Middle Ages Test (Chapter 13)

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What were the three roots of medieval culture in Western Europe?

1. The classical heritage of Rome 2. Beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church 3. Customs of various Germanic tribes

Define knights

Mounted horsemen who pledged to their lord's land in exchange for fiefs.

Why did lay investiture cause a struggle between kings and popes?

Popes felt like the Kings shouldn't have the power to appoint church officials and name bishops.

Where did the Vikings come from?

Scandinavia, Germanic people

Who were the occupants a medieval castle?

The Lord and Lady, their family, Knights, and other men at arms

Define Carolingian Dynasty

The family that would rule the Franks from 751 to 987

Why might Frederick I have used the name Holy Roman Empire instead of the German Nation?

To associate the empire with Catholic Church.

Define secular

Worldly, power involved in politics.

What was the distinction between serfs and slaves important?

Yes, serfs were't slaves, they couldn't be bought or sold by lords.

Who was Leif Ericson?

A Viking explorer, reached North America in 1000, 50 years before Columbus.

Define lay investiture

A ceremony where kings and nobles appointed church officials.

Define chivalry

A complex set of ideals, demanded that a knight fight bravely in defense of three masters.

How did geography and climate play a role in ending Viking attacks in Europe?

A warming trend in Europe's climate made farming easier so fewer people adopted sea faring Viking life.

What age would a boy reach the rank of squire?

Age 14

What age would a boy become a full fledged Knight?

Age 21

At what age would a boy be sent of to the castle of another lord?

Age 7

How did feudalism compare to the Aryan caste system?

Aryans was priest head of government had warrior traders and lord's and peasants. Europe- King head of government, priest and,lord's, Warriors, and then peasants.

What was Canon law?

Church law, in matters such as marriage and religious practices.

Define tithe

Church tax

What three groups vied for power during this time?

Church, kings, and lords

Who was the Franks leader who brought Christianity to the region?


Define Holy Roman Empire

Created by Otto I. Was the strongest state in Europe until 1100.

What were the cultural effects of Germanic invasions of Western Europe?

Disruption of trade- $ became scarce. Breakdown of trade destroyed Europe's cities as economic centers. Downfall of cities- cities abandoned as centers of administration Population shifts- Roman cities left w/o strong leadership.

How are tournaments like modern sport competitions?

Even though they are both not an actual battle, they are both dangerous and brutal, and the winners usually have some type of reward.

Why were excommunication and interdiction so feared?

Excommunication meant that you were denied salvation. Under an interdict many sacraments and religious services couldn't be performed in the king's lands, and without sacraments Christians believed you were doomed to hell.

When were the Middle Ages?

From 500 to 1500

Who were the Franks?

German people that held power in theRoman provinces of Gual (France and Switzerland)

*Why did the move to rural areas contribute to a decline in literacy?*

Germanic invaders couldn't read or write.

What was Gelasius' two sword theory?

God created two swords. One sword was religious and the other was political. The pope held the spiritual sword and the emperor held the political sword.

Why did the Church support Clovis's campaigns against other Germanic peoples?

He converted to Christianity and he partnered his Frankish kingdom with the Church.

How did Pepin the short expand the authority he had inherited?

He cooperated with the pope and fought the Lombards. The Pope then anointed him "King by the grace of God"

How did Otto I make his crown stronger than the German nobles?

He formed a close alliance with the Church and sought help from the clergy to limit the nobles' strength. He built up his power by gaining the support of the bishops and abbots, the head of the monasteries.

How did Charlemagne challenge traditional Germanic government?

He limited the authority of the nobles and sent out royal agents to govern his empire and make sure that the powerful landholders governed their counties justly.

Why was Henry's journey to Canossa a political act?

He needed to be Un excommunicated to get his political power back

What was Pope Gregory I greatest achievement?

He strengthened the vision of Chirstendom.

How was Pope Gregory I like a Roman emperor?

He used church revenues to raise armies, repair roads, and help the poor. He negotiated treaties with invaders.

Why did the bishops change sides in the controversy between Henry IV and the Pope?

Henry was excommunicated, therefore the bishops couldn't support him any more.

Why was Charles Martel's victory at the Battle of Tours so important for Christianity?

His victory extended Frank's reign to the north and south and east and defeated Muslim raiders from Spain.

What were some themes of medieval literature?

Idealizing castle life, glorified knighthood and chivalry, tournaments, and real battles. Songs and poems about a knight's undying love for a lady.

What advantages did taking captives rather than settling conquered land have for the Magyars?

If they settled, threat would've disrupted their nomadic lifestyle and they would have to take care of the land. They could also make money.

What was the impact of Viking, Magyar, and Muslim invasions on medical Europe?

It caused widespread disorder and suffering. Kings couldn't effectively defend their land from invasions so people stopped looking to a central ruler for security, turned to local rulers who had their armies.

How did literature of the 12th century support the code of chivalry?

It downplayed the brutality of knighthood and idealized castle life, and glorified knighthood and chivalry. It also praised those who fought and died in battle protecting their lord.

What was the purpose of stirrups?

It enabled a warrior to ride and handle heavier weapons

What was the purpose of a saddle?

It kept a warrior firmly seated on a moving horse

How did siege warfare neutralize the knight's usual advantage?

It neutralized the knight's advantage because the siege weapons were designed to perfectly destruct the castle and they were very advanced. It gained perfection and advance,end of technology allowing them to get through the castles defense wall.

Why might the people of the Middle Ages be drawn to the structured life described by Benedict and Scholastica?

It was peaceful and monasteries became the centers of stability and learning.

Define lord


What are two inventions from Asia that changed the technology warfare in Western Europe?

Leather saddles and stirrups

Define major Domo?

Mayor of the palace

What caused Christianity to spread through Europe, and why was this important?

Missionaries and Frankish rulers converted German people. This is important because these converts settled in Roman former land.

What was the relationship of noblewomen and peasant women to their children?

Noblewomen don't seem to have a significant presence on their children and had their daughters taught by tutors whilst peasant women always took care of their children and taught their daughters household skills.

What were the boy's responsibilities at each stage?

Page waited on his hosts and began practicing fighting skills. Squire acted as a servant to a Knight.

How does noblewomen's major concerns in life compare to peasant women?

Peasant women have a harder life because they have to take care of everything and look after the whole household while performing endless labor and had no power.

Define serfs

People who could not lawfully leave the place where they were born. They weren't slaves because their lord couldn't sell or buy them. What their labor produced belonged to the lord.

Define clergy

Religious officials, included bishops and priests. Fell under pope's authority

Define monastery?

Religious' communities

What privileges did a noblewomen have in medieval society?

She could inherit an estate from her husband, or act as a military commander and warrior when her husband was at war. However, the lives of most noblewomen were limited.

How do siege weapons show that their designers knew the architecture of a castle well?

Siege weapons show their designers knew the architecture well because they made weapons that could crack castle walls or knock down drawbridge, slingshots that could be fired as high as the castle, and towers that were as high as the castle. Designed weapons to shoot over and through castles.

How do medieval love songs compare to modern ones?

Similar about the conflicts of love.

What similar function did religious celebrations and the literature of chivalry serve?

The Church created system of justice to guide people's conduct.

How was the structure of the Church like that of the feudal system?

The Church had organization. Power was based on status.

Why did medieval peasants support the church?

The Church was a stable force during an era of constant warfare and turmoil. Provided them with security and belonging to religious community. They could also follow some path to salvation.

Who were the Magyars and where did they come from?

The Magyars were a group of nomadic people that attacked isolated villages and monasteries. They came from the east, Hungary.

What were Charlemagne's most notable achievements?

The encouragement of learning by opening a palace school and ordering monasteries to open schools to train future monks and priests. He also spread Christianity and reunited Western Europe for the first time since the Roman Empire.

Define fief

The land granted by the landowner

How did the relationship of lords and Knights exemplify the system of feudalism?

The lord's awarded the Knights with fiefs from their estates in exchange for defense or the lord's territory.

Define manor

The lord's estate

How did the role of noblewomen compare to those of Knights?

The noblewomen could inherit an estate from her husband, she could send Knights to war. Like Knights, they sometimes played a key role in defending the castle by hurling rocks and firing arrows at attackers. A noblewomen might act as a military commander and warrior.

What qualities would you associate with the peasant women and the life she lived?

The peasant women was hardworking and her life was full of adversity and was very busy, but essential to keep her family living.

How did religion support the feudal system?

The peasants accepted their harsh lives as a part of Gods plan.

Define vassal

The person receiving the fief

What role did monasteries play during this time of chaos?

They became Europe's best educated community and they provided a safe heaven and a place of peace admits the chaos.

What are similarities between feudalism in Europe and feudalism in Japan?

They both had a society that was structured like a pyramid. Peasants were at the bottom, fighters are in the middle, and rulers like kings and emperors are at the top.

How might the decline of trade during the early Middle Ages have contributed to the self sufficiency of the manor system?

They could not depend on other areas had to support yourself.

That problems did peasant families have?

They lived in crowded cottages and suffered from illness and malnutrition.

What obligations did a peasant have to the lord of the manor?

They paid grain and marriage tax. They also produced everything they or their lord needed for daily life.

What was the purpose of tournaments?

They were mock battles that allowed young Knights to gain experience fighting. It combined recreation with combat training. They were fierce and bloody competitions.

What was the job of a troubadour?

They were traveling poem-musicians at the castles and courts of Europe, composed short verses and songs about the joys and sorrows of romantic love.

What seems to be the major concerns of the noblewomen's life?

They were usually confined to activities at home or the convent. They also held little property because lord's passed down fiefs to sons not daughters.

Why were both the pope and the emperor willing to accept the terms of the Concordat of Worms?

They were willing to accept it because they both had power. Only the church could appoint a bishop, but the emperor could veto the appointment.

Describe Viking culture.

They worshipped warlike gods. Carried out their raids with extreme speed. They were warriors, traders, farmers, and explorers.

What was the underlying question involved in Otto I's relationship with the church?

Why should he have control, as king over clergy and their offices? How much power should Un religious kings have over the people.

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