Module 8 Practice Quiz

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Which of the following is true of the initial arrangement of the 2nd Triumvirate?

1. Antony was given the province of Gaul 2. The alliance was arranged for a 5-year period 3. They could make laws independent of the Roman people 4. Relied on the process of nomination to fill offices

Whom did Octavian declare enemies of the state during his consulship?

1. Cassius 2. Brutus 3. Sextus Pompey

Which of the following are true about the deaths of Marc Antony and Cleopatra?

1. Marc Antony committed suicide 2. Cleopatra committed suicide 3. They died in Alexandria

Battles and combantants

1. Mutina -> Octavian/senate vs. Antony 2. Philippi -> Antony/Octavian vs. Caesar's assassins 3. Pharsalus ->Caesar vs. Pompey 4. Actium -> Octavian vs. Antony and Cleopatra

Which of the following was true about Actium?

1. Octavian defeated Antony and Cleopatra 2. It resulted in the surrender of Antony and Cleopatra's fleets and troops to Octavian 3. It was a naval battle 4. It was fought off the coast of Epirus

The marriage of Octavian's sister Octavia to Marc Antony

1. Was not Antony's first marriage 2. Was meant to strengthen the alliance between Antony and Octavian 3. Ended in divorce 4. Was part of the Pact of Brundisium

The Donations of Alexandria

1. involved Antony's bribery of the Roman senate 2. included gifts of money and land from Antony and Cleopatra to the Parthians 3. Were said to be an indication that Antony wanted to transfer the capital of the Roman Empire to Alexandria in Egypt 4. Were gifts of land, including Roman holdings, to Ptolemy Caesar as well as his children by Cleopatra

Sextus Pompey

1. was committing acts of piracy in the Mediterranean 2. was the last surviving son of Pompey the Great 3. was defeated by Agrippa in a naval battle 4. blocked the import of grain into Italy from Sicily

How did Octavian end up in control all the Roman senatorial forces after Mutina?

Antony was defeated; both consuls were killed in batle

According to the Roman poet Horace, who ordered Octavian to defend Rome from Cleopatra?


At Philippi

Brutus defeated Octavian's troops

How did Octavian get the senate's permission to try to free Mutina from Antony's siege of the city?

Cicero arranged it

What side did the Roman senate take the Siege of Mutina?

Decimus Brutus's

(T/F) Antony was able to stop Octavian from gaining the support of the people of blocking the release of Caesar's estate

False (Antony did try to do this, but Octavian sold his own property in order to the people the 300 sesterces that Caesar had willed them)

How did Octavian get his first consulship?

He was awarded it by the senate after he marched on Rome with his legions

What happened to Caesarion, the son of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra, following Octavian's annexation of Egypt?

He was killed

What happened when Antony launched a war against the Parthians?

He was soundly defeated and lost 1/3 of his troops

Why did Octavia return East to Antony in 34 BCE?

Her brother Octavian sent her along with promised troops

Which of the following was true about Cicero's death?

His head and hands were placed on the Rostra (Cicero was added to the proscriptions by Marc Antony and Octavian did not object. He was killed in his villa outside of Rome. His head and hands were placed on the Rostra as a warning to those who wished to speak out or write against Marc Antony. )

Against whom were Cicero's speeches known as the Philippics directed?

Marc Antony

Who said, "I sent into exile the murderers of my father, punishing their crimes with regular tribunals, afterwards, when they made war on the Republic I twice defeated them in battle"?


According to Brutus after Philippi, what had happened to virtue?

She had become fortune's slave

What id particular did Marc Antony gain by marrying Fulvia?

She had considerable populist support that dated back to her first marriage to the tribune Clodius

When was Julius Caesar deified?

Shortly before the Battle of Philippi

Which two leaders unitized proscription as a way of punishing disloyalty?

Sulla and Octavian

The most significant difference between the 1st and 2nd Triumvirate was:

The 2nd triumvirate derived its legal authority from the Roman constitution

The poet Horace portrayed Cleopatra's suicide as:

The act of a noble and courageous woman

Why did Antony lay siege to Mutina?

The legally appointed governor Decimus Brutus refused to leave

What did Lucius Antonius and Fulvia hope to achieve when they attacked Octavian in Gaul in 42 - 41 BCE?

They wanted to declare Antony sole ruler of the Roman empire

How did Lepidus attempt a seizure of power?

Tried to get Sextus' troops to surrender to him

(T/F) Antony died in Actium


(T/F) The members of the 2nd Triumvirate were permitted to make legal judgments that could not be appealed.


The Pact of Brundisium

Was necessary because Octavian had taken command of Antony's province

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