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A custom tailor wishes to use target profit pricing to establish a price for a custom designed business suit. Assume variable cost is $200 per suit, fixed cost is $44,000, and a target profit of $50,000 on a volume of 50 units is desired. What price should be charged for a typical custom suit? a. $900 b. $1040.00 c. $1800.00 d. $2080.00 e. $4680.00


A retailer bought a collectible Precious Moments figurine for $26. She sets the initial selling price at $60. The final selling price was $52. What was the original markup? a. $8 b. $16 c. $34 d. $48 e. $78


Organizations that decide to franchise have ____ expansion costs in opening new outlets accompanied by ____ control compared to owning their own retail outlets. a. Greater; greater b. Greater; reduced c. Reduced; greater d. Reduced; reduced e. Greater; about the same

Reduced; reduced

______ is the practice of building ties to customers based on a salesperson's attention and commitment to customer needs over time. a. Order processing b. Order taking c. Customer Value creation d. Relationship selling e. Transactional Selling

Relationship selling

A _____ forecast asks prospective customers if they are likely to buy the product during some future time period. a. Jury of executive opinion b. Technological c. Survey of buyers' intentions d. Statistical method e. Lost-horse

Survey of buyers' intentions

50% or more of American adults have not had their teeth checked by a dentist within the last five years. For these people, dental services would be classified as a: a. Shopping good b. Convenience Good c. Specialty good d. Unsought good e. Business good

Unsought good

Davidson-Uphoff & Company sells ironware accessories for home and garden to retailers. When its salesperson told the prospect, "For this week only, we will pay all the shipping costs for new customers," the salesperson was using a: a. Reactive close b. Assumption close c. Urgency close d. Consultative close e. Definitive close

Urgency close

Proctor & Gamble raises funds for the Special Olympics when consumers purchase selected company products. This is an example of: a. Cause marketing b. Philanthropic marketing c. Consumer-based leadership d. Public relations marketing e. Transactional Marketing

Cause marketing

Tums antacid stresses the fact that is a calcium supplement in its advertisements. It also stresses the benefits of calcium. Most people already know Tums contains calcium. The new promotion is trying to fix the attitude toward Tums by: a. Changing the perceived importance of the attribute b. Adding a new attribute to the product c. Changing the basic product. d. Adding a new attribute and re-positioning the product. e. Lowering the price

Changing the perceived importance of the attribute

When a salesperson in the computer store asks, "Will that be a charge or cash?" he has executed which stage of the selling process? a. Approach b. Presentation c. Handling Objections d. Closing e. Follow-up


An ad for Citrucel fiber supplement claimed that in a blind taste test consumers preferred the taste of Citrucel to Metamucil 2 to 1. This ad is an example of ____ advertising. a. Reinforcement b. Comparative c. Persuasive d. Informative e. Reminder


____ Budgeting is the allocation of funds to promotion to match the competitor's absolute level of spending or proportion per point of market share. a. Percentage of sales b. Competitive parity c. All-you-can-afford d. Objective and task e. Relative Scale

Competitive parity

The group of brands a consumer would consider acceptable from among all the brands in the product class of which he or she is aware is the: a. Evaluative set b. Evolved set c. Consideration set d. Alternative selection group e. Aspiration group

Consideration set

The offer of one free pizza with purchase of one pizza at reg price might appeal to you one evening. this type of incentive offer is an example of:

Consumer oriented sales

1. Users of can access the book review section and link to Barnes & Noble to order a book or browse related titles without ever visiting a store. This major design element for informational Web sites such as The New York Times is an example of _____. a. Convenience b. Connection c. Control d. Community e. Communication


One test of whether marketing research should be done is: a. If different outcomes will lead to the same marketing actions b. If different outcomes will lead to different marketing actions c. If a jury or executive opinion to interpret experimental data is available. d. If agreement is reached to take action only if the decision is unanimous. e. If using only internal secondary data will improve the outcome.

If different outcomes will lead to different marketing actions

Which of the following is NOT considered to be a factor influencing ethical behavior? a. Societal culture and norms b. Business culture c. Industry practices d. Corporate culture and expectations e. Legislation

Industry practices

Sarah has a backache due to overexertion. She believes a massage would loosen her back muscles and make her feel better. She is concerned because a massage, unlike a pair of shoes, cannot be felt before she buys it. Which characteristic of services is she concerned about? a. Incongruity b. Inconsistency c. Inventory costs d. Inseparability e. Intangibility


A consumer's level of _____ depends on the personal, social, and economic significance of a purchase to the consumer. a. Involvement b. Aspiration c. Acculturative response d. Motivation e. Selection Perception


Within the context of social media, an "evangelist" is an online user who: a. Is "delighted" about the brand advertised and sends messages to his/her online friends and then back to the advertiser about the joys of using the brand. b. Tries to promote an anti-consumerist agenda to other online users, hindering the effectiveness of online advertisements. c. Is a paid "brand ambassador" by the advertisers to promote the brand's positive qualities by sending messages to his/her online friends d. Is indifferent to advertisements on social media networks. e. Develops his/her own Facebook, Twitter, and or YouTube following and therefore should be contacted by advertisers about placing an ad on his/her website/

Is a paid "brand ambassador" by the advertisers to promote the brand's positive qualities by sending messages to his/her online friends

Multiproduct branding is: a. A statement indicating the liability of the manufacturer for product deficiencies. b. A strategy where products are given no identifying names other than a description of their contents. c. A branding strategy in which a company uses one name for all of its products in a product class. d. A branding strategy in which manufacturers produce products but sell them under the brand name of a wholesaler or retailer is also called private labeling or reselling branding. e. A contractual agreement whereby a company allows someone else to use its brand name and usually requires that the product be made to its specifications

A branding strategy in which a company uses one name for all of its products in a product class.

For which of the following products is perceived risk likely to be the greatest for a female who has just taken her first job after college graduation? a. A magazine subscription to Glamour b. A cell phone c. Flowers to decorate her new apartment d. A new outfit for her first day of at work e. A pair of jeans to wear on the weekends

A new outfit for her first day of at work

A Nabisco display in the grocery store is designed to maximize the consumer's attention to lunch box and after-school snacks and to provide storage for the products. It is usually placed in a high-traffic area of the store. This type of sales promotion is referred to as _____? a. A deal b. A sample c. A premium d. A point-of-purchase display e. A free-standing insert

A point-of-purchase display

Elastic demand exists when: a. A small percentage decrease in price produces a smaller percentage increase in quantity demanded and total revenue falls. b. A small percentage decrease in price produces a larger percentage increase in quantity demanded and total revenue increases. c. An increase in price causes a larger increase in quantity demanded and total revenue falls to zero. d. The quantity demanded remains the same regardless of level of price and total revenue is unchanged. e. A small percentage decrease in price produces a smaller percentage decrease in quantity demanded and revenue increases.

A small percentage decrease in price produces a larger percentage increase in quantity demanded and total revenue increases.

Social media advertising is helpful to brand managers because consumers are ____ a. Captive receivers who buy products online b. End-receivers who buy products online c. Traditional consumers who buy products in retail stores. d. Active receivers who send UGC to both friends and advertisers e. Traditional receivers who browse products online.

Active receivers who send UGC to both friends and advertisers

Trading up involves adding values to a product (or line through) a. Adding product features but reducing the price b. Adding product features and/or using higher quality product materials c. Reducing product features and using lower quality product materials d. Decreasing the number of features and quality and lowering the price of a product. e. Downsizing.

Adding product features and/or using higher quality product materials

Which of the following actions would be considered unethical and illegal? a. A printer in Taipei prints and binds 10,000 copies of a textbook without permission. b. The owner of a small start-up business in Miami installs software in its five computers by copying disks borrowed from his accountant. c. A designer in London uses a U.S. trademark on several of her products. d. A student in San Diego borrows three favorite CD's from a friend and copies them for his own personal listening while he commutes to class. e. All of the above actions would be considered unethical and illegal.

All of the above actions would be considered unethical and illegal.

Which of the following is not a reason to segment a market? a. The ability to assign buyers to a group is simple and low cost b. All the buyers in the market have similar wants and needs c. It would cause an increase in the market share or profit d. There is a potential marketing action to reach it e. There are different wants and needs of buyers within the market.

All the buyers in the market have similar wants and needs

The decision was made by General Electric to purchase electric motors for its clothes dryers rather than manufacture them. They evaluate suppliers using a formal vendor rating system and notify a supplier if the parts do not meet their quality standard. If the problem is not corrected they drop the firm as a future supplier. What stage in the buying decision process is this decision made in? a. Postpurchase Behavior b. Purchase Decision c. Alternative Evaluation d. Information Search e .Sensitivity Analysis

Alternative Evaluation

Christina wants to purchase a new computer. She is unsure about what hardware and software she will need. As a result, she has begun asking for advice from friends and relatives. In addition, she has talked to several computer salespeople and has looked at some websites. Christina is engaging in: a. Problem recognition b. An internal search c. An external search d. A purchase of task e. The creation of an antecedent state

An external search

____ are SBU's that typically generate large amounts of cash, far more than they can invest profitability in their own product line. a. Dogs b. Cash cows c. Question marks d. Stars e. Bonanzas

Cash cows

A reference group to which a person wishes to belong or wishes to be identified with is called a: ____group a. Preference b. Membership c. Aspiration d. dissociative e. Integrated


Post Grape-Nuts cereal has been marketed since early 20th century. Its market share has been steadily declining as consumers began associating it with something their grandfather ate. Post recently launched a campaign to increase consumption of the cereal by inviting customers to try the crunchy cereal on top of their yogurt, their salad, or their bowl of soup as a delicious addition. Post was trying to convince people who had never tried the cereal to try it, and people who were familiar with the product to use it in a variety of different ways. In this example, Post is using which segmentation variable? a. Needs b. Lifestyle c. Behavioral d. Psychographic e. Demographic


Nyquil advertises that it alleviates "the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever" It helps you get the rest you need to get better. Nyquil uses a segmentation strategy based on _____ a. Geographic b. Socioeconomic c. Benefits sought d. Product Knowledge e. Demographic

Benefits sought

The decision an organization makes to use a name, phrase, design, symbol, or combo of these to identify its products and distinguish them from those of competitors is called:


If you were to buy 5 dwarf peach trees from the Stark Bros. fruit trees and landscaping catalog in five separate orders, you will pay $108.99, but if you order its assortment (1 each of five different dwarf peach trees) you pay $89.99. In this example, Stark Bros. uses: a. Standard markup pricing b. Bundle pricing c. Prestige pricing. d. Price lining. e. Demand-backward pricing.

Bundle Pricing

1. In the new-product process, the ____ involves specifying the features of the product, the marketing strategy needed to commercialize it, and making necessary financial projections. a. Idea generation b. Screening and evaluation c. Business analysis d. Development e. Commercialization

Business analysis

The axes on a perceptual map are: a. Two product attributes each listed in terms of their opposites. b. Market share and actual revenues c. Quality and product costs d. Firm segment and closest competitor's segment. e. Customer perceptions and company product positioning

Customer perceptions and company product positioning

The terms continuous innovation, dynamically continuous innovation, and discontinuous innovation, are classifications based on: a. Generated sales b. Production technology c. Degree of learning required by the consumer d. Channels of distribution e. Industry growth

Degree of learning required by the consumer

Which of the following does NOT characterize organizational buyer-seller relationships? a. Purchases are often made after lengthy negotiations. b. Purchases are usually of large dollar values c. Long-term relationships are often prevalent. d. Reciprocal arrangements can exist. e. Delivery schedules are largely irrelevant.

Delivery schedules are largely irrelevant.

Like personal selling, _____ has the advantage of being customized to match the needs of specific target markets. Messages can be developed and adapted quickly to facilitate one-to-one relationships with customers. a. Direct marketing b. Advertising c. Sales promotion d. Publicity e. A public service announcement

Direct marketing

Which of the following is an important guideline when using fear apparel? a. Make sure the advertisement is still appropriate for viewing by children. b. Make the appeal so strong that it appears humorous. c. Don't make the appeal so strong that consumers want to "tune out" the advertisement d. Avoid any reference to death or dying e. Make sure to emphasize that the outcome rests in the viewer's hands.

Don't make the appeal so strong that consumers want to "tune out" the advertisement

In terms of distribution, when marketing channel members are engaged in financing, grading, and marketing information and research, they are performing the _____ function. a. Logistical b. Transformational c. Facilitating d. Implementing e. Transactional


Despite the success of its Pentium chips, Intel faced a major threat from competitors like AMD's K6 that were cheaper and better placed to serve the emerging low-cost PC market. Intel wanted to protect their equity and price premium of its Pentium Chips. But it also wanted to avoid AMD gaining a foothold into lower ends of the market. So, it created Celeron as a cheaper less powerful version of its Pentium Chips to this market. This is a notable example of a. Private brands b. Brand extension c. Sub brands d. Co-brands e. Fighting brands

Fighting brands

A publishing company sponsors an informal one-time only session with seven college instructors who use a given text. the instructors meet to discuss the textbook, its study guide, and the products competition. this is an example of:

Focus group

The owners of a small toy store had a limited advertising budget. Because of this, the owners of the store were very concerned with spending their advertising dollars wisely. One of their primary advertising goals was to expose customers in a limited market area to their advertising messages as often as possible. The owners of the toy store were concerned with: a. Reach b. Frequency c. Gross rating points d. Cost per thousand e. Advertising themes


A Woman's Place is a retail store, created and staffed by women, that offers products and services relating to Maternity needs. In addition, for expectant mothers it offers advice, personal shopping services, help with hair and/or make-up problems, and free delivery. A Woman's Place is an example of a ____ retailer. a. Exclusive Service b. Minimal Service c. Self-Service d. Product-Service mix e. Full-Service


During the introduction stage of the product life cycle, the place element of the marketing mix is highly involved with: a. Reducing inventory costs b. Gaining distribution outlets c. Guaranteeing there is adequate demand if a skimming pricing strategy is used. d. Building storage warehouse and distribution centers e. Using an intermodal logistics system

Gaining distribution outlets

Elizabeth Sands has decided to purchase a new electric blender and plans to call several friends for updated information about alternative brands. She is not concerned about where she buys it as long as she receives a very liberal return policy, should anything go wrong. In making her decision Sands will engage in which of the following problem-solving methods? a. Limited problem solving b. Extended Problem solving c. Routine Response behavior d. Simulated Selection e. Integrated Problem Solving

Limited problem solving

Using ______, many retailers deliberately sell products below their normal prices (and sometimes below cost) to attract attention and induce additional store traffic. a. Customary pricing b. Above-market pricing c. Loss-leader pricing d. Prestige pricing e. Skimming Pricing

Loss-leader pricing

A _________ is a framework to relate the segments of a market to products offered or potential marketing actions by the firm;

Market grid product

Use the 5 criteria for selecting a good brand name to determine which of the following is the best choice

Matching light charcoal

At which stage in the product life cycle are discounts and coupons offered to maintain loyal buyers? a. Introduction b. Growth c. Maturity d. Incubation e. Decline


The blending of different communication and delivery channels that are mutually reinforcing in attributes retaining, and building relationships with consumers who shop and buy in traditional intermediaries is referred to as _____. a. Direct Marketing b. Indirect Marketing c. Intensive Marketing d. Multichannel marketing e. Electronic Marketing

Multichannel marketing

Which of the products listed below would be the best candidate for full-scale market testing

New ice coffee from Snapple

Personal Selling: a. Occurs when Keith sees an advertisement in Sports Illustrated b. Is a one-way flow of communication between buyer and seller? c. Occurs when Becca sees a character on Friends eating a snickers bar d. Occurs when a Girl Scout asks you to buy a box of cookies e. Is not part of the promotional mix?

Occurs when a Girl Scout asks you to buy a box of cookies

The advantage of ____ are that the cost is relatively minimal and the turnaround time for data collection to report presentation is much quicker than the traditional methods of data collection. a. Personal interviews b. Telephone interviews c. On-line Surveys d. Mail Surveys e. Fax Surveys

On-line Surveys

Social media are a. Online games b. Online media where users submit news, photos and videos—often accompanied by a feedback process c. Any type of medium in which large groups of people read content generated by a business, government, or corporation d. Only media that allows face-to-face communication e. All forms of electronic media

Online media where users submit news, photos and videos—often accompanied by a feedback process

Manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, and gov't agencies that buy goods and services for their own use or for resale are examples of: a. Multinationals b. Cooperatives c. Organizational buyers d. Ultimate consumers e. Multiculturals

Organizational buyers

A graph displaying consumers' perceptions of product attributes across two or more dimensions is a: a. Payoff table b. Growth market c. Market-product grid d. Perceptual map

Perceptual map

_____ is the form of competition when only one firm sells the product. a. Pure competition b. Cross-market competition c. Oligopoly d. Monopolistic competition e. Pure monopoly

Pure monopoly

If used continuously, which of the following promotional elements will most likely lose its effectiveness? a. Advertising b. Personal Selling c. Sales promotion d. Publicity e. Direct marketing

Sales promotion

During the day after Thanksgiving, Hickory Farms set up kiosks in many shopping centers for customers who might not be able to travel to a center that contains a full-sized store. By creating these kiosks in a variety of locations, Hickory Farms is creating ___ utility a. Time b. Place c. Possession d. Form e. Performance


As traditional media have become more expensive and cluttered, advertisers have been attracted to a variety of nontraditional advertising options - in airports, doctor's offices, health clubs, or theaters - referred to as ___. a. Product placements b. Place-based media c. Invasive placements d. Electronic advertising e. Cooperative advertising

Place-based media

When Marty attended his first stats class, he realized that he ought to buy a calculator or else he would be unable to do his assignments. in which stage of the consumer purchase decision process was Marty when he made this realization?

Problem recognition

Matsura Industries distributer's candy and coffee through its vending machines in Tokyo. The addition of sandwich vending machines to the same market is an example of _____ strategy. a. Market penetration b. Market development c. Product development d. Diversification e. Divestment

Product development

A firm's strategy of using different marketing mix activities, such as product features or advertising, to help consumers perceive a product as being different and better than competing the products is called: a. Dual distribution b. Market differentiation c. Product differentiation d. Market penetration e. Full coverage marketing

Product differentiation

Motts used ad campaign to change consumers thought on applesauce from dinnertime side dish to a replacement for cooking oil. Motts was using a _________ strategy

Product differentiation

While both traditional media and social media can reach either a large audience or a niche audience, social media are different from traditional media because: a. Production of traditional media require specialized skills and a team of people. b. Traditional media include Facebook and Twitter. c. Social media only reaches niche audiences. d. Social media is relatively expensive to produce e. The content of social media cannot be altered after publication

Production of traditional media require specialized skills and a team of people.

1. Which of the following is an example of a service? a. A new mini-van b. A donation to a church c. Wearing a ribbon for Breast Cancer Awareness d. Professional landscaping for a front yard e. All of the above are examples of services

Professional landscaping for a front yard

Pharmaceutical companies historically marketed only to doctors. More recently they have spent millions of dollars to advertise prescription drugs directly to consumers. These pharmaceutical companies are using a ____ strategy. a. Push b. Interia c. Intensity d. Gravity e. Pull


_______ is a form of competition in which every company has a similar product a. Pure competition b. Cross-Market competition c. Oligopoly d. Monopolistic Competition e. Monopoly

Pure competition

Your local instant photocopying service charges 10 cents a copy for copies up to a quantity of 25.9 cents a copy for 26 to 100 copies, and 8 cents a copy for 101 or more copies. What kind of adjustment to list or quoted prices it the photocopying service using? a. Bundle pricing b. Quantity discounts c. Loss-leader pricing d. Promotional discounts e. Everyday low pricing.

Quantity discounts

The facts and figures obtained by asking people about their attitudes, awareness, intentions and behaviors are referred to as. a. Extrapolated data b. Hypotheses data c. Questionnaire data d. Observational data e. Statistical inference.

Questionnaire data

_____ is defined as the number of different people or households exposed to an advertisement. a. Scope b. Share c. Reach d. Span e. Rating


As Roderick was checking out of Office Depot, the sales clerk said, "You'll probably want to take advantage of this offer." The offer read, "Mail in three UPCS and cash register tapes with the prices circled to receive a check for $25." The offer was an example of a: a. Point-of-purchase b. Deal c. Coupon d. Rebate e. Premium


1. A food warehouse gets a very good buy on a brand of frozen orange juice and, rather than maintain it as extra inventory, would like to sell it quickly to retailers. Which promotional element should be used? a. Advertising b. Personal Selling c. Sales promotion d. Publicity e. Direct Marketing

Sales promotion

The primary advantage of a product sales organization is a. Reduced number of salespersons in the salesforce since most product sales organizations are based around standard rebuys. b. There is a smaller cost for sales calls since this method is chosen for products that inherently have little or no product variation c. Salespeople can develop expertise with technical characteristics, applications, and selling methods associated with a particular product or family of products. d. It significantly minimizes travel time, expenses and duplication of selling efforts from one territory to another. e. Fewer required sales managers since the salesforce is paid strictly on commission which acts as a significant self-motivator

Salespeople can develop expertise with technical characteristics, applications, and selling methods associated with a particular product or family of products.

Market researchers use ____ by selecting a group of distributors, customers, or prospects, asking them questions, and treating their answers as typical of all those in whom they are interested. a. Hypothesis generation b. Sampling c. Questionnaire research d. Experimental research e. Probability extrapolation


Odd-even pricing is: a. Setting prices one way for product lines and another way for individual brands. b. Setting prices of luxury items at even price points and setting the price of necessities at odd price points. c. Setting prices a few dollars or cents under an even number. d. A method of pricing where price often falls following the reduction of costs associated with the firm's production experience. e. Adding a fixed percentage to the cost of all items in a specific product class.

Setting prices a few dollars or cents under an even number.

When microwave ovens were in the introduction stage of the product life cycle, some consumers were willing to pay exorbitant prices for the innovative ovens. Taking advantage of this strong consumer desire, marketers set the price for microwave ovens at the highest initial price that customers with a very strong desire for the product were willing to pay. Marketers of microwave ovens were using a _____pricing strategy. a. Skimming b. Penetration c. Prestige d. Price lining e. Bundle


Which of the following is a type of full-service merchant wholesaler? a. Cash and carry wholesaler b. Rack jobbers c. Truck jobbers d. Specialty merchandise wholesaler e. Drop shippers

Specialty merchandise wholesaler

Woodsgift Farms sells floral jellies - jellies made from pansies, honeysuckle, wisteria, and other flowers. To price its jellies, the owners of the farm, add 30% to the cost of everything that goes into making the jellies including their salaries, jars, sugar, and pectin. What is this pricing method called? a. Target return-on-sales pricing b. Flexible pricing c. Cost-plus-fixed-fee pricing d. Standard markup pricing e. Customary pricing

Standard markup pricing

The National Health Interview Survey is conducted annually by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. By examining information gathered from a sample it was able to announce that 14.1 percent of all Americans lacked healthcare insurance. To make this statement, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had to use: a. Independent variables b. No constraints c. Holistic Sampling d. Statistical Inference e. Interpolation

Statistical Inference

A reorder of an existing product or service from a list of acceptable suppliers is called a: a. New buy b. Straight rebuy c. Modified rebuy d. Standard buy e. Make-buy

Straight rebuy

While brand managers use both traditional and social media to promote and advertise their products, traditional media ______, while social media ______. a. Appeal to a younger audience; appeal to a middle-aged audience b. Are cheaper, are more creative c. Are produced quickly and inexpensively by an individual; are expensive to produce and may take a team of specialists months to complete d. Are generally accessible everywhere to those with smartphones, computers, and tablet devices; are typically produced by an individual and privately owned by them e. Take longer to produce and use a team of specialists; can be produced inexpensively and quickly by and individual.

Take longer to produce and use a team of specialists; can be produced inexpensively and quickly by and individual.

Offering a product for sale on a limited basis in a defined area to help decide the likely effectiveness of potential marketing actions is called a: a. Test market b. Market area c. Area offering d. Focus market e. Potential market

Test market

Brand equity is: a. The resources invested to create a name, phrase, design, symbol, or combination of these to identify a firm's products and distinguish them from those of its competitors b. Adding customer value to the product brand through additional features or higher-quality materials, or reducing its price. c. Increasing the content contained within the brand's package without changing its size or increasing its price. d. The net present value of the royalties the firm receives as a result of licensing its brand to other firms to manufacture and/or market e. The added value a given brand name gives to a product beyond the functional benefits provided

The added value a given brand name gives to a product beyond the functional benefits provided

In classifying social media, media richness is _, whereas self-disclosure is __ a. The degree to which a person's thoughts, feelings, likes and dislikes are made public, the degree of acoustic, visual and personal contact between two communication partners. b. The degree of acoustic, visual, and personal contact between two communication partners; the degree to which a person's thoughts, feelings, likes and dislikes are made public. c. The quality of graphics and video on a website; the online conduct that leads to an unfavorable impression. d. A visual measure; an emotional measure. e. The extent to which a user personalizes his/her profile page, adding contact information.

The degree of acoustic, visual, and personal contact between two communication partners; the degree to which a person's thoughts, feelings, likes and dislikes are made public.

Which of the following acts as a barrier to the development of relationship marketing? a. Changes in the demographic nature of an increasingly mobile society. b. The ever increasing usage of the Internet for consumer purchases c. The onset of new buying behaviors through cultural diversity d. A large aging population with the median age of fifty e. The current fear of identity theft

The ever increasing usage of the Internet for consumer purchases

Many service businesses use off-peak pricing, which consists of charging different prices during different times of the day or days of the week to reflect: a. Variation in costs of delivering service b. Variations in demand for the service c. Deviations from standard profit policies d. Holidays and other special promotional events e. Government regulations that may apply

Variations in demand for the service

Profit is: a. The point at which company assets equals company liabilities. b. The money left over after a firm's total expense are subtracted from its total sales. c. The goodwill earned from implementing the societal marketing concept. d. The money earned as long as the economic order quantity is maintained. e. Accurately described by all of the above.

The money left over after a firm's total expense are subtracted from its total sales.

All of the following are commonly used organizational buying criteria EXCEPT: a. Past performance on previous purchases b. Price c. The number and distribution of retail outlets likely to carry the product d. The technical expertise of the salespeople e. The ability to meet delivery dates

The number and distribution of retail outlets likely to carry the product

_______ consists of the following six stages: prospecting, preapproach, approach, presentation, close, and follow up. a. The product marketing process b. The strategic marketing process c. The personal selling process d. The consumer purchase decision process e. Relational Selling

The personal selling process

Product positioning refers to a. An older now outdated concept assigning products value by association with its social class. b. The place a product offering occupies in consumers' minds on important attributes c. The competitive advantage of one product over another, based upon its preferred placement in retail stores. d. The decision made by marketers regarding which two firms they consider to be their most dangerous competitors and on which criteria they can compete most effectively. e. Using sensitivity analysis to place products on a grid to identify potential untapped markets.

The place a product offering occupies in consumers' minds on important attributes

Market Share is: a. The ratio of the profit of the firm to the total profits of all firms in the industry, not including the firm itself. b. The ratio of the profit of the firm to the total profits of all firms in the industry, including the firm itself. c. The ratio of the sales revenue of the firm to the total sales revenue of all firms in the industry, not including the firm itself. d. The ratio of the sales revenue of the firm to the total sales revenue of all firms in the industry, including the firm itself. e. The ratio of the profits of all firms in an industry to the profits of the firm.

The ratio of the sales revenue of the firm to the total sales revenue of all firms in the industry, including the firm itself.

One reason for using magazines as an advertising medium is: a. Their ability to target specific audiences b. The short lead time needed to place an ad. c. Their low cost d. The lack of noise associated with the use of magazines in the communication channel. e. All of the above

Their ability to target specific audiences

In what way are traditional and social media similar?

They can both reach either large or niche audiences

At the Christmas Tree Shop, customers can shop for Christmas gifts at any time of year. What type of utility does this store primarily create for its customers? a. Time b. Place and conformance c. Possession and form d. Form e. Performance


Sales tools used to support a company's advertising and personal selling directed to wholesalers, retailers or distributors is called: a. Trade-oriented sales promotions b. Consumer promotions c. Manufacturer's promotions d. Sales promotions e. Encoding promotional tools.

Trade-oriented sales promotions

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