Microsoft Word- Chapter 2
View> Full screen reading view
How do you access full screen reading view?
Hold down ctrl key and click on the link
How do you activate a hyperlink in word?
Home> Center, left, right,
How do you align text?
Review>Track changes
How do you apply track changes
Double click, hold down ctrl key and shift key and press the arrow key
How do you choose a word? (2 ways)
Triple click, move the point to the left margin beside the paragraph and double click
How do you choose an entire paragraph? (2 ways)
Right click the word and choose the correct spelling
How do you correct a misspelled word
Review> New comment
How do you create a new comment
Home>Superscript/ subscript button
How do you create superscripts and subscripts?
Home> Show/hide button
How do you display the formatting parts?
Position the insertion point where you want to type or delete text
How do you edit a document?
Home>Find Type what you want in the navigation pane then click on match
How do you find text
Home>No spacing
How do you get no spacing when you hit enter?
How do you get the thesaurus?
Insert>Hyperlink Type in wed address or link it to another document
How do you insert a hyperlink?
How do you insert symbols or special characters?
Click accept or reject button
How do you keep or get rid of changes
How do you print a document?
Right click on the hyperlink and choose remove hyperlink
How do you remove a hyperlink?
Home>Replace, then type the text you want to replace and then type the new word
How do you replace text
Hold down ctrl key and click a sentence, move the pointer to the left margin a click next to the sentence
How do you select a sentence? (2 Ways)
Click Home>Select>select all
How do you select all the text using the ribbon
Hold down the shift key and click a character
How do you select from the insertion point to where you clicked
Home>Format painter Highlight an area to apply formatting
How do you use the format painter?
How do you zoom in or out on a document?
Until different text is copied or computer is turned off
How long does text stay on the clip board
How many points are in an inch?
How many spaces are typed after a period
Hold down the shift key and press an arrow key
How to you extend the selection to the insertion point
Use track changes
A way to have someone to review your work and see their suggestions is to use what?
Format painter
Copies all paragraph formats from one paragraph to another
Corrects commonly misspelled words and incorrect capitalization
Justify, used for books and newspapers
Creates straight edges on both sides of a paragraph... what is this used for
Spell checker
Automatically check the words as they are typed
Insertion Point
Blinking vertical line that indicates where the next character typed will be placed
Office clip board
Stores the last 24 cut or copied items
Text is slanted and is mostly used for emphasis
Find whole words only
Text that entirely matches the search text
Left Aligned
The left edge of the paragraph is straight and the right edge of the paragraph is jagged
The position of text relative to the sides of the page
Right aligned
The right edge of the paragraph is straight and the left edge is jagged
To modify the contents of a document
Status bar
View information about the current document
Way text appears on a page. Font, Size, and style
Red wavy line
What appears when there is a misspelled word?
1. Select text to be moved or copied 2. Click Home>Cut or Home>Copy 3. Place the insertion point in the document where the text is to be inserted Home>Paste
What are the 4 step to duplicate text?
Letters, resumes, reports
What can be created with a word document?
Word is correctly spelled, but may be the wrong spelling for the current use EX. there their they're
What does it mean when you have a blue wavy line?
It turns blue and becomes a hyperlink
What happens if you type in word?
left aligned
What is the default alignment in word?
What is the default font in word?
Doc. X
What is the extension that is saved in Word 2010
To the right of the insertion point
Where do the typed words go?
Words that have opposite meanings
Words that have similar meanings
Document collaboration
Working with other to create, review, and revise a document to achieve the best result.
Center aligned
left and right edges of a paragraph are equally distant from the left and right sides of a page
text has a line under it and is mostly used for emphasis
text is printed darker so that words and phrases stand out on a page
Formatting Marks
Special symbols representing spaces, tabs, and paragraphs, that do not appear on the paper when a document is printed
A collection of synonyms
Word processor
A computer application used to create, modify, print, and email documents
Clip board
Designated area in memory where cut and copied text is placed
Grammar check
Displays a green wavy line below a phrase or sentence when a possible grammatical error is detected
File tab
Displays commands for opening, saving, and printing a document
Title bar
Displays file name of the current document
Finds formatting marks and other special characters
Ding bats
Font that contains pictures
Full screen reading view
Makes it easier to read a document displayed on a screen
Word wrap
Process that automatically determines if the words go to the right will fit on the end of the current line or if some must go on the next line
Repeat the last action
Reverse the last action
Select a commands and perform actions
Moving text
Selected text is cut from one place and pasted into another
Match case
Selects text with the same capitalization
Font type face
Shape of characters
Reading highlights
Shows all occurrences of search text highlighted in yellow
Shows paper size and format text
Previewing a document
Shows what printouts will look like
Clearing highlights
clears the highlighted search areas
Sub script
reduces the size of text and lowers it to the bottom of the current line
Super script
reduces the size of text and raises it to the top of the current line
Duplicating text
selected text is copied from one place and the copy in pasted into another place