Midterm: Government & Politics in South Asia

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Pakistani Party politics was characterized with five remarkable features.

-regionalism -personalism -factionalism -religious extremism -military rule

capital of Pakistan


capital of Bangladesh


Imran Khan

-founder of Pakistan Tehreek Insaf -incumbent PM of Pakistan since last general election in 2018

Mahatma Gandhi

-founding father of India

Muhammad Ali Jinnah

-founding father of Pakistan

After independence in 1947, Pakistan promulgated three constitutions respectively in 1956, 1962, and 1973. Can you identify the most remarkable differences between them?

- 1956 constitution based on the parliamentary system -1962 constitution based on the presidential system -1973 constitution based on parliamentary system

eight countries in South Asia

-Afghanistan -Bangladesh (created out of Pakistan) -Bhutan -India -the Maldives -Nepal -Pakistan -Sri Lanka (used to be called Selah or something)

*In the traditional Indian society, the social structure was based on the Caste System. There were four castes with their different social functions. Can you identify the four castes and their social functions?*

-Brahmins (priests) & Kshatriyas (warriors) -Vaishyas (traders) -Sudras (menials) -caste created hierarchical social structure -Hinduism asserts that different castes need to perform different social functions -Hinduism as predominant religion in South Asia

Please identify the major heritages of the British rule in India.

-British rule established in 1858 -British established control over India -achieved territorial integration & central admin -English used in admin, judiciary, and edu institutions -English brought Indian upper classes in contact with the West civilizations -democratic ideals of liberty, equality, and social justice took root among intellectuals

capitals of Sri Lanka

-Colombo (commercial) -Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte (administrative)

*Please explain why The Pakistan Tehreek Insaf or Pakistan Movement of Justice can have developed into the second largest party in the 2013 national election.*

-Cricketer Imran Khan led party under the slogan, "Change" -social democratic and radical political movement, claims to represent all Pakistanis -aims to create secular, democratic welfare state -PTI promotes nationalist agenda -argues that terrorism/extremism has increased since Pakistan joined War on Terror

periods of Indian history

-Hindu period -Muslim period -British period

the Darashanas

-Hindu scripture -provides intellectual heritage of the Hindus

Indian political parties have created three stable party alliances. They are :

-INC-led United Progressive Alliance -BJP-led National Democratic Alliance -The Third Front

Rajya Sabba

-India's Council of States

Lok Sabha

-India's House of the People

Narendra Modi

-India's PM after BJP won the general election in 2014 -former chief minister of Gujarat -blamed of failing to prevent Hindu-Muslim riots -praised for successful economic policies in the State

Jawaharlal Nehru

-India's first prime minister after India's independence

2 most important national political parties in India since the end of the Cold War

-Indian National Congress -Bharatiya Janata Party


-Indian traditional language -Indo-European language family

capital of Afghanistan


capital of Nepal


capital of the Maldives


capital of India

-New Delhi

3 leading political parties of Pakistan

-Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz - PMLN) -Pakistan People's Party (PPP) - Pakistan Movement of Justice/Pakistan Tehreek Insaf (PTI)

Land of the Pure

-Pakistan literal translation

3 regions of India

-Plains of N. India -Deccan Plateau -South India

The creation of Pakistan is based on Islam, but Pakistan is composed of five major politically significant ethnic groups. What are they and where they live ?

-Punjabis: Punjab province, speak Punjabi -Sindhis: Sindh province, speak Sindhi -Baloch: Baluchistan, speak Balochi -Pakhtuns: Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, speak Pushto -Muhajirs: urban areas (Karachi), speak Urdu

parliament of India parts

-Rajya Sabha -Lok Sabha

Rahul Gandhi

-Sonia Gandhi's son -general secretary of Indian National Congress

South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)

-South Asian countries established a regional cooperation organization in 1985

capital of Bhutan


South Asia geographic location

-between the Himalayas and the Indian Ocean -between the Hindu Kush & Iran and Bay of Bengal & Myanmar

During the Muslim period of Indian history, the founding of the Mughal Empire was a great historic event in the 16th century. Please briefly introduce the achievements the Mughal rulers made.

-conquered most of northern India -established stable and centralized administration directed from Lahore, Agra, and Delhi* -founder was Babur who conquered Delhi in 1526 -Akbar (grandson of Babur) consolidated rule of northern India & achieved political stability in Muslim India -Persian-speaking rulers patronized Urdu written in Persian script


-created in 1971 out of Pakistan

Benazir Bhutto

-daughter of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto -president of Pakistan People's Party -PM 1988-1990 -assassinated during election campaign in 2008

the Veda

-early Hindu scripture -oldest known literature in any Indo-Euro language

Rajiv Gandhi

-eldest son of Indira Gandhi -India's PM after mother's death -assassinated by female Tamil human bomber during election rally in Tamilnadu State in 1991

In the recent election in India's Delhi State, Aam Aadmi Party or the Common Man's party won almost all the 70 seats. Can you explain why?

-emerged from a nation-wide anti-corruption movement -party's leader is one of popular anti-corruption leaders -advocated for "clean hands" anti-graft agenda -party is the young, idealist party that champions local needs (clean water, electricity, WiFi, public toilets, etc.)

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto

-founder of Pakistan People's Party in 1967 -PM of Pakistan after dismemberment of Pakistan in 1971 and 1973 -hanged in prison in charge of murder after military coup in 1979

Since 1947, in terms of South Asia's political development, there are six guidelines. What are they?

-geo-political asymmetry and imbalance of regional power -communalism and sectarian politics - overlapping of state-building and nation-building -transformation from the traditional society to the modern society -multiparty system and alliance politics - federalism and coalition government

Indian National Congress & All-India Muslim League

-led independent movement before 1947


-location in SA, politically because of relationship to SAARC

India's political parties are categorized into national parties and local parties. The national parties must meet the following standards:

-must win 6% of valid votes from at least 4 states in general election -must win 4 seats of Lok Sabha from any states OR -party must win 2% of 543 Lok Sabha seats (11 seats)

Indira Gandhi

-only daughter of late PM Nehru -assassinated by her body guards on the road to her office building in 1984

India's political system

-parliamentary system

The founding of Pakistan is based on Islam. Pakistani political elites have been divided into two schools of Muslim nationalism. What are they? What has each school advocated in building an Islamic republic in Pakistan?

-religious Islamists: favor enforcement of Islamic law & Islamic practices in national life, favor severing ties with Western society and culture, restructure Pakistan in accordance with ideal Islamic state -secular nationalists: restrict the role of Islam in a Muslim state, favor developing modern state along secularist ties with the West

What historic importance of the Lahore Resolution?

-resolution adopted by All India Muslim League in Lahore in 1940 -called for creation of separate Muslim state for the Muslims in British India -led to sentiment for dividing the British India to grow rapidly

Kashmir territorial disputes

-territorial dispute between India and Pakistan over Kashmir region (NW region of South Asia) -today India control 43% of entire Kashmir called Jammu and Kashmir -Pakistan controls 37% of Kashmir region called Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Kashmir

During the Hindu period in Indian history, the Hindu valley civilization was nurtured and nourished. There were two great Hindu scriptures and two great epics. They influenced the Hindus religiously, culturally, and socially. What are they?

-the Veda: early Hindu scripture & oldest known literature in any Indo-Euro language -the Darshanas (scripture): provides intellectual heritage of the Hindus -the Ramayana and Mahabharata (two great epics): composed in Sanskrit and have profound influence on Hindus

Aam Aadmi Party/The Common Man's Party

-the new populist party of India -in recent Delhi State election won 67/70 seats, BJP only won 3

the Ramayana and Mahabharata

-two great Hindu epics -composed in Sanskrit and have profound influence on Hindus

India's quest for political institution building based on the Westminster model of governance. There are three principles guiding India's political process. Would you please explain them?

-values of liberal democracy: popular participation in political process with freedom of assembly, speech, expression -ideals of democratic socialism: responding to social and economic disparities in the society, aiming to achieve some degree of social and economic equality, state helps the poor - principles of secular nationalism: defusing communal tensions and Muslim-Hindu conflicts to nurture social harmony

Sonia Gandhi

-widow of late PM Rajiv Gandhi -president of the Indian National Congress -not PM bc she was born in Italy in 1946

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