microeconomics exam 1

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If Francis receives a decrease in his pay, we would expect Francis's demand for each good he purchases to remain unchanged.


If a 15 percent increase in price causes a 30 percent decrease in quantity demanded, this product might have no close substitute.


If a 30 percent change in price causes a 15 percent change in quantity supplied, then the price elasticity of supply is 1/2 and supply is elastic.


If a good is "normal", then an increase in income will result in no change in the demand for the good.


If buyers now wanted to purchase larger quantities of Vanilla Coke, the demand curve for Vanilla Coke would shift to the left.


If sellers do not respond at all to a change in price, technological advancement must be great


If the elasticity of supply is zero, then supply is very elastic.


If the elasticity of supply of a product is 2.5, we know that supply is inelastic.


If the government wanted to enact a policy to increase living standards in the country, it might allow corporate tax write-offs for money spent on worker safety.


If the price elasticity of demand for a good is 4.0, then a 10 percent increase in price would result in a 4.0 percent decrease in the quantity demanded.


If the price of a substitute to good X increases, then the demand for good X will decrease


If the quantity supplied is the same regardless of price, then the supply curve would be elastic.


If the quantity supplied responds only slightly to changes in price, then supply is said to be elastic.


In a free market, suppliers determine how much of a good will be sold and the price at which it is sold.


In economics, the cost of something is the dollar amount of obtaining it.


In general, elasticity is the friction that develops between buyers and sellers in a market.


In most societies, resources are allocated by a single central planner.


Mallory decides to spend 3 hours working overtime rather than watching a video with her friends. She earns $8 an hour. Her opportunity cost of working is the $24 she earns working.


People make decisions at the margin by following tradition


Prices direct economic activity in a market economy by reducing scarcity of the goods and services produced.


Scarcity exists when there is less than an infinite amount of a resource or good.


Suppose your management professor has been offered a corporate job with a 30% pay increase. He has decided to take the job. For him, the marginal cost of leaving was greater than the marginal benefit.


The "invisible hand" directs economic activity through advertising.


The elasticity of a perfectly elastic supply curve equals 0.


The forces that make market economies work are price and quantity.


The greater the price elasticity of demand the more likely the product is a necessity


The price elasticity of supply measures how much the quantity supplied responds to changes in input prices


The price where quantity supplied equals quantity demanded is called the coordinating price.


The sum of all individual demand curves for a product is called total demand.


The unique point at which the supply and demand curves intersect is called market unity.


When quantity demanded responds only slightly to changes in price, demand is said to be unit elastic


When referring to the variables price and quantity demanded, price and quantity demanded are independent of each other.


When there is a shortage in a market, there is downward pressure on price.


When we move up or down a given demand curve, only price is held constant.


You love peanut butter. You hear on the news that 50 % of the peanut crop in the South has been wiped out, which will cause the price to double by the end of the year. As a result, your demand for peanut butter will increase by the end of the year.


A change in the price of the good or service would not shift the demand curve for a good or service.


A decrease in resource costs to firms in a market will result in a decrease in equilibrium price and an increase in equilibrium quantity.


A decrease in supply will cause the largest increase in price when both supply and demand are inelastic.


A demand curve is the downward-sloping line relating the price of the good to the quantity demanded.


A market is a group of demanders and suppliers of a particular good or service.


Alice says that she would buy one banana split a day regardless of the price. If she is telling the truth, Alice's demand for banana splits is perfectly inelastic


An example of a firm with market power is a cable TV provider in St. Louis


An example of an externality is the impact of pollution from a factory on the health of people in the vicinity of the factory.


As elasticity rises, the supply curve gets flatter.


As the elasticity of supply approaches infinity, very small changes in price will lead to very large changes in quantity supplied.


Both The Wealth of Nations and the Declaration of Independence share the point of view that individuals are best left to their own devices without the government guiding their actions.


Causes of market failure include externalities and market power.


Concerning a vertical supply curve, suppliers will not respond to a change in price.


Demand for a good would tend to be more inelastic the fewer the available substitutes.


Demand is inelastic if elasticity is less than 1.


Demand is said to be unit elastic if quantity demanded changes by the same percent as the price.


Economics is the study of how society manages its scarce resources.


Economists in general do not try to explain people's tastes, but do try to explain what happens when tastes change.


Efficiency refers to the size of the economic pie; equity refers to how the pie is divided


For most students, the largest single cost of a college education is the wages given up to attend school.


Funsters, Inc., the largest toy company in the country, sells its most popular doll for $15. It has just learned that its leading competitor Toysorama is mass producing an excellent copy and plans to flood the market with their $5 doll in 6 weeks. Funsters should increase the supply of their doll now before the other doll hits the market.


If a surplus exists in a market we know that the actual price is above equilibrium price and quantity supplied is greater than quantity demanded.


If buyers and / or sellers are price takers, then individually they have no influence on market price


If two supply curves pass through the same point and one is steep and the other is flat, the steeper supply curve is more inelastic.


In a market, to find the total amount supplied at a particular price, we must add up all of the amounts firms are willing and able to supply at that price.


New oak tables are normal goods. What would happen to the equilibrium price and quantity in the market for oak tables if the price of maple tables rises, the price of oak wood rises, more buyers enter the market for oak tables and the price of wood saws increased? Price will rise and the effect on quantity is ambiguous.


Russell spends an hour studying instead of playing tennis. The opportunity cost to him of studying is the enjoyment and exercise he would have received had he played tennis.


Similar products, numerous sellers, and numerous buyers are all characteristics of a perfectly competitive market.


Suppose that demand decreases AND supply decreases. We would expect equilibrium quantity would decrease, but the impact on equilibrium price would be ambiguous.


Suppose that the incomes of buyers in a particular market for a normal good decline and there is also a reduction in input prices. In this market, we would expect the equilibrium price would decrease, but the impact on the amount sold in the market would be ambiguous


Suppose that the number of buyers in a market increases and a technological advancement occurs also. In this market, we would expect equilibrium quantity would increase, but the impact on equilibrium price would be ambiguous


Suppose you like banana cream pie made with vanilla pudding. Assuming all other things are constant, you notice that the price of bananas is higher. Your demand for vanilla pudding would decrease.


The difference between slope and elasticity is that slope measures actual changes and elasticity measures percentage changes.


The income of a typical worker in a country is most closely linked to productivity.


The main determinant of the price elasticity of supply is time


The market supply curve shows the total quantity supplied at any price.


The opportunity cost of going to college is the value of the best opportunity a student gives up to attend college.


The price elasticity of demand measures a buyer's responsiveness to a change in the price of a good.


Those who buy the product or service ultimately determine the demand for a product of or service


Two goods are substitutes if a decrease in the price of one good increases the demand for the other good


What will happen to the equilibrium price and quantity of new cars if the price of gasoline rises, the price of steel rises, public transportation becomes cheaper and more comfortable, and auto-workers negotiate higher wages? Quantity will fall and the effect on price is ambiguous


When a supply curve is relatively flat, the supply is relatively elastic


When the government redistributes income from the rich to the poor, people work less and produce fewer goods and services.


Economists use the phrase "There is no such thing as a free lunch," to illustrate how inflation increases prices


Elasticity of demand is closely related to the slope of the demand curve. The more responsive buyers are to a change in price, the demand curve will be steeper.


For a horizontal demand curve, slope is undefined and elasticity equals 0.


For economists, people's tastes and demand are beyond the realm of economics.


Henry decides to spend two hours playing golf rather than working at his job which pays $8 per hour. Henry's tradeoff is nothing, because he enjoys playing golf more than working.


A country with an aging population will generally experience no change in either market demand or individual demand for prescription drugs.


A demand curve illustrates the tradeoff between inflation and unemployment.


A good will have a more inelastic demand the greater the availability of close substitutes


A primary function of prices in a market economy is to provide participants with spending limits.


A rational decision maker takes an action only if the marginal benefit is less than the marginal cost.


A supply curve slopes upward because as more is produced, total cost of production falls.


A table that shows the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demanded is called a demand table.


A very hot summer in Atlanta will cause the demand for lemonade to shift to the left.


According to the law of demand price and quantity supplied are inversely related


After much consideration, you have chosen Cancun over Ft. Lauderdale for your Spring Break trip this year. For this decision to change, the marginal benefit of Cancun must increase


An advance in production technology will increase a firm's costs


An economy's scarce resources are allocated by economic planners.


An example of market power is a fast food restaurant in a college town.


An externality is the impact of a person's actions on that person's well-being.


An increase in the number of scholarships issued for college education would increase the supply of education.


Approximately 75 percentage of the world's economies experience scarcity


Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream would tend to have very elastic demand because it must be eaten quickly.


Demand is elastic if elasticity is less than 1.


Demand is said to be elastic if the price of the good responds substantially to changes in demand


Demand is unit elastic if elasticity is less than 1.


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