutually committed to the objectives of the team. Lloyd's team appears to be in the


At Lamb's Peace Church, the music director, youth group director, and director of religious education work on their tasks with little collaboration, even though they share an administrative staff. This is an example of ___ interdependence


Each branch of a large regional credit union operates largely autonomously but is part of the same organization. This is an example of ___ interdependence


The most in-depth method of team training is ______, in which each team member "walks in the other's shoes."

positional rotation

What type of consequence is experienced by a sales rep who is given an unexpected bonus check for exceeding a quarterly sales quota?

positive reinforcement

The degree to which team members believe that the team can be effective across a variety of situations and tasks is referred to as


What is the term for the capacity of individuals to persuade how others act while not be persuaded themselves?


Which branch of business ethics is focused on how people ought to act?


The perceived fairness of the processes used in Reaching decisions is known as


What type of decision has a "ready-made" solution because it has been resolved in the past?


What name is given to the tendency to unconsciously assume that other people share your beliefs, attitudes, and values?

projection bias

Tyler has applied for several higher-level jobs in his company, but the company has always hired someone from outside of the company. He feels his chances for advancement within the company are slim, and now he has a low level of Blank______ satisfaction.


In terms of equity theory, which of the following would be considered outcomes?

promotions pay

What type of consequence is docking an employee's pay because the employee came to work late?


In a marketing firm, ideas for a new marketing campaign must be sent back and forth between graphic designers and business development representatives several times for input, feedback, and changes before finally being published. This is an example of Blank______ interdependence


A type of task Interdependence in which team members have specialized tasks but there is not a strict sequence of events is

reciprocal interdependence

Which forms of power is associated with increased levels of affective commitment in the organization?


In a recent poll, 51% of consumers believed that Google is an appealing place to work and treats its employees well. Such a perception is part of Google's:


a ___ is defined as a pattern of behavior that a person is expected to display in a given context.


Aspects of team composition that are crucial in influencing team functioning and effectiveness include which of the following?

team diversity team size member ability

Communications, activities, and interactions that occur within teams that contribute to their ultimate end goals are known as team ______.

team processes

Behaviors that are directly related to the accomplishment of team tasks are referred to as ___ roles

team task

Roles that seek to influence the quality of the team's social climate are known as ___ roles


a positive correlation between teamwork processes and team performance suggests that

teams with effective teamwork processes achieve higher levels of process gains.

Which of the following best characterizes task complexity under goal setting theory?

the difficulty of performing and learning about a task and whether the task changes

Which of the following would best describe influence?

the use of an actual behavior that causes behavior or attitudinal changes in others

Laila owns an executive search firm and has established a goal for each of her recruiters to make contact with 25 or more potential candidates each day. This illustrates which of the following concepts of S.M.A.R.T. goals?

time-sensitive specific measurable

Cognition-based trust

trust is rooted in a rational assessment of the authority's trustworthiness "their track record"

What term is used to describe a person's general belief that others can be relied upon?

trust propensity

Affect-based trust

trust that depends on emotions and feelings toward the authority that go beyond rational assessment. (Halo and horns affect - Bias's)

What term is used to describe the characteristics or attributes of a person that inspire our trust?


According to expectancy theory, an individual's effort level depends on three factors: expectancy, instrumentality, and


The Blank______ theory argues that job satisfaction depends on whether you feel that your job supplies the things that you value.


Siddhara earns $70,000 a year, which is the amount she wishes to earn. Her title is assistant manager, but she would like to be supervising manager. Her boss offers her a raise but no change in job title, which disappoints Siddhara and leaves her feeling somewhat dissatisfied with her job. This is an example of

value-percept theory

What type of reinforcement schedule is used when desired behaviors are reinforced at arbitrary points in time?

variable interval

Jacquelyn's new product development team is experiencing a lot of "bad blood" among the members. They work together because they are required to finish the project, but they hope never to work together again. It would appear that the team has low team


Sam is nervous about donating blood at the blood drive at work, but sees coworkers donating blood and thinks, "If they can do it, I can do it!" This is an example of which source of self-efficacy?

vicarious experiences

What term describes the process through which former or current employees expose illegal or immoral actions by their organization?


Integrative bargaining involves what kind of negotiating?


Instead of having assembly lines in which workers repeatedly perform single, specialized tasks, such as sewing zippers or attaching buttons, a clothing manufacturer forms teams of 8 to 10 workers who are responsible for producing entire garments. This is an example of a(n) Blank______ team.


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