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If you have a table of customers and you want to display the records of only those people who live in a certain city, you should click the ____ on the Home tab

Filter button in the Sort & Filter group

When you move a chart to a new worksheet, the new worksheet is named ___ by default


Because Excel follows the standard mathematical order of operations, it will calculate the formula =4+2*3 to which of the following? A. 18 B. 2 C. 10 D. 9


In Excel, which of the following formulas will return a result of 33? A. =5*3+6 B. =6+5*3 C. =(5+6)*3 D. =5+6*3


Which of the following is the correct formula for adding the contents of cell C2 to the contents of cell C3? A. +2C+3C B. C2+C3= C. =C2+C3 D. C2+C3


Which of the following formulas should you use to find the total of a range of values located in rows 5 through 15 of column F of an Excel worksheet? A. =SUM(F5:F15) B. @SUM(F5:F15) C. =ADD(F5:F15) D. =TOTAL(F5:F15)


When you enter data in a form

Access saves the data automatically

Which of the following buttons is not available when the spelling checker flags a potential spelling error

Add All

To be able to view the contents of PDF files, the user can download ____, which is a free program

Adobe Reader

Which of the following is not an example of applications software

Apple OS X

To alphabetize records by last name from A to Z , click the ___ button


Which of the following is not a correct example of a cell range? A. B4:8J B. C5:G5 C. A1:A12 D. F18:L75


To change a column chart into a bar chart, select the chart, click the Chart Tools Design tab, click the ____ and then click Bar

Change Chart Type button in the Type group

To change the style of a chart, click an option from the gallery in the ___ and then click a different chart style

Chart styles group on the Chart Tools Design tab

How can you move a slide in Slide Sorter view

Click the slide and then drag it to where it should appear

To combine revisions from multiple author into a single document, use Word's _____ feature


How can you automatically adjust the width of a column to fit the size of the longest entry?

Double-click the right border of the column heading

One-Drive files are accessed using

File Explorer

_____ displays symbols to let you know the sync status of the following between your local computer and OneDrive

File Explorer

Use the ____ button to create a subordinate list within a bulleted list

Increase List Level

Which of the following features describes Excel's Auto Fill feature?

It enables you to copy an entry across a row or down a column or create a series of entries across a row or down a column

If you want to center the title in cell C3 across columns C, D, and E, drag to select the range C3:E3 and then click the

Merge & Center button

To combine table cells, select the cells and then click the _____ button on the Table Tools Layout tab

Merge cells

In which of the following views can you add notes that only the speaker can see

Normal view

The ____ pulls data from fields that you choose

Query Wizard

When you create a query, Access

Saves it as an object in the database

To set up a presentation that will run on its own, click the ___in the ___ group on the Slide Show tab

Set Up Slide Show button; Set Up

To display all the formulas in a worksheet at once, click the _____ button in the Formula Auditing group on the Formulas tab

Show Formulas

What happens to the default tab settings if you set a left tab at the 3-inch mark on the ruler

The default tab to the left of the new tab are cleared

If you copy a formula containing a relative reference and an absolute reference to a new location, what will happen?

The relative reference will automatically adjust, but the absolute reference will remain the same

If the spelling checker flags a word and you click the Ignore All button, what will happen

The spelling checker will not flag any more of the instances of that word

What is the function or purpose of Word's Format Painter

To copy the format settings from one area of selected text to another

A file that contains compressed data from multiple files is called a ___ file


What does the Address bar in File Explorer dislay

a bread-crumb trail or path to the current folder location

What type of software application is Microsoft Excel

a spreadsheet program

Suppose that you have a customer table containing a field called State. If you click the first record in the State column and then click the Align Left button in the Text Formatting group on the Home tab, what record(s) will the formatting be applied to?

all the records in the State column

In Outlook, an activity that has a starting time and an ending time is called a(n)


In Excel, dates are stored ___ so they can be used in calculations

as sequential serial numbers

Pressing which key or combination of keys removes the character to the left of the cursor


To use the Auto Fill feature, make a cell active and then hover the mouse pointer over the lower right corner until the mouse pointer becomes a

black crosshair

When you insert a chart, the legend appears at the ___ of the chart


What do the letter CPU stand for

central processing unit

Rather than type a cell reference into a formula, you can _______ to add it to the formula.

click the cell on the worksheet

Which two placeholders appear on a title slide by default

click to add title and click to add subtitle

OneDrive is a _______ storage system


When creating a new record that is almost identical to an existing record, it is best to

copy the entire existing record and then make the necessary changes

A good way to call attention to one slice of a pie chart is to

explode the slice away from the rest of the chart

_____ is the process of decompressing files and saving them to a storage medium


A collection of related ___ makes up a record


To save a newly created Word document, begin by clicking the ____ tab


To save a word document as a PDF file, click the ____ tab, click the save as option, click the save as type arrow, and then click the PDF option in the drop-down list


The purpose of creating a query is to

find records that meet a certain condition

Which of the following is not an input device

flash drive

You can change all of the following at the Font dialog box except

font theme

The way text appears on a page is called its


OneDrive files can be accessed from the website at which of the following URLs?


What should you do if you accidentally delete a row or column

immediately click the undo button

Which buttons can be used to create multiple levels in a list?

increase indent and decrease indent

If a large number in a cell displays as a series of pound signs (###), you must ___for the contents to display properly

increase the column width

Input, processing, output, and storage are the four steps in the

information processing cycle

Because an Access report is linked to the objects used to create it

it automatically updates whenever changes are made to the data in those objects

Which of the following statements is true about header and footer formatting that is done on the Slide tab in the header and footer dialog box

it is automatically applied to every slide

To widen a column so it displays all the data, hover the mouse pointer over the right border until the pointer changes to a ____ and then double-click

left-and-right pointing arrow with a vertical line in the middle

You can use the slide master to

make formatting changes to all slides at the same time

When you increase the font size of the text in cell, you may need to

manually adjust column width or row height

The ____ is the thin sheet of fiberglass containing electrical pathways that connect the key components involved in the information processing cycle


Moving through a hierarchy of folder is called


When you start Microsoft PowerPoint 2016, a blank presentation containing a single slide opens in ____ view


How many data series can a pie chart contain


A database can best be described as a(n)

organized collection of related data

To prevent having duplicate entries in a field, assign a(n) ____ to the field

primary key

Which of the following is not a touchscreen gesture?


To access a list of preformatted table styles, such as calendars and lists, click the table button in the tables group on the insert tab then choose

quick tables

Which of the following loses data when the computer is turned off?

random access memory

To enter an appointment that occurs on a regular basis, use the ___________ button


Which presentation view displays the timings assigned to each slide

slide sorter

Once you have selected a transitional effect for a slide, a transition icon resembling a(n) _____ appears below each slide number in the slide thumbnails pail

sliding star

What is the best way to arrange database information in alphabetical order?

sort it

Which of the following would not be appropriate to include in a slide master footer placeholder

speaker notes

_____ are predesigned sets of fonts and paragraphs properties

style sets

A query extracts data from one or more


An Access report is based on related

tables or queries

Give your contents a more polished and professional look by using predesigned documents called ______ which include text formatting and graphical elements


What does Excel's spelling checker feature review?


Layouts can include all the following elements except

text boxes

Which of the following performs the mathematical calculations and coordinates the functions of the computer system

the CPU

To end a presentation, right-click the current slide and then click End Show or press

the Esc key

Which of the following is one of the advantages of saving a Word document as a PDF file

the file will not be compromised as it might be if opened in different versions of Word

What happens when you check the Hide background graphics check box for an individual slide?

the graphic from the slide master are hidden on that slide

The colors used for text, slide backgrounds and graphical elements are preset by the ____ and any variant you apply


Why might you choose to add axis titles to an Excel chart

to describe what the labels and numbers along each axis represent

Why would you use a query?

to pull data from one or more tables

In PowerPoint, the visual effects that occur when you move from one slide to the next in Slide Show view are called


The difference between a bar chart and a column chart is that a column chart has ___ bars and a bar chart has ___ bars

vertical; horizontal

Click the ____ button on the insert tab to search for a picture on the web

Online Pictures

To copy a format settings from one cell to another use the ____ tool

Format Painter

Windows automatically connects to the OneDrive server when you use your _____ to sign in to a Windows 10 computer connected to the Internet

Microsoft account

To save a Word document to OneDrive, you must first have a(n)

OneDrive account

File Explorer displays links to all available storage media, such as your

OneDrive folder

How can you edit the text on a slide

Select the text you need to change and then type the replacement text

Which view is used to run a slide show for an audience

Slide Show View

Use ____ to insert an organizational chart, pyramid, or similar diagram into a document


Changing the theme of a worksheet changes all the following characteristics except

page setup

Most Excel functions require that one or more arguments be surrounded by which of the following?

parentheses ( )

Font size is measured in


Adding records to a database is sometimes referred to as ___ the database


When a USB flash drive is being used it must be connected to a USB _________ on your computer


Which of the following actions will cause the next slide in a presentation to display

pressing the right arrow key

Which of the following functions will cause the current date to display in the active cell? A. =(DATE) B. =TODAY() C. =DATE() D. =(TODAY)


Which of the following is not a valid relational operator? A. > = B. < = C. > < D. >

> <

Which of these font effects is widely used for book and movie titles


Which type of text alignment will give your document the look of a published book


Which of the following terms are used to identify the two types of page orientations for Word documents

landscape and portrait

What is the default text alignment in Word


In a chart, the ___ tells you which piece of data each colored line or slice represents


The software that manages the CPU, provides the user interface and supports operations such as saving files is called the

operating system

Which of the following characters can be used in a file name

period (.)

Each part of a _______ chart represents a percentage of the total quantity or amount


To create a new folder, use the New folder button or _____ a blank area of the file list pane to open a popup list, click New, and then click Folder


To insert a column, _____ and then click Insert

right-click the column heading

Which of the following styles is not available for a numbered list


How are the columns labeled in an Excel worksheet?

with capital letters (A, B, C, ...)

When you open Excel you can create a blank

workbook containing one worksheet

You can display the Outlook Calendar in each of the following views except a ____ view


Which of the following is not one of the advantages of using OneDrive

you download OneDrive files to access the content

Which of the following is an absolute cell reference? A. $C8 B. $B$6 C. C$4 D. A5


When you type 6/12 into a cell, Excel automatically applies the _______ format


Suppose your text runs slightly longer than one page. Which of the following is not one of the methods available in Word to get it to fit on one page

Reduce the spaces between characters

In the Find and Replace dialog box, click the ____ button to change all occurrences of an item

Replace All

When entering data in a table or form, use the ____ key to move to the next field


____ storage requires an internet connection and allows you to access data from any device


Microsoft Office 365 is an example of

cloud-based subscription software

Which type of chart compares differences between values?


In an Excel chart, you can place a data label at the outside or inside end of the ___ or centered on it

data point

Pressing which key or combination of keys removes the character to the right of the cursor


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