Midterm Exam Review

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An estimated __________ Spaniards emigrated from Europe to the Americas between 1500 and 1800. 10,000 300,000 30,000,000 1,000,000


Dubbed Doña Marina, Malinche was: The wife of Francisco Pizarro, who led an expedition of Spanish women to the New World. A nun who protested against the enslavement of Native Americans. A poet and theologian of considerable influence in Mexico. A Nahuatl-speaking woman who acted as translator for Hernán Cortés.

A nahuatl-speaking woman who acted as translator for Hernan Cortes

In the presence of the German emperor Ferdinand III in 1672, Otto von Guericke demonstrated that: · The political theory of absolute rule would produce the best state. · A vacuum could be created by pumping the air out of two sealed spheres. · Blood circulates from the heart through pulmonary capillaries and back again. · The heliocentric theory was valid beyond any reasonable doubt.

A vacuum could be created by pumping the air out of two sealed spheres.

The Jewish community of ___________ excommunicated Baruch Spinoza for heresy, since he seemed to make God immanent in the world. · Frankfurt · Lisbon · Amsterdam · London


James Oglethorpe's vision for the colony of Georgia included all of the following except: An adoption of native Creek patterns of interaction with the natural environment. Close-knit neighborhoods built around common areas and public squares. The welcoming of skilled craftsmen and laborers to the city of Savannnah. A ban on slavery and rum.

An adoption of native Creek patterns of interaction with the natural environment.

Under difficult conditions during the Thirty Years' War, Maria Cunitz wrote a treatise on ___________ that corrected the calculations of previous scholars and offered simplified calculations of star positions. · The vacuum · Biology · Astronomy · The Latin New Testament


An assistant of Galileo, Evangelista Torricelli experimented with mercury-filled tubes to lay the groundwork for the first ___________. · Barometer · Steam engine · Telescope · Thermometer


On St. _______'s Day in August 1572, the Catholic king and aristocracy of France perpetrated a wholesale slaughter of thousands of Huguenots. · Valentine · Crispin · Bartholomew · Louis


The ruler Ewuare was the first to rise to dominance over chiefs and assume the title of king over _________. Chad Ethiopia Kongo Benin


Spain, under the __________, enacted significant reforms in order to regain control over their American possessions. Stewarts Hohenzollern Bourbons Habsburgs


From the middle of the seventeenth century, the pueblos de indios were fully functional, self-administering units, with councils (________), churches, schools, communal lands, and family parcels. Zacatecas Crioulos Cabildos Pampas


Acquiring wealth with the help of money and thereby perhaps gaining a glimpse of one's fate became one of the hallmarks of ____________. · Catholicism · Lutheranism · Zwinglianism Calvinism


The work of the German ________ Martin Waldseemüller probably had an effect on the scientific theories of Nicolaus Copernicus. · Cartographer · Philosopher · Physicist · Emperor


Recent scholarship suggests that a key formative element in the development of culture and identity of Africans in the Americas lay in the influence of the: Christians from Ethiopia who sent critical support to South Africans The Dutch Boers who provided a haven for escaped slaves West African variants of Islam Central African Creoles from Kongo and Ndongo

Central African Creoles from Kongo and Ndongo

As part of his reforms, Tsar Peter I "the Great" ______________ many of the farmers. · Collectivized and educated · Emancipated and ennobled · Recruited all of his naval officers from · Classified and taxed as serfs

Classified and Taxed as serfs

As part of his reforms, Tsar Peter I "the Great" ______________ many of the farmers. · Collectivized and educated · Emancipated and ennobled · Classified and taxed as serfs · Recruited all of his naval officers from

Classified and taxed serfs

The Spanish captured the last emperor of the Aztecs, ________, in 1521 and executed him in 1525. Atahualpa Montezuma Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma II


Coffeehouses allowed the literate urban public to meet, read __________, and exchange ideas. · Royal proclamations encouraging their proliferation · Daily newspapers · Their fortunes in overturned coffee grounds · Humanist Biblical translations

Daily Newspapers

The central objective of the "Glorious Revolution" in England was the: · Removal of the Stuart kings for Habsburg rulers. · Deposing of a king and his replacement by his daughter and Dutch husband. · Introduction of the steam engine and factories. · Closing of Parliament and the establishment of an absolute monarchy.

Deposing of a king and his replacement by his daughter and Dutch husband.

As part of the African ________, Africans moved to nearly all parts of the Americas primarily as a result of the transatlantic slave trade. Passage Migration Diaspora Resurgence


The Columbian Exchange characterizes the transfer of plants, animals, and ________ between the Americas and the rest of the world Diseases Population Minerals Ideas


Louis XIV sent salaried, itinerant intendants around the provinces to: · Ensure that governmental activities functioned properly. · Spy on priests who seemed dangerously attracted to Protestantism. · "Intensify" loyalty and devotion to the son and heir of the "Sun King". · Measure the rebellious "intentions" of his restive nobles.

Ensure that governmental activities functioned properly.

Which kingdom on the map was prevented from being destroyed by a Portuguese fleet with artillery and musketeers in 1541? Ethiopia Songhay Benin Kongo


In the formulation of his "law of falling bodies", Galileo systematically combined imagination with empirical research and ___________. · Newspaper articles · Biblical authority · Experimentation · Royal Society funding


Around 1750, there were about 10,000 Boers (Dutch for "_______") in the Cape Colony, easily outnumbered by slaves. Whites Farmers Foreigners Masters


The average slave field hand on a sugar plantation was estimated to live: Until age 27 or so. Five or six years. Until age 50 for males; slightly longer for females. Twelve to fifteen years.

Five or Six years

"Renaissance" thinkers and artists considered their period a time of "rebirth" (the literal meaning of the word in the _______ language). · Greek · Portuguese · French · Italian


Because _________ universities and scientific academies refused to admit women, in contrast to their counterparts in other countries, the salon became a bastion of well-placed and respected female scholars. · Spanish · German · Italian · French


Brazil production of _________ in the eighteenth century, was a welcome bonanza for Portugal at a time of low agricultural prices. Silver Gold Sugar Indigo


The demand for slave labor reached new heights in Brazil when: The church declared, in 1680, that Indians could be enslaved. Supplies of slaves dwindled as a result of the conversion of Benin to Christianity. The Portuguese ceded control of the territory to the Spanish. Gold was discovered in Minas Gerais in 1690

Gold was discovered in Minas Gerais in 1690

Humanism was an intellectual movement focused on human culture, in such fields as philosophy, philology, and literature, and based on the corpus of ___________ texts. · Byzantine and Ottoman · Greek and Roman · Arabic and Latin · Catholic and Orthodox

Greek and Roman

By the early seventeenth century, an elite of Spaniards who ___________, called Creoles, was in place to assist and then replaced Spanish administrators. Had been brought across the Atlantic to marry the men and produce children. Had accompanied the conquistadors in the 1510s. Had joined a specially created Franciscan order of priests. Had been born in the Americas.

Had been born in the Americas

Although they were under frequent attack by Kanem-Bornu, the _________ kingdoms enjoyed periods of independence during which many of the ruling clans converted to Islam. Hausa São Tomé Loango Dahomey


Which ruler brought religious conflict between the Huguenots and Catholics through the issuing of the Edict of Nantes in 1598? · Henry IV · Philip II · Louis XIV · Charles V

Henry IV

The lasting achievement of Gabrielle-Émilie du Châtelet was: · Her translation of Newton's Mathematical Principles into French. · Her sponsorship of the scientific work of Evangelista Torricelli. · Her design for the gardens at the Palace of Versailles. · Her translation of Voltaire's "philosophical tale" Candide.

Her translation of Newton's Mathematical Principles into French.

A member of the _________ family of rulers, Frederick II "the Great" of Prussia enlarged his army and pursued an aggressive foreign policy. · Bourbon · Habsburg · Hohenzollern · Stuart


In France, Protestants were known as: · Bourbons · Calvinists · Lutherans · Huguenots


The unequal relations between Tutsi cattle breeders and ______ farmers froze into a caste system during the nineteenth-century colonial occupation. Hutu Luo Boer Malian


In the second half of the 1600s, the ___________ drove many smaller groups westward into the Great Lakes region and Mississippi plains. Iroquois Micmac Huron Comanche


Among most of the countries of Europe, the Netherlands was exceptional in its finances in that: · Its leaders raised revenue by borrowing from merchants and selling positions. · Its urban residents were willing to pay higher taxes on manufactures and farming. · Its citizens emigrated to neighboring countries rather than pay its oppressive tax rates. · Its nobles actively resisted the absolutist king's demand for new sources of funding.

Its urban residents were willing to pay higher taxes on manufactures and farming.

As a proponent of Copernican heliocentrism, Galileo seemed to contradict the passage in the Hebrew Bible's Book of ___________, in which God stops the sun in the sky for a day. · Ezekiel · Joshua · Genesis · Jonah


Copernicus began his studies at the University of __________, the only eastern European school to offer courses in astronomy. · Prague · Wittenberg · Kraków Warsaw


Having laid waste to Cuzco, Pizarro founded a new Andean capital at __________ in 1535. Lima Cartagena São Paulo Santiago de Chile


The portolan (nautical chart) drawn by Pedro Reinel is the earliest known map to include _____________. · Compass lines · Lines of latitude · Wind directions · The Americas

Lines of latitude

Despite the appearance of his beaming benevolence at Versailles, the "absolutist" rule of ____________ was a complex mixture of centralized and decentralized forces. · Louis XIV · Peter I "the Great" · Ferdinand II · Henry IV

Louis XIV

The ruler with the longest reign in France was: · Henry IV. · Charles IX. · Louis XIV. · Louis XIII.

Louis XIV

Isaac Newton's ___________ Principles of Natural Philosophy, published in 1687, was the towering achievement of the New Sciences. · Cartesian · Unassailable · Selected · Mathematical


In a much-publicized statement, the Diggers insisted they were: · Merely cultivating public land, which was "the treasure of all people" · Determined to "dig up" King Charles I and seek to murder his executioners. · Providing a "digest" of English common law that could be applicable in the Commonwealth. · Going to the roots of their Catholic identity by eradicating all elements of Protestantism.

Merely cultivating public land, which was "the treasure of all people"

The 2016 film, Birth of a Nation dramatized the 1831 slave rebellion led by ___________. Hattians Maroons Nat Turner Olaudah Equiano

Nat Turner

Native Americans extracted silver from rock using the ______ method. Patio Zinc oxide Sulfuric acid Panning


What Russian tsar's reforms resulted in the establishment of a more centralized Russian state? · Catherine I · Peter I · Frederick I · Louis XIII

Peter I

The innovations of Desiderius Erasmus contributed to the field of _________. · Optics · Physics · Philology · Astronomy


In the 1540s the Spanish government introduced ___________ called repartimientos, which was a continuation of the mit'a system devised by the Inca for taxation. Apartments for young women Tithe-based church endowments Rotating labor assignments Khipu-calculated tax-tables

Rotating labor assignments

The popularity of molasses and _________ caused an increase in sugar planting and slavery. Candy Rum Cotton Indigo


Under the Hohenzollern, Prussia developed a strong army which would be used by Frederick II to challenge ________ for dominance in the Holy Roman Empire. · The Habsburgs · Sweden · Russia · The Bourbons


Which country on the map was not a site of Catholic-Protestant violence during the Reformation? · Russia · France · Holy Roman Empire · United Netherlands


The kings of Kongo demonstrated their absorption of Portuguese culture by: Sending their own ships to the Indies. Sending members of the ruling family to Portugal for their education. Implementing a similarly decentralized pattern of monarchic control. Building a school for the study of navigation in M'banza.

Sending members of the ruling family to Portugal for their education

Portuguese colonial cities and Jesuits repeatedly clashed over the ____________ of the "pioneers" (bandeirantes) into the Brazilian interior. Silver mining Slave raids Scientific discoveries Tax evasion

Slave raids

_______ was the only North American colony, and later state, in which African Americans outnumbered those of European descent. Florida Georgia Rhode Island South Carolina

South Carolina

The Baroque artistic aesthetic could best be described as: · Spontaneous and dramatic · Imitative and classical · Calvinist and austere · Restrained and balanced

Spontaneous and Dramatic

Mercantilist economic theory dictates that: States should keep their economies blocked off from competitors and import as little and export as much as possible. Free and open markets will result in the best result for the largest number. People should not be bought and sold like property. Merchants should be in control of all political decisions in the home country.

States should keep their economies blocked off from competitors and import as little and export as much as possible.

After Hernán Cortés arrived at the the city of ___________,he soon captured the emperor Moctezuma II who was forced to swear allegiance to Emperor Charles V. Tlaxcala Tenochtitlán Veracruz Campeche


After Brazil, which region in the American received the largest number of African slaves? Northern U.S. The Caribbean Mexico and Central America Carolinas/Georgia

The Caribbean

Spain fought to retain control over ________________ until 1648, when it recognized its independence. · Switzerland · The Netherlands · Naples · The Holy Roman Empire

The Netherlands

When the Catholic Reformation drove the New Sciences to northwestern Europe chartered scientific societies, such as _______,were founded. · European Society of Scientists · Royal Moscow Institute · The Royal Society of London · The Madrid Institute of Science

The Royal Society of London

The popularity of rum promoted: The establishment of sugar cane plantations in Canada and New England. The manumission of slaves, as freedmen were considered better sources of labor. Calls for its prohibition, especially in the southern American colonies. The expansion of sugar planting and slavery, to their peak after 1750.

The expansion of sugar planting and slavery, to their peak after 1750.

Slaveowners constantly faced: The need for constant capital investment. The gathering influence of abolitionists in eighteenth-century society. The opposition of the Catholic church to the institution. The threat of insurrection.

The threat of insurrection

The main impulse for the revivalist movement known as the "Great Awakening" of the 1730s and 1740s was: A sudden upsurge in accusations and prosecutions for witchcraft in the colonies. The imposition of Catholic doctrine on Anglican churches in Massachusetts and Virginia. The tour of the Methodist preachers John and Charles Wesley through Georgia. The discovery of new documents that proved that Jesus had visited North America.

The tour of the Methodist preachers John and Charles Wesley through Georgia.

What greatly helped the Portuguese trade with West Africans for cloth and metal that were in demand in Europe? They built forts on the coast from which to trade. They had gold from Songhay which they could trade. They traded ordinary articles of daily life which were in high demand. They were able to convert many of the local chiefs to Christianity.

They built forts on the coast from which to trade

As part of the Catholic Reformation, the Council of Trent ended _______________. · The political role of the pope. · The payment for indulgences · The Inquisition · The appointment of bishops

They payment for indulgences

What gave the Spanish a military advantage over their Native American opponents? They possessed bows that fired longer distances. They possessed steel weapons and armor. They fought from large ships. They were trained to fight in formation.

They possessed steel weapons and armor

What was the reason for Morocco's invasion of Songhay in 1591? Incorrect answer: They wanted to gain control over the Saharan salt trade. They wanted to prevent Portugal from accessing Songhay's gold. They wanted to prevent the Spanish from taking over Songhay. They wanted to capture Songhay for the Ottoman Empire.

They wanted to prevent Portugal from accessing Songhay's gold.

As in Spain, the only income tax in New Spain was the __________. Export tax, a flat percentage of all materials that had been sent out of the country. Slave tax, an effort to diminish reliance on the Portuguese slave trade. "Real" tax, which was paid directly to the crown on the king's birthday. Tithe paid to the church, which the administration, at times, used for its own purposes.

Tithe paid to the church, which the administration, at times, used for its own purposes.

In the 1440s, Portuguese mariners raided the ___________ coast for slaves. East African Moroccan Ethiopian West African

West African

By the mid-16th century, the conquistadors shifted from looting Native American empires and towns to exploiting native labor in _______ and in agriculture. Shipbuilding, to facilitate the voyage back to Spain Military service, in certain specialized units Working silver, gold, and mercury mines Translating for the Spanish and guiding expeditions to new lands in the interior of the continent.

Working silver, gold, and mercury mines

The British colony of Georgia became: An experiment in timber production for shipbuilding. A haven for escaped slaves from Spanish owners. A charter colony and haven for Quaker minorities. A major plantation colony.

a haven for escaped slaves from Spanish owners

The participation of Virginia settlers _________ was an indication that the British would not follow the same policy in the New World as their Spanish counterparts. "Caste" system to prevent intermarriage Tobacco plantations Catholic parish system in colonial administration

in colonial administration

Barbados was settled initially in 1627 by English planters who employed English and Irish ____________. Peasants Indentured laborers Sailors Enslaved people

indentured laborers

What caused the European immigrant population to rise in Brazil during the late seventeenth century? The expansion of plantations. Religious persecution in Europe. The discovery of gold. The growth of poverty on the Iberian Peninsula.

religious persecution in Europe

After the Dutch, who dominated the slave trade with West Africa? The English The French The Spanish The Portuguese

the English

What operated in Spanish and Portuguese colonies to limit the intermingling of Catholicism with traditional religion? The Spanish army The Spanish Inquisition New World universities Franciscan monks

the Spanish Inquisition

Losses to the Spanish empire came in the mid-seventeenth century, beginning with: The surrender of Cuba to the Dutch in 1659. The colonization of eastern Hispaniola by the French in 1665. The failure of sugar plantations in their colony of Saint-Domingue in 1653. The capture of Jamaica by the British in 1655.

the capture of Jamaica by the British 1655

Which of the following was not a Bourbon reform in the Spanish colonies? A reduction of the annual armed silver fleet. The opening of ports to non-Spanish merchant ships. The expansion of silver mining and textile manufacturing. The division of two viceroyalties into four.

the division of two viceroyalties into four

Descartes concluded that a person, including himself, was composed of two radically different substances, a material substance that can be understood with the senses and another that consisted of: · The biological instincts of animal nature · The social contract between mind and body · The thinking mind · The eternal soul

the thinking mind

The indigo plant, which _____________, contributed to a booming economy in South Carolina starting in the 1740s. Became a food source comparable to rice Was unknown until it was discovered in the Americas Could be dried and smoked as an alternative to tobacco Was processed into a dye

was processed into a dye

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