Nationalism quiz

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All of the following are foundations of who's philosophy? Boycotting British goods, an attempt to improve the position of the harijans, and economic self-sufficiency

Sun Yatsen

All of the following are true statements about who? He was a leading opponent of the Qing dynasty, he proclaimed a Chinese republic in 1912, he authored Three Principles of the People, and he established the Nationalist People's Party or Guomindanc


All these characteristics describe who? Fight hard to fight the status of the casteless Untouchables, launched the Non-Cooperation Movement, began the Civil Disobedience Movement, and worked to secure approval of the Government of India Act

South Africa

Gandhi embraced a moral philosophy of tolerance and nonviolence during he 25 years he spent in what country


Gandhi's philosphy of passive resistance

The export of unprocessed raw materials or minimally processed cash crops

In the decades following the Great War, the economies of most African colonies were dominated by

Jiang Jieshi

Map Zedong's main rival after 1925 was?


Muhammad Ali Jinnah called for the creation of?

Sun Yatsen

Three principles of the people summarized the political views of?

The Long March

What march greatly strengthened Mao Zedong's leadership position?

The May Fourth Movement

What movement galvanized the Chinese against foreign influence

Map Zedong

Who emerged as the leader and principle theoretician of the Chinese communist movement?

José Carlos Mariátegui

Who established the Socialist Party of Peru?

Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Who headed the Muslim league

Marcus Garvey

Who is a Jamaican who championed the "Back to Africa" movement?

Augusto César Sandini

Who led the opposition to the occupation of Nicaragua by U.S. Marines

Carmen Miranda

Who served as a model for the an ad created by the United Fruit Company?

Diego Rivera

Who was an artist who blended artistic vision and radical political ideas in large murals that he created for the appreciation of working people?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Who was noted for his "Good Neighbor Policy"?

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