Naming Organic Compounds
The suffix for a hydrocarbon with a carbon-carbon double bond is _____.
A hydrocarbon chain consisting of a triple carbon-carbon bond will have the suffix _____.
Each IUPAC name for organic compounds consists of several parts:
3D relationship, numbered substituents, number of carbons in the longest chain, and the ending suffix that describes functional groups.
Saturated hydrocarbon (or hydrocarbon consisting of only single carbon-carbon bonds)
An alkane and contains the suffix ane
General molecular formula: CₙH₂ₙ₊₂
Carbon Atoms & Carbon Bond Type(s) 1 & single 2 & single 3 & single 4 & single
General molecular formula: CₙH₂ₙ
Carbon Atoms & Carbon Bond Type(s) 2 & double 3 & double and single 4 & double and single
General molecular formula: CₙH₂ₙ−₂
Carbon Atoms & Carbon Bond Type(s) 2 & triple 3 & triple and single 4 & triple and single
The formula for 1-decyne is _____.
The formula for the carbon compound ethene is _____.
The general molecular formula for butane is _____.
The general molecular formula for a hydrocarbon with single bonds and one double bond is _____.
list the rules for naming hydrocarbons and substituted hydrocarbons
Find the longest chain of carbon atoms. Count the number of carbon atoms in this chain and determine the prefix. Determine a suffix by determining if there are single, double or triple bonds. (-ane for single, -ene for double, -yne for triple) Number each carbon atom. Place this number in front of substituent's name. Include the correct prefix, if necessary Each substituent should also receive the correct number based on its location. Lastly, there should be a dash separating numbers and letters in a name and commas separating numbers from numbers in a name.
Alkyl group
Fragment of a molecule formed by removing a hydrogen and has the formula CnH2n+1
Naming system for chemical compounds
Organic compound containing only carbon and hydrogen
Substituted hydrocarbon
Organic compound with one or more hydrogens replaced by another kind of atom or group of atoms
Number of carbon atoms: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Prefix: Meth- Eth- Prop- But- Pent- Hex- Hept- Oct- Non- Dec-
Saturated hydrocarbon containing only carbon-carbon single bonds
(True/False) A hydrocarbon consists entirely of carbon and hydrogen atoms.
(True/False) A substituted hydrocarbon is an organic compound in which one ore more hydrogen atoms is replaced by another type of atom or group of atoms.
(True/False) Every known chemical has a unique name that is derived from the IUPAC naming system.
The IUPAC name consists of _____.
a 3D relationship, numbered substituents, an ending suffix, the number of carbons and numbered substituents
Alkyl group
a fragment of a molecule formed by removing a hydrogen and has the general formula CₙH₂ₙ₊₁ consists of the prefix, based on the number of carbons in the group, and the suffix -yl
Unsaturated hydrocarbons
a hydrocarbon consisting of either double or triple carbon-carbon bonds
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)
a systematic method of naming compounds around the globe designed with the fundamental principle that "each different compound should have a different name."
an unsaturated hydrocarbon with a carbon-carbon double bond, contains the suffix ene
an unsaturated hydrocarbon with a triple carbon-carbon bond, contains the suffix yne
Single bond suffix
When naming hydrocarbons, _____ are used between numbers and _____ are used to separate numbers from letters.
commas, hyphens
A _____ has priority over substituents when numbering the parent carbon chain.
double or triple bond
One or more double bond suffix
The prefix for a hydrocarbon with 6 carbons is _____.
an organic compound containing only carbon and hydrogen atoms
Substituted hydrocarbons
organic compounds in which one or more of the hydrogen atoms has been replaced by another kind of atom or group of atoms, such as a halogen
In order to draw the chemical structure for 1-butyne, a _____ must be placed between the first and second carbons of the chain.
triple bond
One or more triple bonds suffix