Microsoft Office Word
List three ways to switch from Page Layout view to Header and Footer view
(1) On the INSERT tab, in the Header & Footer group, click the Page Number button to insert a page number (2) Double-click in the header area (in a page's top margin) or in the footer area (in a page's bottom margin). (3) On the INSERT tab, click the Header button or the Footer button.
What is a PDF
A PDF (Portable Document Format) file is an electronic file that contains an image showing exactly how a document will look when printed
What is a style
A style is a collection of formatting optins
To adjust the width of a table's column to fit its widest entry, would you use the AutoFit Contents option or the AutoFIt Window option
AutoFit Contents
Name five types of bitmap files
Pictures button in the Illustrations group on the INSERT tab
Button used to insert a photo in a document
Explain how to insert a preformatted text box designed to match the current theme
Click in the document where you want to insert the text box, and then click the INSERT tab, In the Text group, click the Text Box button, and then click a text box
Explain how to create separate headers for a document with two sections.
Click in the header area for section 2. On the HEADER & FOOTER TOOLS DESIGN tab, in the Navigation group, click the Link to Previous button to deselect it.
Explain how to format a document in two columns of the default width
Click the PAGE LAYOUT tab. In the Page Setup group, click the Columns button, and then click Two.
How can you ensure that the Navigation pane will fine "ZIP code" instead of "zip code"
Click the Search for more things button in the Navigation pane, click Options to open the Find Options dialog box, click the Match case check box to select it, and then click OK to close the Find Options dialog box.
Spelling and Grammar task panes
Click the Spelling & Grammar button located on the REVIEW tab in the Proofing group
Explain how to edit a citation to display only the page number
Click the citation to display the content control, click the Citations Options button, click Edit Citation, type the page number in the pages box, click the Author and Title check boxes to insert a check mark and suppress this information, and then click the OK button
Explain how to insert a table in a document
Click where you want to insert the table, on the ribbon click the INSERT tab. In the Tables group, click the Tables button, drag the mouse pointer to select the desired number of rows and columns and then release the mouse button.
How to go to the Beginning or to the end of the document
Ctrl+Home or Ctrl+End
11 points
Default font size
Portrait Orientation
Describe the default page orientation for word documents
Explain how to make a graphic easier to view in Read Mode.
Double-click the graphic
List the five tasks you need to perform to make a default Word document match the MLA style.
Double-space the entire document; remove extra paragraph space from the entire document; increase the font size to 12 pints; indent the firs line of each body paragraph .5 inch from the left margin; and then insert a page number (preceded by your last name) in the upper right corner of every page (except the first, if your prefer).
How do you rotate a piture
Drag the picture's rotation handle
For a paragraph insert the insertion point in that paragraph and click center align in the paragraph group of the home tab For multiple paragraphs highlight them and do the same
Explain how to center align text
Click the Show/Hide button in the paragraph group on the HOME tab
Explain how to display non printing characters
To display non printing characters. You must click the nonprintinng characters put-on in the Show Group
Explain how to display nonprinting characters
To open the margins menu you must go to the page layout tab and either choose a default or make your own
Explain how to open the Margins menu
What must you do before you can display document headings in the Navigation pane
Format the document headings with heading styles
Wavy red underline to a word
How Word indicates a potential spelling error
Use the picture button in the illustrations group on the Insert tab
How can you insert a new photo
Undo button/ Redo button
How can you undo or reverse the last thing done in the document?/ How do you restore an original change?
It will be orange
How do you know if the print layout view is selected
Double click the white space to the left of the paragraph or triple click at any location within the paragraph
How do you quick select a paragraph
Triple click in the white space to the left of the document text
How do you quick select an entire document
Double click the word
How do you select a word?
click in the white space of the left of the line
How do you select an entire line
Press and hold ctrl and then drag over the text
How do you select nonadjacent blocks of texts
Click the Show comments button in the Comments group on the REVIEW tab.
How to display comments to the right of the document text in Simple Markup view
Home or End
How to go to the beginning or to the end of the current line
Page up or Page Down
How to go to the previous screen or to the next screen
Alt+Ctrl+Page Up/Down
How to go to the top or to the bottom of the document window
Which text wrapping option gives you the greatest control over an object's exact position, and is also the default text wrapping applied to shapes inserted via the Shapes button
In Front of Text
Left Margin
In a block letter, does each line of text start at the left or right margin?
When cropping a picture, how can you maintain a specific ratio of width to height
In the Crop menu, click Aspect Ratio, and then click the Aspect Ratio you want.
Explain how to remove a page number from the first page of a document
In the HEADER &FOOTER TOOLS DESIGN tab, in the Options group, select the Different First Page check box to insert a check mark.
Help window
In the upper-right corner of the Word window, click the Microsoft Word Help button. You can also open the Word Help window by pressing the F1 key.
Explain how to balance columns in a document
Insert a continuous section break at the end of the last paragraph in the columns
Is all the clip art offered by available for free, with no copyright restrictions
What style is applied to all text in a new document by default?
Normal Style
Explain how to create a citation for a new source
On the REFERENCES tab, in the Citations & Bibliography group, click the Insert Citation button, click Add New Source, enter the necessary information in the Create Source dialog box, and then click the OK button
How can you adjust a table style so that the first column in the table is formatted like all the others
On the TABLE TOOLS DESIGN tab, in the Table Style Options group, deselect the First Column check box.
Explain how to configure Word to hyphenate a document automatically
On the ribbon, click the PAGE LAYOUT tab. In the Page Setup group, click the Hyphenation button to open the Hyphenaton menu, and then click Automatic
Explain how to insert a new column in a table
Position the mouse pointer above the table , just above the column border where your want to add a column, and then click the Add Column button
After you enter data in the last cell in the last row in a table, how can you insert a new row
Press the Tab Key
How do you indent a paragraph one inch from the left margin using an option on the ribbon?
Select the paragraph. On the HOME tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Increase Indent button twice.
Format Painter button
Select the text whose formatting you want to copy, click the format painter button in the Clipboard group on the HOME tab, and then grag the format painter pointer over the text you want to format
Portrait orientation
The default page orientation for Word documents
Explain the relationship between a document's theme and styles
The document theme controls the variety of fonts, colors, and other visual effects available in a document. A style is a set of formatting options. The exact formatting applied by a style depends on the document's theme.
Home Tab
The tab includes options for formatting and editing text
These are the blank spaces around the edges of a documents content
Nonprinting Characters
These characters can appear on screen but not on the printed page
show/hide button
This button will display nonprinting characters in the document
Paragraph Mark
This indicates the end of a paragraph___.
Status bar
This provides information about the current document
Quick Access Toolbar
This provides one- click access to commonly used commands such as Save.
Insertion Point
This shows where characters will appear when you start typing
True or False. A wavy red underline below a word indicates a grammatical error.
True or False. In the block style letter, each line of text starts at the left margin, except for the date
True or False. The border word applies depends on the number of paragraphs selected in the document and the option you choose on the Border menu
True or false. Words add the .docx extension to document filenames
Explain how to insert the (R) symbol in a document
Type (r)
character marks at the end of a paragraph and character marks for spaces between words
What are examples of nonprinting characters
Special visual enhancements Outlines, shading, shadows, and reflections to a text's font The text effects button is in the font group on the home tab
What are text effects? What are example of text effects Where is the text effects buttons
What are the pre formatted files when creating a new document
They allow you to change the way the document is displayed
What are the view buttons
To see if you typed an extra space ended a paragraph
What are ways nonprinting characters are helpful
1 inch margins on all sides of the document
What are words default margins
The picture button in the illustrations group of the insert tab
What button do you use to insert a photo in a document
Format Painter buttons
What can you click to display the Format Painter pointer
Clear Formatting button (looks like a board with white eraser)
What can you click to restore selected text to the default font, font size, and color
to copy formatting from the selected text to other text in the document
What can you use the Format Painter pointer for
Border button
What can you use to apply an outline to the selected paragraph
Blue wavy line
What color is the contextual spelling error (you're instead of your
Green wavy line
What color is the grammar checker
A wavy red line
What color is the spell checker
Inside address
What do you call the recipients's address, which appears below the date in a block style letter?
Word automatically inserts dates and other regularly used items for you
What does AutoComplete do
it automatically corrects common typing errors when you press the space bar, tab or enter key
What does AutoCorrect do
It means that the document is wider than it is tall
What does landscape orientation mean
Apply a background of shading to selected text or paragraphs
What does the Shading button do
It provides options for changing the appearance of the Word window
What does the View tap provide
Deletes characters to the right of the insertion point compared to the backspace which deletes characters to the left of the insertion point
What does the delete key do? How is it different from the Backspace key
The font box and font size box
What in in the Font group on the home tab
The page is taller than it is wide
What is Portrait orientation
A set of characters that uses the same type face
What is a font
The way the text is lined up horizontally between the margins
What is alignment
When the full lines of text are spaced between both left and right margins and the text is not ragged Newspaper columns are often justified
What is justified alignment. What commonly uses justified alignment
What is shortcut for putting insertion point at beginning of document
What is the default font
What is the default font size
11 point
What is the default font size
What is the default line spacing in word
The default setting for paragraph spacing in word is 0 points before each paragraph and 10 points after each paragraph
What is the default setting for paragraph spacing in a word document
Current page, number of words in the document
What sort of information does the status bar provide
What tells you how to enter the rest of an AutoComplete word
What zoom level shows the document as if it were printed on paper
Page layout tab
Where can you change page margins
Show group in view tab
Where would you go to add a ruler to the document
Sentences, multiple paragraphs and blocks of text
Which do not have quick selects on Word
What is WordART
WordArt is essentially text in a text box that is formatted with text effects. However, the fact that WordArt is in a text box allows you to add some additional effects.
What is a bibliography called according to the MLA style
a works cited list
What symbol tells you that an object is a floating object
an anchor symbol
What term refers to the process of using the mouse to drag text to a new location
drag and drop
Where are the default tab stops located on the horizontal ruler
every half-inch
how to move left or write one word at a time? How to move up or down one paragraph at a time?
What tab do you click to begin creating a footnote
What button do you use to sort a table
the Sort button in the Data group on the TABLE TOOLS LAYOUT tab
paragraph spacing
the space before or after a paragraph
Dark Grey area
this area on the ruler represents the documents margins
Provide a visual representation of details you might other wise miss
what are Nonprinting characters good for