Module 13-15

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What was the average amount spent by candidates who won Senate seats in 2014? Choices $9.6 million $5.3 million $2.8 million $1.5 million

$9.6 million

What is the effect of nonpartisan elections (such as city council elections) where party affiliation is not indicated on the ballot? Choices These elections have more intense campaigning to compensate for the lack of labels. Voters are forced to become more informed. These elections increase civic-mindedness among voters. Voters have a difficult time choosing between candidates.

..Voters have a difficult time choosing between candidates.

What percentage of House seats are up for election in any given federal election year? 50 percent 67 percent 33 percent 100 percent

100 percent

According to the New York Times, what is one of the most valuable tools of campaigns and political action committees? Choices social media a good campaign manager 30-second TV commercials web-based videos

30-second TV commercials

Roughly what percentage of incumbents win reelection in any given election cycle? Choices 30 percent 50 percent 90 percent 70 percent

90 percent

What is the difference between an open primary and a closed primary? An open primary does not require voters to declare the party with which they are affiliated, while a closed primary does. An open primary allows voters to vote in more than one party's primary, while a closed primary does not. An open primary presents voters with all the candidates for a given office, while a closed primary only presents them with candidates of their own party. An open primary records each voter's party affiliation, while a closed primary does not.

An open primary does not require voters to declare the party with which they are affiliated, while a closed primary does.

Which of the following is true of an open primary? Choices In an open primary, voters are presented with all of the candidates for a given office. An open primary does not require voters to declare the party with which they are affiliated. An open primary records each voter's party affiliation. In an open primary, registered Republicans may only vote for Republican Party candidates.

An open primary does not require voters to declare the party with which they are affiliated.

The Electoral College was established in which of the following? Choices Article I, section 1 of the Constitution the 12th Amendment Article II, section 1 of the Constitution the 26th Amendment

Article II, section 1 of the Constitution

What is the most important task for candidates to accomplish during a campaign? Choices Candidates must inspire voters with strong speeches. Candidates must motivate voters to show up and vote. Candidates must deliver public service messages to voters. Candidates must reach voters through social media.

Candidates must motivate voters to show up and vote.

What is the campaign practice of collecting and analyzing massive amounts of data known as, and what is it used for? Data visualization is used to map and discover patterns in voting behaviors. Data driving is used to predict voter demographics and relationships. Data discovery is used to develop microtargeting strategies. Data mining is used to discover patterns and associations in voter habits.

Data mining is used to discover patterns and associations in voter habits.

Which of the following has been a factor in the increasing party competition that has inflated the costs of campaigning in Texas? Choices Increased television advertising has allowed for more negative campaigns from both parties, causing a spiral effect. Demographic shifts in Texas have raised the possibility of a Democratic resurgence. The use of social media in Texas political campaigns has contributed to increased party competition. The Republican Party has become divided between traditional pro-business moderates and recent Tea Party conservatives.

Demographic shifts in Texas have raised the possibility of a Democratic resurgence.

Which statement below is accurate? Elections have become more candidate-centered, but political parties still play an important role. Campaigns became more party-centric with the advent of television. The peak of the candidate-centered campaign was the late 19th century. Candidate-centered campaigns are more common at the state level, while national elections tend to be more party-centric.

Elections have become more candidate-centered, but political parties still play an important role.

What distinguishes a closed primary system from an open primary system? Choices In a closed primary, voters can vote for whichever candidate they choose. In a closed primary, an independent may choose either the Democratic or the Republican ballot. In a closed primary, voters may only vote on the ballot for the party with which they are registered. In a closed primary, registered Republicans may vote in the Democratic primary, and vice versa.

In a closed primary, voters may only vote on the ballot for the party with which they are registered.

Which of the following statements about fundraising is true today? Challengers spend about twice as much as incumbents. Challengers spend about three times as much as incumbents. Incumbents spend about three times as much as challengers. Incumbents spend about twice as much as challengers.

Incumbents spend about three times as much as challengers.

Which of the following BEST describes the average spending difference between incumbents and challengers in House races in 2014? Choices Incumbents spent about twice as much as challengers did. Challengers spent about twice as much as incumbents did. Incumbents spent about three times as much as challengers did. Challengers spent about three times as much as incumbents did.

Incumbents spent about three times as much as challengers did.

Which two states traditionally hold the first caucus and primary of the presidential nomination season? Choices New York and Texas Iowa and New Hampshire Michigan and Florida Virginia and California

Iowa and New Hampshire

How did microtargeting help the 2000 Bush campaign? Choices It helped the campaign identify the best candidates to receive mail and phone calls making the case for Bush. It enabled the campaign to use mass emails more effectively. It allowed the campaign to discover that personal contact was much more likely than a telephone call or mail reminder to increase turnout leading up to an election. It helped the campaign do field experiments testing different messages and message delivery systems.

It helped the campaign identify the best candidates to receive mail and phone calls making the case for Bush.

What is the effect of holding gubernatorial and other executive branch office elections in Texas in off-years? Choices It decreases the need for primary elections. It creates higher voter turnout. It increases the frequency of elections. It insulates the election of statewide offices from national politics.

It insulates the election of statewide offices from national politics.

Which of the following is considered a disadvantage of using the Electoral College system to select the president? Choices It marginalizes small states and overrepresents large states. It makes it possible for a candidate to lose the popular vote, but still win the presidency. It focuses most campaign activity on safely Democratic or Republican states. It makes it possible for a candidate to lose the electoral vote, but still win the presidency.

It makes it possible for a candidate to lose the popular vote, but still win the presidency.

Which of the following is considered an advantage of using the Electoral College system to select the president? Choices Larger states have more influence over the process. It preserves federalism as the Founders envisioned it. The electoral process is nationally sponsored rather than state-sponsored. It makes the election process technically complex, reducing risk of voter fraud.

It preserves federalism as the Founders envisioned it.

Which of the following types of primaries is not allowed by the national parties for presidential nominating contests? Semi-open primaries Caucuses Jungle primaries Closed primaries Open primaries

Jungle primaries

Which of the following states does not use a winner-take-all system to determine which party's slate of electors will participate in the Electoral College? Choices New York Maine Wyoming Florida

Maine (and Nebraska)

The reasoning behind the Citizens United v. FEC decision has to do with the way the United States understands the constitutionally guaranteed rights of citizens and interests to free speech. Why does making political donations fall in this category? Choices Donations are limited to $5,000, a sum that does not affect campaigns significantly. Making donations is understood to be petitioning government. Making donations is considered a form of pluralism. Donations are still disclosed, and therefore cannot be corrupt.

Making donations is understood to be petitioning government.

Major and minor parties are treated differently under Texas law. What is the difference between a major party and a minor party? Choices Minor parties are those parties that did not have a candidate in the previous presidential election. Minor parties are those parties that received less than 20 percent of the vote in the previous general election. Major parties are those parties that received more than 50 percent of the vote in the previous general election. Major parties are those parties that elected at least 15 candidates to the U.S. Senate in the previous general election.

Minor parties are those parties that received less than 20 percent of the vote in the previous general election.

Why did the majority of Americans judge John F. Kennedy the winner of the first televised presidential debate in 1960? Choices Most Americans identified themselves as liberals, and Kennedy had more liberal politics than Nixon. Most Americans felt that Kennedy presented stronger arguments than Nixon. Most Americans listened to the debate on the radio, and Kennedy had a more commanding voice than Nixon. Most Americans watched the debate on television, and Kennedy looked fresher and more vibrant than Nixon.

Most Americans watched the debate on television, and Kennedy looked fresher and more vibrant than Nixon.

Which of the following accurately describes the role of modern parties in political campaigns? Choices Parties exercise less control over electoral politics than in the past. Parties play a peripheral role in the election process. Parties no longer fund campaigns. Candidates no longer run under partisan banners.

Parties exercise less control over electoral politics than in the past.

Why might voters have a difficult time choosing between candidates in nonpartisan elections, such as city council elections? Voters have no access to candidate information before the election. Party affiliation is not indicated on the ballot. Candidates in such elections are always very similar. Nonpartisan elections don't include enough qualified candidates.

Party affiliation is not indicated on the ballot.

Which of the following statements about caucuses is true? Choices Party members attending caucuses often will hear speeches and engage in discussions and negotiations. Caucuses are private meetings attended only by top candidates and party elites. Caucus attendees vote anonymously by secret ballot to select party candidates. The majority of states use caucuses to select party candidates.

Party members attending caucuses often will hear speeches and engage in discussions and negotiations.

The Electoral College encourages candidates to do which of the following? Concentrate on winning only the largest states. Pay attention to small states as well as large states. Spend most of their time appealing to independent voters. Air most of their television ads in cheaper media markets.

Pay attention to small states as well as large states.

How did the total spending on U.S. House of Representatives campaigns change from 1998 to 2016? Choices Spending declined. Spending tripled. Spending almost doubled. Spending stayed roughly the same.

Spending almost doubled.

Why are state and local campaigns still relying on older methods of campaigning such as door hangers, direct mail, and mass emails? Choices Modern methods like data mining do not work with state and local voters because they don't use digital media as much. State and local races are small in scale and lack the resources to pay the high costs of analytics-driven targeting. These methods have been shown to be more effective than more modern methods in state and local elections. Generally, candidates who run for state and local elections do not approve of the more modern methods of campaigning.

State and local races are small in scale and lack the resources to pay the high costs of analytics-driven targeting.

Why would a state choose to move its primary election to an earlier date? Voters are more likely to participate in elections if they are not scheduled too close together. States want to maximize their influence on the candidate selection process. Parties offer more financial support to states that do this. Members of Congress pressure states to get the presidential primary out of the way so that voters can focus on state races.

States want to maximize their influence on the candidate selection process.

Which of the following describes a difference in voting requirements between Texas and the New England states of Maine and New Hampshire? Choices Texans have to bring more forms of ID to the polls. Texans have to travel greater distances to vote. Texans have to wait longer for voter identification cards. Texans have to register to vote earlier.

Texans have to register to vote earlier.

How does Texas's voter participation rate compare to the national average? Choices Texas's voter participation rate is twice the national average. Texas has a lower voter participation rate than the national average. Texas has a higher voter participation rate than the national average. Texas has a voter participation rate that is about the same as the national average.

Texas has a lower voter participation rate than the national average.

Which of the following currently pertains to the use of "soft money" in campaigns? Choices Soft money contributions are limited to $5,000 from PACs. The BCRA banned unregulated soft money donations to political parties. An individual may donate a maximum of $2,400 to a candidate in soft money. Soft money contributions must come from individuals rather than groups or corporations.

The BCRA banned unregulated soft money donations to political parties.

Which of the following BEST summarizes the Supreme Court's decision in the case of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission? Choices The Court struck down the BCRA in full, resetting campaign-finance regulations to those established by the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971. The Court upheld the ban on soft money but allowed unlimited hard-money contributions to candidates for federal office. The Court upheld the BCRA in full, ruling that corporate spending was prohibited in federal elections. The Court ruled that political advertising by corporations could not be restricted by the government.

The Court ruled that political advertising by corporations could not be restricted by the government.

Why has the Texas Ethics Commission (TEC) faced severe criticism over its enforcement of campaign laws? Choices The TEC does not sufficiently investigate complaints of violations. The TEC is overzealous in its prosecution of alleged violators. The TEC is biased in favor of Republican political candidates. The TEC does not sufficiently act as a clearinghouse for records.

The TEC does not sufficiently investigate complaints of violations.

What was the effect of the Citizens United decision? Choices The decision let individuals, unions, and corporations donate unlimited amounts anonymously to political action committees. The decision let individuals donate to political action committees anonymously, but unions and corporations have to disclose their donations. The decision let individuals, unions, and corporations donate unlimited amounts to political action committees as long as their donations are disclosed. The decision let individuals, unions, and corporations donate a maximum of $5,000 to political action committees anonymously.

The decision let individuals, unions, and corporations donate unlimited amounts anonymously to political action committees.

Which of the following is a benefit of using short web videos in campaigns? Choices Web videos are more likely to reach older, conservative voters. It ensures that younger voters will go to the polls. Web videos reach more viewers than television advertisements. The format is less expensive than television advertisements.

The format is less expensive than television advertisements.

Which statement BEST explains why overall spending on political campaigns in Texas was higher in 2014 than in 2016? Choices There were no high court races in 2016. There were no appellate court races in 2016. The race for governor significantly increases the total amount of money spent on political campaigns. The race for governor significantly decreases the total amount of money spent on political campaigns.

The race for governor significantly increases the total amount of money spent on political campaigns.

In addition to greater fundraising prowess, what else contributes to the electoral advantage enjoyed by incumbents? Choices Their work in Congress enables them to build name recognition and a good reputation among their constituents. Their work in Congress enables them to build personal relationships with the president that they can use on the campaign trail. Their higher education requirements provide them with greater knowledge than regular candidates. Their experience running a successful campaign gives them insight into the secrets of how to win an election.

Their work in Congress enables them to build name recognition and a good reputation among their constituents.

What happens if no candidate wins a majority of votes in a Texas primary election? Choices There is a special party convention to decide which candidate will run in the general election. The two candidates with the most votes both appear on the ballot in the general election. There is a runoff election between the two candidates with the most votes to decide who will run in the general election. The local party chairman selects the candidate that will represent the party in the general election.

There is a runoff election between the two candidates with the most votes to decide who will run in the general election.

Which of the following statements about campaigns is correct? They are dominated by negative advertising. They have become cheaper thanks to Facebook and social media in general. They are largely ideological (unlike Europe, where they are instrumental). They are more expensive than non-political (commercial) advertising. They are brief and usually start only six months before the election.

They are dominated by negative advertising.

How do most states currently select their presidential nominees? They are hand-picked by party leaders. They are elected by voters in direct primaries. They are nominated by party delegates at state conventions. They are elected by voters in caucuses.

They are elected by voters in direct primaries

In what way(s) have data and research taken over specific functions of campaigns? Choices They are used to reinforce strategic images that campaigns seek to promote. They are used to gain national media attention. They are used to get local and regional TV coverage. They are used to help a candidate get to know individuals or groups.

They are used to help a candidate get to know individuals or groups.

How did the national political parties attempt to punish Michigan and Florida for moving up their primary elections against the wishes of the parties? They threatened to take away their Electoral College votes. They threatened to not seat their delegates at the convention. They threatened to not endorse their congressional candidates. They threatened to pull party funds.

They threatened to not seat their delegates at the convention.

How might voters exposed to poll results be influenced by the "bandwagon effect"? Choices Voters are likely to vote in a way contrary to their own political beliefs. Voters may spend too much time and energy worrying about polls and not enough time researching the candidates. Voters may be misled into thinking their candidate is winning when he or she is actually losing. Undecided voters are likely to cast their ballots for the candidate they think is the probable winner.

Undecided voters are likely to cast their ballots for the candidate they think is the probable winner.

Battleground states in the 2016 presidential election included which of the following? Choices Texas Virginia Oregon Illinois


What is the effect of nonpartisan elections (such as city council elections) where party affiliation is not indicated on the ballot? Choices These elections have more intense campaigning to compensate for the lack of labels. Voters are forced to become more informed. These elections increase civic-mindedness among voters. Voters have a difficult time choosing between candidates.

Voters have a difficult time choosing between candidates.

Under what conditions are you not eligible to vote? Choices You are a woman who has lived in the county for 35 days. You are a convicted felon whose sentence has been completed. You are a convicted felon whose sentence has not been completed. You are a man who turned 18 three months before the election.

You are a convicted felon whose sentence has not been completed.

If the name on your identification does not match the name on the official voter rolls, what happens? You may cast an absentee ballot. You may cast a provisional ballot. You must pay a fine to vote. You will be turned away from the polls.

You may cast a provisional ballot.

Which of the following individuals would be MOST likely to vote, according to statistical trends on demographic data and voter turnout? Choices a 30-year-old woman with a high school diploma a 70-year-old woman with a bachelor's degree a 50-year-old man with no high school education a 20-year-old man with an associate's degree

a 70-year-old woman with a bachelor's degree

The 1991 law creating the Texas Ethics Commission also created new regulations on campaigning in Texas. Which of the following was included in this law? a cap on campaign contributions a ban on pleasure trips paid for by lobbyists a cap on contributions from nonprofits and religious organizations a ban on contributions from corporations

a ban on pleasure trips paid for by lobbyists

What type of election is held when a legislative or congressional seat becomes vacant before the end of the current occupant's term? Choices a general election a nonpartisan election a primary election a special election

a special election

At a basic level, what is the primary goal of most political advertising? Choose the BEST answer. Choices achieving name recognition for a candidate mobilizing voters to go to the polls explaining a candidate's policy positions in detail outlining the differences between two candidates

achieving name recognition for a candidate

Which of the following would be considered a basic campaign strategy? Choices a legislation-oriented strategy a business-oriented strategy an issue-oriented strategy a leadership-oriented strategy

an issue-oriented strategy also a party-oriented and candidate-oriented

How many Electoral College votes must a candidate secure in order to win the presidency? Choices at least 270 at least 218 at least 210 at least 150

at least 270

How may a congressional candidate qualify for the state ballot? Choose the BEST answer. by gathering enough petition signatures to run autonomously of a party by winning the general election through selection by party leaders through selection by national party committee chair

by gathering enough petition signatures to run autonomously of a party

Which of the following is a principal element driving the rising costs of political campaigns? decreased volunteer participation candidates' reliance on door-to-door campaigning candidates' expanding use of media decreased competition between the two major parties

candidates' expanding use of media

What is one way that a congressional candidate can qualify for a state ballot? win a lottery collect enough signatures pay a fee get an endorsement from a party leader

collect enough signatures

What must an independent candidate do to be listed on the general election ballot? Choices file a declaration of independent candidacy pay a filing fee collect signatures on a nominating petition send a written request to the Texas secretary of state

collect signatures on a nominating petition

Proportional representation is used by _________. U.S. House of Representatives Democratic National Convention countries in Europe Nebraska Texas

countries in Europe

When voters are given more than one vote and there are multiple seats in the district, this is known as ________. cumulative voting doubling-up exponential voting parliamentary voting multiplicity voting

cumulative voting

In order to be listed on the Republican or Democratic primary ballot in Texas, what must a candidate do? Choices be selected at the party's nominating convention receive at least 5 percent of all votes cast in the previous general election file a declaration of write-in candidacy either collect signatures on a nominating petition or pay a filing fee

either collect signatures on a nominating petition or pay a filing fee

The Founders designed the electoral process to do which of the following? involve citizens in elections as directly as possible ensure that the president would be directly elected ensure that the government has political legitimacy involve corporations in elections as much as possible

ensure that the government has political legitimacy

How often does the Constitution require elections to be held? every six years every four years every two years once a year

every two years

What is the main goal of frontloading in the electoral process? Choices being the state to hold the last caucus exerting more influence over the selection of party presidential nominees holding primaries later in order to have the final say in the election season gathering the largest number of delegates

exerting more influence over the selection of party presidential nominees

According to the text, what is the main qualification party members consider when nominating congressional candidates? Choices ideological fidelity electability experience knowledge

ideological fidelity

When did campaign finance regulation begin in the United States? Choices in 1972, with the adoption of the 1972 Federal Election Campaign Act in 1905, with Theodore Roosevelt's 1905 Campaign Finance Regulation Act in 1950, with the adoption of the Federal Election Modernization Act in 1984, with the establishment of the Federal Election Commission

in 1972, with the adoption of the 1972 Federal Election Campaign Act

When would a party-oriented campaign strategy not be very useful? in a general election in a swing state when that party does not currently control the White House in a primary election

in a primary election

Which of the following represented the largest source of funding for the Obama campaign in 2008? Choices federal financing individual donations PACs self-financing

individual donations

Which phrase BEST describes the role of national party conventions today? significantly impactful basically meaningless highly unpredictable largely symbolic

largely symbolic

Electoral reforms of the late 19th century did which of the following? Choices permitted non-secret balloting outlawed visual cues for voters made straight-ticket voting illegal lessened party control over ballot design

lessened party control over ballot design

What did former House Speaker Tip O'Neill claim was the key to carrying out a successful campaign strategy? Choices money the candidate the issues the campaign organization


How much of the Senate goes up for reelection every two years? Choices one-third one-half two-thirds one-fourth


What are minor parties? parties that receive less than 30 percent of the vote in a presidential election parties that have not held a seat in the senate within the last 20 years parties sponsoring candidates for local elections only parties whose gubernatorial candidate received less than 20 percent of the vote

parties whose gubernatorial candidate received less than 20 percent of the vote

Radio and television ads are usually directed to __________. mobilize the base encourage donations persuade the opposition all of these persuade swing voters

persuade swing voters

Which of the following did the 1991 law creating the Texas Ethics Commission fail to do? Choices place a cap on campaign contributions mandate that lobbyists and legislators file reports with the TEC ban pleasure trips paid for by lobbyists ban honoraria paid by lobbyists

place a cap on campaign contributions

An electoral system where parties are given seats in the legislature based on percentage of vote received is called ______________. pluralist system partial representation popular representation proportional representation majority electoral system

proportional representation

What do the Federal Election Commission and the Texas Ethics Commission do? maintain the voter registration rolls in Texas ensure that elections are fair and devoid of fraud regulate campaign financing for elections for Texas investigate the candidates' personal backgrounds

regulate campaign financing for elections for Texas

Which of the following represents a new way of reaching voters that has become increasingly popular in recent years? Choices television advertising phone calls social networking sites postal mail

social networking sites

Since voters might be exposed to the bandwagon effect, what do some argue that news stations ought to do? Choices develop more rigorous projection algorithms that are more likely to be accurate stick to reporting what is actually happening on Election Day rather than making projections explain the bandwagon effect to their audience and caution against falling prey to it avoid election coverage altogether

stick to reporting what is actually happening on Election Day rather than making projections

Which of the following contributed to the shift to candidate-centered campaigns? Choices ballot symbols technological advancements straight-ticket voting public scandals

technological advancements

Campaign financing for federal elections is currently regulated by which of the following? Choices Citizens United McConnell v. Federal Election Commission the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act the First Amendment

the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act

Which two authorities regulate campaign financing for elections in Texas? Choices the Texas Bureau of Ethics and the National Election Commission the Federal Election Commission and the Texas Ethics Commission the National Election Committee and the Texas Election Commission the Texas Election Commission and the Federal Bureau of Elections

the Federal Election Commission and the Texas Ethics Commission

A Republican candidate running for office in Texas would be MOST likely to seek an endorsement from which of the following groups? Choices the AFL-CIO Planned Parenthood the Sierra Club the NRA

the NRA

Which organization filed charges against the individuals involved in the Sharpstown stock fraud scandal? Choices the National Election Commission the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission the Texas Ethics Commission the Texas Election Commission

the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

What electoral reform instituted in the 19th century and supported by Progressives led to less party-centered elections? the introduction of soft money into campaigns the switch to a primary-based nomination process the elimination of party labels on ballots the adoption of the secret ballot

the adoption of the secret ballot

Which of the following is a method used by parties to select presidential nominees? a general election the caucus system a secondary election the lottery system

the caucus system

What is data mining? Choices a form of microtargeting used to predict voter behavior government tracking and monitoring of citizens the collection and analysis of massive amounts of information a specialized form of targeted advertising based on demographic analysis

the collection and analysis of massive amounts of information

A party-centered strategy would be more useful in which of the following? Choices the general election the nomination process advertising primary elections

the general election

What determines the number of electors each state receives? Choices the number of registered voters in the state the highest percentage of adults in relation to the rest of the state's population the geographic size of the state the number of U.S. senators and representatives from the state

the number of U.S. senators and representatives from the state

What is the purpose of a primary? Choices to allow party members to choose the party's nominees for an upcoming general election to allow citizens to elect new officials for open offices to allow elected leaders to select the party's nominees for an upcoming general election to allow citizens to vote on party platform issues

to allow party members to choose the party's nominees for an upcoming general election

What is the PRIMARY purpose of the national party conventions held in the summer? Choices to establish a party platform and attract media attention to the party and its candidates to promote attack ads against the opposing party and its candidates to allow party leaders to select their nominee to formally announce the winners of the presidency and vice presidency

to establish a party platform and attract media attention to the party and its candidates

How do campaigns typically use successful poll results? Choices to identify bandwagon effects among voters to alter people's perceptions about a candidate to feed news coverage during campaign season to establish their candidate's credibility

to establish their candidate's credibility

"Pappy" O'Daniel, the governor of Texas from 1941 to 1949, helped make what practice common? Choices using microtargeting techniques to reach sympathetic voters using radio addresses to help voters feel as though they knew him using mass rallies to excite voters and motivate them to turn out on election day using newspaper advertisements to clarify his policy positions

using radio addresses to help voters feel as though they knew him

A special election would be held in which of the following circumstances? when a legislative or congressional seat becomes vacant before the end of the current occupant's term to ratify public initiatives, allowing them to become law to elect special offices such as railroad commissioner or agricultural commissioner when a legislative or congressional member decides to run for a higher office

when a legislative or congressional seat becomes vacant before the end of the current occupant's term

Under what circumstances are congressional elections most competitive? Choices when the incumbent has sponsored few bills in Congress when the president has low approval ratings when the challenger is independently wealthy when there is an open seat

when there is an open seat

"Electability" refers to the possibility of a candidate _______________________. raising enough funds to compete in an election none of these options being nominated in open primaries winning a primary election winning the general election

winning the general election

What is the first step in winning the presidency? Choices winning a majority of electoral votes among the states winning the support of the party chairman winning the New Hampshire primary winning the most party delegates to support your nomination

winning the most party delegates to support your nomination

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